s e v e n: Great aim, by the way!
*Picture: Jason (new character)
"I hate you!" Aiden spits out in hatred for the fifth time in a row, this time stressing every single syllable and giving me an annoyed disgusted glare. If looks killed, everyone would be probably too busy right now preparing for my funeral.
"For the bazilyionth time. I'm sorry. It was unintentionally intended!"
"Save it! Unless you make my right eye any less of this ugly blue swollen color and wash away the huge bruise on my forehead I'm not forgiving you!"
"It was my foot, not me, I swear!," I remind him apologetically.
"So now your foot has a mind of its own? Oh, right, you don't have any brainers to start with. Of course your foot would have the need to grow their own goddamn mind since they grew desperate of you getting one!"
"Chillax, dude! You'll pull through this! You only have to put up with being ugly for a few weeks. I have been dealing with that for years and years now!"
The 100-year-old grandma nurse gives him a frozen sweet peas bag, while unashamedly checking him out. Well, he does look good under that tight t-shirt though. He moans like a small girl and winces in pain once he gently presses it against his swollen eye. He acts so childish sometimes. Good thing his good looks make up for it!
At this point the door swings open revealing a very handsome topless guy on the other side, grinning like he just won the lottery and a few Oscars on his way to the school's Nurse Office. I recognize him as one of the football team players, the goal keeper. He walks in, hands in his pockets, chin up to the sky and a dazzling smile on his full lips, his bronzed dark skin shining, as if he just came straight out from a cleansing commercial.
"Well-deserved, dude! Let's face it, your face looks better off covered anyway!,"He says wistfully with a drooling-worthy Mexican accent and looks my way, raising an impressed eyebrow, "Great aim for a petite girl like you by the way!"
"I know right! Didn't know I had it all in me! Guess I only needed an annoying target to let it all out and put my true talents out there for the world to see,!" I smile back at him.
"I'm Jason. You?," he introduces himself courtly and extends a hand to shake mine. I place mine into his firm long fingers almost immediately with much enthusiasm.
"Watterson. Lillian Watterson," I stumble over my words awe-struck. Gosh, he got them abs. I eye them out trying to count his packs. Should've brought my calculator along!
"So, Lillian. I forgot my number. Can I get yours instead?," he asks smoothly, giving me another panty-dropping smile. I'm sure my mouth is hanging open like a dumb drooling goldfish by now.
"Sure! Well..." I speak up, but Aiden rudely butts in interrupting me:
"Fuck off, dude. We won't be needing you here anymore anytime soon! Try coming back in...," he pauses for a bit.
"Well, how about hellin' never!"
"Shut up, dude. It's not like I'm here to check up on you anyway. I'm here for the prettiest woman alive!," And he nods his head my way and goes as far as winking at me. Aiden lets out a loud long sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose. Meanwhile I'm sure my heart just skipped a few beats. I'm glad to be still alive though to ogle Jason some more.
"Get out. Now!" Aiden yells at him and Jason pales momentarily. I jump at his tone. They gaze into each other's eyes in some kind of a stare-off. Jason blinks and loses. He turns on his tracks not too long after mouthing me a 'Later' and gracefully leaves the room.
"What the heck did you just do? And how do you dare talk to my future husband like that?," I hiss at Aiden with narrowed eyes and a knitted forehead. How dare he disrespect the love of my life that I met for the first time not a second ago. The nerve of him!
"Yeah, I would say so myself!" Tiana's voice rings in the room and I quickly look behind me just in time to see her pushing herself out of the first aid's box hanging on the wall.
"I figured to give you three some privacy. But not too much privacy in case you needed my assistance. So I got up in here,
had problem getting in, but I'm fine! Don't worry about me, these leg pains will fade away in a few months, or years, hopefully!"
"Your bestfriend is officially a crazed nut job!," Aiden throws his free left hand that isn't holding the ice-pack in the air exasperatedly.
"Tell me something I don't know!," I tell him, shaking my own head at her weird antics. Nevertheless, I still love the living nuggets out of her.
"Look," Aiden starts and takes a calming breath," I know you really wanna find the love of your life. I assure you though, Jason only does flings. He doesn't do relationships. Basically like everyone else on the football team. He isn't the right guy. He's a jock and a basic douche-bag. And hanging out with him is wasting your time and mainly mine that we could more preferably use on finding your real guy and getting this stupid agreement over with!"
When I don't respond he averts his eyes to meet mine and sighs heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. He speaks once again, this time much calmer, keeping his anger in check: "Look, he's not a good person. And I hate him. Probably more than I do you which is humanly impossible."
Long breather."In conclusion, fucking stay away from him!," he then snaps at me with flaring eyes.
Hmm, I'm sure there's more to this story than what he's actually letting me in on.
"Fine!," I tell him to ease his mind, while I consider all glorious hundred ways to hit Jason up without Aiden finding out.
"Are you sure there isn't any other way, but this?," Tiana directs her question at me, laying flat on her front just like me.
"Nah!," I answer and track our target down. It's a while after school and Jason is in the field doing some pushups and other exercises. And lemme tell you, what a sight to behold! I could stay all day over here just creepily ogling him like a true professional stalker!
"How about we set some ground rules before you do anything stupid like the brainless act you will doing in a few minutes? Ya know, to make this coaching thing work out. You know what? The first rule would have to be never going against your love coach's word! Because against your better judgment he knows better than both our dumbasses. Yet here we both are going after Jason, although Aiden clearly warned us of him!" she points out smartly, blowing a small breath.
"He's hot though!," is my lame excuse. I hand her the binoculars to have a better look at him, but she politely declines. I think she's had enough eye-candy for the day. Can't relate over here.
"Second rule, never lie to your love coach. Again. Since your first lie got us here in the first place. And third rule, never fall for your love c...."
"Hold up right there! Fall for him? Ha! Like that's ever gonna happen. Every time we see each other we both have that undeniable primal urge to wring each other's necks!"
"Just putting it out there, calm it down with your weird primal urges! And now, how are you going to accidentally bump into Jason? Who do you think you are? Some Wattpadian heroine at the start of every romantic story?"
"Jeez. Just watch me. I acted in two plays before!," I say modest-as-ever, blowing a small breath.
"Right, that was in play-school! And you played the part of a tree and didn't even utter a single word for the whole three hours of the play!," she shuts me right up.
She carries on: "And besides, if he catches sight of both of us laying on the ground like that, what would he think of us? Other than being two weird-ass peas in a pot of course which is a given anyway! How do we even explain why we're spying on him? Can't you just go up to talk to him like any normal human-being would or would that be too normal for you?!"
"Relax, he wouldn't be able to catch a hold of us, because we're really well hidden under this tall grass, just trust me oka...," I argue back, when a loud voice from a distance calls after me:
"Lillian? Is that you down there?," Jason's confused voice gets at us. Oh, shoot!
A/N: Heyaaa!!!
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