t h r e e: Ouch... that hurt!
*Picture: Tiana Johns (Lillian's bestie)
"Help!" I blurt out the most obvious thing ever and the second that word leaves my mouth I regret ever speaking up. Why is it that my filter always goes out of the window when I'm around hot people? I quietly admonish my few remaining brain cells to sober up and go back in business.
"Sounds like something you'd say to your therapist... not me!" he scoffs, getting more annoyed by the second by my existence. He leans back into his seat, basically glaring bloody murder at me.
Maybe Tiana is right. He's perfect for this job! I don't think I'll ever fall in love with such a douche-bag. And based by his reaction to me as much as being close to the same level as the air he breathes, he doesn't like me either.
"Look, dude, I don't like you a bit!" I admit frankly and his eyebrows crease almost immediately, nearly touching his hair-line. I soon hear a small scoff leaving him, like it's the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard in his life.
"The feeling is more than mutual." he bites back coldly and moves a hand through his hair, ruffling it a bit more. He cocks his head to the side waiting for me to be offended by that. Well, he'll probably be waiting for an eternity or a miracle for that to happen!
"Which is perfect for the agreement we'll have in a few seconds, since you're going to be my love coach!" I say with an eye-roll, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. He stares at me gob-smacked with his eyebrows knitted.
"Say what?" he finally manages to breathe out carefully, as if he's negotiating with a psychopath.
"You'll be my love coach. You'll help me find my one true love and get in a relationship with him!" I clarify and smile cheekily at him. He blinks a few times, stands up abruptly almost knocking his desk over and eyes me wearingly, as if I'm a ticking bomb who's about to go on in a few seconds, his eyes slowly widening in alarm. Okay, maybe I was a bit too straightforward.
"I don't do charity work! And especially not the low kind!" he grunts out and throws a dirty look my way. Ouch. He quickly strides out of the classroom with his back-bag loosely strapped onto his back.
"Ouch, don't know about your weave, but mine just flew off to a whole other galaxy. But seriously, it could've gone so much worse. You should've tried to go more with the flow though!" Tiana's voice peeps at me from the other end of the classroom.
"Seriously? All the asses' assholes out there must be so jealous of him, cause he's too good at being one of them!"
"Can't argue with that. Look, maybe he's not the right one for the job after all! I mean, to be completely honest, my choice on him was mostly purely based on his...uhm... looks, if you get me!"
"No! He's not just gonna humiliate me like that and get away with it! Hot or not, this guy is so going to be my love coach, whether he likes it or not!" I splutter out, blood pumping through my veins and my face surely a burning red, eyes popping out.
"You seem so sure about that! Let's just not get ahead of ourselves, okay? I mean, c'mon. I came up with this stupid term 'love coach' on the spot. It's not like it's an actual job people do out there! And there's plenty of other hot fish in the sea that would gladly be your love coaches!"
"Too late! I'm already too convinced with your idea to back down now! And the only coach I'll be ever be getting is Aiden Cuber himself! It's me against him and I'm telling you. In no time Aiden Cuber will be my very own love coach!" I fold my arms across my chest and sigh in determination.
"No time, huh?" Tiana snickers the second Friday of the following month.
"Look, getting guys takes time!"
"You would know!" she teases me, knowing fully well it's gonna rile me up.
"You know what? I think we plotted our plan to perfection and revised it enough times! Aiden Cuber, here we come for you!" I say confidently, maybe too confidently, and the color drains from Tiana's face.
"But we only revisited and revised our plan twenty times over the last week! We surely need more time than that!" she reasons with me, but it's too late already, as I make my way over to the locker hallway to find him. She follows hot on my trail, muttering incoherent words under her breath.
"He's not here!" Tiana states the obvious, while we're standing right in front of his locker and sags in relief. Like that's gonna stop me from searching all over the school and if necessary the whole city for him! I'll find his sorry-ass even if it means sending a search party to look for him!
I shift my eyes swiftly around taking everything in. That's when the storage room a few steps away flies open. A certain Aiden Cuber comes out followed by a lady, our math teacher Miss Pissy no less. They stand there, their back to us, unaware of our spying-asses just a few steps behind them.
They look lovingly at each other, well, Miss Pissy at Aiden anyway, and then she proceeds to fully kiss him on the lips.
What the actual fudge cake?
I hear an involuntary soft gasp leaving Tiana, as she stares at them just as horrified as me. Miss Pissy smiles at him like he's her long lost soulmate from mars. She, then, walks away from him in our opposite direction, adding too much sway to her hips. That's when Aiden turns around, only to be met by two pairs of watchful appalled eyes and gasping mouths. His mouth drops open. Mine slowly twitches into a smug smirk.
"Busted!" I sing-song loud enough for him to hear and he walks quickly over to us, his distress and uncomfortableness obvious on his face and his stiff body language giving him away.
"How much did you both see?" he asks dryly and gives me a death-glare, enough to freeze the blood in anyone's veins. Well, not mine anyway, because they're too hot for their own good!
"Noth..." Tiana begins, but I cut her off with the biggest smile ever: "Nothing but everything."
"What the fuck did you see?" he repeats in a clipped cold tone, as his daggers bore holes into my head.
"If I were you, I would surely drop that tone and that attitude right away. Doesn't suit you anyway to be honest." I bite back.
"So what? It's not like I actually need good grades anyway. I just need to pass all the subjects in order to go on my football scholarship. That's all!" he explains, but I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.
"And hanging out with teachers on a close friendly level is your way of passing your classes?" I tsk and raise an eyebrow. He inches a step back. My smile only gets wider, as a golden idea pops into my mind.
Aiden Cuber... about time now you're gonna be my very own love coach hehe!
A/N: HaLu... iT's mE!
Who else doesn't trust any idea that's ought to be 'golden'?
Only me? O-okaaay.
Thank you so much for reading!❤️Don't forget to vote if you like da story, so I can send you some love that you deserve!!!! And follow ma sleeping potato-butts if you want to!
Here's all the love for youuu<33333
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