twenty-five || spring blooms a new love
"So, you three might question why I dragged you all to Taehyun's art club room —"
"I wanted to get lunch."
"Sorry not sorry, but! I need to tell you all something."
Beomgyu smiled in confusion, tilting his head slightly as Soobin suddenly turned on the TV in the room, he was so confused on what was happening right now and it seems like Huening Kai and Taehyun felt the same way.
It was like in a blink of an eye, they barely had any time to leave the classroom to go to lunch before they were dragged away by Soobin who said it was urgent, but left Yeonjun behind?
Beomgyu tried calling over the ravenette but Soobin had told Yeonjun that he wasn't allowed at the meeting, which made the elder visibly upset but understood and didn't bother pushing further.
"Today, is operation: true love!" Soobin cheered loudly, pulling up a bunch of notes on the TV, causing the rest to stare at him like he was insane.
"Did you just quote that one webtoo—"
"That doesn't matter, what I'm doing today requires all three of you to help me out!"
Okay, this was weird.
It was the first time Beomgyu had seen Soobin so excited for something that he needed a secret mission and help from three other people about this, he started to wonder what the hell was going on with the male.
"I'm confessing to Yeonjun today."
In an instant, it was like an iceberg had just crashed onto Beomgyu, causing the male to freeze up in his spot as his blood ran cold.
He started to feel sick, not the type of sickness where he felt like he was about to pass out but the type of sick feeling where he wanted to seclude himself and process everything he had just heard.
"You like Yeonjun hyung?!" Huening Kai gasped out in shock, obviously excited for Soobin who nodded proudly. "Since when?"
"It took me a long time to realize it, but I think I have a chance. I want to confess my feelings, so here is my plan."
Soobin's voice began to turn muffled in Beomgyu's ears, he couldn't help but slowly look over at Taehyun who had already been looking at him with a slightly worried expression.
Why did he feel so nauseous?
Shouldn't he be happy? This was the moment he's been aiming for, the moment he's been waiting on for months now. He wanted his best friends to be happy with each other, he knew Yeonjun loved Soobin dearly and now the blonde reciprocated those feelings, he should be happy.
but why does he feel so sick.
"Beomgyu, you okay?" Soobin's voice broke through the males crisis, causing him to flinch slightly. "You're quiet."
"Oh I'm fine!" Beomgyu forced a smile, knowing Taehyun knew right away he lied. "I was just busy thinking about the plan you know? I think the confession will go great."
Soobin smiled fondly at the male. "Thanks Gyu." He said before talking about the plan once again.
Beomgyu breathed out softly, purposely ignoring eye contact with Taehyun, he could just feel the pinkettes eyes on him. But he didn't want to ruin the moment, this was a time to genuinely be happy and celebrate with his friends that Soobin had finally realized his true feelings for Yeonjun! This was his goal, to make them happy.
"What kind of classical kdrama confession is this Soobin? It's stupid." Taehyun scoffed finding the males plan ridiculous, after a whole week of planning he would've thought that he would come up with something smart.
"What? What do you mean that leading Yeonjun out to the giant cherry tree behind the school and confessing to him there at sunset while Huening Kai throws flower petals on us is stipid?"
"I want you to repeat that and listen to how stupid you sound."
"Besides how delusional that sounds," Beomgyu smiled. "I think it's a great idea, just no Huening Kai in a tree throwing flowers on you guys."
Soobin nodded and turned around, deleting that idea but keeping in the other.
Taehyun glanced over at Beomgyu, he was at least glad that the male seemed a bit more at ease, but he did feel bad... maybe he should've told him about this sooner instead of keeping it from him, but he just wanted to be selfish one last time.
Soobin had spent around twenty minutes discussing what to do with the group, eventually they all came to an agreement on how to help and left to go find Yeonjun since the male was certainly angry that he was left alone and left out.
"Are you okay?" Taehyun approached Beomgyu, causing the male to slow down his walking so he could properly talk to him while Soobin and Huening Kai went ahead. "You seemed sad."
"I'm okay," Beomgyu reassured him, but it was more like he was trying to reassure himself. "I was just shocked, I'm..."
After nearly two months, Yeonjun and Soobin were finally about to become official, this was his goal that he was been aiming for, he knew that this was right and that everyone would be happy.
yet why does he feel so... upset?
"Are you sure, You can talk to me if you want to." Taehyun gently grabbed onto the males wrist, leading him back to the art room so they could talk quietly.
One thing that Beomgyu loved about Taehyun was his generosity, even when he tried so so hard to avoid talking about his feelings to not put his issues on others, Taehyun always found a way to make him so comfortable that he could be honest with himself.
The two of them walked into the art room, Taehyun closing the door behind them and closing the blinds so that nobody could peek in and try spreading stuff.
Beomgyu sat down on one of the chairs and frowned, why did it bother him so much? He swore he was over Soobin, he felt his feelings fade away, but why did it all feel so bittersweet? It was stressing him out so much.
"Let's talk, yeah?" Taehyun pulled out an extra chair and sat across from Beomgyu, leaning back so the male didn't feel so suffocated with him being close. "Why did you look so sad?"
"I guess it was sudden, like I said, I was shocked..." Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows, becoming frustrated. He couldn't properly explain why he felt so uncomfortable today. "I-I honestly don't know why I feel so weird."
"Does it have to do with something with your feelings for Choi Soobin?" Taehyun asked him slowly, yet there was hidden hesitation within his words.
Beomgyu thought about it, whenever he was around Soobin he never got that same spark and butterfly feeling he got with him before, when someone brings up the idea of Soobin getting into a relationship with another person, he no longer feels bitter. All of the jealousy, sadness, and bitterness he felt after the rejection were gone, so why did he feel so upset?
"I'm really happy for Yeonjun," Beomgyu smiled fondly, "My best friend is finally going to be happy! He'll get with his crush of five years but... I can't help but feel so... sad about something."
Taehyun pursed his lips into a thin line, he had always told himself to be honest with the male, the feeling of guilt was just eating him alive seeing his dear Beomgyu so upset.
"I'll be honest with you," Taehyun spoke up, causing the ravenette across from him to tilt his head in confusion. "I actually knew about this since last week, Soobin talked to me about it."
"What?" Beomgyu gasped in shock, staring at Taehyun with slight betrayal in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"You would stress yourself out to make sure it goes perfect, I also was the one who managed to make him realize that he should confess to Yeonjun." He full on expected Beomgyu to just yell at him and throw tables at him, maybe flip all of the tables in the art room too. "I'm sorry."
Beomgyu smiled fondly at the male, the betrayal that was once in his eyes faded away into something more gentle and sweet.
"You don't have to apologize, you're right. I would've stressed myself out." Beomgyu extended his hand out, causing Taehyun to widen his eyes in confusion. "I just wished you told me sooner, but I think it's better that I found out now."
"You're not mad?"
Beomgyu shook his head, he didn't mean to come off angry because of what Taehyun did. "I could never be mad at you, I know you have good intentions, always."
Taehyun felt so much better knowing that Beomgyu wasn't mad at him, without a second thought he got up from his seat and pulled Beomgyu up, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you, hyung."
Beomgyu was stunned for a few seconds, his arms instantly wrapping around the males waist as he pulled him closer, feeling all his nerves fade away in an instant when he melted into Taehyun's touch.
"You're okay," Beomgyu closed his eyes, resting his forehead on the males shoulder. "I'm grateful you are here with me."
The two of them stayed in the position for nearly two minutes, they probably would've stayed longer if it weren't for the loud sounds of students passing by the club hallway, it made it quite hard to stay in the moment when there were students just screaming their lungs out.
Taehyun pulled away from the hug, obvious disappointment on his face when he did. "Are you ready for Soobin's stupid confession plan?"
Beomgyu smiled softly, yet the thought of the confession made him feel so sick once again, but for now he'll just keep it to himself.
"Yeah," He breathed out, that sick feeling spreading throughout his body. "Yeah, I think it'll work, maybe... I don't know how Huening Kai was okay with climbing a tree though."
"Knowing Huening Kai, he probably would've been fine with it if we didn't stop him."
Beomgyu chuckled softly, he really did enjoy Huening Kai's company.
With a deep breath, he exited out of the art room with Taehyun.
He knew it was time for a new love to bloom.
"Beomgyu, I seriously have no idea how you tolerate Seong-jin, he's so fucking annoying." Yeonjun scoffed loudly, already ranting about his day to the male the moment they left the classroom.
"Yeonjun hyung, I really don't see anything wrong with him." Beomgyu smiled awkwardly as he began walking with Yeonjun down the hallway.
"Of course you don't, you see the good in anyone regardless who they are."
Beomgyu just kept his awkward smile, glancing down at his phone time to time to make sure he got the message of when to get into action.
Step one of Soobin's, in Taehyun's words, awful confession plan: distract Yeonjun.
That was an easy task, Yeonjun was distracted by everything, every time they made their way out to the front of the school they always had to stop by the snack bar that was open twenty-four-seven, which was good for this day since he needed to stall Yeonjun.
Just on time, Yeonjun stopped near the snack bar and immediately went over to it.
Step two: lead Yeonjun out to the gate where Soobin awaited.
He also had to swiftly run and hide so he wouldn't ruin the moment.
"Do you want anything, Beom?" Yeonjun asked the male, pointing at one of the cream puffs that looked way too delicious.
As much as he did, the male shook his head, he was certain that he would just end up losing his appetite later.
"Are you sure...?" Yeonjun frowned, dissatisfied with the males answer.
Maybe Taehyun would want one!
"Actually, yeah I do, thanks hyung."
Yeonjun nodded his head and got the snacks in just a few seconds before walking over towards Beomgyu, handing him the cream bread. "You need to grab anything?"
"Nope don't worry, we should go." Beomgyu said, feeling his phone vibrate in his hand, quickly checking it he saw the message that Soobin was ready.
He was glad Yeonjun didn't find anything suspicious just yet, everything seemed to be going smoothly, he just hoped deep down that everything will go well.
I still feel that weird uncomfortable feeling when I think about the confession. Beomgyu held back a frown, trying his best to seem interested in Yeonjun's ranting about Seong-jin. I never expected to be this bothered by it.
It was now time, they were right near the gate where Soobin was waiting for Yeonjun. Beomgyu swiftly yet slowly started walking slow until he ran to a pillar where both Huening Kai and Taehyun waited for him, it was perfect for them to see the two and it was also in ear range.
"So I think that's why we should punch Seong—" Yeonjun paused, noticing that the pair of footsteps behind him were now gone.
Immediately turning around, the male looked around and started to slowly panic. "Beomgyu?" He called out worriedly, where did his best friend go? Did he just get kidnapped without him noticing?!
Yeonjun gulped heavily, grabbing his phone the male turned around and was instantly met with the figure of Soobin who stood in front of him smiling widely.
"Soobin?" Yeonjun said in full confusion, glancing to the side to see if Beomgyu would pop up or not. "Where the fuck did you come from? That doesn't matter, have you seen Gyu?"
"Uhhh..." Soobin didn't expect that at all, he should've known Yeonjun would've panicked slightly if Beomgyu had suddenly and silently disappeared. "I think he saw Taehyun and snuck away."
"Are you serious."
"Yeah..." Soobin awkwardly scratched his head, he's going to have to apologize to Taehyun later for using him as an excuse. "Can we talk for a second?"
Yeonjun tilted his head slightly, it wasn't a surprise or shocker that Soobin had wanted to talk to him one on one, ever since they got closer once again the male had always wanted to spend more time with him, and if he weren't so goddamn down bad for the male he wouldn't shut him out a long time ago.
"I guess, what's up?"
Soobin began to feel fucking nervous, had Yeonjun looked this pretty? He definitely put on a bit of makeup before coming to school, he couldn't help but feel his hands become sweaty as his throat began to close up.
After a full week of preparing, he would've thought he wouldn't be this scared.
Now or never! Listen to Taehyun, you need to get this over with!"
"Choi Yeonjun," Soobin declared loudly, loud enough for the three rats hiding behind the pillar could hear. The male suddenly pulled out a flower bouquet from behind him out of no where, causing Yeonjun's heart to drop. "I..."
"I love you, Yeonjun-ah."
"What did he say?"
"I don't know, you're stepping on my feet Hyuka."
"Sorry Beomgyu hyung!"
The three of them peeked out from behind the pillar, all of them obviously hearing Soobin's declaration of love towards the ravenette, it pretty much impressed all of them by how straightforward and confident he was.
Yeonjun stood there frozen in place, his eyes flickering between the blondes face and the bouquet.
"I..." He croaked out, so many thoughts running in his mind.
The next thing the latter said made Soobin's heart completely break.
"I'm sorry, Soobin," Yeonjun mumbled softly, backing away from the male.
"I don't feel the same way."
"I rejected him."
Yeonjun felt his throat go completely dry, did he regret it? Did he fucking regret it? YES HE FUCKING DID.
"I don't know why I rejected him!" Yeonjun cried out, holding his head tightly as Beomgyu stared down at him in disbelief. "I don't know what came over me!"
Beomgyu couldn't help but squeeze his jaw shut, after hearing the male reject Soobin, all three of them came out from their hiding spots and immediately separated the two, Beomgyu taking Yeonjun home right away.
"If you didn't want to reject him then why did you? That was your opportunity hyung! Your crush finally fell for you and asked you out!" Beomgyu strained heavily, nearly about to rip his own hair out.
"I felt stressed!" Yeonjun said loudly, standing up from his bed as he looked at Beomgyu with so much despair. "I felt like I was a rebound in that moment, I already told you how stressed out this made me!"
"But we talked about this, hyung!" Beomgyu frowned, even though he should be comforting his friend he couldn't help but feel so upset. "It doesn't matter whether I rejected Soobin or not, those feelings are in the past. He fell for you for a reason! Not because you're a rebound hyung, you've hurt yourself so much just trying to make sure that friendship between you and him doesn't fade but now a new opportunity opened up, he likes you!"
"It scares me!" Yeonjun admitted weakly, his eyes tearing up which made Beomgyu freeze, the male had never cried in front of him before. "I know he likes me for me, but why? I would've been happier if we just stayed friends, after everything that's happened I feel like I don't deserve him. Everyone thinks we look horrible with each other."
"Why are you letting others decide how you want your love life to go?" Beomgyu approached the male and gently grabbed his hand, trying to comfort him. "Yeonjun if you like Soobin and he likes you back then take that chance, you aren't a rebound in his eyes and you certainly do not look bad next to him."
"People are just jealous that you've managed to steal his heart and they didn't."
Yeonjun stared at Beomgyu with so much overwhelming emotions, in that moment he just wishes that he could turn back time and never admit that he liked Soobin, he wishes that it was Beomgyu in his place instead of him. He doesn't deserve Soobin, he had brainwashed himself into thinking that Beomgyu was better than him, but ever since he came out and announced he was dating Taehyun, it ruined everything.
He wishes Soobin never chased after him.
He wishes Soobin never fell for him.
but damn...
he couldn't help but feel so overwhelmingly happy that his longtime crush had finally reciprocated his feelings.
"I messed up," Yeonjun fell to his knees, his wall crashing down as tears began to fall down his face. "I messed up so bad. I love him so much, Gyu, I just feel like I'm not worthy enough for him."
Beomgyu stared at his best friend in shock, watching the male completely break down by a mistake that wasn't his fault. Leaning down slowly, the male hugged Yeonjun tightly and patted his back.
"It's not your fault," Beomgyu reassured him. "You were overwhelmed by everything that's happened, it's not your fault that it was so sudden."
Even though he was completely mad and upset that the confession went wrong, he knew he couldn't blame Yeonjun or Soobin from the outcome of today, all that needs to happen is to try again.
"You can try again tomorrow, Soobin will understand if you properly talk to him." Beomgyu slowly helped the elder up and walked him over to his bed, wiping his tears with his sleeves. "You just have to take time to yourself tonight and allow yourself to finally feel what you truly feel, okay?"
"Do you think he hates me now...?" Yeonjun asked softly, staring up at Beomgyu with so much hurt in his eyes.
"What? No! Never. We both know Soobin, you know him better than I do." Beomgyu scoffed. "He never gives up unless you show it."
"So that means...?"
"You still have a chance."
Yeonjun pursed his lips and nodded, the feeling of confidence coursing through him made him feel so much better.
"Then, I'll confess to him tomorrow, properly this time."
Yeonjun's breath hitched when the sight of Soobin came into view, immediately standing up from the ground, the male patted his pants and waited for him to walk up the hill and over to him.
He felt miserable, after spending an entire day of awkwardly ignoring each other, he wanted to just go up to him and apologize for everything.
But he was scared, terrified, and so self conscious of what others would think. He had always been named the trouble maker and least favorited person of the school, dating back to middle school as well, but after talking everything out with Beomgyu the night before he wanted nothing more but just to release his feelings he's been holding back for five years now.
"Huening Kai told me you wanted to talk?" Soobin spoke up, his voice hoarse which was most likely by crying the night before, Yeonjun could tell since he had tear stains down his cheek. "What's wrong?"
Yeonjun stared up at the male, his throat becoming dry as all his senses were telling him to just run away and block away anyone that tried talking to him.
But he didn't.
He needed to be honest.
"Soobin," Yeonjun breathed out, his lips trembling slightly. "I'm so sorry."
"No i'm sorry, Jun, I shouldn't have confessed so soon."
Yeonjun couldn't help but scoff and become a bit angry, he shouldn't be apologizing, there was nothing wrong with confessing. The only issue was that Yeonjun had pussied out!
"Listen, you don't have to—"
"No!" Yeonjun immediately said, grabbing the male by the wrist and pulled him down so they were eye level. "You will hear me out."
"I like you too, Choi Soobin," Yeonjun confsssed breathlessly, seeing the shocked reaction form on the blondes face. "I've liked you since the night before the winter ball."
"But do you know why I didn't confess sooner?" Yeonjun let go of the male stepping back as he felt his throat close up. "Because I knew I wasn't good for you, I knew someone like me could never have your heart. The reason why I rejected you was because I panicked, I was so scared and anxious that I had just purely been a rebound for your failed confession I couldn't help but compare myself to other people."
"I'm not... perfect like Beomgyu, strong like Taehyun, generous like Huening Kai, but I-I... that never stopped me from liking you." Yeonjun turned away, his ears burning red as he tried not to break down crying.
"I felt like I wasn't good enough, I'm a trouble maker, I start fights, I even hurt you. I let all my insecurities get to me and let the past hold me back because I was scared I'd never be good enough for you."
"I'm really sorry—"
"I love you." Soobin cut him off, pulling the male into the tightest and warmest hug Yeonjun had ever felt in his life. "Always have, always will."
In that moment, the bottle that held back his emotions bursted open like a waterfall, immediately causing Yeonjun to burst out in tears as he hugged Soobin tightly, whispering so many apologies in his ear as Soobin just smiled.
Yeonjun had did it, he had finally confessed to his crush of five years.
"Beomgyu, you're crying, are you okay?"
Beomgyu blinked a couple of times, finally realizing that there were indeed tears coming out from his eyes.
Shakily wiping his eyes, he looked over at Taehyun and nodded. "I'm- Im fine I swear I just— I feel so happy."
Taehyun nodded his head, yet there was no smile on his face. It made Beomgyu question why the male didn't look as happy as he did.
"Once they start dating, that's the moment we will break up."
Beomgyu's eyes widened, that sentence ringing through his head like an alarm, an alarm that he wished never went off.
He finally realized why the two of them seemed so on the edge, they both knew what Yeonjun and Soobin's successful confession meant.
The end of their fake relationship.
That familiar dreadful feeling began to creep up in him, it finally made Beomgyu realize why he felt so sick. It wasn't because of Soobin, Yeonjun, or the confession. It didn't have anything to do with them at all.
This entire time, that sickness hes felt was because of the deal that they had made.
Once Yeonjun and Soobin start dating, that's when they'll end everything.
"They're dating now," Taehyun mumbled softly, a thin waver of sadness was in his tone. "I guess we finally did it, right?"
Beomgyu stared at the male in shock.
He didn't want this.
This was too soon, he wanted it to last.
But why was he clinging onto a fake relationship? That's been the deal this entire time, once that relationship blooms, they will wither.
So why did it all feel so sickening.
"I'll...see you later Gyu." Taehyun mumbled softly, walking away from the male without a second thought.
Beomgyu stood there frozen in place, like there were invisible chains keeping him stuck onto the ground, he turned his head and watched Taehyun start to walk away.
He doesn't want this.
Looking back over at Yeonjun and Soobin to confirm it one more time, the male watched the two share a shy first kiss, and in that moment he realized no feelings of dread and anxiety washes through him until he looked back over at Taehyun who began to get further and further away.
"Taehyun..." He whispered underneath his breath, slowly moving from his spot before full on running towards the male.
"Taehyun!" He cried out, running towards him at full speed as the pinkette turned around just in time, causing Beomgyu to crash into him. "Don't go!"
"Let's keep it up!" I shouldn't do this, this isn't right. we need to end it. "It- It... our relationship, let's keep pretending."
"It'll be weird if we broke up right away when they came out as dating, wont it?" Beomgyu breathed out, he felt so selfish in the moment but he couldn't stop himself from talking.
"Let's keep pretending, until we both think it's the right time, it's- I know what I said but I change my mind. It-It'll be better for the both of us to keep it up."
Part of Beomgyu's mind wanted to scream at him, he knew keeping up the fake relationship wasn't good at all on his part but half of him felt overwhelmed and didn't want to let Taehyun go just yet.
Staring into the pinkette eyes, he waited for an answer, any type of answer.
"Alright," Taehyun breathed out, seeming to be visibly relieved at the idea of that.
Beomgyu didn't care if he was selfish, if he was selfish then let him be selfish. He didn't want to let Taehyun go, but now he doesn't know if it was because of his benefit or something else.
"Let's keep dating until the time is right."
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