Cammy hated the fact that all day she had been a 'little off' as Becca had said. Unable to concentrate on her classwork, or pay any attention to the teacher. Her extracurricular assignment—fixing Becca and Reggie—had preoccupied her mind. The only thing she was glad for was that she had gotten a break from Mr Sultan for the day. He had disappeared out of sight—and hopefully out of the entire school—after she had marched off with her targets towards the cafeteria.
"I bet you didn't want to come back to school after all you went through with your sick grandma. I think I wouldn't have wanted to come back to school either!" Becca had tried to understand Cammy as they had walked back to Cammy's house after the last bell.
Now that the two were in Cammy's oddly pink room—which she deemed needed a change, for it was too pink and too cliched—she did not know what to say or do. Things between her and Becca had suddenly suffered drastically. Ever since Reggie and the damn assignment came in between.
"Um... do you want some cake? Mr Sultan brings these heavenly cakes occasionally and mum and I can't finish them by ourselves since dad gave up on sugar." Yup, she was reaching. Trying to make conversation—for once it wasn't flowing as easily as it used to.
"Yeah, sure. I'll try them." Becca, equally awkward this afternoon, blurted quickly as she sat on the edge of Cammy's bed, where often she would have flung herself over leisurely. "Hmm, also, who is Mr Sultan?"
Cammy almost bit her lip. What was she to say? That he was a mentor, teaching her how to become a full-fledged Cupid, was definitely not a go-to. "Um... he's a..."
Think Cammy, think!
Just then, like an angel, a knock came on her door, also too pink and also in need of change!
"Uh, darling. You're mum sent up some of those heavenly cakes and some orange juice for you and Rebecca."
It was her dad! Hallelujah.
"Come in, Mr Kamdev," Becca piped up. Becca had always loved Cammy's dad. He was awesome, friendly, charming, and lovable, and it didn't hurt that he was good-looking, even for an older man.
Cammy stood with her mouth agape at the realisation that Becca's widely known fondness for her dad could have something to do with the fact that he was an Alpha Cupid. Or why the women on the entire street, for that matter—or anywhere her dad went—women gawked.
As if reading her thoughts, Cammy saw her dad shake his head ever-so-slightly as he walked into the room and handed Becca the tray of food. "What are you two pumpkins up to this afternoon? Might I be of some assistance? I have the afternoon off—unless something urgent comes up, of course."
"Shall we send you two off to the movies?" Her dad smiled at Becca and Cammy could see her friend smiling back, awed.
Nope. First Reggie, now her dad? Nope. Becca couldn't have him as well.
"Uh, dad," she interrupted. "Becca and I haven't caught up for more than a month. I think we are good. We're just going to stay in and chat."
"Oh, right? I know when I'm being asked to leave." Mr Kamdev gave a nod to Becca, kissed Cammy's head, and about turned.
"It's not that!"
"I know, Sprout. You two have fun." He winked at her again. "Oh, and I've informed your tutor not to come today. Mr Sultan can finally have a break from teaching you maths."
Cammy could have squeezed her dad then. The man had just given her fumbling brain the perfect cover for who Mr Sultan was and what he was teaching her in her home—for she was indeed atrocious at maths. Obviously nothing 'Cupid' was allowed to be leaked to mere mortals.
"Oh, Mr Kamdev," Becca jumped up and rushed to her father as he was leaving. She hugged him around his torso. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you must miss your mother so much."
"Uh, thank you, Rebecca. I do, um... miss her. But it's know she is someplace better now."
Cammy nearly laughed. Her daddy was as bad a liar as she was, and his awkward pat on Becca's back was the icing on the cake.
"I think I hear Mrs Kamdev calling me." Her dad removed himself from Becca's hold and inched towards the door. "It's good to see you again, Rebecca. Hope you and Cammy have fun catching up. Dinner will be about six o'clock, so let your mum know if you're staying."
"Will do, Mr Kamdev!" Becca practically screamed in excitement as Cammy's dad closed the door behind him. There was no way she was missing dinner at the Kamdev residence now.
Cammy heard an audible sigh outside the door. A sigh Becca couldn't hear. "Does this mean my Cupid-hearing is coming in, daddy?" she mumbled soundlessly, or soundless enough for her friend.
"Have fun, Sprout!" She heard her dad's jovial reply.
"Ohmahgawd, youredadiszoawesome, youknowthat!"
By the time Cammy had turned around, Becca was with a mouthful of cake. She'd shovelled in a piece as if she were a starved human who hadn't had food in days, and the slight-looking thing had had pasta for lunch!
"Whaisthis? Holyguamole, Cammy. Thiscakeisawesome!"
Cammy couldn't help it. She laughed, plonking herself down on the floor opposite stuffed-mouthed Becca. Not that she blamed the girl. The first time Cammy had tried one of the heavenly cakes—literally, heavenly, as in from heaven—she'd done the same thing, stuffed her mouth full of cake, gorging on it.
"They are good, aren't they?" she asked, picking up one pre-cut slice from the half cake her dad had brought up. Why half of the entire cake? Who knew!
"Goof? Areukiddingme?" Becca swallowed and her speech cleared. Icing lined her mouth. Not that she cared. "This is the best cake I've ever had. Where's it from?"
Oh boy, another troublesome question, and her dad wasn't around to save her this time. "Umm... I think Mr Sultan said the Heavenly Cakeshop." She made up the name on the spot. It's not like Becca could find the very one, and she was sure they'd be one or two cake shops around with the same name.
"Aziz just told us Rebecca is your first mark, hun. Congratulations." Her father's voice floated up through the floorboards as Becca picked up her second slice.
"The heavenly cake shop," Becca repeated, getting lost in the slice of heaven.
Cammy bit into her piece gingerly. How was she going to do this? Talk to Becca about Reggie, or even help her fall in love with the guy?
"Who's the guy? Do you know him? It'd be easier to fix them if you know something about the intended too." Dad's voice floated up from the floor.
Holy shit, I have super-hearing!
"Yes, I know him, dad," Cammy responded quietly amidst Becca's moans of delight.
"Excellent. Good luck. And remember to ask questions and listen. Aziz says these two are love-bound for five to six years, but something is holding her back. Find out what it is and then we can solve it."
"We're not allowed to help her, Krish!" Her mother interrupted from her shed.
How am I hearing them? It still blew her mind. Until this morning, her hearing had been oh-so-boringly human.
"I know. I know. I'm just saying... talking strategies isn't really assisting!"
Becca burped loudly, satisfied, and satiated on three slices of the delicious cake.
"Guys! I need you to stop talking right now!" Cammy murmured behind her own slice.
"You can do this, Sprout!" Dad.
"We're so proud of you, hun!" Mum.
"Stop!" Cammy blurted out loudly. Mum and dad both stopped talking.
"I wish I could!" Becca laughed in response, letting out a smaller burp. "Oh my god, I'm so full."
She pushed herself up, rushed to the bathroom, and a moment later, Cammy could hear the tap gushing. "Seriously, Cam, that cake, I could eat it whole, but thank you for stopping me."
"No problem!" Cammy put down her half-eaten slice, her appetite gone. She had to have the talk with Becca soon, a talk she dreaded.
"So?" Becca returned to the room, plonked herself on the bed, back to usual, and patted the space next to her.
Cammy bought herself a bit of time and picked up the tray, placed it outside, in the corridor, and closed the door behind again. Dread settled into her chilled feet. "So... what did you want to talk about earlier today? Is it about... Reggie?" The name felt like sandpaper on her tongue, but she had to do this, didn't she? Not if she wanted to be a Cupid and not a mortal.
"Oh my God!" Becca grabbed Cammy's hand quickly and pulled her onto the bed opposite her. "I have to ask you! I have to Cam. Are you okay with this?"
Guilt flushed Becca's face red and blotchy. "I know you like him, and believe me, I felt so guilty when he asked me out, but—"
"It's not a race, babe, that whoever declared they like the guy first, gets him," Cammy quietly reassured, surprised at herself for sounding so calm about it.
"But still!" Becca looked on, bleary-eyed. "You like him too, and I'm such a lousy friend for saying yes. Actually, I don't even know why I said yes... knowing it'd hurt you. I'm so sorry."
Cammy cracked a small smile. "No one can control or predict matters of the heart, not even Cupids, I bet."
A dry laugh slipped from her lips, and she could scarcely believe she'd just said what she had. "And to be honest, I think I kind of knew already you liked him too," she added.
"So?" Becca inched closer to Cammy. "Are you okay with this? Us? I mean, all we have done so far is kiss and—"
"Ahh, la la la..." Cammy shook her head. Again utterly shocked that she'd acted like a looney. "Don't tell me. I don't want to hear the details."
"See! I knew it. I knew you'd mind. It's been eating me up that this would hurt you the entire time." Becca bounded off the bed, agitated. "That's it. I knew I should have broken up with him ages ago. It's time. I'll do it on Monday."
She paced the floor, lost in her monologue. "I know it'll hurt him, but it's only right. You're my friend, since kindie. I can't let a guy ruin that. I'm so sorry, Cammy-Kamila. I'm so sorry!"
"Break up?!" Cammy heard the shrill screech of Mr Sultan's voice floating down from the ceiling and the next minute he stood flabbergasted, by the door. Hands-on-hips, unimpressed. "I thought you had this in the bag, Miss Kamdev. I leave you alone for one minute, and instead of pairing your first match successfully, I hear you're the reason it's been stalling, and you're leading your friend to break up instead?! Do you want to become a mortal? Is that it?"
Cammy opened her mouth in shock. How was this her fault? Becca had barely let her get a word in all this time!
"You just fix this, Miss Kamdev. Fix it! For the sake of your father's impeccable reputation and your own life, which oddly you seem to care little for—fix it, now!" Mr Sultan advanced upon Cammy in a panic.
"I would if you gave me space!" She hissed through gritted teeth.
"What?" Becca asked, looking like she was about to lose it.
Can she see and hear Mr Sultan? Cammy felt her palms slick with sweat. "I didn't say a thing," she answered her friend.
"Exactly!" Mr Aziz Sultan added, vexed. "Do something to fix this."
"Do you think I should do it Monday before school, or after school?" Becca asked, looking a little green. "I'm thinking after school so I don't ruin his entire day..."
"Can you not see how sick the mere notion of breaking up is making her?" Mr Sultan growled. "Are you not her friend? Stop this madness. This was a straightforward case, Miss Kamdev! How is it you've doomed it?"
Cammy's mind reeled. Who should she listen to? Her friend, who had somehow, and entirely on her own, reached the conclusion that she should break up with Reggie because he was somehow Switzerland—untouchable. Or her mentor, who believed Becca's decision was entirely her fault!
Or her mother, who was whispering down below, "Oh, baby, what have you done?"
"Stop!" Cammy screamed. It was the only thing she could do to stop the three rampaging lunatics. "Stop!"
"But, Cammy..." Becca tried.
Mr Sultan stepped back in shock. Hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Please, try to fix this," he said quietly before disappearing.
Her mother remained silent, but most likely listening in.
"Listen to me carefully," Cammy began, despite the heaviness in her heart.
... these two are love-bound for five to six years...
... fix it...
... so I don't ruin his entire day...
I can do this! Cammy nodded towards the bed with a smile. "Sit," she said. It was finally time for the talk.
Here goes.
WC: 2211 TWC: 15, 177
[A/N: can I say this chapter was a little difficult to write? 😅 I hope I did a good job of it though. If not, please let me know what I bungled and what needs fixing! 🤗
Nite, nite lovelies. It's time for bed. This is me, signing off... sweet dreams.]
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