eleven || best friends approval!
"Let go of me Soobin! What are you doing? Are you insane?!" Yeonjun exclaimed angrily, practically ripping his wrist out of the males grip so he wouldn't be dragged further away from the classroom.
"You need to calm down, hyung." Soobin replied calmly, turning around so he was facing Yeonjun who stared at him like he was insane. "Let me get you ice cream."
"You can't just offer ice cream just to calm me down Soobin! Does what you just heard not bother you? It fucking bothers me!" Yeonjun scoffed, finding the males behavior right now absolutely ridiculous.
Today he had originally planned to bring Soobin and Beomgyu together during lunch, all three of them to talk seriously about what was going on lately. Even though his plans were slightly spoiled when he had woken up late and was dragged out of the house by his father before he ran into Soobin who was, for some reason, also late for school.
He had the chance to tell Soobin right there and then when the two of them were alone together but he decided not to, he needed to let Beomgyu explain himself.
"Of course it doesn't bother me," Soobin replied, yet his tone sounded careful, as if he weren't certain himself. "As long as Beomgyu is happy with whoever he likes then I'm happy."
But he likes you! You idiot! I'm so sure of it! Yeonjun groaned loudly, getting pissed off by the second.
There were so many signs, he knew eventually that Soobin and Beomgyu would start dating, but now that he had heard news about Beomgyu dating Taehyun?? It began to make him regret ever exposing his feelings at the lunch table.
Glancing back up at Soobin, he couldn't help but feel so angry yet guilty, he always knew that Soobin would never be his.
He never wanted his feelings to be reciprocated in the first place.
"You need to breath, Yeonjun. Take a deep breathe and think calmly." Soobin spoke up, causing the male to snap out of his deep thoughts.
Yeonjun bit the bottom of his lip and stared at the male in front of him, there was no doubt that in his heart, his feelings were still there. That gentle gaze that Soobin was giving him made his heart race so deeply, but he knew...
he wasn't made for Soobin.
"How can I calm down properly when I just heard news about my best friend — OUR best friend is dating someone who he barely knew?! Soobin-ah, tell me, you don't believe this either?"
Soobin stared at the male and stayed quiet, a doubtful guilty look in his eyes.
"You do believe it don't you?" Yeonjun asked weakly, a sudden wave of realization began to wash over him.
Soobin was giving up on Beomgyu.
"Let's just go, Junnie, let's at least get you a drink or something to cool you down okay?"
Yeonjun didn't reply and just allowed the blonde to wrap his hand around his wrist and drag him down the hallway towards where the snack bar was.
But he couldn't help but feel so upset...
Glancing over at Soobin one last time he noticed that the male still had a sad glint in his eyes.
Even though Soobin believed that Beomgyu and Taehyun were dating, he had a deep gut feeling that there was more going on.
Yeonjun sighed softly at the memory of what had happened on the day he found out Beomgyu was dating Kang Taehyun.
It all felt strange, he knew there had to be something more than just them liking each other after simply hanging out together during the art club.
He was determined to finally have Soobin and Beomgyu confess to each other, there was something that didn't add up between Beomgyu and Taehyun, there just had to be something going on.
So that's why he was set on the hang out happening, with Taehyun and Soobin together in one room there had to be an obvious difference from how Beomgyu treated one of them.
He was set on finding out what his best friend was hiding from him.
"Taehyun, tell me. What's going on?"
He knew that the minute Huening Kai entered his room that would be the first question he would ask him after a few days.
The pinkette sat at his desk and ignored the question, staring at the blank piece of paper in front of him he couldn't help but feel frustrated that no new ideas were coming into his mind. The last time he had properly sketched something that he was satisfied with was when...
...he had met Beomgyu for the first time.
"Hey!" Huening Kai interrupted him, grabbing the male by the shoulder and spun his chair around so he was forced to look up at him. "Don't ignore me! Tell me, when did you start liking Choi Beomgyu?! How did he... say yes TO YOU?"
"Should I be offended?" Taehyun asked suspiciously, grabbing Huening Kai's wrist gently and removed his hands from his chair so he could get up. "I told you, we started liking each other after spending time with each other during club."
"But that doesn't make sense! You never gain a crush that easily! You usually want to get to know them on a personal level and see what their personality is like, just two simple conversations with someone you barely knew was enough to make you fall for them? It doesn't make sense Tae!"
Taehyun sighed softly and walked over to his closet, he knew that out of everyone he knew Huening Kai would be the first to nitpick that something was off.
"You're not happy for me?" He asked him, completely avoiding the original question.
"Of course I'm...Im happy for you but I just find it all strange, you two barely know each other!"
Taehyun could honestly tell Huening Kai the whole truth right now. How that the popular perfect Choi Beomgyu found out that he had feelings for the same guy his best friend liked, instead of just straight up confessing to Soobin since he had a higher chance, he instead announced to the whole school he is dating Kang Taehyun.
Fake dating.
But for some reason, there was a gut feeling in him telling him not to tell anyone, for the sake of Beomgyu.
"I know it might be strange because it was so sudden, but I really..." Taehyun hissed in a breath softly to prepare himself.
"I just REALLY do have feeling for Choi Beomgyu." He strained out painfully, a wave of cringe washing over him when he said that. "I just couldn't hold back my fak— feelings you know?"
Huening Kai eyed the male suspiciously after hearing the strange strain in his voice, but since he trusted Taehyun so deeply he shrugged his shoulders and left it as it was
"So...tomorrow...do we really have to go to that hang out thing with Choi Beomgyu-ssi's friends?" Huening Kai asked warily, it wasn't like he hated Beomgyu and his friends, but it did make him anxious!
Huening Kai has a hard time introducing himself to other people, especially if they're new. He gets anxious and overthinks that the person he is talking to secretly hates him inside, it's a miracle how he managed to befriend Taehyun so swiftly, but due to him only being comfortable around the pink head so much it made his capability to talk to others properly quite difficult.
"It'll be fine, do you not want to hang out with Choi Beomgyu?"
"I do! I really like Choi Beomgyu, he's super nice to me! But his friends Choi Yeonjun and Choi Soobin...They scare me..."
Taehyun scoffed hearing that, if anything Choi Yeonjun was loud and then Choi Soobin was just...
He doesn't understand how people think Beomgyu and Soobin are perfect for one another, they don't even look that good together.
I don't know why that's bothering me so much anyway, there's no point on becoming closer with Beomgyu, we'll end the whole act the moment Yeonjun and Soobin get together. He began feeling odd that he actually got disturbed at the thought of Soobin and Beomgyu together.
"You'll be fine Huening," Taehyun reassured the anxious male, turning over to face him he held out two controllers. "Want to play some Mario Kart?"
Huening Kai's eyes lit up instantly as a wide childish smile formed on his face, when it came to Mario Kart. He never backed down from a round or ten, it was something that he and Taehyun did whenever one of them felt anxious about something.
The feeling of adrenaline rushing through your veins after you screamed your lungs out when a red shell hits you right when you were near the finish line.
Taehyun smiled softly seeing the obvious difference in his best friends emotion, handing the male a controller he walked out of his room to head to the downstairs living room to setup the game console, yet there was a weird feeling and thought in the back of his mind that had been picking at him ever since.
He decided to brush it off, knowing that the thought that has been picking at him is useless.
Twenty four hours had officially passed which meant the day of the hang out had finally arrived.
The day Beomgyu had been absolutely dreading.
He was scared out of his mind! It hadn't even been a proper week since he and Taehyun had announced they were dating and his best friend wants to hang out with him already?! He knew Yeonjun planned something beforehand!
Biting his nails anxiously, he stared down at the half finished study review he had gotten from Mr. Han two days ago, usually he would've had it all done by now but instead he was heavily distracted by the event that was happening today.
"Focus, focus Beomgyu, if mother finds out you haven't finished this then..."
The male pursed his lips and stared down at his paper saddened, he knew that if he couldn't achieve the perfect grades and reputation this year then this mother would be upset at him. She raised him to be perfect, she gave him food and a home, the best he could do was achieve her wishes.
But i'm just so worried...I'm worried what Yeonjun planned today, what will happen...
...will taehyun be okay?
I did get him into this mess, damn if! If only I had realized Yeonjun's feelings for Soobin sooner then none of this would've happened.
Taehyun wouldn't involved in this mess, Yeonjun and Soobin would've been together by now, I wouldn't have to lie...
If only...
"Beommie, why so quiet?"
Beomgyu instantly shut his notebook closed hearing his mothers voice, turning his head towards the door he smiled awkwardly seeing his mother standing there curiously with a tray of strawberries and mangos on it.
"I was just focused on my work, mother." He replied carefully, if he were to admit that he had been slacking off then she probably wouldn't let him go out with Yeonjun and them later.
"I'm happy to hear that!" His mother smiled widely, placing down the plate of fruits she looked down at the paper he was focused on. "I see this lesson is easy! I knew my smart perfect Beommie is going to ace this exam!"
Beomgyu smiled widely hearing that praise, now determined to not let his mother down he glanced over at the clock, noticing that he had an hour left before he would leave with Yeonjun to their hang out spot.
"I'm glad I've made you proud, mother, i'm going to finish up this assignment then i'll be getting ready to meet up with Yeonjun."
His mothers sweet smile faltered slightly when she heard her son say he was going to meet up with Yeonjun, and it made Beomgyu know right away what she was thinking.
"You don't have to worry mother, it'll be quick, I promise. When I get home i'll study extra harder!" He swiftly said before she could say anything else. Fortunately for him, it worked right away as a satisfied like smile formed on her lips instead of that upcoming frown.
"That makes me proud, don't get home too late, okay? I'll let you be now, just let me know when you're about to leave!" She tapped his chin softly, giving him a smile full of pride, knowing her son would be perfect at everything soon.
Beomgyu strained a smile as he nodded, waiting for a few seconds as she finally left the room he breathed out loudly, not realizing that he was holding in a breath that whole time.
bzzt! bzzt!
The male snapped his head over towards his phone after hearing it buzz, feeling quite anxious that it might be Yeonjun he mentally prepared himself and walked over to his desk, tapping his screen to see who texted him.
» new message from: Kang Taehyun
"Taehyun?" He mumbled softly, curious why the male had texted him, he knew it wasn't something strange though.
After Yeonjun had told them they'd be hanging out together on Saturday, the two of them exchanged numbers just incase they had to discuss what to do beforehand, but that plan seemed to not work since neither of them would text the other first.
Until now.
Beomgyu couldn't help but feel kinda happy the male had texted him, he was worried that Taehyun might've felt forced to come to the hang out, he really didn't want the male to feel uncomfortable. ever.
Taking a deep breath, he opened up the message and read over the text of Taehyun asking where they were going to meet up at. If he was honest, he preferred not to meet up at all.
But...it was the only thing they could to, the only thing he could do to get Soobin and Yeonjun together.
It was the right thing to do.
"Kang Taehyun! Over here!"
The pinkette glanced up from his phone and saw Beomgyu waving for his attention while Yeonjun stood right next to him, the both of them standing in front of the place where they had all decided to meet, which was a local cafe.
Looking over at Huening Kai who was trembling slightly, he couldn't help but sigh loudly from how nervous his friend was being around Beomgyu and Yeonjun.
"Hey, Huening Kai!" Beomgyu greeted him happily, causing the poor males mouth to drop slightly from how flustered he was when Beomgyu had greeted him. "How are you? I hope making your way here wasn't much of an issue."
"I-It was n-no—"
"There wasn't any issue, don't worry." Taehyun cut Huening Kai off to save him from embarrassment, he had noticed the male was stuttering more than usual so being the great friend he is, he decided to help!
"That's lovely to hear," Beomgyu smiled gently at Taehyun who gave him a straight face, glancing over at Yeonjun the male tapped his best friend to greet the two. "You're so rude hyung! You invited these two to hang out with us yet you won't even greet them?"
Yeonjun groaned softly and slipped his phone in his pocket, "Hi." he greeted them dryly, causing Beomgyu to grimace slightly from how dry the male was being.
"Anyways," Beomgyu coughed softly to get rid of the awkward atmosphere. "I think this is all of us, shall we head in now?"
"Hold on, we're waiting for one more person."
Beomgyu stared at Yeonjun in shock, he didn't expect the male to invite someone else to the hang out, not that he didn't mind he just doesn't know who—
"I'm sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?"
It was like a bucket of ice cold water was dunked all over him the second he heard that voice.
Slowly turning his head to look behind him, his eyes widened seeing Choi Soobin standing there a little red and out of breath which definitely indicated the male had ran here.
"You're fine, Soobin, we didn't miss anything. Should we go inside everyone?" Yeonjun asked the group, ignoring that Beomgyu was having an inner panic moment right now.
"Yeah, let's go, are you coming Beom?" Yeonjun called out for the younger, making the male snap out of his little panic.
He doesn't even know why he's panicking.
Is it because both Taehyun and Soobin are here? A situation that he never wanted to experience? Or is it because he still felt his heart fasten everytime he saw the blonde.
Biting the bottom of his lip, he knew not to make a scene, he had his... 'boyfriend' here with him.
If he wanted to successfully make Soobin and Yeonjun happen, then he has to ignore all of the bad emotions he felt right now.
"So what are we eating today?"
Taehyun and Huening Kai followed close behind the trio, they didn't feel left out at all since they knew all three of the Choi's were very close.
But Taehyun just couldn't help but stare at Beomgyu's figure.
Why does he look so sad being here? He thought, glancing over at Huening Kai who really did look like he was about to shit himself.
This is a nice seating arrangement. Yeonjun thought, eyeing the four boys in front of him as he picked at his food.
It didn't take long for them to find a good seat for themselves, but it was a little awkward since it was a six person table instead of five, so there was one empty chair.
Yeonjun glanced over to his left where both Beomgyu and Soobin sat, he was glad the two of them were next to each other. It could bring him some closure if he caught them staring at each other and talking with one another like they used to do.
They look good together. He thought, happy that Beomgyu and Soobin were at least talking a little bit.
Even if it made his heart hurt slightly.
Glancing over to his right, he saw both Taehyun and Huening Kai sitting next to each other, he found it a bit weird that the two of them decided to sit next to each other instead of Beomgyu and Taehyun sitting next to each other since they were both dating, but he guess it was fine since he knew Huening Kai was a bit nervous being around them, and with Taehyun being his close friend it made sense for the two of them to stay close.
It just doesn't make sense, His eyes flickered between Beomgyu and Taehyun. If the two of them are dating then why aren't they talking as much?
"Huening Kai, I like your phone case, molang right?" Soobin suddenly spoke up, complimenting the males phone case which startled the younger.
"Uh- yes! He's my favorite." Huening Kai replied shyly, staring at his phone case with pride that someone liked it and didn't think it was childish.
Even in an awkward situation like this, he's still trying to make others feel comfortable. Beomgyu thought, staring at Soobin and Huening Kai having a small conversation about something.
He felt awful, ever since they had sat down he couldn't get rid of the reoccurring constant dread in his stomach that would not go away.
Was it because both Taehyun and Soobin are here? Was it because he was put in a situation that he wished wouldn't have happened?
Looking over at Taehyun who was busying himself by staring at the table while chewing on some rice cake snacks they had ordered, it made him feel somewhat better that the male doesn't look too uncomfortable.
But then again, Taehyun always had a blank expression.
Looking over back at Yeonjun, he couldn't help but glare at the elder who immediately looked out the window.
He did this on purpose, he invited Soobin to find out if there was something strange going on between Taehyun and I.
He should've known that Yeonjun would plan something like that, but he couldn't get mad at the elder. He knew that Yeonjun didn't mean no harm and just wanted to clear out his suspicions even if it meant doing it in the weirdest way possible.
He knew the elder cared, he knew Yeonjun had always thought that him and Soobin would look better together than him.
But every time he thought about how Yeonjun had liked the blonde, maybe even longer than himself, it sent a wave of guilt over him.
How could he possibly date someone that his own best friend likes without feeling guilty?
"Choi Soobin? Choi Yeonjun? Choi Beomgyu? Kang Taehyun? Huening Kai? Oh my! What are you all doing here?"
All five of them looked up at who the new voice was, and all five of them had different reactions.
"Seong-jin!" Beomgyu gasped happily, surprised to see a friendly face in the cafe.
Yet Yeonjun and Taehyun's reaction was a mixture of disgust and annoyance at the sight of the two faced male.
And for Soobin and Huening Kai? Both of them stared at the male in confusion since neither of them don't really know who he was well.
"I was just passing by with Yoshino and Miyuki until I came here to try out the cafes new drink, but then I saw you guys..." His eyes trailed over to Soobin only, a light blush painting his cheeks. "And I wanted to say hi!"
"Well you said your hello already, so go away now." Yeonjun scoffed rudely, causing the table to quiet down awkwardly.
"Haha! Yeonjun-ssi you're funny," Seong-jin forced out a laugh, even though it was clear he was offended. "Do you mind if I sit with you guys? The girls went off somewhere without me and probably won't be back until later."
"Why cant you just text them to get—"
"I don't see why not!" Beomgyu swiftly cut Yeonjun off before he could make another rude comment.
Seong-jin cheered happily and immediately took the end seat that was across Yeonjun, allowing the elder to literally death stare the motherfucker down until he leaves.
After that awkward interaction, about ten minutes passed and all of the sweet treats they had ordered finally came out, allowing everyone to fill their stomachs.
"Say, Soobin, what kind of cake is that?" Seong-jin asked him, pointing at the very fucking obvious chocolate cake in front of him.
"It's uh a chocolate cake, I added extra chocolate though." Soobin replied softly, trying to not come off rude even though the question he was just asked was slightly dumb.
"Can I have a bite? I never tried chocolate cake before!"
Save me, please save me, give me strength not to slam a plate into his face. Yeonjun thought over and over, clenching his fists tightly seeing Seong-jin get so close to Soobin.
Seong-jin smiled widely and glanced over at Beomgyu who was nibbling on his cake slowly, he couldn't help but hold back a snort from how pathetic he looked.
"Say! Beomgyu!" He suddenly called out, making the male flinch slightly. "Can you tell us how it happened?"
"W-What?" Beomgyu croaked out, taken aback by what he had just said.
"You and Taehyun of course!" He said happily, causing the pinkette to look up right away from the mention. "It all happened so suddenly, I was really shocked honestly, especially what happened during lunch!"
Beomgyu couldn't help but feel fear wash over him, scared at what he was about to say.
"What happened during lunch?" Soobin asked causing them to look at him.
"You weren't there?"
"No, I had a gardening club meeting during lunch."
"Oh my, well isnt this interesting," Seong-jin gasped out, forcing back his evil smile. "Before he liked Kang Taehyun, he liked y—"
"Can you shut up?"
The table immediately went silent when Taehyun spoke up, loud enough to cut Yeonjun and Seong-jin off just in time.
"The people in the relationship, especially Beomgyu, aren't interested in talking about it at all." Taehyun spoke up again, literally glaring at Seong-jin with pure hatred in his eyes.
"So who are you getting excited to tell someone's else business like it's your own? Talk about fucking nosy and annoying."
. . .
"T-Taehyun! You must be hangry! Eat up!" Huening Kai immediately panicked, shoving a brownie inside Taehyun's mouth which made the pinkette choke loudly.
"I'm so sorry!" Huening Kai apologized, looking over at Seong-jin who seemed very embarrassed. "He usually talk like that about that type of stuff, If it makes you feel better even I didn't know he had feelings for Choi Beomgyu!"
Taehyun coughed loudly after chewing on the brownie for a solid thirty seconds, clearing his throat he scoffed and looked over at Huening Kai. "You never asked, we never talk about that stuff, you know it seems like you don't care about me Hyuka." he teased the younger slightly.
Which caused Huening Kai to panic even more.
Seong-jin ignored the little bickering and clenched his jaw tightly, pretending to look down at his phone he gasped out an over exaggerated gasp.
"Yoshino and Miyuki are here, I gotta go now, I'll see you all on Monday!" He rushed quickly, immediately getting out of his seat and practically bolting out of the cafe in embarrassment.
. . .
Both Taehyun and Huening Kai looked up at Beomgyu, Soobin, and Yeonjun. They both started to feel bad (mostly Huening Kai) for making the hang out feel so awkward.
That wasn't until all three of the Choi's bursted out in loud entertained laughter, causing the two best friends to become dumbfounded.
"What was that? Huening Kai you looked so scared!"
"I knew Kang Taehyun was teasing, but Huening Kai's reaction was golden!"
Taehyun and Huening Kai glanced at each other awkwardly, they really didn't know what the others found funny but decided to stay quiet.
"So what do you guys talk about then?" Beomgyu asked curiously, suddenly wanting to know more about the pink head and his best friend.
"Art, we talk about art or sleeping." Taehyun replied dryly, feeling awkward all of a sudden.
"Art? Oh right! You won last years art contest amongst the other schools right? Your signature is 'KTH'!" Soobin gasped out, suddenly remembering the art competition that was held last year.
The art competition that Taehyun won so easily.
"Uhh yeah, it's not a big deal though."
"Not a big deal?" Soobin mumbled softly, shocked at what he had just said. "You won the contest!"
Taehyun looked away and stared at the wall, he could feel his ears burning red from embarrassment that he was really being complimented right now.
"I'd love to see your art one day," Beomgyu spoke up, causing the pinkette to look back at him. "I'd love to see you paint it real time!"
"...I'll see."
Yeonjun glanced between the two and sighed, he could feel his stomach twisting in ways that felt uncomfortable, but seeing his friends so happy...
"Hey, I heard there's a new arcade place that opened up not too long ago, should we go check it out?"
Beomgyu glanced over at Yeonjun in shock, he was certain that the elder would conclude the hang out at this point, but with a fond smile he nodded.
"If the others are okay with it."
All three of them looked over at Huening Kai and Taehyun who seemed shocked that they were waiting for their answer, without a second thought Huening Kai smiled widely.
"Sure! We'd love to, should we go now?"
All five of them stood up from their seats, already paying for the desserts, they all headed out of the cafe chatting with one another.
But Beomgyu felt odd, he just couldn't keep his eyes off of Taehyun, the way the male kinda stood up for him before Seong-jin could say anything really made his heart feel at ease.
Staring at the distracted male with a fond smile, he glanced away realizing something.
Maybe... he really was starting to like Kang Taehyun's company.
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