nine || my diasterous first love
"Okay, then they'll believe you...
...If we're dating."
Beomgyu stared at the male with wide crazy eyes, if he wasn't so sure before then he was sure now that Kang Taehyun was 100% delusional and insane!
He didn't know what to say. It was like all of the air in his lungs immediately vanished, his heart was beating like crazy, just ready to pop out at any given moment! His blood felt cold, as if a bucket of ice cold water from the north pole had poured over him.
What exactly did he feel right now?
All of those emotions were definitely there bubbling up inside of him, what ticked him off though was Kang Taehyun standing there like a total idiot! As if he hadn't just said something that knocked the last bit of sanity Beomgyu had in his mind!
"Choi Beomgyu? Aren't you going to say something?" Kang Taehyun spoke up, breaking through Beomgyu's internal panic attack.
The male licked his lips and smiled awkwardly, what reaction could he give after hearing an offer like...that!
"I..." He croaked out, trying to find the right words to say. "What mean...If we're dating?"
Taehyun sighed loudly, a sigh full of annoyance and impatience. "Does that not make sense? I'm sure my words are clear. It's the best way to convince Choi Yeonjun and everyone else that you don't have feelings for Choi Soobin."
"But...What if they...say something about it...?" Beomgyu asked, his words were shaky and his eyes were full of fear. He didn't know what to feel but confusion and shock!
"What can they say? If we're dating then that lessens the suspicion of you liking Choi Soobin." Taehyun said, his reasoning making a little bit of sense to Beomgyu. "Plus, after a while...We can just break up, then everyone would just brush it off."
It made sense to Beomgyu, if he were to "date" Kang Taehyun then the heavy suspicion that Yeonjun had against him would lessen down. That would mean there would be a higher chance of the elder being with Soobin if all of the rumors were shut down if he were to announce a possible relationship.
However...It felt weird.
Looking at the pinkette in front of him suspiciously, he couldn't help but feel weird about this. Was this normal? Would someone really offer help for someone who has a fake crush on them?
"Wait..." Beomgyu mumbled softly, making Taehyun raise his eyebrow. "I just...Don't understand! Why would you offer that, don't tell me you actually have a crush—"
In an instant, the expression of pure disgust and judgment formed on Taehyun's face.
"Okay I guess not..." Beomgyu cut himself off seeing how disgusted Taehyun looked when he tried asking if the male really had a crush on him. That checks off one of his major suspicions.
But it was still weird though, if Kang Taehyun didn't like him, then why was he trying to go this far to help him?
"Are you—"
The low sound of a phone ringing echoed out throughout the classroom, causing Beomgyu to go silent. Feeling his phone vibrating in the back of his pocket he swiftly grabbed it and pulled it out to look at the contact who was calling him.
It was safe to say, his heart dropped down to his stomach when he saw it was his mother.
"I'm sorry, I think I stayed too long, I have to go answer this and most likely go home." Beomgyu said, grabbing his bag from the floor that he didn't realize he dropped.
"You know," Taehyun called out, making Beomgyu look back at him with an uneasy expression. "We don't have to do it if you're not comfortable with it, but for the sake of that empty brain of yours...Think about it."
Beomgyu scoffed, offended that the male in front of him would say that about his brain. "And if I do agree?"
"Then you would be the one to announce you confessed to me." Taehyun said, walking over to the front of the room to grab the small paint buckets. "But you'll also be the one who gets dumped during the break up."
Beomgyu couldn't help but feel so annoyed because of the male in front of him, what was his issue! "Excuse me?"
"What? It seems like a good deal, I'm the one helping you and all." Taehyun shrugged, acting like what he had said wasn't that important.
Feeling his phone vibrating once again, the male looked down and saw his mother calling. Holding back an exhausted sigh, he shook his head and walked towards the door.
It was a ridiculous request.
"Sorry Kang Taehyun," Beomgyu said, looking over at the male who didn't seem bothered at all, which made him feel better.
"There's no way I can ever agree to that."
Snapping out of his long daydream, Beomgyu looked around his room and sighed heavily.
For the past three days he couldn't help but think about what had happened with Kang Taehyun in the art club room over and over again. It was like it was permanently stuck in his brain.
He was thankful that they had a three day break from school due to teachers having meetings all week, he didn't have to face Kang Taehyun again after what had happened.
But that's what made him anxious! What is he going to do when he sees the male again on Monday, which is literally the next day!
Biting his lower lip, the male looked down at the pile of shirts on the ground that definitely needed to be hung up soon or they'll be wrinkled.
He needed a distraction, and today was exactly what he needed.
After a really long time of pestering Yeonjun he had finally convinced the male to roll out of bed and come with him to a local cafe that the two would usually visit after school. Maybe it would get his mind off of a specific pink head that just clouded every spot in his brain.
Bending down, the male sighed and started sorting out through clothes before choosing ones that looked the best comfort for going out.
"Where are you heading off to, Beommie?"
The male turned his head to where the familiar voice came from, he smiled softly seeing his mother standing there staring at him curiously as he was getting ready to leave.
"I'm hanging out with Yeonjun today, we're heading to the cafe near the library." Beomgyu explained and stood up from his spot, noticing how his mother frowned slightly. "Did you need me for something?"
His mother shook her head, stepping inside of his room and over to his desk to check on all of the homework papers that were neatly stacked. "I don't know, don't you need to study? You have big important tests coming up."
Beomgyu sighed softly, he knew his mother would ask about that. "You don't have to worry about anything, mom, I swear I have it all down! I've been acing my work lately, can't you let me go out this once?"
His mother hummed feeling uncertain, the exact hum that would make his heart drop.
"Do you really have to go with Yeonjun?" She asked him, turning her head to look at him with a disapproving frown. "I mean, if it was Soobin i'd be happy but I feel like Yeonjun slows you down on work, you know you have to be top of your class this year."
The male pursed his lips, he hated it when his mother would bring down Yeonjun, she always had an obvious disliking towards him and more favoritism towards Soobin but now since he basically doesn't talk to the elder was hard.
"Please don't bring down Yeonjun hyung, he just has low patience and is more straightforward. I swear he's a good person, mom."
An amusing sarcastic like scoff left his mothers mouth, staring at her son with an expression that just screamed 'you're a fool', it made Beomgyu weak, had he disappointed his mother again? He knew he should've thought about what he was going to say before speaking.
"I expect you home by six, then for the rest of the night I want you to study and show me your grades will excel. Do I make myself clear, Beomgyu?" She said, grabbing one of the blank study sheets he had gotten from his teacher a few days before.
Beomgyu felt his breathing becoming uneasy, staring down at the blank paper he couldn't help but just give into his mothers request and nod. "I...Understand, I promise I will study hard, but please don't talk bad about Yeonjun...That's my only request."
His mother stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. "Of course, if that's what it takes for you to be on top of your class."
Beomgyu frowned slightly, he couldn't help but feel so weak and useless. How could he make his mother upset? She only wanted what was best for him...right?
"Don't look like that, Beommie." His mother spoke up, placing the paper down and walking closer to the male, gently placing her hands on each side of his face. "You know I'm doing what's best for you, trust me when I say this is all for you!"
Beomgyu smiled softly, even though he felt slightly better he still felt somewhat uncomfortable. But that didn't matter, what he felt wasn't important at all, what was important...
..was making his mother proud.
"Hyung!" Beomgyu called out for the elder, running up to him with a giant smile on his face.
After a very long time of convincing his mother even more he finally had the chance to slip out of her sight and head over to the lovely cafe that he and Yeonjun would meet up at whenever they had time.
"I'm glad neither of us are late, but my mother wants me back by six, is it okay if we go inside right now? I know you probably want to talk but let's eat first!" Beomgyu asked him excitedly, he finally felt a fresh breath of air go through him now that he was away from his mother.
Glancing down at the male, Yeonjun nodded and turned around heading inside of the cafe as Beomgyu followed behind happily.
But one thing bothered him.
Why didn't Yeonjun say anything?
Usually the elder would reply to him regardless what he says, but maybe he was overthinking it, talkative people could be quiet once in a while too.
"Has your father been annoying? Still blasting music in the morning?" Beomgyu asked him when the two of them got themself seated at a table near the windows.
"No." Yeonjun replied dryly, it was starting to become obvious that the elder wasn't in a talking mood at all.
Beomgyu frowned slightly, before he could ask anything else that would most likely tick Yeonjun off even more, the elder had gotten up from his seat and excused himself.
He's acting so cold... Beomgyu thought, watching Yeonjun walk away from the table and over to the front to order their usual stuff that they get.
Was he just overthinking? Maybe Yeonjun had woken up on the wrong side of the bed! It just bothered him though, he hated seeing other people upset or giving him the cold shoulder for no reason, it was one of the main things that ticked him off.
Could it be something involving Choi Soobin? He thought, glancing over at Yeonjun who was mindlessly scrolling through his phone as he waited in line. It can't be, I told him everything is okay.
"Hey, Beom. Wake up."
The sound of Yeonjun's voice made Beomgyu look up from his staring contest with the table. Looking over at the elder he noticed how he was holding out a cup of fresh strawberry juice in front of him, something that he had always ordered.
Maybe he was just overthinking it all.
"Thank you, hyung." He sighed softly, grabbing the drink from the elders hand he took a sip of it and smiled when he tasted that familiar sweet flavor.
Looking back over at Yeonjun he had noticed that the elder was looking out the window silently, a little habit he did when he had something on his mind that was just so important.
"Are you okay?" Beomgyu asked, gaining the elders attention.
"Mm, why?" Yeonjun replied, once again being dry with his words.
It was really starting to bother Beomgyu now.
"You're just...You're so quiet hyung, did something happen?" He asked him, seeing how an eyebrow was raised at what he said. "I mean! I don't want to assume anything it's just worrying me since you usually talk to me a lot about things but right now you're being a bit quiet...!"
"So...Is there anything bothering you, hyung?" He asked warily, he doesn't want to accidentally upset Yeonjun by assuming his emotions.
The elder stared at him with a blank expression before sighing exhaustedly, looking back at his drink he leaned back onto the seat and shook his head, almost as if he were contemplating whether he should tell Beomgyu or not.
"You know," Yeonjun started, licking his lips. "I'm not one to believe rumors and all, especially about my friends."
"But a few days ago, Choi Soobin's friends talked to me about something that just hasn't left my mind at all." He admitted, making Beomgyu's heart drop from the name mention.
"What...Did they say?"
Yeonjun remained silent for a few minutes, it was like he didn't want to tell Beomgyu what he heard at all and it was starting to make him very very upset!
"I just..." Yeonjun paused once again, making Beomgyu's anxiety rise up even more. Why is he taking so long to say it? Just say it for goodness sake!
"Are you sure... You really don't like Soobin?"
Beomgyu tilted his head slightly, completely taken aback at what he had just said. Did he really have to mention this again? Well, he did understand Yeonjun still felt confused and suspicious of everything that had happened, but asking this out of the blue again? Especially after he said some of Soobin's friends told him something?
"What...? Why are you asking this again?"
"Beomgyu, don't lie to me please." Yeonjun said, his eyes just screamed desperation as if he were looking for comfort in his words. "I know there was something between you guys, the way you two look at each other...The way Soobin's eyes light up when he sees you. It all made so much sense..."
"But then suddenly you just cut off contact with him? Why would you do that after letting him flirt with you, be so close to you for months!" Yeonjun said, his tone was low yet filled with confusion and frustration. His voice even cracked in the middle from how much stress was in his mind because of it.
Beomgyu stared at the male with absolutely nothing to say, what could he say? He knew Yeonjun was right, apparently to others he and Soobin had been obvious about their feelings towards one another and then all of a sudden he just stops talking to the male? Of course the elder would suspect something.
I'm sorry hyung, Beomgyu thought to himself, holding back a frown. but this is the best way that you and soobin can be happy together.
"You probably over analyzed things hyung, I swear I never liked Soobin! I...have always...liked Kang Taehyun..."
Yeonjun eyes furrowed down as an annoyed frown formed on his face. "You never even acknowledged Kang Taehyun's existence until the day the two of you ran into each other! You can't tell me there's nothing between you and Soobin, please don't lie to me."
"You know what," Yeonjun stood up from his seat, making other people look at them when his voice raised a little. "I'm done talking about this, if I continue on I might get mad at you, I don't want to ruin our hang out day."
Before Beomgyu could say anything else, the elder walked away and out of the cafe door, leaving the male sitting there in shock at what happened.
Mentally slapping himself to regain back his senses, he looked over at the worker who stared at them in shock and smiled awkwardly before bolting out of the cafe.
"Yeonjun hyung!" Beomgyu called out and chased after the elder who refused to look into his eyes. Once he was close enough he grabbed the latters arm and stopped him.
"What about you hyung!" He breathed out when the elder finally stopped. As horrible as he felt because he hid things from his best friend, he can't help but feel upset that Yeonjun hid stuff from him too! "What about your feelings! Why did you never tell me you liked Soobin! If you had told me then I would've never—"
A loud scoff came from the male as he yanked his arm out of Beomgyu's hold, turning around to face the male the brunette couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw a dull shine in Yeonjun's eyes.
"Are you serious? 'What about you'? You should have told me, Beomgyu!" Yeonjun said, his voice was strained as he stepped one step back from the male who stood there dumbfounded.
"I hadn't planned on telling anyone about my feelings for Soobin, hell! I hadn't even considered dating him!" He continued on quite loudly, it made passerby's around them glance at the two but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was what Yeonjun was saying.
"If you never considered dating him then why—"
"I did it for you Beomgyu! I did it because that annoying Seong-jin fucker was trying to use you to get close to Soobin! But of course you with your pure perfect heart and world you had to be frustrating and considering towards him!"
If standing and being like a statue was a contest, then Beomgyu would've definitely won first place. The amount of times he remained speechless because of Yeonjun today was countless, it was just eating him up inside. Did he really make Yeonjun come out and confess without even knowing?
Noticing the males silence, Yeonjun sighed and stepped closer, bringing the male into a comforting hug. "I never planned on being more than friends with Soobin, so you don't have to be worried about me, okay?"
Pulling away, the male brought his hand up onto Beomgyu's head and started ruffling his hair. "Just...Bring back the closeness you two had before all of this okay? I'll be less heartbroken if you're the one who ends up with Soobin."
But what about you hyung...You're the one who's perfect for him, not me! My feelings don't matter at all.
Beomgyu was never the type to give up so easily.
"I refuse!" He blurted out, stepping away from the elder who was left shocked. "I don't have any feelings for Soobin at all! None! Nada! ZERO! I promise!!"
. . .
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Do you know how much fucking balls it took me to say all of that! Stop denying it and just accept it!" Yeonjun whined loudly, grabbing the male by the shoulders and shook him hard, making Beomgyu yelp.
"I am serious! I WILL NEVER LIKE CHOI SOOBIN! NEVER!! So stop assuming and just date him yourself!" Beomgyu whined back, pushing himself away from the elder.
"Never like Choi Soobin my ass! Why were you two always acting like a middle school couple, huh?! Watching you two gush and blush over each other was a gut wrenching puking moment for me!" Yeonjun said, pointing his finger at Beomgyu which made the male scoff.
"We never did that! Maybe you're just...I don't know...Delusional!" Beomgyu pointed back at the male, completely offended that he would assume something like that eventhoughitwastrue.
After a very long fifteen minutes of just going back and forth, the little petty argument between the two died down after Yeonjun scoffed and gave up.
"Fine! Whatever, but know I still don't believe any of this! There's no way you actually like Kang Taehyun!"
"But I do!"
"Okay, then tomorrow, I'm going to tell Soobin the truth."
What?! Beomgyu's eyes widened after hearing that, a cold bitter feeling began to rise in his stomach as Yeonjun sighed. "What do you mean?!"
"I'm going to tell Soobin that you had...liked...whatever on him! I'm going to tell him the truth that because you distanced from him was because of me, okay? Now I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Yeonjun explained, making Beomgyu just want to cry and jump in front of a train.
Before the male could protest any further, Yeonjun had already started to walk away, leaving him to internally sob.
If he were to say the truth... Beomgyu thought, shakily turning around to head back to his home.
Everything would be ruined...!
"Good morning Choi Beomgyu!"
"Hi Beomgyu! Can you help me with some questions?"
"Beomgyu! How do you feel about dinner afterschool with me?"
Tuning out everyone greetings, the male rushed into the classroom and looked around, he only had ten minutes until Yeonjun would arrive and after a long long long time of considering, he had to do the only thing that would stop the male from saying anything to Soobin.
"Beomgyu! Good morning, why do you look so panicked?"
"Uhm..." Beomgyu said softly, completely disregarding what Seong-jin was asking him.
His eyes roamed around the classroom frantically until they finally landed on the familiar pink head who was busy talking to Huening Kai.
"Sorry, Seong-jin, I'll be right back."
Quickly leaving the male in front of him, he made his way towards the back of the classroom as all eyes were on him, but that didn't matter now. What mattered was not allowing the truth to be told.
"And I waited all night but then a random penguin was thrown through the window!—"
Before the male could say anything else, his eyes landed on Beomgyu who was heading towards them. With wide eyes, he tapped his friend in front of him and pointed behind him, causing the pinkette to turn around curiously.
"Choi Beomgyu?" Taehyun said softly, quite confused on why he was approaching him.
Beomgyu huffed loudly, and grabbed Taehyun by the arm, pulling the male closer so his lips were right next to his ear which turned red really fast.
"I'm sorry for the sudden interruption of your conversation." Beomgyu whispered into the males ear, just loud enough for the two of them to hear. It was good that the chatter of other classmates behind them drowned out his whispers.
"But a situation happened...So if you remember about that offer you made in the art room... Uhm..." Beomgyu continued on, feeling nervous.
"Pfft, of course I remember." Taehyun snorted softly, whispering back as he looked around the classroom seeing how students were staring at them in shock.
"So...Is it okay if we do...Fake date? We can just say I confessed of course."
He didn't know what he was doing, but it was the only thing in his mind which screamed to do. He knew it wasn't the best idea but it was the only way to prevent Soobin from knowing everything.
"The Choi Beomgyu needs my help?" Taehyun snickered, his tone was almost teasing. "I guess we can start our deal, but you owe me for saving your ass."
Feeling a light weight of stress come off of his shoulders, Beomgyu smiled widely before remembering something.
"Oh! Is it okay if the break up is mutual instead of me being dumped...? It would make sense right?"
Taehyun snorted loudly, causing both Beomgyu and the others behind them to flinch slightly.
"Hey! What's going on over there Choi Beomgyu? Ohh don't tell me something is between you guys!" Seong-jin called out, saying his words loudly as a teasing smirk formed on his face, causing both Yoshino and Miyuki to giggle.
"Come on Seong-jin, nobody believes that, don't assume stuff!"
Beomgyu stood there in shock, completely unaware of what to say, he didn't even know what he was doing right now!
"Actually, it's true." Taehyun spoke loudly, straightening his posture, the male crossed his arms as he stared at the others with a cold look. "Cause starting right now..."
"...Choi Beomgyu and I are dating."
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