fourteen || changing hearts & unfortunate disasters
It had officially been a week ever since seats had changed for Beomgyu's classroom.
It also means that it had been a week of having Kang Taehyun as a seat partner.
Don't get him wrong, he likes having the male as his seating partner but sometimes the two of them would play a small innocent game of tic-tac-toe, which would be normal right?
How wrong he was.
"I-I just don't get it!" Beomgyu complained as him and Yeonjun walked down the hallway to their classroom since their break hour was about to end. "How do... how do I lose five rounds of tic tac toe!"
"That's what I'm wondering too, Beom," Yeonjun snickered annoyingly, taking a huge bite out of the cream bread he had gotten. "You have to be real ass at the game to lose five rounds against the same person."
Beomgyu grumbled angrily under his breath at what Yeonjun said, before realizing how worked up he was getting, which was odd since he had always been able to hold his composure around other people, especially his friends.
"It's... not my fault, I mean he probably cheated right? He totally cheated at tic tac toe!" In a failed attempt to try and not get angry again, Beomgyu just found himself complaining about Taehyun and his overly impressive skill of managing to win tic tac toe multiple times, it was like he couldn't stop himself.
"For the last thirty minutes, which is basically our whole break time, you've been complaining about Taehyun!" Yeonjun groaned loudly, which came out more as a whine which meant he was fed up with Beomgyu's complaining. "If you're so upset about that then ask that dude to lose!"
"Losing on purpose?" Beomgyu scoffed, feeling ashamed that he would ask that. "I would never! It's more embarrassing to ask him to lose on purpose anyway."
"Then I guess you'll be losing every tic tac toe game in your life." Yeonjun snickered, finding Beomgyu's grumpy reaction slightly amusing.
The two of them made their quick pace back to the classroom as Yeonjun had to unfortunately deal with Beomgyu's continuous complaining about Taehyun, and it was really starting to irritate him.
It was also strange too, whenever Beomgyu would lose games against him or Soobin he would never complain and just take the loss, but right now the male was heated as if losing actually made him angry.
"Beomgyu, you usually don't complain about losing games a lot."
"I-" Beomgyu choked on his words, he was self aware that the whole time they've been on break he's just been complaining about Taehyun, but he just couldn't stop himself. "I know but...I..."
"You know what, whatever." Yeonjun paused when they reached the closed classroom door, glancing over at his best friend he offered some of his bread. "Just don't complain about it for the rest of the week, how long have you guys been dating now?"
"U-Uh..." It's been so long since we've started fake dating, I can't even remember... was it around a month ago when school started? "Let's just head to class."
Yeonjun stared at him suspiciously for a few minutes but shrugged in agreement, sliding open the door the two of them walked into the classroom that was surprisingly empty, maybe it was because students loved coming back to the classroom when there was only one minute left.
"As I was saying, Gyu, you just can't let that— woah." Yeonjun suddenly paused, the two of them arriving to Beomgyu's desk that...
That was covered in gifts and snacks?
"What the..." Beomgyu gasped loudly, seeing all the nice snacks stacked up on his desk, he can also spot some delicious looking candy in the pile. "I don't remember getting any snacks?"
"Dummy," Yeonjun scoffed, tapping the back of the males head lightly. "They're obviously gifts, you do know you're liked amongst many people right?"
"As friends?"
"Romantically, dumbass!" Yeonjun groaned loudly from his best friends stupidity. "Now I'm wondering how you even managed to get a boyfriend."
"A boyfriend...?" Beomgyu repeated in confusion, which made Yeonjun's eyebrow raise. After realizing what he had just said he quickly coughed and chuckled softly. "They should know I have a boyfriend!"
Yeonjun opened his mouth to say something before an annoying irritating spawn of the devil appeared behind them, gasping loudly which nearly set him off.
"Beomgyu!" Seong-jin squealed excitedly, rushing up to the male and nearly pushing Yeonjun to the side. "Look at all these gifts, you have so many secret admirers! That explains why I saw some other students from another class come into our classroom!"
"What's with you always butting into his business." Yeonjun grumbled irritatedly, making Seong-jin tense up slightly. "Anyways get out of here and move, go find your stupid little minions or something."
Seong-jin clenched his jaw angrily by how rude Yeonjun was treating him, looking over at Beomgyu to see if the male would speak up his hopes were crushed when the male was too distracted by the amount of candy and snacks that were on his desk to even pay attention to him.
Whatever, irritating little shits. Seong-jin grumbled, storming away from the duo which thankfully made Yeonjun happy.
"Hyung, you should be nicer to Seong-jin, he hasn't done anything wrong to you." Beomgyu frowned slightly, feeling bad for the male that had stormed out of the classroom. He felt like it was his fault the male was upset.
"Are you serious Beom?" Yeonjun stared at the male in shock at what he had just said, watching the younger slip onto his seat and try to carefully pick up the snacks on his desk. "Do you not remember what he did to you?"
"I don't think he did anything wrong...?"
"Beomgyu, he was literally using you to try and get close to Soobin and he also is extremely irritating and rude — also! He tried to make you say you had a crush on Soobin!" Yeonjun exclaimed in a panic, sitting down in Taehyun's seat so the conversation couldn't be broken.
Beomgyu tensed up at the elders words, clenching his fists slightly he glanced over at Yeonjun with a frown.
"I never liked Soobin, hyung, why do you keep on insisting I did?"
"I never liked him hyung..." Beomgyu breathed out softly, glancing down at his desk, he felt horrible lying to the elder but this was his plan. He had to lie, he had to block out all of his feelings, his best friend deserves Soobin. "I always liked Kang Taehyun, remember? He's my boyfriend for a reason."
Yeonjun pursed his lips feeling speechless, nodding his head softly he looked away from the younger feeling probably guilty that he brought up Beomgyu liking Soobin again, and just like that awkward silence began to float around them before Yeonjun (fortunately) spoke up.
"You know, it's not everyday that I get to see you express your emotions so...strongly." Yeonjun said softly, causing Beomgyu to look up at him curiously.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not oblivious, Beom, I've seen how you act around Taehyun. He's really great at bringing out the side of you we never seen." Yeonjun explained, but it was enough to answer Beomgyu's curiosity.
"I don't get it? What side?" Have I changed without realizing it?
"Well for starters you were just complaining about losing tic tac toe against him five times, you don't usually get angry or upset when you lose games."
"Well that's because!—"
"And you even slacked off during class," Yeonjun interrupted him, gasping sarcastically which made Beomgyu heat up slightly. "Since when has the perfect Choi Beomgyu ever slacked off during class?"
"I...I...Are you making fun of me?"
"Hey!" Yeonjun frowned, offended that Beomgyu took it that way. "You know I would never try to make fun of you, I meant it in a good way."
"You let your mother control you way too much, Gyu," The male sighed softly, which made Beomgyu become anxious when he started talking about his mother. "It's okay to slack off sometimes, you know it won't kill you."
"B-But I'll disappoint her..."
"You won't disappoint anyone, Gyu," Yeonjun shook his head. "You're eighteen, you should spend your life having fun."
"So it's okay if you want to swear sometimes,"
"It's okay if you want to skip class,"
"I would never!"
"It's okay if you want to go out with your boyfriend and kiss each—"
"That's enough! I get it!" Beomgyu immediately shoved a bag of chips in Yeonjun's face, cutting the male off as his face flushed red. "You don't have to make it so weird..."
Yeonjun snorted loudly and nodded, grabbing the bag of chips he sighed softly. "You know it's okay to have at least a bit of fun, but I also do want you to not feel guilty when you do things out of the ordinary, you have an obsession with pleasing others even if it mentally destroys you."
Beomgyu stayed silent and thought about what Yeonjun had just said, he knew the elder was right, he was always so uptight and limited himself from expressing too many emotions it might cause others to become upset.
No matter how hard I try to deny it myself, I know Yeonjun hyungs right. He thought, remembering the times when he was expressing his feelings uncharacteristically.
I get more irritated about the things that I'd normally brush off when he does it, not to mention I cant keep my mouth shut about him... Beomgyu bit the bottom of his lip, what did that all mean? Was he uncomfortable with Taehyun?
"Hey, can you move?"
The two of them looked up and saw Taehyun standing behind Yeonjun impatiently? It made Beomgyu realize that time had gone by way too fast and class was about to start soon.
"Beomgyu, tell you're boyfriend he's rude, he didn't even say please." Yeonjun snickered, turning his head to look at the male to see if he would do anything.
"Tell your best friend to please move out of my seat." Taehyun deadpanned, his eyes flickering between the amount of snacks on the desk and Beomgyu.
"It's whatever," Yeonjun suddenly stood up, stretching his arms out as he got out of the way. "I have to take a nap before Mr. Son gets here or something."
As the elder passed by Taehyun, he stopped for a brief second and glared at the pink head before walking over to his seat without a second thought, which left the pink head to slide back into his seat.
Beomgyu stayed silent and looked away from the male, he felt too overwhelmed with his thoughts to even process anything, grabbing one of the snacks off his desk he opened it up swiftly and began to plop some into his mouth before looking over at Taehyun who seemed to be in his own world.
"T-Taehyun, do you want some?" He spoke up softly, causing the pink head to look over.
"Why? Aren't those your snacks that your little admirers got you?" Taehyun questioned, his tone coming off a bit rude which he didn't realize.
"Yes but..." Beomgyu mumbled, feeling suddenly embarrassment and upset that the male was rude. "Nevermind."
Taehyun stared at Beomgyu for a few minutes, noticing the small frown on his lips he sighed softly and extended his hand out. "I'm sorry, I'll take some."
In just a second it was like Beomgyu's eyes lit up like fireworks, smiling slightly he placed some of the snacks on the pinkette hand, feeling happy that he apologized and decided to take some.
Maybe there is a reason why I feel so weird around Taehyun, He thought to himself, partly listening as the pinkette started to talk about how Huening Kai messed up their snack orders.
Do I feel comfortable around Taehyun...?
The male stared at Taehyun for a few minutes, noticing how calming his voice was and how gentle he was with his tone when he spoke to him. It made him start to realize that being around the younger really did make him feel at ease, and as much as he didn't want to admit it...
He felt more at ease with Taehyun than he was with Soobin...
"Hyung, are you listening? The chocolates are falling."
"Huh?!" Beomgyu gasped out, snapping out of his little daydream, glancing down at his lap he saw the little chocolate chips scattered all over his pants which made him panic. "Oops! Sorry, I-I was daydreaming."
"Clearly," Taehyun snickered, finding the males reaction amusing, waiting for Beomgyu to finish up cleaning his mess he slid a paper onto the males desk. "Want to try again? Might lose though."
"Excuse me? I've gotten better!" Beomgyu said, looking at the empty tic tac toe paper on his desk before looking back up at Taehyun.
The moment he looked up was the moment he caught a glimpse of that same exact smile the younger gave him while they were at the arcade.
And strangely enough, just that one smile...
Was enough to make Beomgyu's heart beat rapidly.
"Did you see that? They really are dating!"
"I guess all of the rumors were true, I just can't believe that after all this time Choi Beomgyu chose to date him..."
"Are you kidding me?" The male scoffed angrily, staring at the couple who were sharing snacks together, the snacks that he got for Beomgyu.
"I won't let him be with someone so unimpressive, he deserves me, we all know this!"
"Seojun, he doesn't even know your name." Seojun's friend spoke up, his voice wavering slightly when he had said that.
"Did I ask for your opinion, Hyunsoo?" Seojun growled angrily, causing the male to look down in shame, glancing away from his friend he looked back at the window in anger.
"We need to go to class," Seojun's other friend, Hayoon, spoke up. Trying to get the pissed off male away from the classroom they weren't apart of. "We'll get in trouble if we're caught after the bell."
Seojun scoffed and walked past his friends, bumping into them harshly he walked down the hallway in a fit of anger, not caring if they're left behind or not.
Just watch Kang Taehyun, His fists tightened harshly, his blood boiling thinking about the male who had stole his man from him.
I'll show you who's a better fit for Choi Beomgyu.
The blonde looked up from his desk after hearing his name being called, smiling widely when he saw his friend coming towards him he got up from his seat and waited for the male to come closer.
"Hey! Huening Kai, how are you doing?"
Unexpectedly, he didn't get an immediate response when Huening Kai approached him, and now that he was looking at the male properly he could see the expression of distress on his face.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Soobin asked worriedly, afraid that something might've gone wrong for his friend.
"Have you seen Beomgyu? Where is he?!" Huening Kai asked in a panic, throwing the blonde off from his sudden outburst.
Staring at the male in confusion, he shook his head softly. "I-I haven't seen him, I think Yeonjun took him to the first years floor for a presentation..."
That question was weird, he hadn't properly talked to Beomgyu in two days, the only time he talked to him was when the male had a bunch of candy on his desk and he asked for a bag which was happily given to him.
But right now it made him anxious, had Huening Kai found something out that was bad? He had never seen him in such a panic before.
"Wait, what's wrong? What happened? Breathe!" Soobin grabbed onto the males shoulders, shaking him slightly so the male in front of him could breath properly.
Huening Kai shook his head and grabbed onto Soobin's forearms, panicking slightly as his eyes were shaking.
"It's Taehyun," The male breathed out worriedly.
The next thing he said made Soobin's heart drop down to his stomach.
"He was taken by these people from the other class."
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