Adjust with grammar errors
Ommkara pov...
It's getting dark now... But m still in the park... I saw my phone... So many miss call from mom dad and prinku..
I sigh and get up... I have to go home now...
But just I started to walk... I bump with a little thing
It's a little cute girl... I caught her before she fall.. I take her up in my arms....she is may be just two or three years old... She started crying... May be she afraid from me... Because m a stranger for her... I will try to console her but she didn't stop...
Don't know why I feel restless to see her crying.... And another strange feelings come to me... Yes... I love kids... But this feeling is different... I feel like I know her... She is like a part of my life...
And... Another thing... Which caught my attention... Her cute face.... no doubt that she is the cutest girl in the world....but I feel Like I know her... I see this face before... How and where...
Gauri... Yes... Her cheek... Nose and hair just like gauri.... Gauri... Really... What I m thinking... Why I stop always at gauri... But... It's true... This little girl look like gauri... But... Except her eyes.... Her eyes is different from gauri... Who's eyes is this...
Ohh... It's look like me....what... U mad ommkara.... But... It's true... Her eyes is just resemble of my eyes... The Brown orbs with long eyelashes... It's my....
Ohh god... I slapped my forehead... What I was thinking... I imagine gauri and me in a little child... May be m going to mad of over thinking...
An old lady ran towards me shouting...
She is khushi... My granddaughter...
Saying this she take the little thing to me and console her... The little girl is calm now... I smile to see her...
Khushi.... Perfect name for her...
I said to the old lady... Because I smile when I see this girl.. I still feel some attachment towards her...
The old lady thanked me and go from there... The little girl's head on her shoulder.... She staring me while going... And see me with my eyes...
I mean her eyes... Her eyes is just look like me... So I said this....
But it's late now... I have to go...
Povs end...
Gauri house...
Gauri povs...
I called my mom to come soon.. When she come she said she take khusi in a park... I didn't listen her fully and said to pack bags... We have to leave tomorrow...
She is shocked... She ask me the reason... But I can't tell her... She also don't know anything about ommkara... Because I don't know... So what I will tell her...
But.... Now I know everything... Who is he.... He is a billionaire... If I said it to my mom that I found him.... She surely go to ommkara and told him everything... And I don't want that.. He is a rich man... And he is going to marry ishana... Who is also a billionaire like him... Both are perfect for each other... And I .... If he know about me and khushi..... He crushed my daughter... He may be said rubbish things for khushi...he not accept khushi.. .. No I can't bear it...
My mom asking me again and again but I stay quite.... At last she give up and go from there...
After my mom go I collapse on floor... Silently crying with hugging my daughter... I can't let my daughter suffer... She is the only reason of my living...
Povs end...
At OM...
Ommkara povs....
When I come home.... my parents irritate me with their questions... Ishan also call me and ask why I leave from there... I didn't say anything to anyone and go to my room...
I know may be I hurt my parents... But right now m not able to answer them...
I not had my dinner.... But I can't sleep... I continuously thinking about gauri... But.... Suddenly a strange thought come into my mind... I sit on bed with a jerk...
What if... If.... I could not think properly.... I remember that girl who is mixture of me and gauri... What if gauri is pregnant after that night... Ohh... What I m thinking... It could not happen... It's not possible...
Why.... Why it's not possible.... The girl is look like us... And she is 2-3 years old... What if she is my daughter...
My daughter....
What the hell m I thinking.... She is a little girl... Don't know who is her parents.... N here I imagine lots of things... May be m mad now..but I spend a night with her.... No... It's not possible omm... What are you thinking...
But.... I have to meet gauri.... Not for clearances my stupid thoughts but I want to talk with her... I want to know how is she...
My mind said... No need... It's all over... But my heart said... It's not over... May be u had no rights... But u have to meet her for once... And..... For the first time I listen to my heart and decided to meet gauri at morning...
With this thought I fall asleep...
Pov end..
Gauri pov...
After done packing.... I feed khushi and make her sleep... My mom still upset on me... Because m not telling her the reason of leaving... But... How could I tell her the reason...
I don't want to eat... But my mom... She upset on me but force me to eat... Mom's love is just like that... I eat a little to show her...
Now we are sleep on bed... Khushi hugging me... And mom sleep on other side of the bed... But.... Sleep is far away from me... I continuously thinking about him and my fate...
Can he ever think about me after my leaving?? ... I can't find answer... May be not... But.... Can't he think after that night... May be m pregnant... My mind said no... Never... If he remember me or thinking about me... He surely search me... What I m thinking... Why he search me... Why.... N I think he totally forget me right now... But he look shock when he see me at the function... No gauri... Don't expect false hope... It's not possible... He forget u long... Now he is happy with ishana.. U had no rights to interfere in his life..
I saw khushi sleep peacefully on my cheast... I smile to see her cute face...
She is just look like me... But her eyes is totally resemble to her father... Those eyes... In which I lost myself... I kiss her eyelid.... If someone know us.. Then he quickly found out that she is our daughter...
Our daughter...
No.... She is only my daughter... I don't know if he knows about khushi... How could he react... But... I know one thing... He can't accept us... N now he going to marry someone else... So... It's better to leave... With this thought I faal asleep...
Pov ends...
Ommkara povs..
I got up in early morning... I said sorry to my family at breakfast table... After breakfast I quickly go to meet ishana... No.... No for apologize... For find gauri's address.... But... First I have to apologize if I want gauri address..
I said sorry to her... Somehow I find gauri's address use of my some tricks... As a businessman I know how to get information from others... I quickly go towards the location...
My heart beating faster... And I don't know why... I don't know what I will talk with her... But it's true I want to meet her... Honestly right now m dying to meet her... What is this feelings... Can it's call love... I don't know... I think everything is clear when I meet her...
Povs end...
Gauri povs...
I m ready to leave Mumbai early morning with my family..... But... Again my fate play game with me... My train is late... It's going in evening... So I have to wait till evening for leaving...
But.... Don't know why... I feel something is going to happen... My heart suddenly beat faster... I don't know what is this... But.... I try to calm it...
After breakfast m in my room... Mom make khushi sleep in other room... It's a small house... It's only had two rooms and a kitchen... M just sitting on bed... Unknowingly tears rolling on my cheeks... I just lost somewhere.. I don't know where...
Pov end...
Ommkara pov...
I reach the place... I ring the doorbell... But m shock when the lady open the door... It's the same old lady who meet me at park... She know me and ask what is happen... I can't able to say anything... I don't know who is she...is she gauri mother or Can I reach at wrong address..?
But... I lying to her... I said my car is puncture and I feel thirsty so I come here ....she believe me so easily and I go inside... I feel little guilty to lying her..
She take me to a room... I sat on a chair... She give me a glass of water and say me to stay here till my car repairs... She go to other room... I don't know it's gauri house or not...
I see the whole room and try to find gauri.... May be I not found her.. But my heart said she is here...
Just than I saw the same little girl sleeping on bed near me.... I automatically smile when I see her.. She is such a cute girl.. I go to near her and kiss her forehead... I don't know why I do this... But... I want to do it..
Just than I remember... It's gauri house... The old lady said me that it's her granddaughter... It means... Can it's .....gauri daughter... My heartbeat faster to imagine my thoughts...
No.. No... May be m wrong... It's not clear that it's gauri house... I just in a mess... The girl is look like gauri and me... And I found her in gauri house... I feel attached to this little girl... What is happening with me...
Just than... I listen a sound from the other room... I silently go towards the room... I still hold the water glass...
I saw gauri... Yes gauri... She is talking with the old lady... She not see me because m standing at the door... After 3 years I saw her... She still look same ...her eyes... Her little nose...her pink lips...her long hairs...her slim body.. Same.... But just little thinner than before...
Wait... How would I know that she thinner or not... Can I observe her this much... We spend just three days with each other...and I observe her this deeply.. How... And how could I can't feel it before...
I silently stood there and listen their conversation... Because gauri is crying... And I want to know why....
Pov end...
Gauri pov...
I sit on my bed... I listen footsteps and some sound in other room... But I ignore it... Because I lost in my own world... I think about my past again and again... Tear continuously rolling on my cheeks...
My mom come to me... She wipe my tears and ask me again and again... What is happen with me... And now.. It enough... It's enough for me... I can't control myself and hug my mom... I started crying badly...
My mom is too worried to see me like this... And then I told her everything...
I saw him mom.... I saw ommkara... He is here...
I said my mom with more difficulty..
What... He is here... Tell me where is he... We are going to him... We tell everything to him about khushi...
I knew it.... I know my mom do this after know about him...
No mom... I m not going anywhere... He is going to marry someone else and I don't want to disturb him...
I said my mom with a heavy heart....
But... How could he do this... Khushi is his daughter... He had to take responsibility of her...
I know my mom is rit... But... He can't accept us...
No mom... He can't accept us... And I don't want to know him that khushi is his daughter... He is not an ordinary man mom... He is a billionaire ommkara singh oberoi... How could he accept my daughter....
I said to my mom... To clarify all things...
But... U have to told him once about khushi... He is khushi's father... He have rights to know that he had a daughter...
I about to say something... But I listen a breaking sound... I saw towards the door... I just shock and horrified to see him... The water glass slip from his hand and he see me in shocking... Hurtful and angry eyes...
He listen everything... He know that khushi is his daughter... Now what happen now... How could he react... I just seeing him....
Pov ends
Ommkara pov...
I listen their conversation... But m confuse... She said my name... It means she remember me... But why she is crying...
When her mom told that she tell me all about khushi... M confused... What is that she want to told me...
Gauri said she don't want to disturb me... What was she is saying... Why would I disturb... And one thing.. Who told her that m going to marry ishana... Just because dad announced.. No way... M not going to marry anyone...
Her mom said... What... Khushi.... Khushi is my daughter... But how... It means my imagination is true... M still confuse... And why she not told me anything...
It means it's true.... Khushi is my... My daughter... I didn't know how to react... Happy or sad or angry.... Why I don't know about it... Because she think I can't accept my daughter and her... Just because of m a rich man... It does not mean I had no feelings... It does not mean I have no heart...
My daughter... I just overwhelmed to listen this... M a father... I m so happy that no one can ever imagine... Its like my dream come true... I always want my first child as a girl... And here... I had a girl child... Who's eyes just same with me... I can't express my happiness right now... What kind of feeling is this.... May be it's call father's love... I love my child... I love my daughter...
But.... Just than I listen.... Gauri mother is rit.... I had right to know about my daughter.... How could she do this to me... How could she separate me from my child... Just because of her stupid thought that I can't accept her... She do this to me... I don't know about my khushi since 3 years... May be I had no rights on her as a husband.... But how could she snatch my rights on my daughter...and she still not want to tell me about my daughter... Why...
I want answer... May be I know the truth.... that's why she do this but I can't accept it.. Because now I m only a father.... Who separate from his child since 3 years just because of her mom... I fell anger towards her...
I through the glass on floor and go towards her with anger...
To be continue....
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