o n e: Wait... what?
*Picture: Lillian Watterson (heroine)
A/N: Hey there, beautifuls! Thanks for clicking on this story! I really appreciate every single one of you❤️ YOU GUYS ROCK!!! You just made my day by clicking 'read'.
Make sure to leave some comments/votes if you like the story, so I know who you are and send you some love!!! <333
That's the part where I tell you all about copyright. Not because I'm dying to, but because everyone does that basically. Yeah, I'm pretty original if I would say so myself. Bet you weren't ready for this though:
This story's under copyright
Stay clear, let's not fight
Forgive me if you might,
Don't steal, it's alright
*all poets be quaking rn*
Okay, enJOY!
*hands you a milkshake, chocolate bars and some extra pillows in case yo lazy butt is laying in bed rn just like mine*
"Are you sure that's even legal?" she asks me nervously, biting her nails. She, then, adjusts her big pink rimmed glasses on the bridge of her button nose and the glittery red bow on the top of her head.
I put a finger right in front of my mouth silencing her. I take another spoon of the Nutella jar I'm holding and let out a small satisfied moan once I place the sweet heaven safely into my mouth.
"Seriously, Lillian? Do you really think it's time for food while we're right in the middle of breaking into the target's house?" she asks in a hushed, gruff voice and shakes her head disbelievingly at me. I offer her a spoon and she accepts it almost immediately.
"There isn't really a certain time for food when every time is just as good as ever." I reply back with a shrug. Tiana Johns, my bestfriend, the milk to my shake, nods in understanding. Food was always something we bonded over.
"Don't you think it's really all too much? For example..," she tells me exasperatedly and holds up a pair of swimming googles and purple fake kids' sunglasses from the Dollar Store,"Why would we ever use these miles away from the nearest water surface at 2am?"
"Better safe than sorry!" I say sheepishly. And take another spoon of Nutella for inspiration.
"Easy for you to say, since I'm the one to carry that heavy-ass backpack!"
"Hello, I'm the one carrying the Nutella jar... one of our most important many snacks. Can't I get any appreciation over here? Look, let's just get this over with. How are we breaking in? We can jump through the kitchen window on the ground floor. Or climb onto that tree over there and squeeze in through the opened window. Although carrying both our weights would count as abuse for any poor tree out there." I say thoughtfully, eyeing the house in front of us wisely.
"How about we just go through that open front door right there?" Tiana shrugs suggestively.
"Well, It's not the worst idea ever. I prefer mine though!" I huff out dramatically.
"I'll take that as a compliment! Now, can we get out of here? We've been sitting in these bushes in their garden for way too long. Look at my face!" she exclaims and points at her green face under the soft light of the flashlight.
"I think the chlorophyll really got into my pores. Do you think I'll turn into a plant at one point or another?" she murmurs and scratches her green chin.
"I have a feeling we won't have to wait too long to find out! Now, let's get out of here, before you grow a root too." I whisper and start crawling out of the bushes.
She follows me shortly and we both position the tutus we're wearing for undercover.
"I don't think we really need those..." she mumbles.
In a few long strides we arrive right at the door and push it ajar. Tiana regards me wearily, as she slowly trails after me into the dark house, heading right to our target's bathroom that's right beside her bedroom, guided by our flashlight. I feel around for a light switch until I find one. The light fills the bathroom that's not-so-surprisingly bigger than my living room. I step forwards to the shower. Tiana hands me the bottle of cheap white hair dye. I grab the only shampoo bottle on the shelf and smile devilishly.
With a big smug smile plastered across my face I emptied a few ounces of the full shampoo bottle in the sink and filled it to the very top with the white hair dye instead. Tiana stands nervously at the door, patrolling the area for any signs of the family members, in case they wake up during the night.
In a matter of seconds we're running out of the house laughing quietly to ourselves. Mission accomplished! Huh, wait until she wakes up, goes in for a shower only to find her blonde hair completely white! That's what she deserves for laughing at my blue-dyed hair. I caress my long soft blue waves. If she seriously thought I wouldn't take revenge, she probably had a thing going on in that mind of hers. In case she has one in the first place, of course.
"Now, about that Nutella jar," Tiana trails off and gives me a weird look, "Where is it by the way?"
"I thought you had it!" My eyes slightly widen, glancing at her with an open mouth.
"You were the one responsible for the jar, remember?! Actually, it was the only thing you were responsible for!" she huffs out in a long breath and furrows her brows.
"I knew we would do something stupid and leave some traces trailing back to us in there!," I cry out and pinch my forehead, "How could I be so stupid? And why does it hurt so much losing that jar, as if I just lost my own child?"
"Whatever, it's not like the Nutella jar is enough evidence for our identities. Going back might be too risky. What if we really get busted this time? I'm not ready to spy on the house from these bushes for another few hours to make sure everyone's knocked out asleep! My butt has been through enough for the day! Is there any organization for human's butts out there?!"
"You know what, you're right! Now, about that other Nutella jar I packed in the bag you're carrying on your back..."
"And done!" I chirp happily the following day -Monday- and cross out another item on my bucket list:
5.Forgive who? Stay up and plot your revenge on someone who did you wrong aka Cindy Rendall, the school's Queen B.
"You've already dyed you hair all colors of the rainbow, went to school in a bikini for a week, slept in for a month, ate only fast food for two weeks, went for a run in New York's streets in a Potato Costume and skinny dipping in a public pool at noon. What's still left on there?" Tiana yawns and stretches her arms lazily over her head, laying diagonally on my bed.
"Nothing-g really-y.." I stutter nervously and twirl a piece of hair around my finger, avoiding eye contact like the great liar I am. I cast an eye over the last uncrossed thing on my list.
She stands up disgracefully and inches closer to me. She eyes my list for a while, before she scrunches her nose and looks pointedly at me: "Yeah, right! How about that very first item on the very top of your list clearly reading: get a boyfriend and fall in love?"
"Well, that's a hopeless case," I say with an eye-roll, followed by a heavy sigh. No guy ever really approached me or asked me out so far. "Plus, I'm already taken... by pizza. We've been in a relationship together for over a year now!"
"Well, that's... concerning." she says jokingly, I think. I turn my head around to her, as she stands right next to me, staring at the ceiling, the wheels of her mind clearly turning. After a while she finally scrunches her nose again and looks my way: "That's it! You need help!"
"I know right?," it takes me a hot minute to register what she said and what I answered with, "Wait... what?"
I glare at her questioningly.
"Like a professional kind of help!" she explains and presses her lips into a thin line. Suddenly her eyes light up as if a lightbulb in side of her head was just turned on. I don't have a good feeling about this...
"You need a love coach!" she blurts out all of a sudden earning herself a puzzled glance from me. What in hell is that about? Love who?
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