Chapter 36 - Prom Night
Ink's POV
I slid on my new suit jacket and stared at myself in the mirror. Error was right, his tailor did not disappoint. The suit fit me perfectly.
I grabbed my violet tie and walked down the hallway to the living room. Error was rolling a lint collector across his clothing to clean the fabric.
A frown shown on my face. I was sad that Error didn't want to come with me to prom but I understood why.
He felt uncomfortable with being an adult surrounded by teenagers. He predicted that the teachers would kick him out because he wasn't a person working at the school or an actual parent. However, I really wanted him to join me.
Error noticed me and smiled.
Error: You look great. Does your suit feel good?
I nodded.
Error: Good. Do you need help with your tie?
I nodded once more. This was the first time in my life that I was going to wear anything formal. Error took the violet cloth and wrapped it around my neck. He was close to me as he tied the knot. I could smell his cologne, it smelt really good.
Once Error was finished, he smiled and went to grab his keys. He looked at me.
Error: Are you ready?
Me: Yup.
We slid into the car, after saying bye to Mello. Error pulled out of the garage, beginning to drive towards the hotel that prom was being held at. There was supposedly a ballroom large enough to fit an entire group of both juniors and seniors in it.
Error and I shared small talk with each other. I tried to convince him with going but he wasn't budging with his position.
When we arrived at the massive building. I excitedly got out of the car. Error got out to give me a hug before leaving to do something on his own.
I hugged but refused to let go. I looked up at him with a begging look.
Me: Please, Error. Come with me. It'll be fun.
Error: No, Inky. My prom happened eleven years ago. This is yours to attend, not mine.
I gave him puppy eyes and tightened my grip around him. Eventually he sighed with a defeated tone.
Error: Fine. If you're really that adamant about me going, then I'll go with you. However, I am not dancing. I'm not a dancer in the slightest.
Me: Yay.
I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the hotel. I saw many teenagers dressed in their best clothing. Some had already found their lover and was walking with them into the building.
We walked into the ballroom. I was almost astonished by the amount of people that were in a single room together. I dragged Error behind me as I searched for Tisha. Eventually, I found her near the side of the room talking with her boyfriend.
She turned her attention to me when she noticed that I had actually decided to come to prom. A wide smile appeared on her face, stopping the conversation that she was holding with the boy next to her.
Tisha: You made it! I'm so happy that you're here, Ink.
Tisha said excitedly while wrapping me into a tight hug. She pushed me aside when she saw Error standing awkwardly nearby. She smiled slyly while whispering to me.
Tisha: Who do we have here? He certainly looks out of place.
Me: I had to convince him to come with me.
Error looked at me clueless. He had the expression of a lost puppy. I waved at him and he returned it with a small one. Tisha's boyfriend walked over to him and began small talk.
Tisha: Why would he not want to come? He'll be with you and you're an adult.
Me: I have only been an adult for four months. Besides, he doesn't want to be labeled as a sex offender for being an adult amongst teenagers.
The female human shrugged.
Tisha: He would have to do a lot worse here to be called one. He doesn't have to worry about anything.
Error's POV
I sat in a chair against the wall of the ballroom. Ink was dancing with Tisha and the boy that was accompanying her had left. It was obvious that he was cheating with some other girl.
The music was too loud for my taste and there was absolutely no alcohol. I rested my head on the back of the chair, feeling both anxious and bored. I was scared about taking Ink to the restaurant as I was going to finally confess to him.
Ink appeared out of nowhere with a tired human leaning against his shoulder.
Ink: I'm going to help find Tisha's boyfriend and then we can leave.
I nodded and watched him leave. After a few minutes, I saw him return alone. This caused me to stand up as he came closer to me. He grabbed my arm gently and began to drag me out of the ballroom.
Once we were secured in my electric car, I pressed the button to turn on the vehicle. I drove to a restaurant that I picked a few nights ago. I needed to make a reservation as prom night was extremely busy for them.
We arrived at the dinner place shortly after. Ink and I walked at each other's side while entering the fancy front doors. He thanked me when I opened the door for him.
The person standing at the pesdastol near the door greeted us before asking for a reservation name. Once they had the needed information, they leaded both Ink and I to a table near a window that had a great view. Ink admired it, giving me time to straighten myself up.
We shared conversation while waiting for the waiter to return with our food. As time past, I became more and more anxious. It felt like my soul had completely stop beating and I was living on pure adrenaline and anxiety.
The waiter returned and proceeded to place our food on the table. Ink happily took a bite, a smile appearing on his face.
Ink: This is so good. What made you choose this place?
Me: People that work in my company have gatherings here to discuss business or just have time to hangout together.
He hummed before continuing to eat. I ate mine slowly as I was in deep thought. When we were halfway through our food, I decided that it was finally the right moment.
Me: ... There's something that I want to tell you.
Ink gave me a look of curiosity, causing me to suddenly grow scared. I felt super awkward but I gathered enough of my willpower and opened my mouth.
Me: ... I'm in love with you, Ink.
The expression that was once there disappeared. Ink looked down at the table, becoming silent for an agonizing amount of minutes.
Ink: I... I...
He took a pause, never making eye contact with me.
Ink: ... I have to think about this.
Ink said before standing up from the table and leaving. I sat still, processing what had happened. Once it did, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I held it together until I was able to leave the restaurant after paying.
I stood at the front door and looked around. Ink was nowhere to be found, not even near my car. Eventually I came to the conclusion that maybe he had called his friend to pick him up. However I was still worried about him.
A sigh slipped through my lips as I walked towards my car. Nothing tonight had gone the way I planned.
After I slid into the front seat of my car, I leaned my head against the steering wheel. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I began to hyperventilate. My hand reached for my phone. I searched through my contacts until I found the name for Damien.
Dialing his number, I desperately hoped that he would pick up. Then I heard a "Hello" from the other end.
Me: Damien. I-I need someone t-to comfort me.
I said through sobs.
Damien: What happened, Error?
Me: I c-confess to Ink but he w-walked out.
Damien: Okay. I will be over in a half of a hour with some wine and snacks. I'll give you a big hug...
You need one
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