Oh would ya look at thay, a good bean and an amazing roleplayer has been tagged~
•1• Make sure to be descriptive! [6+ lines] - Now I get that not everyone is descriptive, but please try. I can lose interest in a roleplay easily if it isn't at least a little descriptive.
•2• Wait at least 12 hours before tagging me. - This rule is simple- I just don't like to be spammed. However, this rule can vary. If I post on my message board, or I tell you personally you can tag me anytime, then this rule doesn't apply.
•3• It should seem obvious but, Don't control my characters. - Once again, just as the rule says. Please don't make my character do things in the roleplays? I'll say what they do and how they do it. Yeet-
•4• If I ask you to leave, there's a reason. Don't start trouble. - If I warn you not to do something over and over again, I'll ask you to leave. Please comply, and don't start trouble. It's no one's fault but yours if you continuously break the rules and ignore my warnings.
The password is simple,(please post it in the reply of your form or the comment asking to tag me.) For the password let me know what your current favorite show/movie is owo
•5• If you roleplay with a Seke, Don't just be the bottom or top. Switch. - This mostly applies to the characters that are "Seke but mostly submissive" or "Seke but mostly dominant" switch it up please.
•6• If you make a uke character, make a seme one as well. - This is just to keep me from getting frustrated and suck of my uke characters. This rule is important in the long run.👏👏
•7• If my semes get used more than my ukes, I'll get sick of replying. Please try and keep it even. - This one is kind of a run of the rule above it lolol. This is to keep me from getting bored and giving up on my ukes.
IMPORTANT; From now on if people only put the password and don't follow instructions about where to put the password, said people's comment chain will be deleted. Sorry, but it's getting annoying yikes. 👏👏
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