eighteen || an unexpected (not so) double date!
Beomgyu hummed happily as he finally finished the last assignment he had brought home from school, staring at the paper for a few minutes to make sure he had everything right, he smiled widely and placed his pencil down, completely ignoring the cramps in his hand.
His eyes glanced over at the clock on his desk, making sure he had enough time the male got up from his seat and walked over to his closet to get ready.
It had been a while since he had hung out with someone, and usually he'd be excited and happy that he's finally hanging out with someone.
But right now...?
He felt like he was about to pee his pants.
Maybe because it was the first time he was about to meet his parents.
And he was going to hang out with the male, alone.
Beomgyu didn't mind hanging out with the male at all, they would hang out together at school most of the time due to their plan and fake relationship but now that he's finally acknowledging the fact that they're finally hanging out together without others they knew with them and without being on school grounds, it made him so nervous.
It's just a hang out though, right?
All they're going to do is look at artwork from artists around the city, it wasn't much but it was still something fun.
So why did he feel so insecure on what he was going to wear...?
This shirt is too plain... Beomgyu frowned, staring at a solid white shirt before tossing it aside, grabbing another shirt from within his closet.
This one doesn't match spring, this matches like winter or something. He internally sighed once more, throwing the light blue shirt with snowman's on it back into the dark depths of his closet.
He doesn't remember picking an outfit for a hang out being this complicated!
After nearly thirty long minutes of nitpicking an outfit here and there, Beomgyu had finally decided on a white and pink striped sweater, pairing it with some light colored jeans before he stared at himself in the mirror for a few seconds to confirm whether he liked his outfit or not.
"Whatever, it works. It matches the season outside anyway." Beomgyu sighed loudly, helplessly giving up as he grabbed his bag filled with his supplies and headed out of his room, making sure to turn off the light.
As he went down the stairs, it really started to hit him hard. He was about to meet Taehyun's parents then hang out with the male ALONE. Can you believe that? Alone?! He shouldn't feel scared right? Alone isn't alone because technically they'll be around other people but they're still going to be alone and then wjahekrhejehdj
He's going insane.
"Beomie, where are you going, my bear?"
Beomgyu froze in place when he heard that familiar voice right behind him, slowly turning around he glanced at his mother who stood there curiously, holding a plate of his favorite pandan cakes that she would always make him on rare occasions.
"I'm about to head out," He replied happily, turning his body as he stared at the cake with hungry eyes. "Do you need anything?"
"Have you studied?" Her expression immediately shifted to an irritated one. "Why are you going out if you haven't studied yet?"
"I..." Why do I suddenly feel so heavy...? "I did study, since 5 am."
He studied for seven hours, he knew that it wasn't enough in his mothers eyes but he needed to cram a bunch of study into the limited time he had before he needed to get ready for the hang out, what he didn't expect was his mother questioning him.
He honestly had hoped to avoid her.
Avoid? Why am I thinking that, isn't that disrespectful?
"Seven hours isn't enough, you know the amount I want you to study for is nine, are you trying to disappoint me?" Her expression turned cold as her tone became harsh, sending immediate chills down Beomgyu's body.
The feeling of dread and disappointment began to wash over him, he knew he shouldn't have shortened his study time when his mother kept track on everything he did. He didn't want her to be upset and disappointed in him, how could he ever be a perfect son if he didn't meet her expectations of him?
But... he wanted to see Taehyun, so bad.
"I apologize," Beomgyu spoke up softly, careful not to ignite the flames even more. "I promise I won't be out for long, I'll come back home and make up the time by studying for nine hours."
He knew he had no choice but to just listen to his mother, why would he disrespect her anyway? She sacrificed so much for him to be perfect, it would be a tragedy in his eyes if he didn't make it up by listening to her.
"You better, who are you even hanging out with today? Don't tell me it's that Yeonjun boy."
"Leave Yeonjun out of this mother," Beomgyu sighed softly, tired that she would always bring down his best friend for life. "It's with a classmate, my... friend, Kang Taehyun."
His mother stared at him, humming suspiciously before nodding her head in approval.
"I guess you can go, but make sure you get home early, or else you'll be studying for the entire day tomorrow and I don't even want one minute of slacking off, okay?" She said sternly, causing Beomgyu to weaken slightly from how anxious he was.
It wasn't the first time she would've made him study for an entire break with only two ten minute breaks.
"Yes, mother." Beomgyu mumbled softly, staring at the ground as he felt uneasy, why did he suddenly start to feel so upset when she told him to do that? Usually he would feel fine and understand why she was doing this for him.
His mothers expression changed from an angry one to a guilty one in a mere five seconds, a long sigh left her lips as she walked closer to the male and gently placed her hands on his face, lifting his head up so she could make eye contact.
"You know I'm doing this for you, right?" She asked him softly, causing Beomgyu to nod slightly. "I want you to be successful in life! You know too many distractions lead to failure, you don't want to ruin your perfection right, Beom?"
Beomgyu stood there silently, even though he knew what words to say in response they just wouldn't come out. So with a tight smile and an understanding nod, he agreed to what she had said, she was right after all.
"Don't embarrass me, Beomgyu." She said more strictly, letting go of the male before walking away from him.
The male stood there for a few seconds to recollect himself, sighing softly he brushed off all the weird negative emotions he felt and walked towards the door with an uneasy feeling in his heart.
He shouldn't be upset anyway.
He's seeing Taehyun soon!
Beomgyu knew deep down in his heart, though he wouldn't admit it.
Taehyun made him feel so much better about himself.
I really do hope this is the right place. Beomgyu thought nervously, approaching a very nice looking house, he really did hope he arrived at the right address cause if not he was most definitely going to die of embarrassment.
Just before he could knock on the door, in a split second the door had bursted open, showcasing a man who was definitely above six foot and who seemed to be around his late forties or early fifties appeared in front of him with a wide and excited smile.
"Are you Choi Beomgyu?" The man asked him, his deep tone sending fear down Beomgyu's spine from how scary he looked, even when smiling.
"I am!" The male replied awkwardly, trying his best to maintain a sincere smile, but this random old man who barely knew him just said his name! How is he not supposed to freak out? "Am I at the wrong address?"
"Of course not, you're at the right address!" The man smiled even wider, happy to see the male before examining him closely. "Are you really my sons friend?"
"Oh! Don't take offense, it's just that you look so kind, I'm unsure how he managed to befriend someone else other than Huening Kai because he's so grump—"
"Get out of the way! Stop it!"
Beomgyu's eyes perked up excitedly hearing that familiar voice, glancing to the side he saw Taehyun slightly push the man to the side with an irritated expression before facing Beomgyu, his tensed body easing down slightly.
"I'm sorry, I was using the bathroom, I know you said you could come over but honestly I'm starting to regret it." Taehyun mumbled softly, side eyeing his father who stood there happily.
"No! No," Beomgyu chuckled softly, finding the energy of Taehyun's father extremely enjoyable. "You're fine, your father is very kind, I was quite nervous he'd be angry I popped up."
A slight smile tugged on the corners of Taehyun's lips before he coughed to cover it, glancing back at his father, he wished him goodbye as the two of them went downstairs and started walking to the event that was soon going to start.
"So..." Beomgyu spoke up softly after the two of them walked in silence for a few minutes. "What's this event about?"
"I don't know."
Beomgyu's lips went in a flat line when Taehyun had said that, he had spent a near week panicking about being alone with the male but right now he just felt disappointed... why did he feel disappointment? He really does want to get to know Taehyun better.
The only time he had managed to get that cold ice wall that surrounded Taehyun to melt was when he had stuck up for him, whenever he thought about that moment he couldn't help but have his heart race and stomach twist in an uncomfortable way.
"Your father is nice, you look exactly like him, handsome." Beomgyu said without thinking, glancing at Taehyun who's eyes widened slightly and his ears began to flush red. "How about your mom?"
"My mom works during the daytime," Taehyun explained softly, gently grabbing onto Beomgyu's wrist to keep him close when cars were passing by. "It's usually my dad that's always home, what about you?"
Beomgyu sighed softly, not knowing what to say, but he trusted Taehyun.
"My parents are divorced," Beomgyu spoke softly, watching Taehyun switch sides of where they were walking, he was now walking next to the road instead of him. "My dad went to go live in Daegu, I stayed here with my mom."
"Ah..." Taehyun nodded, not knowing what to properly say. "I'm sorry."
Beomgyu chuckled softly, nodding his head the two of them continued walking down the street to where downtown was, which wasn't far. Only a twenty minute walk.
"The event we're going to is called the 'Pallette Festival', it's where artists from around the city come together to showcase their artwork and even have little booths, showcasing different art styles and ideas." Taehyun explained, causing Beomgyu's eyes to light up happily.
The male was never into art that much, but ever since he met Taehyun and started joining the art club, he would find himself drawing more things instead of fifteen smiley faces or stick figures with frowns on them.
However, there's something he wouldn't admit out loud...
He would never admit that he would purposely stay behind in club or go to art events just to see Taehyun painting, it was something he admired so much.
"It sounds exciting!"
"Really?" Taehyun snickered, finding Beomgyu's behavior childish. "I thought you'd hate it, some people say it's boring as hell but to me it's one of the best places where I could admire other artists creations and gain new ideas for my own."
"It's not boring!" Beomgyu immediately defended himself, frowning slightly that Taehyun had the audacity to laugh at him. "Artwork takes time and patience to make, even perfect, and that's something I love to admire. I admire every artist out there who takes hours or even days of their time to create something that pleases others but also speaks to them."
Beomgyu glanced over at Taehyun with a warm smile, but he soon got a bit worried when the pink head was staring at him with slightly widened eyes, like he didn't expect Beomgyu to confess something so sincere.
"H-Huh?" The male suddenly stuttered, clearing his throat as he looked away from the male, his ears burning red. "Yeah, uh, sorry. I agree with you, I guess."
Beomgyu smiled fondly towards the male, even though he was confused why he suddenly became so flustered, the male looked forward and sighed happily... trying to brush all of his worries of his mother off of him.
He wanted to have fun, spend time with Taehyun, after spending so much time worrying if it would be awkward he now has to worry about his mother who was absolutely pissed at him for not reaching the maximum time he should study.
"Is there something bothering you?"
Beomgyu looked over at Taehyun who had a genuine concerned expression on his face, it made him wonder if he had said his worries out loud. He knows how to read people.
"I'm..." I shouldn't dump my worries on someone else, they're my own issues, not theirs. "Nope! I'm fine, I think I'm just spacing out, excited for the festival!"
Taehyun only replied with silence, the look of doubt washing over his face, but he didn't bother pushing more if Beomgyu didn't want to tell him.
He looks so mad, is he mad...? The male began to internally panic, afraid he had messed up their friendship with his worries. I knew I should've stayed home! I should've been studying all day to prep for exams but—
"You know," Taehyun spoke up gently, grabbing onto Beomgyu's wrist to make him look at him. "You can trust me with whatever is bothering you, okay?"
Like a classical kdrama or fairytale, Beomgyu felt his heart stop when he was forced to look at Taehyun.
It was only sincerity in the males eyes, no doubts of concern or even lies, he meant it.
He slowly felt his heart beat again, pacing up even more rapidly than before, he couldn't tear his eyes away from Taehyun's genuine eyes. Like an ocean, he wanted to fall deep into those comforting eyes that just gave him warmth and validation.
"Okay," Beomgyu finally breathed out, exhaling that breath he didn't know he was holding in. "If I can trust you with how I feel... will you do the same?"
The expression Taehyun had on his face was a mixture of shock and fondness before it shifted into the softest smile Beomgyu has ever seen someone give him.
"Of course I will, Beomgyu."
Beomgyu couldn't hold back his smile, he felt so happy that the bond between him and Taehyun increased just a bit more, that's what he wanted... for the male to be comfortable around him.
The two of them began walking down the streets again in comfortable silence, the hand that wrapped around his wrist had been long gone but in replace was Taehyun's pinky wrapped around Beomgyu's a comfortable gesture that they felt happy with.
Beomgyu wouldn't admit out loud... but damn.
He really did admire Taehyun.
The moment Beomgyu and Taehyun arrived at the festival, it was like all those boring allegations of it were never true, in fact Beomgyu finally understood the reason why Taehyun loved it so much.
There were various activities that they could do, some of them included face paint, caricatures, arm painting, just so many activities that involved so much artwork, Beomgyu never knew it was possible for that to happen.
"Beomgyu," Taehyun called out for the male, making the ravenette come back to reality. "I forgot to mention that there's a little competition near the end of the festival, artists from around the city submitted their artwork."
"A competition?" Beomgyu gasped in amazement. He had always loved competitions and showcases, just seeing what every individual that signed up prepared for it amazes him so much. "Are you in it? Did you paint something?"
A small smirk formed on Taehyun's lips, only for him to walk away.
"T-Taehyun?" Beomgyu stuttered in shock, taken aback by the males sudden leave. "Hey wait up!"
Taehyun held back everything in his body to not laugh at how clingy Beomgyu was, even when the area wasn't crowded at all he felt the male gently hold onto his sleeve to make sure they weren't separated at all.
Usually, he would be one who would never go out to these type of things alone, even if he went with someone other than Huening Kai he always found himself clouded with anxiety and wanting to go home right away, but with Beomgyu he didn't even feel a trace of that anxious feeling at all.
"Taehyun!" Beomgyu tugged on the males sleeve like a child, gaining his attention. "There's a little painting station over there that I want to try is it okay if we do?"
Taehyun looked over in the direction that Beomgyu was pointing at, his eyes landing on a station where you could get anything painted on any parts of your body.
"Sure, as long as it doesn't cost money."
The two of them walked over to the area who was owned by a girl from the neighboring school, Mago Academy. After learning that her name was Eunha both Beomgyu and Taehyun sat down.
"Do you guys have anything in mind or any place you would want?" Eunha asked them, preparing her paint with a soft smile.
"A purple lilac, on both of our wrists." Taehyun interrupted Beomgyu, as if he had already had the idea in his mind.
"That'll take a bit, especially on skin, but i'll try my best!"
Beomgyu glanced over at Taehyun who was looking away from him, that's when he finally got to admire how... perfect... the males side profile was. He knew that Taehyun was handsome but did he suddenly become even more handsome?
Snap out of your daze! Beomgyu mentally slapped himself, feeling tingles shoot through his body when Eunha had started to carefully paint the purple lilac on his wrist. I've been so distracted lately, my mind is so preoccupied but i'm unsure why.
After a very long thirty minutes, Eunha had finally finished up painting the lilacs on their wrist, and the results? Pure. Fucking. Perfection.
Even when they were walking away to find something to eat, Beomgyu couldn't help but hold Taehyun's wrist next to his and stare at the beautiful lilacs that were matching, feeling a sense of happiness wash through him.
"These are really pretty," Beomgyu smiled widely, gently letting go of Taehyun's hand. "What made you choose purple lilacs?"
"That was the first thing that came to mind, not big on flowers but Huening Kai is obsessed with them when he's not painting." Taehyun yawned softly, at first he was extremely nervous that he would accidentally wipe the flower away but thankfully it dried well enough.
"It's really beautiful, I honestly was just going to say draw a dog or something."
"You are not creative."
Beomgyu scoffed loudly, glaring at Taehyun with an offended expression. "You really should—"
"B-Beomgyu... Taehyun...?"
Beomgyu's eyes suddenly widened hearing that familiar voice, a voice who belonged to someone he was definitely close with. Slowly looking over in front of him, he gasped in horror seeing not only one but TWO of the people he's closest with.
Beomgyu doesn't know exactly how got here, or how awkward the situation suddenly became.
But if he were to say that he wanted to crawl into a hole and die right then and there really wasn't a lie. Right now, after shockingly finding his two best friends at the same event him and Taehyun went to, there's was nothing that came to mind on what to do but to go to one of the picnic tables and talk.
Fucking talk.
"What are you guys doing here?" Beomgyu asked sweetly, pretending like he didn't just internally panic seeing his best friends here at the event. "Yeonjun, I never knew you were into art!"
"I'm not," Yeonjun scoffed, crossing his arms as he eyed Taehyun weirdly, the pink head pouting and sulking while sitting there silently. "I was dragged here by this bozo."
"You said you would come with me!" Soobin frowned, pushing Yeonjun slightly which made the male hiss angrily at him.
Beomgyu couldn't help but stare at the two fondly, finally happy that there was progress of them becoming closer. Back then, something that he had notice was that Soobin would never hang out with Yeonjun one on one, only appearing when he was there. The only times he would see Soobin and Yeonjun hanging out is when the male would ask him for help on a project or to get something for the snack bar.
He was happy that the two were closer.
But why did he start to feel so sick...?
"Well sorry for disturbing your date," Taehyun spoke up, venom just dripping down from his tone, showcasing how annoyed the male was, way different than the gentle one he used with Beomgyu earlier. "But you two can leave now."
"How about we just hang out together," Soobin suddenly offered, causing both Yeonjun and Beomgyu's eyes to widen. "Like a double date! We can be on a double date!"
"But we aren't on a date, Soobin!" Yeonjun groaned loudly, gaining the attention of others who seemed worried by his sudden distress. "I'm only here because I thought it would be fun, not lame."
Just before Twehyun could open his mouth and shut the damn offer down he was suddenly cut off by Beomgyu who gasped happily.
"Of course! Let's all hang out together, it sounds fun!" Beomgyu smiled brightly, he loved bringing his friends together.
It was a surprise that he didn't notice Yeonjun and Taehyun's expressions of horror and disappointment.
After a few more minutes of bickering, the four of them got up and walked around the area, occasionally stopping by some areas where there were fun activities that sparked their attention.
And soon enough after long long hours, sunset finally came, which meant the start of the showcase and competition soon began.
"How did you like hanging out with Soobin alone?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun, the two of them waiting in a long line to order some sweet strawberry lemonades Beomgyu saw earlier. "It's my first time seeing you two together."
"It's okay, sorry to crash you and your boyfriends date." Yeonjun mumbled softly, crossing his arms as he stared at this one dude in disgust when he bumped into him. "How was your date, before we crashed it."
"It's..." I had totally forgotten Taehyun and I are dating, even outside of school we have to keep the act up. "It's good! We got matching painting tattoos or something!" He held up his wrist to showcase the pretty lilac with pure pride.
Yeonjun stared at the lilac with longing in his eyes, he had long given up the desperation act to get Beomgyu and Soobin together, but there was only one thing that he couldn't figure out. Soobin's true intentions towards him.
"I'm glad your happy," Yeonjun quickly ordered their drinks before talking again. "You happy makes me happy, I guess I was just so frustrated in my own beliefs I didn't want to listen to you... sorry."
"It's okay! Don't worry!" Just as long as you and Soobin get together it's perfectly fine.
Yeonjun patted the males head softly before walking over to the area where the showcase was happening, easily spotting Soobin's tall ass in the crowd, even better now that the male was blonde.
"Where's Taehyun?" The first question that was asked when Beomgyu approached Soobin.
"Your boyfriend went backstage, I think he's part of the competition." Soobin hummed softly, thanking Yeonjun for ordering a drink for him.
Part of it? Beomgyu's eyes widened slightly, suddenly finding himself pushing past people to get up to the front front, ignoring the calls of his best friends. Is that why he smirked? He's part of it.
"Alright, next we have K.T.H with his painting called "beauty in springtime"! Let's give a round of applause to him!"
Even though Taehyun didn't come out on stage, most likely to avoid pictures and such, the huge covered canvas was soon uncovered, revealing the most beautiful piece of artwork Beomgyu had ever seen in his life.
In the painting, all of the beautiful small details, made Beomgyu admire it so much.
A flower field with cherry blossoms surrounding it, pink petals and butterflies flying around as the golden hue of a setting sun shined down on it, creating the illusion of a beautiful realistic landscape. It was beautiful, Taehyun had captured the pure essence of how spring truly was gorgeous, but what caught his attention more was the mysterious boy in the middle who looked up towards the sky, holding his hand out for a beautiful butterfly that kissed the top of his finger tip, causing an unknowing warmth to swirl in his stomach.
The details of the mysterious boy in the middle caught Beomgyu's attention so much, the way his eyes were fond — showing pure happiness even though it was just a mere painting. The way the corner of his lips were slightly up, almost as if he were about to break into a gigantic smile, but what caught his attention most was the familiar small mole near the corner of his lips.
Causing Beomgyu to unintentionally touch the same mole he had.
"Wow!" The host gasped in awe, also shocked like Beomgyu was by how detailed and beautiful the painting was. "Can we get an applause for K.T.H? This is an absolute masterpiece!"
The loud sound of cheers knocked Beomgyu out of his trance, finally hearing Yeonjun and Soobin besides him calling out his name.
"Beomgyu, are you okay?"
"You're spacing out there a lot."
"I'm fine," Beomgyu breathed out, not knowing why his heart was racing so bad and why he couldn't tear his eyes away from the ethereal painting. "I-I-... where's Taehyun?"
"I think he's still backstage," Soobin replied calmly, looking down at the male in worry from how much he was spacing out. "They're about to announce the winner soon, why don't we just wait and stay for him?"
Beomgyu felt his throat clench tightly, his hands trembling with an unknowing feeling. Why did he suddenly start to feel so weird when he saw that painting that... that...
"Doesn't that painting oddly resemble you, Gyu?" Yeonjun suddenly asked, noticing the faint similarities within the painting that had similar features to Beomgyu.
He just HAD to fucking point it out.
"I'm-" Why can't I say anything? "I don't know—"
"The winner is!!—"
"No, I do see it, it definitely does look like you." Soobin joined in, causing Beomgyu to crumble slightly as he started to feel overwhelmed.
"Is it..."
If Taehyun had really painted him and named the painting "beauty of springtime" that had to mean something right? He doesn't want to accuse him of anything but the way he felt his mind start to fill up with questions that were most likely going to be left unanswered.
"The winner is K.T.H! Congratulations! We'll hand you your prize soon!"
The loud roar of happiness exploded throughout the crowd, causing Beomgyu to flinch slightly. Not being able to take his eyes off of the painting until he felt Yeonjun and Soobin drag him away from the small stage, causing him to finally snap into reality.
The male couldn't think properly, but he only felt one feeling pulsating through his heart, an uneasy one.
He would be lying to himself and everyone around him if he didn't say that the painting made his heart skip a beat.
Beomgyu became entranced in the beauty of Taehyun's paintings, and he doesn't want anything more than to stare at more everyday.
"Congrats on winning Taehyun! I bet that artwork took weeks to make!" Soobin greeted the male happily, watching him walk towards them with some bag.
"Thanks," Taehyun replied dryly, dismissing Soobin as he immediately looked at Beomgyu. "Did you like it?"
"I did!" Beomgyu beamed happily, "It was beautiful, the way you captured the beauty of spring time was really- amazing!"
Taehyun's ears started to heat up but he kept his poker face, only a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips was seen.
"Thanks, Beomgyu." Taehyun said softly, looking over at Soobin and Yeonjun who both congratulated him, Yeonjun's sounding a bit strained.
"Alright! I think it's time for us to head back now," Soobin spoke up after checking the time, it was nearly eight and that was near the deadline Beomgyu was supposed to be home. "This double date—"
"— not a fucking date!" Yeonjun hissed.
" — was very fun!" Soobin smiled brightly, "We'll see you at school next week!"
Beomgyu wished his best friends goodbye as him and Taehyun now stood there finally alone. The male couldn't help but smile just thinking about his artwork that he created.
"Congratulations," Beomgyu breathed out softly, the two of them intertwining pinkies as they began walking in the direction of where home was. "You deserved it, what did you win?"
Taehyun stayed silent for a few minutes, almost as if he had no idea what to properly say. After some time of comfortable silence the male sighed and stopped walking, holding up the small bag.
"I won a prize, but it's useless to me, I think you should have it." He mumbled uncomfortably, like there was a deeper meaning behind it.
Beomgyu's eyes widened in shock seeing that the male wanted him to take the prize that he won, he did feel bad for a few seconds but seeing the slightly desperate look on his face made him take it.
"You can open it at home, we should really head back to your house."
"W-What? What do you mean 'we'?" Beomgyu repeated what he said, staring at him in shock.
"What? I'm walking you home, the streets arent a good place to walk home alone." Taehyun shrugged, ignoring the fact there's multiple people on the sidewalks and that the lights were shining brightly.
Beomgyu wanted to protest, he wanted to tell Taehyun that it was okay and that he should hurry home as soon as possible, yet there was another voice shouting at him to walk the male home too.
"How about we walk to your house first, you're closer, I'll be fine walking home alone." Beomgyu smiled gently, offering that deal to Taehyun who raised his eyebrow.
"Please?" Beomgyu dropped his tone to a softer one, unknowingly giving the male pleading eyes which made Taehyun slightly choke up. "Just this once! Then the next time we hang out together you can walk me home!"
Taehyun breathed out a shaky sigh, running his hand through his pink hair he just nodded and grabbed onto Beomgyu's pinky again.
"Fine, but just this once."
Beomgyu smiled brightly as the two of them began walking down the street together, neither wanting to stay silent as they talked about a few things here and there.
Even though Beomgyu was confused on everything he felt, he knew that there was one thing that he can confirm that he knew.
He's beautiful.
For Beomgyu, he felt so overwhelmingly happy being around Taehyun, and he hopes that feeling never changes.
Beomgyu instantly slammed his door shut and locked it right away, covering his mouth as he tried to hold back tears the male dropped the bag that Taehyun had given him on his desk and ran to his closet to change into proper clothes.
Being around Taehyun had made him lose track of time, completing forgetting he had to be home by 8:30 he had accidentally arrived home a little over nine and was immediately greeted with anger from his mother.
She had screamed at him, calling him ungrateful and disrespectful that he had angered her two times in one day, telling him that he was now forbidden to hang out with anyone or even go outside of the house until he proves he can pass his exams.
Beomgyu didn't know why he felt so sick, he knew he was at fault for not paying attention to the time, he knew that it was his fault for disappointing his mother.
He was a disgrace in her eyes.
He would do anything to change that, even if it meant isolating himself from everyone.
Holding back his panicked breathing, the male slowly turned his head towards the bag Taehyun had given him.
"You can open it at home."
He recalls Taehyun saying that, he slowly walked over to the bag and opened it up to see what was in it.
Finally seeing what the contents were inside, his heart absolutely exploded seeing a beautiful red rose surrounded by lights invaded in a glass dome, something that looked like it was straight out of Beauty and the Beast.
"Taehyun..." He breathed out in amazement, watching how the flower looked so much brighter within the glass and surrounded by lights. "Thank you..."
Looking in the bag once more, his eyes widened as he pulled out a cinnamoroll plush wearing a squirrel costume, his stomach exploding with fireworks when he realized why it looked so familiar.
Biting his bottom lip gently, the male couldn't contain his smile, all of his sadness and frustrating washing away in an instant as he hugged the plush closely, acting as if it were Taehyun himself.
I really do admire you, Kang Taehyun.
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