five || a club just for you!
"Yes! Mr. Son wants each and every student to join or make a club this year." Beomgyu said, watching his mother closely as she examined the club brochure.
"Is it... good for your grades, your reputation?" She asked cautiously, quite uncomfortable by the fact that Beomgyu had to join a club, and that's exactly what the male knew she would be hesitant about.
"It's actually better for my grade! Being in a club means I'm partaking in school activities with other students which will boost my reputation up by lots!" Beomgyu said enthusiastically, smiling widely as his mother stared at him suspiciously.
He was just praying that his mother would say yes, almost every year she would say no because she would deem them useless and not important at all, that he should just take more advanced classes after school instead of clubs.
His mother sat there silently, staring at the brochure with a sour like expression. It didn't take long for her to tiredly sigh and nod, handing the male back the paper. "Fine, you can join one, but I want you to join a club that helps your reputation and grade out, okay?"
"Thank you, mom! I swear you won't regret it! I could meet new friends and—" Beomgyu paused himself before he could go any further after seeing a harsh cold glare start to form in his mothers eyes.
"I mean... thank you, I'll use it wisely to boost my reputation and grades." He mumbled out awkwardly, trying to convince his mother that he would join a proper club fit for him.
"I hope you do." His mother said bitterly, walking away from the male and up back to her room, leaving him alone in the living room.
Beomgyu waited for a few seconds to make sure she was fully gone, he sighed tiredly and flopped down onto the couch, throwing the brochure somewhere random.
What was he thinking? If he had gotten way too excited about joining a club then his mother would've absolutely said no! He knew she only wanted what was best for him, but it felt so... exhausting? Where was he going to find a club that would make his mother proud? If he was honest... he just wanted to join a club to find new friends.
Just what kind of club would I fit into? He thought, slightly becoming anxious on what to do.
It'll be okay, Yeonjun hyung will be with me.
"Come join the theatre club!"
"Beomgyu! Come join the culinary club!!"
"Ah! You'll be perfect for the gaming club, come join!"
The male smiled awkwardly, waving at the club leaders who all stood outside of their respective classrooms, calling for students to join their club for a year, and it was safe to say almost nothing interested him.
"We should've went home! There's nothing here that could 'boost your reputation', it's just clubs for fun!" Yeonjun groaned, the two of them walking down the hallway as more students called out for them (mostly Beomgyu) to come join their club.
"I know there aren't any, but I wanted to join a club this year, to make more friends."
"If your mom found out about that do you know how angry she'll be when she finds out you lied to her?"
Lately all I've been doing was lie... Beomgyu smiled weakly, it had been a few days since he talked to Soobin. He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt him, it's been so long since he had talked to the elder it hurts him so much, but he was doing it for Yeonjun. "It'll be fine, she won't know."
Yeonjun frowned, doubting the male. He knew that if Beomgyu's mother found out he wasn't doing anything to boost his grade up in school she would do something worse than ground him. But he knew it was a sensitive topic for Beomgyu, so he didn't bother pushing it again.
"Ah, this is the club I wanted to check out, meet up with me after lunch?" Yeonjun asked him, pointing at the photography club classroom.
Beomgyu looked over and smiled, nodding his head. "Of course, meet you back at lunch."
"You'll be okay?"
"I'll be fine!" Beomgyu said softly to comfort the male, giving Yeonjun a small side hug the two parted ways, leaving Beomgyu to look at other clubs himself.
The male sighed as he walked down the hallway, slightly ignoring any calls from other students for him to join their club, he just wasn't interested at all and he doesn't know why! It would've been a great opportunity to make new friends but something about other clubs didn't spark up his heart.
"Welcome to the gardening club, come right inside for more information."
Beomgyu's breath hitched after hearing that familiar voice, slowly looking over to the side he saw Soobin smiling happily at other students who were entering the gardening club classroom one by one.
He had totally forgotten that Soobin was one of the representatives for the gardening club.
The male stood there frozen, staring at Soobins side profile. His heart was a fluttery mess just seeing the elder all happy, it made him slightly heartbroken that he couldn't go up to him like normal, but if he wanted Yeonjun and Soobin to be happy then he would have to not be in their way.
Soobin smiled brightly, after the last student went inside he stood out there for a few seconds before feeling an odd lingering gaze on him. Turning his head towards the hallway his eyes widened seeing Beomgyu staring at him, maintaining that eye contact for a few seconds the elder sighed and turned around, walking away into the classroom, completely ignoring the male.
Beomgyu's heart pinged in pain slightly, they had just met eyes but Soobin just walked away. It was his fault though, he did tell the male to stay away from him.
It's best not to bother. Beomgyu frowned slightly, his heart aching in pain.
Shaking his head, he continued down the hallway and looked at all of the clubs that were being presented. It was starting to become slightly boring and irritating that nothing had sparked his interest at all.
"Welcome to the art club, come on in! Come look at our lovely representative, Kang Taehyun's, artwork!"
Beomgyu's ears perked up at that specific name. Looking over to the side he saw two students entering the art club as a familiar ravenette stood outside of it, handing out papers and little pieces of candy.
Isn't that...? Beomgyu thought to himself, the memory of a loud crying male appeared in his head. That's Kang Taehyun's friend...
In an instant, a sudden spark in his heart lit up, making him immediately walk towards the art club room without a second thought.
"Welcome to the art— Choi Beomgyu?!" Huening Kai gasped out in shock, seeing the Beomgyu in front of him with very wide eyes, almost as if he had seen a ghost.
"Hello...Is it okay if I can enter...?" The male asked hesitantly, he had no idea why all of a sudden he was attracted to the art club, he wasn't even that interested in art in general! But something about it made him go right away.
"Of course, come in!" Huening Kai said, still shocked that Beomgyu was right in front of him.
Beomgyu thanked the male softly, entering the art club he noticed that there were barely any students in it. Compare it to the other clubs, the art club definitely wasn't that popular at all, it made him question it slightly, everyone was creative!
"This is all? This is boring, let's leave Eunchae."
"But Leeseo, the art is really pretty!"
"Let's just check out the other clubs."
The two first year girls left the classroom, leaving Beomgyu alone with the familiar pink headed male who was busy staring at three paintings on the walls.
Kang Taehyun... Beomgyu thought, seeing how gentle the males gaze was on every painting in front of him, something about the male in front of him brought an odd sensation in his stomach. Was it because he had a "crush" on him?
"Are you going to just stand there? Or will you leave like the others?"
Beomgyu gasped softly, snapping out of his daze. He didn't even realize that Kang Taehyun had turned around and now was staring straight at him with the most blank expression ever.
"I uh..." Think Beomgyu! You're not here for no reason! "I want to join the art club!"
"You...?" Taehyun said, as if he couldn't believe that Beomgyu had said that. "You want to join the art club?"
"Yes! I-I like art!"
"Uh...Okay..." Taehyun mumbled, walking away from Beomgyu who stood there in shock by how blunt and non-reactive the male was.
This is my only chance... I need to apologize.
"Uhm... Kang Taehyun?" Beomgyu called out for the male who was cleaning out paint brushes.
"What is it, Choi Beomgyu?" Taehyun replied dryly, not sparing the male a glance.
Beomgyu gulped slightly, his throat running dry by the second. He felt so nervous talking to him, but why did it bother him so much that the male wasn't looking at him.
Taking a deep sigh, he looked up.
"I'd like to talk to you about something, please."
"I can't believe the lunch line took that long! I just wanted one bag of chips and it took nearly half of our break time!" Yeonjun grumbled, irritated by the fact that some students take way too long to get just a plate of food.
"Don't be so angry about it, hyung, next time we will come early." Beomgyu said, trying his best to calm down Yeonjun so he wouldn't blow up again like last time.
"Whatever, maybe we should just cut the lines."
Beomgyu sighed and shook his head, Yeonjun was always so reluctant on things. Looking up he noticed a familiar pink head passing by them, a small smile grew on his face when he realized who it was right away.
"Kang Taehyun!" Beomgyu called out for the latter, causing both Yeonjun and Taehyun to look at him in shock. "Have a nice lunch, you too Huening Kai!"
"Thanks, you too." Taehyun replied dryly, turning back around to look back at his phone. Yet Huening Kai walked away shocked that the Choi Beomgyu had actually wished him a good lunch!
Beomgyu chuckled softly, looking back at Yeonjun, he flinched slightly by the shocked expression the elder had on his face. "Are you?—"
"When did you two get close?!" Yeonjun bursted out in shock, completely confused why the male had just wished Kang Taehyun a good lunch, he knew Beomgyu was friendly but not that friendly to wish a rude person a good lunch!
"I actually talked to him today during the club showcase, I had to apologize to him about something." Beomgyu explained shortly, sitting down at the table the two of them usually sit at.
Yeonjun's jaw dropped at what the younger had just said, so many questions began to scramble in his mind, it made his face turn slightly red. "But why?! You had nothing to apologize for, does he know you like him?"
Like him... Beomgyu thought, that guilty feeling began to build up even more after he had said that. "Of course not, why would I tell my crush I like him? That doesn't matter though, all that matters is that we are on good terms!"
Yeonjun grumbled slightly, completely disagreeing with that idea. Looking away, his eyes lit up slightly seeing Soobin walking in their direction with his friend. "Soobin! You're done eating?"
The male looked over at the two and smiled, mostly towards Yeonjun. "Heyyy it's my favorite Yeon-fish! How have you?—"
"I'm done eating," Beomgyu interrupted the two, causing both of them to look at him in shock. He barely even touched his plate of fries! "I'll see you in class, Jun."
Beomgyu didn't dare to hear the elder out, not when Soobin was there. Every time he saw Soobin and Yeonjun together he couldn't help but feel an increasing pain each time. A pain filled with guilt, sadness, and disappointment.
The moment he entered the classroom, he exhaled loudly and collapsed into his seat. Thank god it was still lunch time and there were barely any students around, he wouldn't know what to do if someone asked him if he was okay and why he was breathing so hard.
"Beomgyu! Are you okay?"
Just his luck.
The male looked up, forcing himself to smile as he made eye contact with Seong-jin who eyed him curiously. Feeling relieved it was just a familiar friend he chuckled and shook his head. "I'm fine, just... tired."
"I understand that, want some turtle chips?" Seong-jin pouted, sitting down in front of the male as he offered him some turtle chips which he gladly accepted, he barely ate anyway.
"Thank you, you're a good friend, Seong-jin." Beomgyu said happily, grateful that he had finally met someone who cared about him and not his popularity.
The latter smiled, a smile that was full of bitterness. "I'm gonna go get more chips, i'll be back!" He said and got up, waving goodbye before rushing out of the classroom, leaving Beomgyu alone.
The male sighed exhaustedly, he was happy he had a friend, but he just needed some time alone. He was thankful that he could get some peace and quiet for a few—
Uh oh...
Yeonjun frowned at the males reaction, walking over and sitting down in the seat in front of him, he leaned closer glaring at the male. "What's going on?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't act dumb with me," Yeonjun scoffed, quite offended that Beomgyu was taking him as some type of fool. "What happened between you and Soobin?"
I knew he would ask this eventually... Beomgyu thought, if he had told Yeonjun he had practically cut Soobin off because of him he would certainly be mad.
"Nothing happened between us, why?" Beomgyu said, lying straight through his teeth. He hated this, he's been lying so much, but what could he do? Yeonjun was more important! He would tell the truth when Soobin and Yeonjun get together.
"You're avoiding him, Gyu. I'm not blind, you haven't been talking to him at all and neither has he. He usually comes to us early in the morning but now he walks with San and Mingyu, and he doesn't even ask you for help for homework anymore! What's going on?"
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing, you know it's a new school year and things change, maybe he's just super busy this year!" Beomgyu quickly said, making an excuse right away so the elder wouldn't question him anymore.
If he was honest, he knew Soobin wasn't that busy. He was the least busiest out of all three of them, but he had no other excuse, and he certainly wasn't going to drop the truth right away!
Yeonjun stared at him for a few seconds, eyeing him suspiciously, he just shrugged and brush it off. "I guess, if you say so. I'll believe you."
Beomgyu breathed out softly in relief, he didn't even know he was holding his breath. Smiling to himself proudly, he was happy that he had managed to convince Yeonjun.
"But...Let me say this."
The male tilted his head in confusion, watching his best friend look down awkwardly. Brushing away a few strands of hair that were tickling his forehead, looked up and sighed.
"If you're pushing him away for the sake of me, and trying to set the both of us together..."
"Don't." Yeonjun said, his tone was strict and serious about this whole thing. It made Beomgyu's eyes widen as a cold chill went through him, it was almost as if Yeonjun knew what he had been planning.
"Even if you're doing it to be nice to me, or because you feel bad because I like him, don't do it." Yeonjun continued on, a small frown forming on his face.
"If you do.. and I find out... I might just stop being your friend."
Beomgyu's heart cracked slightly after hearing that. His fists clenched up hard as he strained his face to not show his fear and sadness, if Yeonjun knew that he was doing everything he told him not to do...
He would lose his best friend.
"Of course I won't! Trust me!" Beomgyu smiled, faking his entire emotional state.
Yeonjun squinted at the male suspiciously before giving in. Nodding his head he patted the youngers head and got up, walking back to his seat.
Once Yeonjun's back was turned, Beomgyu's fake smile dropped immediately, an anxious ocean crashing down on him as he looked down at his table. He couldn't tell anyone, not a single soul about this.
now that I think about it... He thought, frowning slightly, there had to be a reason why Yeonjun was acting so strict about this whole liking Soobin thing.
How long has Yeonjun liked Soobin...?
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