Chapter 31 - Unspoken Words
Ink's POV
I waved goodbye to Tisha before running towards Error's car. He was leaned against the door, staring at his phone and texting.
When I called his name, he looked up from it and a smile instantly appeared.
Error hugged me tightly, making me feel safe and secure. He somehow always had the ability to calm me down and make me happy.
Error: How was your trip, Inky?
Me: It was amazing. I would love to go again sometime.
He lightly smiled as he listened to my tells about the trip to Hawaii. However after a few minutes, he had to stop me because it was warm outside and he was extremely hot.
We got into the car and drove home. On the way there, we discussed about small topics.
Error: You know, your school's prom is coming up.
Me: Yeah, I know. A few more weeks until I graduate high school and then I will officially be a full fledged adult.
Error: Are you going with anyone?
Me: No. There is no one in school that I want to go with. Tisha's not available, she's going with her boyfriend.
He hummed, leaving a small moment of silence between us.
Me: What about you, Error? Who did you go with?
Error: I... didn't go to my school's prom.
Me: Why not?
Error: I wasn't wanted there. My peers didn't exactly like me.
I was shocked. Error was a great person.
'Why would he not be liked?'
I decided not to dig too deep on the matter. It seemed that Error was uncomfortable talking about his childhood.
The vehicle pulled into the garage and we entered the house. It was quiet which was different from the lively noise of Tisha's family. I felt refreshed in a way, hearing the silence of Error's home.
Mello jumped down from her tree and ran to me. I picked her up and placed her gently against my chest and shoulder. She began to purr, rubbing her soft face on my cheek.
Error smiled at the both of us as he set my luggages on the floor.
After settling down from the drive, Error and I were sitting on the couch together. I noticed that he seemed to be thinking about something, deep enough to occasionally zone out.
Error's POV
I sipped from a glass of wine, sitting at the dining table while waiting for the food to be finished cooking. Ink was working on homework that he had missed over the past week. This caused the house to be silent as he needed to focus.
My mind kept focusing on how I couldn't muster up the courage to confess. Two parts of me where fighting, the rational side and the emotional side.
I wanted to tell Ink how much I loved him in a romantic way but I knew that it could possibly ruin the friendship that we had and he would no longer want to be near me.
'Just stop thinking it could work out, Error. You're twenty eight years old. You knew Ink when he was just a kid. High school was right, you are fucked up.'
I sighed as I rested my head against the cold marble counter of the island. Perhaps it was going to be a night that required me to drink until I blacked out.
A soft tap on my arm made my thoughts come to a halt. I turned my head to see what had done that even though I was already sure that Ink had done it.
Ink: Are you okay? You seem off today.
Me: I'm alright. Just tired. I haven't gotten good sleep because of work.
Ink: Maybe you should take a nap after we eat.
I shook my head to decline his statement before standing up from my seat and going over to the stove. Once turning it off, I gave a plate to Ink.
I decided not to eat myself as I didn't have the will to at that moment. My thoughts were too busy clouding my mind to allow me a second of peace.
A few hours had passed when I looked at the clock. It was almost ten. The sun was already gone and people were beginning to go to sleep.
I looked to Ink to check on him but it turned out that he had fallen asleep just like the rest of my neighborhood.
A smile came to me as I stood up and walked to over to his side. Carefully, I slid my arms under him before lifting him off the couch.
I slowly carried him to his bedroom. Ink groaned as he leaned into my chest, causing me to lightly blush.
Once opening the door, I placed Ink on his bed and pulled the blankets over him. I leaned down and placed a small kiss on his forehead.
I whispered as quietly as possible.
Me: Goodnight.
'I love you, Inky.'
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