one || a "perfect" world
Beep! Beep! Beep!
A low groan was heard from under the pile of blankets that were nearly scattered all over the bed, after a few more seconds of the alarm clock blaring away a shaky hand slithered from underneath the sheets and slammed down on the clock instantly making it shut up.
"Ugh..." The male groaned out loudly, slowly sitting up on his bed. His eyes were squinting from how bright the sun peeping through his curtains was, rubbing his eyelids aggressively he blinked a few times as his vision was a blur, oh how much he hated waking up so early all of the time, but this was going to be the normal routine for the next five months.
"Beom! Come eat breakfast!"
"Coming," He mumbled under his breath, his voice raspy and dry from waking up just now. He knew his mother couldn't hear him but he didn't mind that at all, licking his chapped lips he slowly rolled over to the side and placed his feet onto the cold wooden floor making him shiver up, how badly he just wanted to curl back into bed with the millions of blankets on top of him and snooze for the day.
Slowly standing up, he wobbled slightly trying to regain his balance. It was a mistake falling asleep so late at night when he knew the first day of school after the semester break started today, but how could he ever fall asleep when he and his two best friends were online playing games all night! He knew he should've studied though.
It's too late now, let's get ready before mom gets angry.
Beomgyu stretched out one more time before practically dragging himself over to the bathroom taking his sweet time until his mother began yelling from downstairs about he was about to be late for class, he couldn't be late on the first day back from break! Quickly scattering between his bathroom and room he rushed downstairs in just fifteen minutes all prepped and ready.
"There you are, I was wondering why you woke up so late, Beomie! You're always perfectly on time!"
"I'm sorry mom, I was...Busy." Beomgyu said as he walked over to the dining table, pulling out a seat and sitting down as his mother prepared his breakfast.
"I hope you weren't up playing video games all night, you know you have to study right? Be the best in your class this year!" His mother said, turning around and walking over to her son she gave him a gentle pat on the head before walking over back to the kitchen to finish up cooking.
"I know, mom." Beomgyu said, a small smile plastered on his face. A satisfied hum came from his mother signifying that she was happy with his answer, he didn't mind at all though. He knew better than to play video games all of the time, he had to make his mother the happiest ever!
After a few minutes the two began eating breakfast together, as usual in Beomgyu's everyday life there wasn't much conversation between him and his mother while eating, the two would talk about topics like grades and school activities though, Beomgyu didn't mind at all. He was happy to inform his mom on everything he's been up to.
"Finish up eating, you'll be late for school, let me know if anything comes up alright?" His mother said grabbing their empty plates once they both finished eating, walking over to the kitchen and placing them in the sink to wash them up.
Beomgyu nodded and got up from his seat, grabbing his backpack from the ground he soothed out his uniform and walked over to the door, just about to walk out before being stopped by his mother calling out to him making the male instantly turn out, a confused expression on his face as his mother stared at him with an expression he couldn't comprehend.
"Yes mother?"
His mother wiped her hands on her shirt and walked towards the male, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. She looked down at him with a serious look in her eyes that just sent pure shivers down his spine.
"Have a perfect first day. Okay?"
The male gulped and hesitantly nodded, feeling his smile falter. He quickly straightened his posture and widened his smile, placing a hand on top of his moms hand. "Of course mom!"
The male's mother's expression softened in just an instant, gently placing a kiss on top of his forehead she backed up from the male and walked back over to the kitchen without a word to continue the dishes, and it was enough to make Beomgyu know what his main task for the whole year is.
Wishing her goodbye, he walked out of his house and breathed out heavily, his smile dropping in an instant. Walking down the stairs he began walking down the sidewalk towards the direction of his school which was about ten-ish minutes away from his home.
It was springtime, Beomgyu's favorite season. The sun warmed up the earth perfectly, its spring breeze bringing forth myriad blossoms and a chorus of first sweet sounds. The trees become adorned with cherry blossoms swaying slowly in the warm wind while green grass and flowers spread across the once cold ground. Every time spring emerges it brings with it a rush of hope and euphoria to Beomgyu. The birds that sing in melodic joy as they soar through the sky, the cherry blossoms that rip away from their branches and fly through the air and onto the ground painting it with pink or white petals.
The male closed his eyes and breathed in the calming air, he couldn't be happier right now.
It was all perfect.
Beomgyu's eyes immediately shot open hearing that familiar voice, turning around he smiled widely seeing his best friend run towards him in a hurry. Quite shocked that the male was up so early and not running late at all. "Yeonjun hyung, you're up early, finally got rid of that being late to class habit of yours?"
"Haha, so funny." Yeonjun muttered, the male's black hair was a mess! His strands were everywhere, his face was slightly puffy, and his uniform was slightly wrinkled. It was like the dude fought a dinosaur before leaving the house. "My dad was being a nuisance again. Seriously, why would you blast music at seven in the morning! I have my beauty sleep to get!"
"Have a little grace, your father just came back from being overseas."
"Whatever," Yeonjun muttered under his breath while patting his hair down to get the strands that were sticking out everywhere. It didn't help that the wind was swaying, it messed up his hair even more. "He just needs to learn that not everyone wants to party so—"
Yeonjun was instantly cut off as the back of his head was smacked hard in a playful manner, the male groaned loudly as his head thrashed forward from the heavy impact before snapping up, instantly glaring at the blonde male who seemed amused by his reaction. Beomgyu, who sadly witnessed everything stood there in shock, his expression was basically '(°ロ°)' like this as he stared at what had happened.
"Don't stare at me like that! It's a wake up call, I can see your old ass slouching, gotta fix your posture or your back will be fucked up when you get even more old!"
"Choi Soobin, don't be rude to me! I'm older than you, respect me!" Yeonjun hissed rubbing the back of his head, raising his hand up threatening to hit Soobin who just rolled his eyes playfully. The male's gaze flickered up to Beomgyu who stared at them, not seeing how the male became a bit pink from the sudden eye contact.
"Goodmorning, Beomie." Soobin smiled over at the male, giving him the warmest expression ever. It was like his playful attitude immediately washed away seeing the brunette.
"Good morning, hyung!" Beomgyu greeted the elder, his tone was soft and held so much comfort that someone who was meeting him for the first time could just fall into a deep sleep from how soothing and calm his voice was.
"What's with the different greeting?!" Yeonjun budded in, walking faster so he was more in the middle, almost covering Beomgyu from Soobin's view which startled the two. Beomgyu swore he saw a little frown twitch on the blonde's lips but in an instant the male smiled and squished Yeonjun's cheek.
"Does Jun hyung need love? What's with the puffy face, did you wake up early?" Soobin teased squishing the elders skin harder making Yeonjun hiss out in pain, not noticing how red the elder had gotten. "You're like a pufferfish, should I call you Yeon-fish? You're so cute, hyung!"
"En-Enough!" Yeonjun slapped the blonde's hand off of his cheek, making him release his harsh grip he rubbed where the spot stung. "You're so annoying, Soobin! I'm not a pufferfish!"
"I'm just trying to give you my love, Junnie hyung!~"
Beomgyu laughed under his breath, his eyes flickered over to Yeonjun who was burning red. He couldn't tell if it was because of how harsh Soobin had pinched his cheek or by how embarrassing the action the blonde did was. He couldn't read the male out clearly but he was glad that Yeonjun woke up now! His face was so red it was like he could see steam fuming off the top of his head!
"Hey Beomgyu, is your mother still pestering you about being perfect?" Soobin asked, catching the male off guard. The ravenette's eyes widened from the question, he knew he should've expected that question, the elder always asked him that at least twice a month and it was quite bothersome.
"It's not a pester, hyung. Being perfect means I can make my mother proud, I don't want to disappoint her."
"But isn't that too much?"
"uhm..." Beomgyu hummed out, a wave of uncomforted and awkwardness rushed through him when asked that.
"Hey! Stop bothering Beomgyu on that topic." Yeonjun interrupted, noticing how uncomfortable Beomgyu started to get with the constant questions about his perfect world. "He clearly doesn't want to answer it."
"Ah..." Soobin mumbled out, a worried expression formed on his face staring at Beomgyu who awkwardly looked away from the elder, his heart was racing too much it was becoming uneasy to breathe. "Then let's change the topic! During break can you help me with my project Beomie? I forgot to finish it during the break, I'll be absolutely screwed if Mr. Han finds out."
"Of course hyung!" Beomgyu smiled, his uneasy feeling washed away in an instant when he threw a thumbs up towards the elder. His breath hitched when Soobin gave him a smile that felt so different like his other smile, his eyes held adoration and care in them...It was just enough to send Beomgyu's heart into a chaotic wonderland (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
The three started talking about random topics about what they did over break when they didn't spend time together and what they've been planning to do and study for the new semester. However, even though Beomgyu was one to always pay attention to others, he didn't notice how Yeonjun had suddenly gone silent after the first five minutes, as if he was just examining the two talking to each other...It was like he had nothing else to say, like he had noticed something that instantly made him silent.
Beomgyu didn't notice at all though, it was because he was distracted. Stuck in a trance that he couldn't peel away from. The way his heart was racing so fast like it was on a rollercoaster ride, delight and adrenaline rushed through his body, his heating face and tingly stomach taking over him whenever the blonde would make eye contact with him and smile while they talked.
All because of Choi Soobin, the boy who he loved dearly for months now.
"Hyung, add more color to your project...This looks like some elementary student made it."
"Give me a break Beom! You know I'm not the artistic type!"
"It won't kill you to add at least a splash of color, the professor would be bored to death by how plain it looks, you need it to be eye-catching, remember?"
Soobin huffed, his cheeks puffing out like a child and Beomgyu wouldn't lie he found it absolutely adorable of the elder to get upset over something so small. "Maybe you're right, it does look a little boring." He said and leaned forward coloring in a few things.
The ravenette immediately went silent as his face began to turn red from how close the two were, he could smell the vanilla like shampoo that he used for his hair, it was such a pleasing scent it made him in a daze. It's not weird to obsess over your crush smelling good, right?
The brunette instantly snapped out of his daze, coming back to reality his eyes widened seeing Soobin's head now tilted up staring at him, their eyes immediately connecting with each other. It was like the stars were dancing in Soobin's eyes, the male could show so much emotion using just his eyes and right now what Beomgyu could see was pure admiration in the elders eyes. As if something sparked inside of him being this close to him, the ravenette's heart was racing up fast as the two stared at each other before breaking into a fit of giggles gaining the attention of other people in the classroom.
"Is that Choi Beomgyu and Choi Soobin?"
"They're so cute together! Such a perfect couple!"
"Is it true that Soobin would always wait for Beomgyu at the end of classes last year? Even though they were in separate classes and buildings? Such true love!"
"They're both well liked, Beomgyu is so perfect. I wish I were him."
"They would really look cute together—"
"Beomgyu!" Yeonjun said loudly slamming his hand on the desk in between the two instantly making them back up and stare at Yeonjun in shock who appeared out of nowhere. "Let's go to the snack bar, I'm starving and want food." He said and grabbed the youngers arm, pulling him up without struggle.
"So suddenly?" Soobin interrupted, pouting when Yeonjun pulled the ravenette away from him. "Come on Yeon-fish! We were finishing up a project."
"Oh be quiet Soobin, call me hyung! Stop it with the stupid nickname i-it's not funny." Yeonjun muttered under his breath, Beomgyu went back and forth between the two, the way Soobin would take small glances towards him as if he were asking for him to sit back down but then there was Yeonjun who seemed irritated and really red, which was most likely from the amount of bickering he had with Soobin.
"Oh fine fine, go get snacks, get me some chocolate though. Don't start snapping at anybody." Soobin sighed, giving up on their little fight, waving his hand to shoo Yeonjun away. He turned his body and leaned his head against his hand before closing his eyes to get some rest during this break.
Beomgyu chuckled lightly before feeling Yeonjun grab his wrist leading him out towards the door of the classroom, "Seriously, who does he think he is? Just because he's well liked doesn't mean he should do this to me!"
"He's just teasing, hyung. It's cute." Beomgyu said, trying to calm the elder down who was fuming, but he couldn't hide his blush that formed all over his face. It was so obvious it made Yeonjun go silent and observe his face.
How could Beomgyu hold back though? That small moment with Soobin and all of those things his classmates said, it all felt so...Fuzzy! It felt fuzzy and brought a strange sensation to his stomach, were they right? Would Soobin and him make a perfect couple? They were both perfect for each other and they've known each other for a while now...He just couldn't control his oh so crazy beating heart around the male. Perfection with perfection always worked together, that's what his mother told him. He was in such a daze he didn't notice the small frown Yeonjun had on his face.
"Beomgyu..." He called out for the younger and slid the door open and stepped out of the classroom.
"Yes hyung?" Beomgyu said nonchalantly, his eyes focusing on the ground in a daze as thoughts of him and Soobin being together raced through his mind.
"Do you..." Yeonjun muttered, licking his lips nervously. "Do you have feelings for—"
"Oh fuck! Taehyun are you okay?!"
In an blink of an eye, Beomgyu found himself out of his sudden daydreaming, feeling his butt on the cold floor and pain throbbing on his shoulder he looked up and saw Yeonjun staring at him worriedly, immediately offering a hand to him so he could stand up right away. "Are you okay??" He asked and pulled the male up making sure to not pull too hard on his arm.
"I'm fine hyung, I wasn't paying attention." Beomgyu said, giving him a reassuring smile even though it didn't seem to work at all. Rubbing his shoulders he gasped out and swiftly turned around looking at who he bumped into.
Looking down at the ground he saw cans of paint rolled around the hallway almost everywhere, all of it in random spots. What caught his attention more was the pink haired guy kneeling down also rubbing his shoulder while grabbing some of the paint cans and putting them back into the basket next to him. Besides him was a dude who had wavy black hair, worriedly kneeling besides the male asking what it seems to be like multiple questions.
"Are you okay?" Beomgyu called out asking the pink haired male while stepping closer to him, before he could get any closer his wrist was grabbed making him pause his movements. Glancing back at Yeonjun the elder was glaring down at the pink boy who didn't seem bothered at all.
"Don't waste your time on him, Beomgyu! He clearly bumped into you."
Beomgyu sighed and ignored the elder. Calling out towards the boy again he saw cotton candy head finally look over towards him, his big doe eyes were blank and it was like he didn't care at all that they had collided and all of his things went flying everywhere.
"It's fine, don't worry. They weren't even mine." Cotton candy boy said putting the last small paint can into the basket and stood up along with his friend who was silently panicking and nearby looking like he was about to cry because the male got hurt.
"Is there anything I can do to make it up—"
"Beomgyu! Come on! He's lame as fuck for bumping into you, let's go to the snack bar leave these idiots alone!" Yeonjun interrupted him and hooked his hand around the males arm, dragging him away from the two guys who seemed to not care at all about what he had to say.
Idiots? Don't say that hyung! He must've been super upset by that. Beomgyu thought while frowning, he hated leaving an empty apology. He always wanted- no, needed, to do something for the person he was apologizing to. He had to make sure his relationships with people were perfect, that's what his mother told him!
Beomgyu glanced back at the two behind him who were slowly getting farther away as Yeonjun dragged him away. He felt his heart drop down to his stomach when he noticed that the pink haired boy was still looking at them, that blank look in his eyes never showing any other emotions before he picked up the basket and walked down the hallway with the wavy haired boy. Getting farther and farther until he was out of view.
"Hyung, who was that? Why did you drag me away?" Beomgyu asked, turning back towards the elder, unhooking his arm off of his grip. He was quite upset that he didn't get to apologize properly and with Yeonjun being his best friend he knew exactly how he felt.
"Hm? Oh. Kang Taehyun? I think he's in our class, anyways don't think much of it Beomgyu. He's just someone who's in the art club. I heard he's very rude though, cold as ice, so don't bother with him okay?"
Kang Taehyun huh...? Beomgyu thought as Yeonjun babbled on and on about what they should get at the snack bar. Our first day back, what a great first impression.
Beomgyu huffed and paid attention to what Yeonjun said, reminding the elder on what to get for Soobin, yet for some strange reason...
He just couldn't stop thinking about a particular cotton candy boy.
"Beomgyu! My beomie, what are you up to?"
The male's eyes fluttered open as he took off his headphones, turning around in his chair he smiled widely seeing his mother just returning home from work, instantly coming to check in on him. "I'm checking out new games to play with Soobin and Yeonjun hyung."
wrong move.
His mothers sweet smile instantly turned into a frown, walking over to the male she instantly closed off his tabs that didn't involve school work. "Why would you play video games now? Don't you have school work to do? Beomgyu, you have to maintain your perfect image!"
Beomgyu flinched slightly from the harsh moves, gulping down his anxiety; he immediately smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry mother, but there wasn't any school—"
"That doesn't matter! You need to focus on your schoolwork, what would the teachers think of me when your grades slip? Gosh come on Beomgyu, focus on being top of your class this year like last year!" His mother said her tone was strict and almost demanding. Without sparing a second glance she left his room and closed the door pretty harshly.
It was always like this, his mother had a short temper, she always wanted what was best for him. He needed to be perfect for her and maintain a perfect life, he needed to make her proud. Getting up from his seat he walked over to his bed and sat down, curling himself under the blankets he grabbed his phone that was charging and turned it on, his heart skipping a beat when he saw a couple of messages from Soobin.
Soobin hyung is pretty popular, let me ask him about that...Fuck I forgot his name... Beomgyu thought. Yes, he was still hooked on the cotton candy haired boy from earlier, it wasn't his fault though! He never noticed the male before and he felt so bad bumping into him that he just wanted to buy something for the male in return.
Those eyes... Beomgyu frowned, the way the cotton candy boy's eyes weren't even showing any emotion, his expression was stone cold and it was like he didn't care one single bit of what he had to say. It sparked something inside of Beomgyu, what if he resented him because he knocked his paint cans off everywhere?!
Flinching slightly he looked down at his phone from the sudden vibration, smiling widely he saw Soobin's contact come up. They would always call each other at least once a week to just soak in each other's presence, it wasn't good on Beomgyu's poor love filled heart.
I'll ask him later. Beomgyu thought about picking up the phone. Soobin's alluring voice drowning his thoughts and ears out
Maybe just then, he felt his perfect world crack just slightly.
a/n : hi !! first chapter of the new book, \(^ヮ^)/ i apologize if it seems confusing or fast-pace :,)
although this will be similar to bomi's flower i did try and change some stuff up aidhfjsbandb but anywho thank you for reading!! im so excited to start a new story (メ﹏メ)
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