In a kingdom far away, there was another girl. Her name was Isabelle. She ruled there. Except when she touched her mirror, the surface melted into a charred heap of ashes. She glanced at it and sighed. She had liked that mirror. Unfortunately, her powers did not make an exception for her favorite mirror. Most things she touched set fire or melted the instant she touched them. Sometimes, if she concentrated, she could safely pick something up. She was worrying over Elsa, her friend in the kingdom of Arendelle. That morning, she had received a call from Anna, about her sister. Anna was worried that Elsa had not been acting the same lately, as if something was wrong. Isabelle didn't know what that meant, but she had promised Anna that she would visit in a couple of weeks. She had then had to hang up, because the phone had begun to smoke. She was slightly, irritated, because in her opinion, Elsa had it easy. At least in the realm of weird powers, she had it easy. There was no easy in their world. At least, with Elsa, she could eat without her entire meal bursting into flames. If she ate quickly, the worst that could happen was a frosted fork. Though it wasn't like she had no sympathy for the girl. What had happened to her was awful. A lot of people in her kingdom thought it was Elsa's fault (Though no one said it out loud, of course). But in Isabelle's opinion, it was the fault of the parents. I mean, maybe if they had let Elsa into the world, everyone would have accepted her from the beginning, neither sibling would feel trapped, and they would calmly socialized and none of those dramatics would have happened. And then, her parents had went and died (Okay, maybe that wasn't their fault, but still). That left Elsa with no one to help her with her struggles, and then Anna would not have started hating on her sister for not talking to her or doing anything she wanted to do (Including marrying a man she just met). But really, if the parents had raised their kids like kids, for goodness sake, maybe their life would be perfectly normal. But that was only her opinion. Isabelle tentatively touched the doorknob and swept the door open to go have dinner.
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