Chapter 26 - A Call
Ink's POV
I took sips from my frappé while waiting as I checked for notifications on my phone.
In the corner of my vision, I saw Tisha sitting down at the table. She had our lunch that we ordered. Once thanking her, I began enjoying the food that I have been waiting for.
Tisha made eye contact with me. It seemed that she wanted to tell me something. I gave her a small look of curiosity as I wondered what she had on her mind.
Tisha: My family is going on vacation to Hawai'i and they asked me to invite you along with us. Do you want to come?
Me: Do you want me to come?
She nodded. I smiled but it dropped when I remembered that I would have to ask Error to see if he was okay with it.
Me: I'll have to ask Error about it.
Tisha: Right. I forgot about that.
Error's POV
I supported my head on my hand as I wrote at my desk. Nothing could describe how bored I was.
The door of my office suddenly opened. I looked up, seeing Damien. I waved at him before going back to my work.
Damien: I came up with some ideas for the client that you're working with personally.
He said as he placed a tablet on the table. I looked at some of the drawings that he did, becoming impressed by some of them.
My phone started to ring from my backpack which drew my attention from the tablet. My secretary went for my phone and looked at the caller.
A sly smile grew across his face, immediately telling me who was calling.
Damien: It's Jailbait~
I glared at him as he handed me the phone. I answered the call, causing the room to fall silent.
Me: Hey Ink. What's up?
I couldn't help but smile when I heard his voice.
Ink: My friend asked me to join her on a vacation to Hawai'i.
Me: Sure. You can go. My only thing is that you need to catch up when you get back.
Ink: I know. Grades are important.
Damien was listening from the across the room. I sometimes forgot that he had excellent hearing.
Me: When do you leave? Do you want me to help pack?
There was silence on the other side for a few seconds.
Ink: In a week and no, you don't have to help me.
I smiled before hearing him say goodbye. I responded and ended the call.
My wolf friend sat in a chair in front of my desk. His voice suddenly became serious. More serious than he has ever been.
Damien: You should just tell him that you love him.
I immediately let out a sad sigh, burying my face in my hands.
Me: I can't. It could completely ruin my friendship with Ink. Besides... he would never want to be with me because I'm ten years older than him.
Damien: The worst he could say is no.
A scoff slipped out of my mouth.
Me: No it isn't. He might not want to be around me anymore or worse... hate me. Despise me for not being normal.
Damien lowered his voice to a comforting tone.
Damien: I know but you need to do it. It's like ripping off a bandaid. If you never tell Ink... then you will never have a chance of being with him.
Me: But-
Damien: Do it. Call him.
I sighed before picking up my phone, nervously dialing Ink's number. I stood up from my desk and began pacing. Every second felt like a million years.
Ink picked up but I suddenly lost my words, freezing in my place.
In a panic I hung up and pressed the phone against the wood of the desk, preventing my ability to see any notifications.
I looked at Damien with an expression of defeat. His ears dropped but I knew he understood my nervousness. It was the same when he met his wife for the first time.
Me: I can't do it. I don't think it's the right time. I'll tell Ink that I love him before he leaves with his friend for the week, to give him time to think about it.
Damien: Alright but I know you can do it. I believe in you.
I sat down once more and tried to calm myself. My secretary remained standing, seeming to be in thought.
Damien: What are you going to do while he's gone?
Me: I have to get a new copy of my birth certificate as I can't find the one that I originally had.
The wolf was silent but his eyes widened in shock.
Damien: Wait does that mean...
Me: Yup...
I have to see my mother
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