01. Pilot
Rosewood, Pennsylvania
Spencer Hasting, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields and Aria Montgomery were currently in the Hastings barn, listening to loud rock music while passing around a drink and waiting for their clique leader Alison Dilaurentis to arrive for their sleepover.
As the four girls were laughing amongst themselves, suddenly the lights around them turned off and the music was stopped, "Whoa, what happened?" a suddenly scared Hanna asked as the girls scrambled to turn their torches on.
"It must be the storm" Spencer suggested, the most logical one in the group of five, she stood up from her seat and started lighting the candles that were placed around the barn when suddenly a creaking sound was heard.
"Guys, something's out there" a terrified Aria whispered.
"Guys" Hanna called out, seeing the barn door open by itself.
The four girls quickly huddled together and looked towards the door, they slowly started walking towards when the sound of something crashing caused them all to let out loud screams of terror, once they saw no one was there, they once again started walking towards the door when suddenly someone came out of the shadows and jump scared them, "Gotcha!" Alison screamed, making the four girls scream in fright.
"That's so not funny, Alison" Spencer scolded.
"I thought it was hilarious, girls" Alison laughed.
Spencer shook her head at her best friend, "You're late" she pointed out.
"Sorry, Lo refused to let me go" a smirking Alison said, immediately causing the Hastings girl to look away, hoping the hurt expression on her face wasn't obvious.
"I've never seen someone be so smitten by anyone the way Lo is smitten by you" Aria gushed.
Alison gave Aria a small smile before her eyes darted to Spencer who was back to lighting the candles, the Dilaurentis girl knew it wasn't her who the bad boy of Rosewood was smitten by, but that doesn't mean she isn't going to do everything in her power to make sure no one finds out that Loren Rivers has a thing for the youngest Hasting and was only using the Dilaurentis girl to be close to Spencer.
Alison Dilaurentis was usually known as the girl who used people to get what she wanted, but for the first time in her life she met someone who used her, and she had to admit it wasn't a nice feeling, which made Alison even more determined to keep Lo and Spencer away from each other for as long as you could.
"Ali, did you download the new Beyonce?" Hanna asked, bringing Alison out of her thoughts.
"Not yet" Alison admitted as the five girls sat down.
"I'm loving her new video" Emily said.
"Maybe a little too much, Em" Alison teased, the mocking look on her face immediately causing the smile to fall from the Field's girls face, Alison grabbed the drink glass and passed it to Aria, "Your turn, go on".
"Careful, Aria" Spencer warned as Aria took a sip of the drink, "Take too much, and you'll tell us all your secrets".
"Friends share secrets" Alison stated, "That's what keeps us close", the girls smiled at Alison, believing her every word, not even thinking for a moment to question it, Alison looked at Aria again, "Drink up".
Aria slowly opened her eyes and immediately a confused expression formed on her face, she didn't remember falling asleep, she looked around the Hasting's barn and saw Emily and Hanna sleeping on the couch while Spencer and Alison were no where to be seen.
"Em" Aria called out, shaking the Field's girl awake, which also woke Hanna up.
"Where's Ali and Spencer?" a sleepy Hanna asked as she slowly sat up.
Aria shrugged her shoulders, "We don't know" she admitted, she stood up and walked towards the barn door where she saw the silhouette of someone, "Ali?".
Turns out the silhouette wasn't Alison's, it was Spencer, "She's gone" the Hastings girl informed as she walked into the barn.
"What do you mean she's gone?" a worried Aria asked, wondering where did their best friend go.
"I've looked everywhere for her" Spencer informed, "I think I heard her scream".
One Year Later
A completely transformed Hanna Marin, stood infront of the mirror at the shopping mall, trying on some sunglasses, she turned to the salesman, "Could I see the pradas in the front?".
The salesman looked at all the sunglasses Hanna had already tried on, "I'll have to put some of these back".
Hanna took off the sunglasses she was wearing and looked at the salesman, "But they're all maybes".
The salesman smiled and went to grab the pradas, while Hanna's new best friend Mona Vanderwall called her, "Hey, is this me?" she asked, showing Hanna the scarf around her neck.
"Or is it a little too much your mother?" Hanna teased, a frowning Mona turned back to look at herself in the mirror while Hanna turned back to the salesman and grabbed the sunglasses from his hand and tried them on while looking at herself in the mirror, she then turned to show Mona.
"I am loving those glasses, how much?" Mona asked.
"Three fifty" Hanna replied, as Mona walked away to try on new scarfs, Hanna's eyes landed upstairs where she saw Spencer Hastings doing clothes shopping, Hanna turned back to the salesman, "I'll be right back" she told him before walking upstairs to talk to the Hastings girl, "I cannot believe Spencer Hastings actually has time to shop, I mean, you're interning for the mayor, taking classes at Hollis, and redoing the barn, and in your leisure moments, you facebook and tweet".
"You know me, I like to stay busy" Spencer reminded.
"It's called a summer vacay, Spence" Hanna said.
"Yeah, you spent yours sunning and shopping" Spencer teased.
"Tweet-tweet" Hanna chuckled.
Spencer smiled at her former friend, "Did you see the paper today?".
Hanna nodded her head, "Yeah".
"She's gone, but she's everywhere" Spencer said.
"I can't believe it's been a year" Hanna said.
"Do you remember what Ali said that night, about our secrets keeping us close?" Spencer asked, "I think it was the opposite".
Hanna let out a sigh, "Hey, by the way, have you talked to Lo? Heard he's back in town".
Spencer looked at Hanna, a shocked expression on her face, "He's back?".
Hanna nodded her head, "Yeah, Mona saw him and according to her the year away has done nothing but make him even hotter then before".
Spencer gave Hanna a forced smile, "Um no, I haven't managed to talk to him, I didn't even know he was back".
"Right" Hanna whispered, "Anyways, what's the occasion?".
"Family dinner" Spencer informed, "We're meeting Melissa's fiance".
"Did miss perfect find a mr perfect?" Hanna teased.
"He's a med student, so everyone's thrilled" Spencer replied, as she picked out a white top.
"Then that's not the right top" Hanna stated, seeing the white top Spencer picked out, "You need to turn heads".
"Away from Melissa?" Spencer asked, "Please".
Hanna grabbed a marron top from the ranks and showed it to Spencer, "She doesn't always have to win", Hanna forwarded the top towards Spencer who took it with a smile on her face, "See you around the playground".
"See you" Spencer said, once Hanna walked away, Spencer walked over to cash register and placed the top there, as she waited for the cashier to ring her up, she started looking around and suddenly her eyes went wide when her eyes landed on a familiar boy, she saw Lo looking at some t-shirts before his eyes could land on her, Spencer quickly payed for her shirt and after grabbing the bag, rushed out as quickly as she could, she wasn't ready to face the Rivers boy just yet.
Emily Fields and the newly returned Aria Montgomery entered their english class together, "So, I hear the new teacher's really hot" Emily told Aria, as the two girls walked over to their seats.
As Aria took her seat, her eyes landed on Hanna who had just entered the classroom, "Is that Hanna?" a shocked Aria asked.
Emily nodded her head, "She's the it girl now", Aria looked towards Hanna and saw Mona walk over to her, "And where there's Hanna, there's Mona".
"That's Mona?" a shocked Aria asked, both the girls having had massive transformations.
"Can you believe it?" Emily asked.
"Wow, talk about a makeover" Aria said, Hanna looked in the direction Emily and Aria was sitting in, after giving them a small wave, she turned back to talk to Mona, "What's up with her?" a confused Aria asked, "You two fighting?".
"We didn't just fall out of touch with you, Aria" Emily clarified, "We all fell out of touch with each other", Aria looked towards the entrance of the classroom, she saw Spencer enter the room and simply give Hanna a small smile before walking over to seat, "They're not so close anymore either".
"So they're friendly, but not friends" Aria realised, just as the school bell rang.
As everyone took their seat, the new teacher, Mr. Fitz wrote his name on the board before turning to face the class, but the moment his eyes landed on Aria, his eyes went wide and a shocked expression formed on his face, "Holy crap", immediately everyone looked at Aria, who was busy writing in her book, but the moment she realised everyone was staring at her, she looked up and an equally shocked expression formed on her face, but before she could say or do anything her phone beeping caught her attention.
"Sorry" an embarrassed Aria said, quickly taking her phone out of her bag to check who had just messaged her.
While Aria's focus was on the message she just received, everyone else's attention went towards the classroom door that opened, everyone immediately started whispered among themselves once they saw Loren 'Lo' Rivers enter the classroom, with a roll of his eyes and without saying anything to anyone, Lo went and sat at the back of the class.
Spencer glanced at the Rivers boy, who feeling eyes on him turned to look at her, the moment their eyes met, Spencer quickly looked away, completely missing the smirk that formed on Lo's face.
"Hey, what do you think?" a curious Spencer asked her sister Melissa Hasting as she came out of the barn Spencer had spent the whole summer redesigning.
"You have an eye for design, I absolutely love it" Melissa praised.
"Thank you" Spencer said, really glad her sister loved what she did.
"Honestly, when mom said you were converting the barn to a loft, I couldn't see it, but it's beautiful" Melissa admitted, "Job well done".
"I'm glad you like it" a smiling Spencer said.
"And I totally appreciate your letting us move in" Melissa said, making the smile fall from Spencer's face.
"What?" Spencer asked, really hoping she heard her sister wrong.
"Wren and I are staying in the barn while we redo my place in the city" Melissa informed.
"No, I'm moving in for junior year, Melissa" Spencer stated, "That's the deal that I made with mom and dad, I got the grades, I did the internship, I gave up my summer because I wanted this".
"Well, you'll just have to wait" Melissa said.
"Why can't you stay in my room?" a frustrated Spencer asked.
"We're a couple, Spencer" Melissa reminded, just as her fiance came out of the barn, "We need our own space, and mom and dad agree".
"But they promised me" Spencer argued.
"Is everything okay?" a curious Wren asked, walking over to the sisters and immediately sensing the tension between them, Melissa didn't say anything just looped her arm into Wren's, while Wren looked at Spencer, "I'm Wren".
"I was hoping you'd be happy for me" Melissa told her sister.
"Well, you know what they say about Hope" Spencer said, "Breeds eternal misery".
A furious Spencer turned around and walked back into the house, the words of a certain someone going around in her head, at the time she didn't know what he meant, but today his words finally made sense to her.
If you allow your sister to walk over you once, she'll keep doing it, if she doesn't care about your feelings, why are you so interested in protecting hers?
"Shouldn't you know better?" Spencer asked, sitting on the seat outside her house and seeing Wren put out his cigarette in the plants, "I mean, you are a med student, right?".
"You're a bit of a smart-ass" Wren teased.
"A bit?" Spencer asked, pretending to be offended, "Does my sister know you smoke?".
"Does she have to know everything?" Wren asked, "I'm sorry that we're moving into your loft, if you want me to say something".
"It wouldn't make a difference" Spencer stated, "Thank you for being sorry, you're not like Melissa's usual boyfriends".
"How am I unusual?" a curious Wren asked.
"We're late for dinner" Spencer simply said, she stood up and walked over to Wren, "I actually like you, that's what's unusual".
As Spencer walked away from a smiling Wren, she remembered a similar meeting happening between her and and a certain someone.
Spencer sat on the back porch of her house, she was too engrossed in her book to realise someone had walked over to her.
"Spencer Hasting's busy reading a book and not enjoying this beautiful night, why doesn't that surprise me?".
Spencer looked up from a book and immediately a small smile formed on her face, "Lo" she whispered, "What are you doing here?".
"I just escaped your best friend" Lo informed, taking a flask out of his back pocket and taking a swing out of it.
"If you love Alison why do you feel the need to escape from her?" a curious Spencer asked.
Lo looked at Spencer, "Who said anything about loving Alison?".
Immediately a frown appeared on Spencer's face, "If you don't love her, why do you keep going back to her?".
"Correction, I don't go back to her, she keeps coming back to me" Lo clarified.
"Why don't you shut her down?" Spencer asked.
Lo shrugged his shoulders, "Because that will take the fun out of it, won't it?".
"Is Alison a game to you?" an angry Spencer asked.
"Yes" Lo admitted, "And before you get all overprotective over your friend, trust me when I say this, I'm a game to her as well, she only wants me so she can keep me away from the person I actually want".
"And who is it that you actually want?" a curious Spencer.
Lo gave Spencer a smirk, "I'll see you around Hastings" he simply said before turning around and walking away from her.
"You didn't answer my question!" Spencer yelled.
"I know!" Lo yelled back, walking away from Spencer while trying to drown his anger and desires in alcohol.
After her field hockey practice, Spencer walked into the girls locker room where she saw Emily, her having swim practice.
"Hey, you been hanging out with Aria?" Spencer asked the Fields girl as the two girls went to open their respective lockers.
"Not really" Emily admitted, "How about you? You been hanging out with Lo?".
Spencer looked at Emily in confusion, "Why does everyone keep asking me about Lo?".
Emily shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe cause you were the only one in this town who Lo talked to properly, he didn't even speak to Ali the way he spoke to you, everyone just assumed you guys were close".
"Well we weren't, and we never will be" Spencer stated.
"Okay" a confused Emily said, wondering why was Spencer all of a sudden getting so defensive, Emily then opened up her locker where she found a note waiting for her, she grabbed the note and opened it, the moment she started reading it, her eyes went wide in shock.
Hey Em! I've been
replaced, you've found another
friend to kiss!
- A
Spencer looked towards the Fields girl and immediately she was confused seeing the panicked expression on her face, "Emily" she called out, "Is everything all right?".
Emily quickly folded the note back up and gave Spencer a fake smile, "Why wouldn't it be?".
Spencer's parents had recently gotten a jacuzzi and Spencer decided to invite her friends over to try it out, but unfortunately only Alison could make it and she invited along her boyfriend Lo.
Currently, Spencer was standing in front of the fridge, in her bikini, trying to find something to drink, she shifted uncomfortably when pain shot through her shoulder, immediately causing her to rub her should in discomfort.
"What happened to your shoulder?".
A startled Spencer let out a gasp and turned around only to come face to face with a shirtless Lo, "Oh my god Lo, you scared me!".
"Answer my question" Lo said, taking a step towards Spencer, "What happened to your shoulder?".
"Oh I just had a tough field hockey practice" Spencer replied.
"Hmm" Lo said, "Turn around".
"What?" a confused Spencer asked.
"Turn around, I know what will help" Lo said.
"You better not make it worse" Spencer warned, turning her back to Lo.
"Just relax" Lo said, placing his hands on Spencer's shoulders and starting to give her a massage.
"Oh, that's awesome" Spencer whispered, closing her eyes in pleasure.
Lo leaned forward, his lips barely touching Spencer's ear, "I know" he whispered, making a shiver run down Spencer's spine.
"What the hell is happening here?!".
Hearing the voice of her best friend, immediately caused a guilty Spencer to open her eyes and quickly separate herself from Lo while Lo let out a curse under his breath, angry at Alison for ruining their moment.
"Uh nothing, Lo was just helping me with my bad shoulder" Spencer quickly said.
Alison looked at her boyfriend, "Oh was he now?".
"He really was" Spencer defended, she then looked between Lo and Alison and saw that the two were busy glaring at each other, "Yeah, I'm gonna go now".
Once Spencer had ran out, Alison spoke, "You just couldn't resist, could you Loren?".
Lo shrugged, "Have you seen her? How can someone resist someone like her?".
"You never help me with my bad shoulder" a jealous Alison said.
Lo smirked and stepped closer to Alison, "Isn't it obvious Ali? I can't resist her, but I can totally resist you".
Alison glared at Lo with extreme hatred, "She'll never go for you, I'll never let her".
"We'll see" Lo simply said, before walking out, and annoyed Alison quickly followed not wanting to leave Spencer and Lo alone.
Once the sun had set, Spencer stood by her window and looked down the path between the Hastings and the Dilaurentis house, she knew it had been a whole year and there was a huge chance Lo no longer had the same running route, but a part of her really hoped Lo decided to have the same running route as before.
After waiting for a few minutes, Spencer nearly gave up when suddenly her eyes landed on a familiar figure running between the woods that separated the Hastings and Dilaurentis, Spencer took a moment to admire a shirtless Lo, her admiring session was broken when her laptop beeped, after giving Lo one last glance, Spencer walked over to her desk to check the email she had just received.
Poor Spencer. Always wants other people's boyfriends.
But remember, if you kiss I tell.
The moment Spencer's eyes landed on A, she wondered if this was from her missing best friend Alison, she was suddenly hit with another flashback.
Spencer, Hanna and Alison entered the Hasting's kitchen after spending the day out in the Hasting's jacuzzi, "Are you gonna eat that, sweetie?" Alison asked Hanna as she picked up a chocolate chip cookie, immediately causing Hanna's face to fall, "I'm being a friend Hanna".
"Aren't you supposed to be at Alison's?" an annoyed Melissa asked, as she entered the house with her boyfriend Ian and saw Spencer and her friends.
"Hi, girls" Ian greeted.
"Hi, Ian" Alison greeted.
"You still need help with your scoop, Spence?" Ian asked, "I've got my stick in the car".
"Ian, what are you her babysitter?" Melissa asked.
"You need to tell your sister" Alison told Spencer, gaining Melissa's attention.
"Tell me what?" a curious Melissa asked.
"About Ian kissing Alison" Lo revealed, entering the Hasting's house with a bag of chips in his hand.
"What?!" a shocked Melissa asked.
"Lo!" Alison scolded, while Ian glared at the Rivers boy.
Lo let out a chuckle seeing the trio's faces, "Relax, I was joking, god you lot really need some humor in your life".
Melissa glared at Lo before grabbing Ian's hand, "Come on".
As Melissa took Ian away, Ian turned to look at Lo who in turn gave him his middle finger, only he, Spencer and Ian knew what actually happened between Ian and Spencer and ever since then, Lo has made it his personal mission to ruin Ian's life.
Once the couple was gone, Lo walked over to Alison, he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip, Hanna and Spencer watched as Lo dragged Alison outside, "God, I don't know why Ali tolerates him, he never treats her right" Hanna said.
Spencer looked in Lo and Alison's direction, "He's not that bad" she whispered.
"Ow Lo, you're hurting me!" Alison said, as they walked out.
"What the hell do you think you were about to do?" a furious Lo asked, finally letting go of Alison's wrist.
"She's gonna find out" Alison stated.
"If she's gonna find out anything, then it's going to be the truth, not the false narrative you made up" Lo snapped.
"Do you really think Melissa's gonna believe her sister over her boyfriend?" Alison asked, "Hell no one in this town is going believe that Ian tried to forcefully kiss Spencer".
"So you're solution to that is to Melissa that Spencer kissed Ian?" Lo asked.
"Yeah, fun right?" Alison teased.
"You're supposed to be her friend Alison" an angry Lo said, "I swear to god, if you open your mouth--".
"What are you going to do Lo?" Alison asked, taking a step towards Lo, "Are you gonna hit me?".
"No" Lo said, "I'm gonna reveal to the whole of Rosewood of what actually happened to Jenna Marshall, and I'll make sure everything only blames you, don't test me Alison, you and I both know I can very easily do that".
Alison glared at Lo, she looked behind him and saw Spencer standing there, having heard everything, Alison didn't like how the two looked like one team and she was left on the outside, so without saying anything she walked away from them.
After coming out of her flashback mode, Spencer stood up from her seat, she walked over to her window that looked right into Alison's old bedroom, her eyes went wide in shock when she saw a glimpse of blonde hair in the window, "Alison?".
Aria was driving her car past the Dilaurentis house, she suddenly stopped her car when her eyes landed on the numerous police cars parked outside the house, she quickly parked her car and got out, just in time to see the cops rolling Alison's body into the coroner's van, immediately an emotional Aria started looking around for her friends, she eventually saw Spencer standing outside her house, Aria didn't waste a second in running over to her.
"I heard the cops took Hanna to the police station today" Aria informed a shocked Spencer.
Spencer looked at Aria, "Wait, you don't think she'd ever talk about--".
"The Jenna thing?" Hanna finished, walking over to her two friends, "We made a promise".
Lo leaned against a tree and watched as the van that had Alison's body drove away, him and Alison were always on the opposite sides, but Lo couldn't get rid of the heavy feeling in his heart after seeing her body, this whole time he was waiting for her to come back, he had no idea she couldn't come back even if she wanted to.
Lo shook his head to clear his head of his thoughts, he took a step to walk away from the scene when his eyes landed on Spencer, who was already looking at him, the two stared at each other for a moment, before Lo broke the stare and walked away.
"Poor Ali" an emotional Emily whispered, as the four girls sat together at the front row at Alison's funeral.
"Can you believe what a scene this is?" Hanna asked.
"Alison would have loved it" Aria said.
"Popular in life and death" Spencer whispered.
Hanna glanced at an emotional Emily, she opened her purse and pulled out a flask and handed it over to Emily, "No thanks, I don't--".
"Today, I think you do" Hanna interrupted a protesting Emily, suddenly Aria's phone beeping caught the attention of the three girls, "Anyone we know?".
"No, it's just my mom sending me a text" Aria informed, she then looked at the panicked expressions on Hanna and Spencer's face, "Emily and I aren't the only ones who got messages from A, are we?".
Before any of the girls could confirm anything, their attention went towards Lo, who had walked into the church that was holding Alison's funeral, all dressed up in his black tux, the moment he entered the church, his eyes landed on Alison's casket and her photo by it, he walked closer and the moment he reached it, he took a moment to just stare at Alison's smiling photo.
Suddenly a hand was placed on Lo's shoulder, Lo looked to his side and realised it was Jessica Dilaurentis, Alison's mother, "Ali loved you" she whispered, "You were the one guy she wanted to flaunt to the world".
Lo gave Jessica a small smile, "I'm really sorry for your loss".
Jessica nodded her head in appreciation, she then gestured towards the front row that Lo was already standing by, "Sit at the front Lo, it's what Alison would have wanted".
Lo looked at the front row and realised all the girls were already sitting there, and they had heard the conversation between him and Jessica, without saying anything to any of them, Lo took his seat, which just so happened to be next to Spencer.
Spencer gave Lo a small smile, and in return got a small nod, suddenly hearing whispers around them, Spencer turned around and her eyes went wide seeing Jenna Marshall walk into the church with her step brother Toby Cavanaugh, "Oh my god, it's Jenna".
The other three girls turned and looked at Jenna in shock, Lo shook his head at their behavior, he grabbed Spencer's hand, gaining her attention, "Do you four want to make it anymore obvious?" he whispered, the four girls already knew that Lo knew the truth about the Jenna thing.
Before Spencer could say anything, Jessica sat on the side of Lo, "Did you see that Jenna Marshall was here?" she asked Lo, "I didn't realise she and Ali were friends".
"They weren't" Spencer said, before glancing at Jenna.
Lo was once again pulled her hand, "Stop" he whisper yelled.
"I can't help it" Spencer whisper yelled back.
"Just focus on the ceremony Spencer, forget everything else" Lo said, as Alison's funeral officially began, Spencer took a deep breath and put her full attention on the funeral and not Jenna and definitely not at the fact that Lo was still holding on to her hand.
With her arm linked with Emily's, Spencer walked out the church, Aria and Hanna infront of her and Emily, as the girls were walking, someone calling out their names caught their attention, "Emily, Spencer, Aria and Hanna".
"Do we know you?" a confused Spencer asked, while Hanna started looking visibly uncomfortable.
"I'm Detective Wilden" Wilden greeted, pulling his card out of his suit pocket and handing it to Spencer, "I understand you were all good friends with the victim".
"Yeah, we were" Aria confirmed.
"I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you" Wilden informed.
"We talked to the police when Alison went missing" Spencer pointed out.
"And I intend to go over every one of your statements" Wilden stated, "As this is no longer a missing persons investigation, it's a murder, and rest assured, I will find out what happened that summer".
Once Wilden walked away from them, the four girls watched Jenna come out of the church and on her way bump right into Lo.
"Shit, I'm so sorry Jenna" Lo said, steadying Jenna before she could fall, "You good?".
"I'm perfectly fine" Jenna said, giving Lo a smile, before walking away with Toby, who gave Lo a small nod, Jenna's lingering hand on Lo's arm not missed by Spencer.
Aria looked at her friends in worry, "Do you think he knows about--?".
"No, how could he?" Hanna asked, shaking her head.
Suddenly all four girls phones started ringing simultaneously, "Oh my god" a shocked Aria whispered once she realised who the message was from.
"It's from--" Hanna started.
"I got one too" Emily informed.
"I'm still here bitches" Spencer started reading the message.
"And I know everything, A" the four girls read together.
Presenting 1x01 of Love Calls!
How was the chapter?
Thoughts on Lo using Alison to stay close to Spencer?
Thoughts on Spencer and Lo meeting each other after a year apart?
Thoughts on the Lo and Spencer flashbacks?
Thoughts on the flashback of Lo threatening Alison?
Thoughts on Lo and Spencer's little interaction at Alison's funeral?
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