"Our brothers?" I repeat, confused, "How can they possibly be our brothers? We haven't seen them in years and it would be a big coincidence if they were *here*."
"I'm telling you, it's them!" Karen insists.
As Ferrari and the leaders approach us at an irritatingly slow pace, they begin to become clearer and, much to my surprise, they do look like our brothers.
My mind races as I try to come up with some kind of answer to this - it just can't be them!
Maybe it's their doppelgängers, or people that just look like them from a distance but once we're face to face with them, we realise that they aren't anything like our brothers. Or maybe I'm going insane and this whole apocalypse is a figment of my imagination?
"Why is it so hard to believe that it's them?" Karen asks, "I'd know my brother anywhere, and that's him!"
"Because the last time we heard from them was on a radio signal when they said they were leaving Colorado! That's why we've been trying to leave this place for weeks. If they were leaving Colorado, they wouldn't just be chilling in a fucking church in the middle of nowhere!"
"Guys, shut up!" Phillip hisses, "it's the apocalypse, remember?"
Despite it being the apocalypse, we haven't encountered many zombies recently, aside from that horde, but there's an odd feeling about it. I don't think this thing is going away any time soon, so where are the zombies?
Colorado used to be crawling with them, especially at the beginning when ordinary people couldn't defend themselves and got infected, but they've all suspiciously vanished in the past few months.
By now, the leaders of the group have almost reached the gates and even I can't deny the fact that they are definitely our brothers.
It doesn't look like they've changed much since we last saw them, aside from new clothes and hairstyles.
Craig is wearing a plain blue hoodie, baggy sweatpants and a pair of hiking boots that are definitely too big for his feet judging by the way he is walking. His once straight black crew cut hair is now an undercut and his natural curls are showing, reminding me of our childhood, before he discovered gel and hair straighteners.
His eyebrows are as unruly as they were the last time I saw them. I used to think it was stupid that he never did anything about it, but it doesn't look too bad now.
Kenny, Karen's brother, is rocking a faded green tank top, dirty sneakers, and a pair of booty shorts that, while they look good, aren't really appropriate for our current situation. A red wristband clings to his wrist and a sparkly earring hangs from his left earlobe.
His dirty blond hair is pulled back into a bun and a small purple children's butterfly hair clip keeps any stray hairs from falling into his eyes.
The second blond guy is Kenny's boyfriend Butters (or at least he was back when we were part of their group) and he has probably changed the least out of the three. His blond curls are in the same style, the scar on his eye hasn't faded and he's still adorably short.
The only visible differences are his change of clothing - a blue off-shoulder sweater, a pair of knee length shorts and a pair of baby blue boots - and his accessories that match Kenny's - a sparkly earring in his right ear and a red wristband on his wrist.
Craig stops in his tracks, his a look of both surprise and confusion sweeping over his face as he spots me.
Tears filling my eyes, I nod and run over to the gate.
"Open the gate, now!" Craig orders, almost scaring the shit out of poor Dougie.
The redhead digs through his pockets until he pulls out the keys with his shaking hands. He unlocks the gates as quickly as he can, but before he can properly open them, I'm in Craig's arms.
His blue hoodie is slightly damp, but I press my face into it regardless, taking in as much as my brother as I can. His scent is still the same and I immediately feel a lot safer.
His arms tighten around me in one of the best hugs I've had in a long time.
"Your hair is different." He comments, holding me at arm's length to get a good look at me.
"It was getting too long so I cut it."
"You look like a lesbian."
"I am a lesbian, asshat." I playfully punch him.
A grin unfolds on his lips and he pulls me in for a second hug.
Beside us, Karen is reuniting with her brothers, excitedly chattering away whilst holding their hands. My ears prick up as she mentions my name and Butters looks over at me with a smile.
"You've taken care of Karen so well. We can't thank you enough." He smiles again.
"Honestly, she's taken care of me. She's been truly awesome."
I feel a small tap on my shoulder to see Firkle.
"Oh!" I realise what he wants, "Guys, these are our friends Firkle, Phillip, and that's Henrietta in the car. We were wondering if we could stay here for a while? We've got nowhere else to go."
Kenny rolls his eyes with a grin, "Are you serious? You're never leaving our sights again!"
Phillip feebly punches the air whilst Butters sends Ferrari to find someone who can help him out.
Kenny wanders over to the truck to make sure Henrietta drives it in without hitting anything.
Craig pulls something out of his hoodie pocket and hands it to me.
"What's this?" I ask, turning over the folded piece of paper.
"Open it and find out."
Making sure not to tear the paper, I unfold it carefully. The piece of paper is some kind of letter.
"What is it?" I ask again, even more confused.
"You've got to at least read it before asking me!"
I roll my eyes, but read it anyway.
It's some kind of love poem listing all of the positives about the person. It's an odd thing to hand to me.
"Did you hit your head whilst we were gone or something? You've gotta tell me what this is."
"It's my vows to Tweek. We're getting married tomorrow," He explains, "You're just in time for the wedding."
"Are you for real?" I squeal, "You guys are really getting married?"
He nods enthusiastically and it's so strange to see him so excited and passionate about something. Strange, but adorable.
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