"I'm really sorry but we're not hiring"
"Please, i can even mop the floors"
"I'm honestly sorry"
"Alright, thanks" i sighed and left.
Welp, incase you're wondering who name is Tyler Dane, I'm 18, homeless, unemployed and ummm oh yeah, gay.
Let me fill you in of what happened a month ago, I decided to come out to my family, yep the big leap from the closet, but it didn't go as planned, my parents support the LGBTQ+ community so i figured they'll be fine with it but nope, i got kicked out, they took my phone, my car and my clothes, basically i left wearing what i wore that day that's all.
I started living with my bff, Karen, she and I had been friends since creche, i lived with her for a week until one day she told to pack my shit and leave, i was shook, ended my friendship with her and started working part time jobs to earn money, i rented an apartment, the landlord took pity on me and gave me the smallest room and i had to pay half the rent money so i basically have to pay $450.
I have 3 jobs currently, a janitor at the hospital usually morning shifts, i bartend at some fancy bar at night and i have a dishwashing job at some restaurant during the day, well.i just lost my dishwashing job so I'm looking for a new one.
Back to the present now...i left the restaurant i just begged to, guess I'll never show my face there again, sigh.
I went to the bus stop and waited for the next bus, i waited and waited until some jackass came speeding down the road and splashing me with gutter water, sigh.
He immediately stopped and came out the car running to me.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry"
"*sigh* it's fine, whatever" i mumbled looking at my tshirt stick to my skin, now i need to head home.
"I'll pay for your dry cleaning, its the least i can do" he said, i mean, free dry cleaning so why not.
"If you insist, but I can't ride the bus loke like this though, I'll walk" i said standing up only to feel my feet to squish out water out of my shoes and matters worse, I'm wearing socks.
"I'll give you a ride, it's okay" he said smiling awkwardly, the prick doesn't even want me to get into his car like this, why did he offer then, jerk.
So we got in the car and i gave him directions to my crappy apartment, yay.
"You" He asked eyeing my door, yep he came up with me to the door, he still needs my clothes so....yeah.
"Not everyone can afford a luxury apartment you know" i mumbled opening the door, we go in and I'm proud to say, my place was clean.
"Have a seat and I'll change" i said pointing to the sofa.
I changed and put my wet clothes in a backpack.
"Here, you can leave now" i said, he chuckled and still remained seated, did i just invite a psychopath into my place?
"Can i atleast know your name?" He asked.
"Oh right....I'm Tyler" i said.
"What in the fuck's name is this? Don't you even know how to make a rum and coke?, you know what, i give up, you're fired"
"B-but I-"
"Shut it, pack your shit and go, NOW!"
yep, you guessed it, lost my other job, apparently i don't know how to make a rum and coke, jerk.
Its been a week now and I'm done to my last job, i guess I'm as useless as my father said to me on that fateful day, sigh.
I left the restaurant and went to my bus stop, atleast i have the day off, sigh.
"Hey stranger" i heard someone say, i looked in curiosity and saw Liam smiling at me, he eventually returned my clothes, now that i notice him, he's actually handsome and I'm guessing rich because of the car and suits he owns.
"Oh hey" i said standing uo and heading to his car,
"What you doing here all alone?"
"Oh...i just lost my other job" i said scratching the back of my head.
"Oh, how many do you have?" He asked.
"I used to have 3 but now I'm left with one, oh well" i shrugged, what am I going to pay this month's rent with.
Whew, sounds hectic, if you want...i can hire you" he said, what am i going to work as? a maid? pff.
"I appreciate the offer but i dont want to be someone's maid" i said hesitantly incase he took offense.
"Oh hahahaha, no i meant at my company you can be my assistant or something ion know" he says shrugging.
"Ah...okay...I'll think about it, thanks"i said smiling, i bet with his first paycheck i can move into a condo.
"Alright, here's my number incase you change your mind" he said handing me a business card, LIAM SAMSOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Wow who knew he's a lawyer.
So i took the job, Liam was very happy and so was i, i have my own small desk, i usually print out documents and grab him a coffee here and there, nothing i can't handle, oh and tomorrow its payday do I'm excited to receive my first salary, apparently I'll be earning $5000 yaaay.
"Tyler can you come in for a sec" Liam buzzed through the switchboard, i stood up and got inside his office.
"Need anything?" I asked.
"Yeah, these documents you printed, why are they not organized?" He asked, shit, my first mistake.
"Oh, I'm very sorry, let me handle it real quick" i said going towards his table, i grabbed the papers and i accidentally knocked down his coffee, his boiling coffee right on his lap, oh lord.
"JESUS! what the wrong with you!" He yelled, did i mention his office is made up of glass walls so everyone is watching.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, let me help"
"NO!, just....just go" he said waving me dismissively, i sighed and went out the office, people were snickering at me, shitheads.
After work i saw Liam walking to his car, i ran up to him.
"Hey uh...sorry about today" i apologized, he sighed and turned to me.
"It's okay, we all make mistakes" he smiled, i sighed in relief, okay, lets hope tomorrow is a great day.
"You're fired" i choked on my own spit.
"What? Why?" I asked in shock.
"You mess up Tyler, you sent an important document unorganized, it was truly embarrassing, you can't make coffee, your work appearance is totaly displeasing, should i continue?" He even had the nerve to ask...
"I quit my job to do this, you insisted that i take this job and now you do this?" I said my anger rising, i truly cannot believe this.
"I thought you were perfect for the job, but turns out i was wrong, if i knew you were this useless i wouldn't have offered" he said, there goes that word again, useless.
"You know what, fuck you and your stupid documents and fuck your 3 sugars and light cream coffee, fuuuuuuuck You!" I raised my middle fingers to his face and left.
Welp, lost my apartment, i didnt pay rent for two months and the man was like out you go, sigh. So i stay in a cheap motel now, yay.
I've also been hunting jobs until i landed one at a small creche, i make the kids meals and snacks and a pretty decent pay, $900.
Today was my first day at the creche and I'm pretty much excited, making simple food for kids is not that hard.
"This is the kitchen, I'm sure you can make a few apple slices, a juice box and a sandwich" my new boss, Mrs. Fleetwood said to me, she's truly nice,
"Yeah, thanks again for the job" i smiled.
"No problem dear" she said.
After she had left, i started making the sandwiches, they're a total of 30 kids in Mrs. Fleetwood's creche.
At the kids lunch time, i carried the large tray in my hands and made my way to the classroom, it was loud, imagine 30 4-6 year olds in one class yikes.
I entered the class and placed the tray on the large table, assuming it's Mrs. Fleetwood's desk.
"Okay kids come grab your lunch" i smiled, a cheer of yay's rang out and they made a queue.
It didn't take long until every kid was fed,i collected my tray and left to the kitchen, my day is over so back to the motel.
I was collecting my things when i heard a tiny voicd behind me.
"Uhh...ecuse me" it was a little boy, he was wearing a blue golf shirt and blue PE shorts and large glasses, he looked adorable.
"Oh hey little guy, how can i help" i smiled.
" fwend and I wanted to know if you were a girl or a boy" okay....that was odd.
"I'm a boy...why?" I asked, he giggled and ran off, kids.
I arrived at my motel and went straight to the shower because i know I'll get lazy if i didn't shower now.
After my shower i laid in bed. What am I doing with my life...will i be like thid forever, gosh when was the last time i went on a date, sigh.
"I need a life"
The following day i woke up and went straight to the shower, it's my second day today and i have an idea on what to serve the kids, Pb&J sandwiches.
I made my work to the creche and i saw Mrs. Fleetwood waving to me as she headed to the class, i returned the wave and went to the kitchen...lets do this.
"Okay kids here's your lunch" i smiled at them, they cheered and set up a queue again, Mrs. Fleetwood taught them well.
"Hewwo" a tiny voice said, i turned to look and it was the kid from yesterday, today he was wearing a red golf shirt and white PE pants and his big glasses, he reminds me of a bunny.
"Hey little man, what's up" i asked smiling, he rocked back and forth on his heels with his arms behind his back.
"Wanna pway catch?" He asked, i giggled and nodded my head, he yayed and we went to the playground, and he handed my the ball, hmm little guy seems like he doesnt have friends because every kid seems to be in a group, oh well.
So i played catch with little guy until his parents...well parent came to pick him up....his dad was quite a looker and i feel like I've seen him before, oh well.
He came up to us and he hugged little guy.
"Hey Ethan, had a great day?" He asked, Ethan nodded his head and smiled at him, he turned to me.
"Bye boy" he giggled making me giggle too, his father raised an eyebrow with an amused smile on his face, if he wasnt married I'd jump his bones. Sigh.
"Oh hello, I'm Mr. King, Ethan's dad" he said stretching out a hand, which i shook cuz duhh its the polite thing to do, ahem.
"I'm Tyler, the new cook, well..snack provider" i said, he chuckled and nodded his head.
"Bye Tywer" Ethan said waving,
"I'm sorry to say this but i have to let you go"
"B-but why?"
"I cant afford to pay you anymore, 8 kids went up to first grade and we're short on money" i sighed, well it was good as it lasted.
"Thank you for the job, i had a great time" i smiled.
I left her office and i spotted Ethan coming to me, my heart shattered in pieces knowing i wont see him anymore.
"Hey Tywer, why so sad" he asked in a little pout
"Um...Ethan, Tyler is leaving, for good" i said squatting down to his level.
"Can i come?"
"I wish but, your daddy will be angry if i did so" i smiled at him.
"Oh...can we pway everyday?" His questions were heartbreaking.
"If you want...we can meet at the park, but ask daddy and mommy first okay?" He giggled for some reason.
"I have one daddy and zero mommy, i was adapted" he said...oh adopted and he said adapted so adorable.
"Okay ask daddy then we can play okay, I'll see you soon" i smiled, he smiled and waved goodbye and went to play on the swing set, sigh.
"Tywer look" i heard a voice yell, it was Ethan, apparently his dad agreed for us to play and he even came to play with us.
Ethan was on the lawn with his toy cars while i watched him, his dad was getting him a juice box.
"Tywer, do you like daddy?" He asked, i choked on my spit, i had to cough a few times before i could respond.
" and your daddy haven't talked though, why does he like me?" I asked makinh him giggle.
"He cawwed you cute" i immediately blushed, Mr king came back with a juice box and a muffin.
"Ethan, snack time" he said sitting on a bench, Ethan stood up and went to him.
I sat there watching them, Mr. King was a handsome man and he looks like a great father to Ethan.
"Hey Tyler, wanna have a chat?" Mr king said, i gulped and walked up to them.
"Anything wrong?"
"No no, Ethan here said you lost your job at the creche so i was wondering if you wanted to be his nanny"
"Oh...I'd like that" i smiled at Ethan, his cheeks were stuffed with the muffin.
"Alrighty then, we will head to your place and you'll pack up"
"You're going to be a stay in nanny"
Okay so i moved in to the king's home, it's a lovely place, real cozy, it's been a week since I've lived here and I'm glad to say that i like this job. Mr king i mean Vance...had asked why i lived at the motel and i surprisingly told him everything, he sympathized with me though.
Aaaand i realized something, I'm starting to fall for Vance, his presence makes me giddy all of a sudden so yeah, Ethan always plays with me, he lost a tooth the other day i couldn't stop laughing at his lisp, so adorable.
"Hey Tyler" Vance said entering the house, i was making them dinner, something I've been told not to bother but i did it anyway.
"Hey Vance, how was your day" i asked turning to face him,
"Same as always, busy, boring"
"Daddy!" Ethan yelled running down the stairs.
"No running down the stairs" Vance and I said at the same time, Ethan looked at us and he giggled.
"Daddy and Tywer shitting on a tree, K. I.SH.SH.I.N.G."
I couldn't take it anymore so i laughed, Vance cracked up too joining me, after i calmed down and wiped off my laughter tears, Vance sighed happily.
"Okay, Little guy, lets get you washed up" he said picking up Ethan. And just like that, the scene i just saw made me realize something.
"I'm inlove with my boss" i whispered to myself.
"I'm sorry but you're fired"
"B-but why?"
"You're lazy, you mess up, you can't do anything right"
I switched off the tv, i think it's clear that I'm a living movie cliche, sigh.
"Anything wrong?" Vance asked me, i turned to face him.
"I...we need to talk" i said, he sat down on the sofa.
"What's up" he smiled.
"Um...I...i like you, i know i know, but hear me out first"
"I like you too"
I froze....did he just?....
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah, ever since i saw you at that creche it was your first day there" he said scratching his head.
"Is that why Ethan asked me if i were a boy?" I asked laughing, he nodded smiling shyly.
"Can...can i kiss you?" He smiled and sat next to me, he leaned in and crashed our lips into each other, the kiss deepened after a few moments and i truly enjoyed it, i moaned when his hands pulled on my hair.
"Yay!" Ethan yelled behind us, i blushed and pulled away from the kiss.
"Daddy and Tywer in love now yay!" He screamed again bouncing up and down.
I looked at Vance and he smiled at me, guess my dad wasn't right after all, i am not useless.
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