in the mood for a gang bang
"Sedatives usually work best in alcohol, but this trick isn't exactly a secret either, just another disgusting method."
"Alphas aren't immune to date rapes, why is it not making anything happen to you?"
"Cute, you finally admitted to your crime, huh?" I laughed lightly while he checked around the room, almost as if I would have called the cops on him.
About fucking time.
They always acted like they had no idea. Like as if they never had any hidden intentions and that I was always just the crazy paranoid one. Oh, I'll show crazy.
"You aren't going to make this legal, are you? You shouldn't even have any memories of this! The success rate left no space for slip ups like this to happen," he continued to ramble on from nerves I presumed.
Not that I gave a single flying fuck, I just simply didn't have much more time to play around with anymore. My body's time limit was running thinner and thinner by the moment, and soon enough, my bloodstream was going to send out the effects of the drug to my body.
"I'll do anything! You know, I didn't even want to sleep with you! But, everyone says it must be something special, so good, worth killing for!"
"Oh, is that so?" I smiled. "I am indeed to die for."
"Yeah, so how about we settle this with a deal? I'll give you my-"
"Life," I answered him myself.
"You're going to pay for this with your entire life. Your name is going to be sent to shit where it belongs, and I'll watch your company crumble right before me, all over the media. Don't worry, you'll get all the attention from me that you wanted."
"No, no, don't get the authorities involved," he looked over his shoulder and I laughed.
My vision hazed over for a moment, and I masked it by leaning onto Bakugo. Bakugo must've noticed because he made a hand motion to Kaminari behind my back while I grabbed the dealer's tie to keep him in place.
"You're not even worth my hands gracing your pitiful form. You know, I pity you."
I watched the ego and panic fight each other in his eyes.
"I would have fucked you too is the sad part. I appreciate doing charity work, but you ruined it. You chose to become a fucking liar instead, and that's when it went all downhill. But even better, you chose an even worse path to take after that, because why stop there, right? Had you simply answered what I asked, we wouldn't be here. You'd be heading back to your little office after having busted a nut within three to six thrusts."
"Yes, yes! I want to fuck you! So much, so badly, please!"
I felt second hand embarrassment for the fool he was making of himself even further by shouting. It still made me laugh, knowing more eyes were shifting onto us due to the scene he was making. Of course in places like these, most people simply turned away again, going back to minding their own business.
"Too fucking late. I'm not as horny anymore, not feeling kind enough to be charitable."
I swallowed, noting my blinking was turning slower and that meant my time was running out.
"I know you wanted to fuck me, you wouldn't have went through all the absolute shit you did had you actually meant what you said and had better intentions towards me. Don't worry, luckily for you, I'm quite professional, so let's handle this professionally."
I didn't give him the chance to answer, simply shifting my footing towards Kaminari as his hand went over my waist to steady my form.
"Bakugo would love to introduce himself," I smiled, giving Bakugo the signal for him to be taken care of.
"I love meeting and greeting people," Bakugo nodded at me, getting rid of the dealer from my sights and I tried to stand upright.
"Falcons, look at me. Should we head back?"
"I think it's kicking in," I laughed, losing my train of thought faster than I realized.
"Yeah, I can see that. All you've got to do is give me the signal and we can go home safely and you can rest an-"
Kaminari stared back at me and I gave him a grin with half shut eyes.
"Go get me water first," I told him and he shook his head.
"I'm not leaving you on your own in this state, you're coming with me," he dragged me along as I couldn't really put up much of an argument while he slumped me over a bar stool to order water.
"Holy fucking shit," I placed a hand over my mouth and Kaminari immediately snapped his attention to me.
"What? You good? Anything hurt or you feel somethin-"
"Is that a flying lion?" I kept my eyes behind him and he furrowed his brows, turning around completely away from me to try and find what I was seeing.
He fell for it. What a fucking dumb ass, I love him.
With his back facing me and attention diverted off from me, he didn't have enough of a moment to look at which way I shoved myself into the crowd. I could only imagine the shit he would hear from Bakugo when he'd come back to see me not there. My senses and logic were lost, so my thought process was nonexistent. I was off the hinges and it was a temporary high of sorts before my body would give out entirely and I would black out.
"Shit's absolutely fucking lit," I said.
When in reality, shit was absolutely not fucking lit.
I kind of was in the mood for a gang bang. That also was a bit more work and I just wanted a quickie so I guess a single pulse would do. Moving myself deeper into the groups of people, I found a few seated by a table and decided one of them would be willing to bust a nut with me. Planting my hands onto two of their shoulders I leaned forward to speak since their backs were turned to me.
"Yo, anyone wanna have sex with my hot ass?"
When a few of them faced me, I had to take a long minute to stare at who one of my hands was on.
"Oh, fuck no."
Just like that, I pulled my hand back while those golden eyes marked with black stared into mine.
"Wait, actually, never mind, guys. My pussy has suddenly dried up from the Nile river to the Sahara desert. Thank you all for your time."
Now would be a great time for Kaminari to use his alpha senses and find me before I threw myself onto the floor and began to sob.
"Hey, I wouldn't mind fucking you," one of the women in the group called out and I turned to flash a smile at her.
Though as I turned to see the one that had called out to me, I watched the way those gold eyes narrowed in on her. With a light laugh, I wiggled my fingers at her to say goodbye so that I could push myself through the crowd. Somehow finding the glimpse of his streaked hair, I blinked as I saw him and a blurry figure that I assumed to be Bakugo, both going down in the elevator.
The fuck? Did they just think I had left? They really gonna just strand my ass here like that? All alone? Abandoning me on my own?
I wondered if I should just start crying or lay on the floor until I actually passed out.
Instead, some part of my senses must have acted without my active acknowledgement because I made my way towards the elevator to go after them. I stood, waiting for the doors to open and I stepped in. I turned around to press the button to go down, my form right before that damned winged one.
"Going down?"
"On you? I just might."
"Seems like someone had a few drinks," I laughed at his response, not moving when he stepped in towards me.
"You're one to speak in that state."
My eyes glanced over at another man trying to take the elevator, his eyes going onto me as his footing slowed down and he got distracted. To my amusement, the button to close the elevator doors was pushed down, and I wasn't the one who did it.
"Elevator's busy, bud."
And with that, the doors shut in his face. By the time those marked eyes came back to look at me, mine were already on him. He took his time to look me down, his eyes slow as they came back up to meet mine.
"Your hips moved."
"Well you know what Shakira says, these hips don't lie."
"An honest body part that gives you away, the way they just reacted to me. Are your hips one of your sensitive sweet spots?"
"Why don't you bite them and find out for yourself how sweet they are?"
I watched his eyes narrow at me when I spoke. When he took a step forward, I laughed.
"What? Think that's going to make me move back? For fuck's sake, if you want me against the wall, better pin me there your fucking self," I scoffed.
My scoff was followed by my back hitting the wall of the elevator and I grinned at him. Swinging my leg up over his hip, my other leg stayed steady between both of his. His hands came onto my waist, eyes sharp as they stared into mine. Cocking my head, I let my hands rest over his, sliding them lower and down onto my hips instead. I saw his lips part when my hips fit to the palm of his hands.
"They really don't lie, huh?"
"You think Shakira just be spewing shit?"
The only answer he gave was squeezing my hips and I grit my teeth at his smile.
"Your back arched," he smiled at me.
"I'll make your cock arch."
"I don't doubt that," he spoke after taking a moment to gather himself at my words.
His knee angled up, thigh pressing to the center of my legs.
"But what was that you were saying just then? Dry as the Sahara desert?"
I angled my head back to breathe out against his lips.
"I'd like to counter that, you still seem as ready as the Nile river to me."
"Want to take a dive with your dick then?"
A laugh bubbled past my lips at his taken back expression.
"What? Suddenly too shy to take a sip now?"
"With you flowing on my leg, there's plenty to taste from," he shifted his hand, keeping one steady on my thigh where his feather was.
He brushed his thumb out and across his own thigh where it was pushed right into my crotch.
"Check," he chuckled.
He slid his thumb forward before pulling his hand back to bring up to his mouth between his lips. The wetness from his tongue glistened on his lower lip and I simply smiled at him, a laugh slipping out from under my breath when I leaned forward and into him. Parting my lips, I jut my tongue out towards him. Licking his slight stubble below his lips, I toyed with the piercing in the middle of my tongue on his skin. I tipped my head back, letting my lower lip slide over his lower lip while my lip ring fit between his lips for a split second. I sucked on my tongue in my mouth to savor his flavor.
"Checkmate," I laughed.
And with that, the elevator stopped, doors opening with a ding.
"You fucking bitch."
Katsuki was the first to speak, and also act as he stormed himself into the elevator.
"Excuse you?"
The form that was on mine didn't move an inch when Bakugo came up to us, a brow arched up at him.
"Oh, you're the one about to be excused," Bakugo seethed, his hands grabbing onto his shoulder to shove him off of me.
He seemed still frozen from my act, because he just stumbled aside, still in a slight daze while Bakugo manhandled him.
"Falcons?" Kaminari's arms were around me when my footing went unsteady and I gave him a wide smile which must have looked unwell because he winced. "You good?"
"Never been better."
"Right, I'll believe that for now," he sighed, snapping his fingers to signal Bakugo over.
"Did you just snap your fucking fingers at me? What the fuck did you just do to me? What am I to you? A dog? A fucking-"
"Bitch? Yeah, that's why I snapped at you, now let's go," Kaminari's eyes were sharp as they narrowed at Bakugo. "We don't have time to waste."
"Says the one who fucking lost the cunt in the first place! Now you want to be snappy with me? Just throw her ass in the car, she's gonna pass out in a few moments anyways."
"Don't make me repeat myself," Kaminari was calm, his glowing eyes saying another tone.
"You really want to be all alpha like now? Where was your alpha ass when you were bitching to me about losing Falcons?"
My voice was firmer than I had even thought it would have came out as, causing Kaminari and Bakugo's eyes to snap to me.
"Finally decided to be sober enough to speak?"
I gave a single finger motion as a signal, my eyesight going fuzzy. Bakugo's eyes went wide and his body reached out for mine.
I couldn't hear what he was screaming, Kaminari's form becoming entirely cloudy in my line of sight. Hearing gave out first, my sense of smell following. I recognized the faint feel of Bakugo's body before that sense left me as well. Last was my vision, looking up at who I assumed to be Bakugo before it all went black, my eyes not opening again after a long blink.
Time's fucking up.
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