Gauri povs...
I just shock to see him... He come near me with bloodshot angry eyes... I know very well those eyes...
He stood in front of me... My mom is confuse...
Why u hide to me about my daughter..
He said with so much anger and hate... I can't understand him... How can I... I don't know anything about him...
Beta... U... U..
My mom said in confusion and shock..
M ommkara maaji...
He said to clear everything to my mom...
U... U r ommkara..
My mom said with happy tear... I just see him with shock...
Maaji please... I want to talk with gauri alone... Please...
He said to my mother join his hand... My mom leave us....
I just not able to react... He just come here suddenly and now question me about khushi...
Tell me gauri... Why u not say anything about my khushi to me...
I can't understand how to answer him... M scared... Confused... Hurt and angry... M silent...
He hold my shoulder harshly in anger... I feel pain...
Just tell me damn it...
He shout on me... What m answering to him... He himself reject our marriage... He reject me to accept... And now he question me... My hurt is turn to anger now...
Omm povs...
After her mom leave I question her again and again but she is silent... My anger on peak now... How can she do this... I want answer...
I hold her shoulder and shouted on her... Then.... She said while jerk my hand...
Why... Why m going to tell u... Who are you...
She said with anger and pain... I feel it... But my anger over on me...
m her father... M your husband.. I had right to know about u and my daughter....
I shouted again... She just laugh with tear... M confuse
Who?.... If u forget Mr oberoi... I will make u remember... U reject our marriage... Then how I m your wife... U reject to accept me.. Then how khushi is your daughter...
She is right... All are my fault..I see the pain in her eyes.... But I still not forgive her to separate my child from me...
Just shut up... It does mean you hide my child from me... How could u do this to me...
I said in a flow of hurt... She again smile in tears...
Really ? ... Then tell me... How can I say it to u... U said anything about u to me.. U said who are u? U said me your address... U even said me your full name... Just tell me...
Gauri povs...
He just burst out on me... M angry... How can he shout...
He said he had rights to know about me and khushi... Rights ? .... He still not realize his own mistake... He reject me... Not I m..
He said how could I do this... Can he not remember anything... He not told anything about him to me... And now he is here to show his rights...
Ommkara povs...
She is absolutely right.... How can she told me when she don't know anything about me... But m in anger... May be m confuse about my feelings towards her but not for my child... She is my daughter and no one can change this truth...
And now... I want my daughter and gauri with me... I don't want to think anything... I want them... That's it...
Yes.. M not telling u... But why you leave me after that night... Don't you think to talk with me once...
I said in much cold tone... She just see me with shock...
I not leave you... U force me to leave... N why u here... Just go to your finance.. She must be waiting..
She said with hurt... I feel it... Can she loves me...
Shut up gauri... Whatever u say... It's not change the truth that khushi is my daughter... N u not snatch my rights on her...
Gauri povs..
He said me why I leave him after that night... Don't he know... He force me...
He said khushi is his daughter and no one can snatch the rights... Can he realize it before... That may be m pregnant... Can he remember me for once in this three year.....
M too hurt to his questions... What kind of man is this... I just say in anger...
How do u know khushi is your daughter... May be I sleep with someone else...just I sleep with u.. And khushi is.....
Ommkara povs...
I shouted and raise my hand to slap her after listen this... She just close her eyes.. But I stop...
How can she say this.... How can she pointed to her own character... I can't bear this... May be I don't know anything about her... But I feel it... She is not a cheater... She is not a lier...
I know khushi is my daughter...
I just go near window and my back face to her... I try to control myself... She again said....
Please leave my daughter and me alone... I don't need u...
M just angry again... I turn to her...
Stop it... She is my daughter also... And now u and khushi come with me to home... Did u get it...
I ordered her... But she not agree...
M not going anywhere with u..
I just too hurt... I know what she was doing is right... I deserve this... But... Now I can't do the same mistake again... I have to give her rights as my wife... No.... Not because of she is mother of my child... Because she deserve this...
Gauri please understand... Khushi need me... She need her father... She need her parents...
Gauri povs...
He about to slap me but stop... I know what m saying it's wrong... But m hurt...
I said him to leave us... But he said he take us to his house... Why m going with him who reject me... He ordered me... I just can't understand what he want....
M not agree... He said me khushi need us... Really... Where is he... When we need him the most.. Now he realize about her needs...
Really... Then where are you when she need you the most.... She still happy with me... She don't need u.. Understand...
I shout..
Ommkara povs...
I know m not there... When they need me... But now I can't leave my family... I have to take her with me... By hook or by crook....I know she not agree easily....and she is right...I deserve her hate..... But I have to make her agree ...
I don't care what are you saying... U and my daughter come with me right now... And that's final...
I said in much strict tone... Hope that she is agree.. But..
U show your rights... U said my daughter.... My daughter... Then tell me... Her birth time and place... Tell me what she like or dislike... Tell me her sleeping time or eating time... Just tell me...
M just silent... I have no answer to her questions... I don't know anything about my daughter... Nothing
Tear started rolling on my Cheeks... M hurt... I don't know anything about my child... What kind of father I am...
M not come with u nor my daughter... Just leave from here...
She ordered me... No... I can't leave them... Yes.. M responsible for all this... But I can't leave them again... So I play a game to convinced her or as I say to scared her...
Fine... U don't want to come right... Then I take my daughter with me.. U live here alone... N u know my power now... U can't take my daughter from me...
I play this game to convinced her... And prey to god that she convince..
Gauri povs...
He just ordered me... But m not agree..
Now he said he take my daughter from me... How could he do this... How he think to separate my daughter from me... I can't live without her... She the only reason of my living...
Before I say something he take khushi in his arms and move... M just scared to lose my daughter... No... I can't live without my child...
No please... Don't take her... Please
I pleaded to him and cry... But he is not in a mood to listen me...
Ommkara povs...
She lost in thought... I should have to do something otherwise she is not convince...
I take my daughter and act like m leaving... She cryed..she pleaded... It hurts me... But I have to do this... I can't leave her again to suffer...
Gauri mom come there...
Damad Ji... Please don't separate my gauri from her daughter...
She rqst me... My guilt is increase now.. But I have to be strong....
Then tell your daughter to come with me maaji...
I said her with soft tone... Gauri is still hold my hand and crying...
Yes... She go with u...
I feel relief when she said that... I hope gauri obey to her mother...
Gauri povs..
He just not listen to me...
My mom said I go with him... But I don't want that... Not just because m angry on him... But also I know his family not accept us... N now I have no courage to face more humiliation...
But before I say something he hold my hand and dragg me to the car... He sat me inside forcefully and give khushi to me...
I want to come out but my mom...
Gauri... Please dear... Give him one chance.. For sake your daughter please...
I just sit their silent after listen this... I don't know what to do... I just hug and kiss my daughter... Tear continually flowing on my chheks..
Ommkara povs...
After her mother said she just silent... M scared if she said no... Then..
No.. I can't let that happen... I hold her hand and forcefully sit her in car.. I know m wrong... But I have no option... I don't know what is happen at my house... But I decided one thing... I never leave my daughter and gauri ever...
If needed... I leave my family but not them... I saw she is crying..m hurt.... But what to do... I drove towards OM...
Thank you...
I thought to end it in 3 chappy... But may be it had 5 chappy...
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