I blinked several times as i tried to make my eyes adjust to the bright light burning my retinas.
"Doctor, he's awake" i heard my mother speak, doctor? I'm in a hospital? But how...oh yeah....the accident.
It's all coming back to me now, i was with my girlfriend Violet in my convertible, we had just returned from a party and i remember stopping at the traffic lights, this guy driving...was it porche? I dont know...but i remember him challenging me to race until the next light....and i did then thats when the truck appeared....dear God....
"Mr Yearnings?" I hear my last name called, i blink and i see a face hovering above mine, its a female face, she looks in her mid thirties....she must be my doctor...ow my arm.
"How are you feeling?" She asks smiling, how could she smile infront of someone who just been in an accident.
"I'm a little sore, especially my right arm" i said, it really hurts, please don't tell me its broken. I hear my mother choke out a sob, her hand covering her mouth...was it that bad? Was i paralyzed or something? I wiggle my toes under the white sheet, everything seems to be fine though.
"I'm sorry but, when you arrived here, your arm experienced severe nerve damage so we had not choice...."
No...this cant be what I'm thinking right.
"But to amputate" she answers my thoughts, my heart drops to my stomach, it cant be.
"I have a pain in my right arm though, are you really saying...."i trailed off, my mother is a crying mess at this point, the doctors looks at me sadly.
"It's what we call phantom pains, I'm truly sorry" she said and she headed out of the room. My mother stands by my side as i traced my left arm to the spot where my right arm is supposed to be....its empty....i go up trying to find my elbow and nothing, they completely took off my whole arm, A tear rolled down my cheeks.
"Its okay honey, you just need time to adjust" my mother said...adjust? To what exactly?
"Get out"
"GET OUT!" I screamed at her, my face covered with tears and probably a lot of snot.
🥀🥀🥀🥀 5 MONTHS LATER 🥀🥀🥀🥀
I snapped out of my thoughts as i looked at the person calling me.
He looks at me with those eyes, the eyes that are full of nothing but pity and sympathy.
"Are you okay?", he asked...i nod at him and continue eating my fries, i had to relearn alot of things these past few months, learn how to write again, how to hold a fork, a spoon and a cup. School has been a nightmare, when i returned it was full of sympathy and comfort then the next month it started...the name calling, I've been called captian lefty, people making jokes that i took my arm to the dry cleaning and lost the receipt and thats why i wear long sleeved shirts and hoodies, that way they cant see the part i always hated about my new body, the little thumb stub forming out my shoulder, it looks animalistic and weird and i prefer to keep it covered.
"I heard Violet is coming back next week" my friend Sebastian says, Violet and i broke up when she found out i had no arm, she was lucky as she had a broken leg and a broken rib, i also heard the porche guy died on the spot, real unfortunate.
"Okay" i say finishing my fries, my friends and i well....we're not like before, they have things to do and well I'm just here, some dont even talk to me anymore it's just me and my friend Sebastian, i think he'll soon leave too.
After lunch we head to class, the last class of the day and its English...sigh.
I sit in the front row since the row I've always seated at doesn't want me anymore ohh well, a few minutes later and this kid sits next to me, he's the shy kid in our class and a cliche nerd, he has ginger hair, blue braces, ridiculously big glasses and a backpack full of nothing but books, i know right. He sees me and he smiles revealing those blue braces, when he sees i didn't return the smile he blushes and burries himself in book, like okay..
"I'm Dave" i start, he freezes for a second and looks at me, his face is so red i think he might collapse.
"I'm Timmy" he said quietly...even his name is nerdy...Timmy? (Sorry to the Timmys out there i love you all🥺) anyways i nod at him and the teacher arrives.
"Today we're doing essays in pairs, your neighbor is your partner, come get your topics" she says.
Could this day get any more worse?
"Here" Timmy hands me a file, its our essay. Its been 2 weeks since I've known Timmy, he's actually not shy, well not at school that is, one time I've spent the weekend at his place doing the essay and i noticed that he's actually a loud person, he talks endlessly even his father had to tell him to shut up...then there was this time....we were at my house and he yawned while stretching his arms above his head and his shirt went up....I've never felt that way about a boy but with him...it was different....then there was the time i woke him up, his eyes are truly beautiful...i mean they're okay....i don't know what's going on but never has he once asked what happened about my arm...well I'm sure he knows now.
"Thanks" i said grabbing the file, my backpack fell on the ground and i cursed under my breath,
"Let me help" he said bending to get it, he hands it to me and smiles.
"See you in English" he says and walks away, okay let me say something here...the idea of having him on his knees infront of me was truly a turn on, i don't know why but it made me horny.
"What's happening to me"
Okay I'm here in English with Timmy right and i just happened to ask him out without really asking him out.
5 minutes ago
"Hey Timmy, do you wanna hang out at my place after school?" I asked.
"Sure" he smiles with that bracey smile,
And here i am waiting for the time to pass so i can rush home, last night i googled the reasons why i find the same gender attractive and voila i think I'm bi.
I pack my backpack and Timmy is waiting for me, i stand up and we head out, Sebastian sees me and he smiles.
"Hey guys, wanna hang out?" He asks.
"Oh...i was going to hang out with Timmy" i said to him, Timmy is in shy mode now, face red and all. Sebastian smiles and says okay and leaves, we walk to the bus stop and we wait.
"What happened to your arm?" Timmy asks, yikes. So i here I go again, reliving the trauma and pain...so i tell him about it. And he doesnt say anything just keeps quite. The bus arrives and he smiles.
"I have to go home yeah...lets make a rain check" he said smiling, the smile isnt a full one so i know he's lying. Was it because of my accident? Or did he realize i actually i liked him?.
"Oh...okay" i said and i watched him walk away. I sigh and enter the bus, my mind racing with questions.
"I like you" i told him. Okay let me tell you how we came to this moment, its two days after Timmy blew me off, he's been avoiding me since, he even told me one time that our project is over so why we still talking to each other, and now we're in the cafeteria, he's with a girl next to him, they were talking and laughing and i just happened to walk up to his table and blurt out that i liked him.
Timmmy blushes at my words, i know he knew i liked him because why would he avoid me for no reason, it must be that right? Well turns out i was wrong.
"I have a girlfriend though" he said quietly, the girl next to him kisses his cheek and I'm there silent, like I'm lost for words, and i thought Timmy was gay.
"Oh" thats all i could say, so i completely embarrassed myself so i had to leave, my eyes sting with tears, and my heart is beating so fast, i open the cafeteria doors and I'm welcomed by darkness.
I blink several times...deja vu...
"Dave?" I hear my mother, i look at her and she smiles.
"Am i dying?" I asked, my heart hurts so much. She smiles as tears form in her eyes.
"The doctor has found something...." she said wiping the tears away.
"Your brain has been swelling up and...I'm afraid there's nothing they can do" she says breaking down. So this is it huh...from popular guy to loner...from having the hottest girl to having a crush on a guy to being single and heartbroken.
"So...I'm dying right" i said confirming. She nods still wiping off her tears.
"Can you do me a favor?"
So here i am, on life support, i cant move my lower body, i cant remember things that happened long time ago, so i guess this is really happening.
"Dave" i hear my name through those braces, i look at Timmy who's at the door of my room, he comes in and sits next to me.
"What happened?" He asks, i honestly don't know myself.
"I...my brain is dying" is all i can say, his eyes glisten and he touches my cheek.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asks, okay let me fill you in, the favor i asked my mother for was that she should get Timmy over here to do one thing for me, a kiss.
"I know you have a girlfriend but...please" i beg, i know what I'm doing is selfish because I know that there might be a chance that Timmy fell in love with me and i die.
"Okay" he says, he leaned in and i closed my eyes, his warm lips on my cold ones, its everything i dreamed of...perfect..
He pulls away from the kiss and i smile at him, his smile only lasts for seconds
"Dave?" He asks, i smile at him and my left eye loses sight.
"Timmy" i croaked out, my mother and the doctor come running into the room and I hear a loud noise in the room, Timmy is standing in the corner crying.
"Dave!" Was the last thing i heard, i see my whole life flash before my eyes, from my first birthday to the kiss i just shared.
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