f i v e: Non-existent fashion sense in distress
*Picture: Lillian's t-shirt
A/N: *says she updates weekly*
In SpongBob's voice : oNe eTerNitY lAtEr
*updates a mOnTh too late*
*cough* sorry you guys, here's two new chapters for you tho<3
A whole box of pizza, two caramel sundaes and a chocolate molten cake later I spot Aiden standing in the school parking lot with a bunch of girls attached to his hip. Literally. They all lean back towards him, rubbing against him in that way that makes you gag and just die agonizingly of cringe.
From what I can vaguely see behind the human shield that's flirtatiously reposed against him he's wearing snug light-washed jeans, a blue v-neck shirt that his chest just perfectly and a leather jacket. And boy is he looking like a snack!
I walk over to them in a quick stance.
"Good morning, Coach. What a beautiful morning, aye?" All eyes turn to meet mine, looking at me like I've sprouted a third eye, two horns and a tail.
"It would have been if I didn't have to see your face first thing in the early morning. And besides, don't ever call me Coach again!" he snaps irritated, as he rubs his face with both his hands and releases a huge annoyed sigh. Wow, he looks so glad to see me!
"Awww, you seem blessed to start your day with my beautiful sight. How sweet, Coach!" The few girls I now recognize as some of the popular cheerleaders gape at me, as if I just crossed all boundaries, turning the nature's balance upside down by talking to a popular kid. They look around astonished, probably waiting for a whale to fly by.
He grunts and breaks free from his human shield, that all look offended he pushed them aside. He holds me by the elbow, pulling me to the side. I break free from his hold and square my shoulders, as I fold my arms over my chest and look up into his deep blue eyes. Were they always that beautiful shade? Probably. He sighs once more and silence consumes us for a few awkward seconds. Neither of us having anything to say.
"I hate you!" he finally breaks the silence, stressing every single syllable. He doesn't stop there and goes on in a sharp hiss: "You are the most annoying person I've ever met, and now you're pressuring me to be a stupid-ass love-ass coach... and worst of all, yours!" he harshly whispers. He scratches his scalp and both of his hands pull on his hair frantically in obvious frustration.
"That makes the two of us! You're the most selfish arrogant rude hot prick I know with the lack of any morals! So the sooner you find me the love of my life, the sooner you're done with your job and the sooner we don't have see to each other's ugly faces ever again!"
"Fine! But don't talk about my face like that ever again! Today, after school, first coaching lesson. Wait for me in this very spot!" he murmurs under his breath bitterly and starts strolling away in stiff long steps. I smile victoriously. I'm so good at this black-mailing thing! Too good even, if I shall say.
It's the end of the school day. No backing down now! I see Aiden appear at the door of the school building quickly leaving. He approached me cautiously, looking around first for any signs of people watching us, then runs up to me hurriedly.
"Get in the car before anyone sees us together!" he barks my way, fear laced into his words.
"What car?" I chide, too busy taking another mint gum's life away, as I brutally chew on it.
"That one! And your chewing sounds are annoying me! Actually, your entire being is annoying me!" He points at some fancy black Mercedes parked not too far away. Fancy. Looks like he's got them green bills! I like!
"Okaaay!" I chew louder purposely and he briefly closes his eyes in agony. He, then, shakes his head in disbelief.
I walk over to his car and get into the seat next to the driver's one.
"Oh, no! You're sitting in the back!" he orders me. Who does he think he is? But the hottest most handsome coolest bastard ever?
"Nah, I prefer the front privileges!" I throw his way and get in before he does. He bangs his fists on his car hood angrily, but caresses that spot quickly after and I hear smooching voices. He's kissing his car to make it better?
"Sorry, Sally! You don't deserve this! But neither do I. Gosh, I don't know what I did in life to end up in this stupid situation! Well, I did a lot actually, but still, goddammit!" he whispers so low I can barely hear him. Is he... having a conversation with his car? He gets in and with oh-so-much-care closes the door behind him.
"Sally, huh? What a pretty name for a pretty girl!" I tease him, holding in a laugh or two.
"Sally who?" he quickly, too quickly actually, says and looks away. The faint blush creeping onto his cheeks doesn't go unnoticed by me though. He starts the engine, effectively putting an end to any future conversations.
A few minutes into the uncomfortable silent ride I start fidgeting into my seat.
"Stop moving around! It's unbearable " he spits at me from behind the wheel.
"Well, stop breathing! It's unbearable! And are my small movements annoying Sally that much?" I flare at him with an eye-roll. His grip tightens on the steering wheel until his knuckles turn ghostly white. He turns his around to me just to give me a dirty look. Ouch.
"Oh, stop it already. I'm barely holding it together. I'm suffering too, you know? Too bad I dislike which makes you perfect for this job!," I tell him matter-of-factly.
"Now, where are we going to?"
"Get you new clothes and preferably a sense of style!" his sarcastic answer comes.
"Hey, what's wrong with my sense of style?" I ask offended, looking over my oversized jeans and black hoodie with a huge Ketchup stain. My eyes immediately hurt.
"Other than it's not even existent, nothing really!" he says in a clipped tone, not even sparing me a side-look.
"Yeah, and I have a feeling I won't be getting any guys with this shirt!" I cast my eyes down at my 'Fries before Guys' shirt.
"Let's get this over with once and for all!" he says dryly, clears his throat and pulls over to the side a few long minutes after, the large H&M building right in sight. I get out of his car, slamming the door shut.
"Careful! You're hurting Sall...uhh..." his tongue slips and it's too late to correct himself. So he does call his car Sally? Ha!
"Sorry, Sally!" I shout loudly and a few people passing by look with confusion at us, moving their glances between me and Aiden, clearly wondering where's this hurt Sally at.
"Excuse us, she isn't on her medication yet!" he says equally as loud, pointing a finger my way. Sorry, what?!
People nod understandingly and he smirks at me. I scowl in response and wave him off. He sticks his tongue at me in triumph. Bastard.
I quickly make my way over to the huge H&M entrance. Right away I go for the hoodies racks. But a sudden strong hold on my shoulder stops me in my tracks.
"No... I think you have enough of these!" Aiden utters behind me.
"Correction, you could never have enough hoodies! And the 30-what hoodies I got in my closet don't really count!" I croak out weakly.
"Right. Now, how about we find you other stuff than aren't necessarily hoodies, sweat-shirts, leggings or baggy pants!" he muses. Why did he just sum up my whole closet in one sentence?
"And that aren't black...," he adds dryly, "Why do you wear so much black anyway?" he asks intrigued.
Why does everyone keep on asking me this question?
"To match my dark soul. And if they do invent a darker color, I'll probably wear it it too!"
"Fine, let's start over there!" he points at the new items section, but my cheap-ass heads enthusiastically right for the clearance one.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, I stumble over completely nothing —another underrated hidden talent of mine- and brace myself for a face-to-floor direct contact. But it never comes. Upon opening my eyes I find myself right in Aiden's warm embrace, his muscular toned arms around my waist holding me back from falling. His musky scent spreads like an aroma around me. His hot breath softly blowing against my neck. Holly nuggets!
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