twenty-four || platonic love vs romantic love
"Hey Choi Soobin! Who're you staring at lover boy?"
Soobin looked over to his side, unexpectedly making eye contact with Jung Wooyoung who smiled sweetly at him, so sweetly it was kinda creeping him out.
"Nobody, why are you being nosy?" Soobin stood up straight, feeling uncomfortable that Wooyoung might've caught him staring at a specific ravenette.
"It looks like you're giving googly eyes towards Choi over there," Wooyoung pointed at the table where Beomgyu, Yeonjun, and Taehyun sat at. "You still obsessing over him?"
Soobin glanced over at Beomgyu, finally realizing what Wooyoung had meant by that.
"Beomgyu?" He breathed out softly, looking over at Wooyoung with an awkward smile. "No, no, I'm over him... I wasn't staring at anyone I... was just spacing out."
"Alright whatever you say."
What a lie.
Soobin knew it himself that instead of Beomgyu he was staring at none other than Choi Yeonjun himself.
Ever since he and Yeonjun talked about the changes that they were expericing, he couldn't help but think of the male all of the time. It was becoming an issue.
He would catch himself staring at the ravenette during class without a thought in mind, admiring all of his features. He would also catch himself thinking about the male twenty four seven, only wanting to spend time with him and comfort him whenever he would get the chance.
Soobin was grateful that him and Yeonjun had connected again, even though the two of them hung out a bunch with Beomgyu around, he had started to realize how selfish he became and disregarded his best friend for a crush that didn't like him back.
Taking a deep sigh, the male looked away and looked back at Wooyoung who started talking about something he didn't really care about, what really bothered him the most were his confusing feelings for Yeonjun, he felt so happy around the male... way too happy. He would start to imagine himself going out with the male everyday and hanging out, seeing that adorable smile on his face and just being around him 24/7–
Is he falling for Yeonjun?
No way, that can't be happening, he had just started to get over Beomgyu so how could he be falling for Yeonjun?
Soobin had never been one to realize his feelings right away, when he had a crush on Beomgyu he only found out because someone had asked him if he would date Beomgyu, he found himself saying yes right away.
But now, if someone were to ask him that about Yeonjun, just what would he say? Right now, he feels like he would say yes... right...?
"Soobin, you listening?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry I was spacing out again." Soobin smiled apologetically, allowing Wooyoung to nod and continue talking.
Maybe I should ask someone, go to someone for help and reassurance, have I possibly fallen for Yeonjun? Or could it be platonic love? I just don't know.
I'll figure it out soon, maybe.
After four hours of boring ass lessons, it was finally time for their lunch time to start, which gave a perfect opportunity for Soobin to talk to his target.
Long long time of consideration, he had finally figured out who he wanted to ask for help on his spiraling feelings for Yeonjun, he wanted to ask none other than..
Kang Taehyun!
Might seem like a crazy idea since the two of them barely (never) talks to each other outside of the friend group, but since he couldn't ask Huening Kai about it since he was clueless, he couldn't ask Yeonjun for obvious reasons, and he especially could not ask Beomgyu since it'd be awkward...
He decided to get help from Taehyun! Nothing wrong with getting advice from your best friends boyfriend who appeared out of no where.
This also gives him a better opportunity to get closer with Taehyun! Ever since that moment where he stuck up for himself and defended Beomgyu from that creep from
the other class, he's had a secret admiration for the male ever since and just wanted to be his best friend!
"Taehyun, do you want to go get lunch with us?"
"I'm fine, I'm gonna go to the art room."
"Okay, I'll stop by and give you some food."
"Thanks hyung."
Soobin watched Beomgyu and Yeonjun walk out of the classroom with Huening Kai, waiting a few more seconds the male stood up and walked towards Taehyun who seemed completely unaware that he was approaching him.
"Taehyun!" Soobin called out happily, causing the pinkette to turn around with a confused look. "Wanna hang out?"
Soobin stood there smiling for a few seconds before his smile dropped, staring at Taehyun with a shocked expression, he couldn't help but feel a bit offended that he was shut down so fast!
"I need your help on something!" Soobin asked again, this time, the desperation in his tone was evident.
Taehyun's lips pursed into a thin tight line, it was obvious the male didn't want to spend time with Soobin, but after a long long time of consideration he eventually gave in and nodded silently, swiftly turning around to avoid being—
"Great!" Soobin swung his arm around Taehyun's shoulders. "Let's go! You were going to the art room right? Let's go!"
"Get off of me!" Taehyun hissed in disgust, peeling Soobin's arm off of him. "I'll go with you but don't touch me, weirdo."
Soobin could understand that, he figured Taehyun wasn't a very touchy person, but that didn't lessen his excitement one bit, if anyone was going to help him then Taehyun would be his best bet since the male was so straightforward and honest!
It'll help him figure out if the attraction he felt towards Yeonjun was platonic or romantic.
It took them a good five minutes to arrive to the art room, and when they did, Soobin could tell Taehyun was trying to stay as far away from him as possible, but as the males future bestest friend he couldn't let this moment slip away!
"What do you need me for? Why me?" Taehyun asked Soobin, setting up a canvas in front of him which served to be some sort of barrier. "I don't have money for you."
"Money? No no! You've got it wrong!" Soobin smiled, walking past the fake barrier and grabbed a stool to sit next to Taehyun who seemed visibly displeased.
"I wanted to ask you for help, since you're in a relationship and all."
"Beomgyu rejected you and he's my boyfriend, get over it."
Ouch, okay, that was a bit mean but did that stop Soobin from trying to get help? Nope! It's okay if Taehyun was mean, the two of them weren't as familiar with each other like the others were.
"I wanted to ask you for help since we're friends —"
"We are not friends."
"— anyways! I need help, with my feelings... for Choi Yeonjun."
Taehyun paused his movements, slowly looking over at Soobin, he stared at the male with the most baffled expression ever. Just what the fuck did he hear? Soobin came to him for advice on feelings?? He is the worst person to ask!
Okay, it was a bit weird... Taehyun couldn't help but just stare him down with the most judgmental look. "You came to me... why?"
"Because you're in a relationship! You and Beomgyu seem happy and have your feelings figured out—"
Taehyun snorted loudly.
"Oh," Taehyun cleared his throat, looking away for a second to wipe that smile off his face. "Nothing, continue talking I guess."
"Yeah... but I just.. I feel so confused about my feelings for Yeonjun you know?"
"I don't know."
"I just... keep thinking about him, every day every second every minute... But I feel like my feelings towards him, I'm unaware of!" Soobin spoke softly, distressed to the max.
Taehyun sat there listening to Soobin ramble on for five more minutes, there was no doubt that he did indeed fall for Yeonjun but he's just deep in denial because of it, what a poor dude.
"I don't know man? You like Yeonjun like romantically now stop whining!" Taehyun groaned loudly, he wanted to spend lunch time trying to figure out inspiration for the Crystalline Showcase, but now he was distracted by a big baby.
"I-It just feels so wrong," Soobin strained slightly. "I got rejected by Beomgyu not long ago but now I find myself falling for Yeonjun... why?"
You're stupid an idiot a really really air headed idiot the blonde really got into your brain—
"If you find yourself falling for someone else after getting rejected, did you really love the first person in the first place?" Taehyun asked Soobin, crossing his arms.
"Huh...?" Soobin had never thought about it that way. "I-I mean, I did like Beomgyu a lot...—"
"Sorry I shouldn't be talking about my crush on Beomgyu to his boyfriend." Soobin awkwardly interrupted himself, causing Taehyun to snort.
"If it gets your feelings out then feel free I guess," Taehyun shrugged, thinking about what to say next without being too mean. "What do you feel about Yeonjun, like... give me your full thoughts."
"Yeonjun..." Soobin spoke softly, like just saying the males name had an effect on him. "He's... well... most people would think he's someone who's just rude and disrespectful like you!—"
Taehyun raised his eyebrow slightly.
"N-Not in a mean way I mean straightforward is what I was going for!" Soobin coughed loudly, realizing how rude he sounded.
"Whatever, keep talking."
"Yeonjun is someone who isn't afraid of being honest, someone who stands up for himself when he knows he's being disrespected, yet there's a side of him that not everyone sees..." Soobin spoke fondly, it disgusted Taehyun a little by how obvious the male was. "Yeonjun is soft, he's sweet, the act of being mean and shit is just to protect him from getting hurt. He's someone who cares for everyone around him, not afraid to throw himself in the middle of a fight if it means protecting his friend."
"So you like him because he's selfless? What a great reason." Taehyun deadpanned, finding this whole thing a waste of time if Soobin knew why he liked Yeonjun.
"When we became friends, I approached him with the intention of making a new friend," Soobin paused, a memory unlocking in his brain when he brought up his first interaction with Yeonjun. "I...I always wanted to be around him, I never wanted to leave his side, I found myself being p-possessive of him and... upset when he wasn't allowed to hang out with my friends."
"Don't tell me you've liked him since you met him?"
"No, no," Soobin shook his head, he wasn't the type of person to fall for someone at first glance, love at first sight isn't real anyway. "I don't think so, I think before the night we had our winter dance I..."
"What do you mean you're not going to go?!" Soobin cried out in distress, staring at his best friend who just ignored him. "You have to go! It's the winter dance, you need to experience it."
"I don't want to go," Yeonjun pouted, his cheeks puffing out in annoyance. "Now leave me alone, just go without me."
"But Yeonjun!—" Soobin was cut off when Yeonjun stood up from his desk, immediately walking away from the male who stood there very upset.
After that, the whole entire day, it was like he was invisible to his best friend. He was ignored multiple times, he refused to talk to him, it made Soobin so frustrated that he just wanted to cry.
"Soobin, will you go with us?"
"Soobin, you should go with me!"
"Hey! Soobin, do you have a date?"
All of those invites were rejected, they wouldn't stop even when he was walking home, normally he would say yes to hanging out with friends but after realizing his best friend wouldn't go with him, he couldn't help be bummed out.
It wasn't until three am, when he finally had enough, he didn't want to go to the dance if it meant that he had to go without his best friend.
Yeonjun was his everything.
So without a second thought, he ran out of his house and bolted to Yeonjun's house, demanding that the male goes with him.
On that night he finally realized.
Soobin breathed out heavily, his eyes widening in shock when a wave of emotions crashed down on him, finally bringing him down to earth (like a meteorite).
"On that night," Soobin breathed out. "I think that's when I started to slowly fall for Yeonjun."
Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly as he stared at Soobin with a confused expression. "If you started to fall for Yeonjun in middle school then why are you just realizing it now? What about your crush on Beomgyu?"
"I-I don't know...I think I was just so focused on my feelings for Beomgyu but now that I think about it..." Soobin stopped himself before speaking up again. "I don't see Beomgyu in my future."
"Damn bro you gotta get your love life figured out."
Soobin pursed his lips and rolled his eyes. "You're so supportive, so I guess I do truly like Yeonjun, romantically."
Taehyun started clapping, a sarcastic smile growing on his face which made Soobin's eye twitch. "Congratulations! You realized you've fallen for your childhood best friend and you gotten over your rejection!"
"Are you supporting me or?—"
"So what are you going to do? Just hold in your feelings and not tell him?"
"I don't want to lose him again," Soobin mumbled softly, full honesty in his tone. "I think I'll confess to him, but what if he doesn't like me back? I'll embarrass myself..."
I shouldn't expose the truth to Soobin, Beomgyu wouldn't be happy with me.
Taehyun pursed his lips, pretending to think about what the male should do. "I think you should just go for it, maybe or maybe not he likes you back I don't know I don't talk to him."
Soobin tilted his head slightly, maybe he did have a chance, if Taehyun was encouraging him to confess to Yeonjun, then maybe he'll do it soon!
"I'll do it tomorrow!"
Taehyun's blood ran cold when the male had said that, in that moment all of the memories of Beomgyu saying the moment Yeonjun and Soobin get together is the moment they'll end everything...
but he was selfish.
"I think..." Taehyun paused. what am I doing...? "I.."
it's not the right thing to do, but this is the moment Beomgyu has been waiting for.
The male exhaled shakily, staring at Soobin with slightly widened eyes, clenching his fist tightly. He knew it wasn't the right thing do to.
but force once, he's going to be selfish.
"I think you should do it next week, get your feelings and plans figured out."
Soobin hummed softly, taking that idea into consideration, after a few more minutes of thinking the male nodded and smiled widely. "You're right, Taehyun! I'll do it next week Friday, so if I get rejected I have the weekend to cry."
Soobin stood up from the chair and patted Taehyun's shoulder reassuringly, thanking the male for helping him out. "I'll see you later, let's talk more about this soon! Thank you Taehyun."
Taehyun watched the blonde walk out of the room, after waiting for a few minutes to make sure he was fully gone, the male huffed loudly, mentally punching himself for doing that.
"Taehyun," A new voice walked into the art room, immediately making the pinkette look up. "I got you some stuff!"
"Beom," Taehyun softened and eased down, standing up from his chair and went over to the male who handed him some food. "Thanks."
"I saw Soobin walk out of here, he greeted me," Beomgyu smiled widely, walking over to one of the tables to sit down with the male. "Were you guys talking about something?"
Taehyun stared at the male, knowing that he should tell the truth about what Soobin confessed about Yeonjun. Yet... he didn't want to, he didn't want things to end, not yet.
I'm sorry Beomgyu, but I'm going to be selfish just this once.
"Nope, he said nothing."
Beomgyu nodded his head and sat down at the table, immediately talking about a bunch of stuff that Taehyun listened closely to, even though it was a bunch of nonsense.
He hated being selfish, but he right now everything in him told him to lie, to do that just to keep Beomgyu around longer.
Glancing up at Beomgyu, he forced a small smile and nodded his head.
It's okay, it'll be okay.
I'll be selfish, just this once.
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