Perfect and Flawless
Elsa's P.O.V.
I put on a light blue snowflake patterned swimsuit and a darker shade of blue dress on top. I added touches like a tan colored hat and pearly white sandals. I made sure my hair was perfect in a bun with a blue ribbon to decorate it. I wanted to look perfect to Jack. I did not want to mess up our second date.
"Anna I'm going out! Don't make a mess while I'm gone!" I yelled to the kitchen.
"Alright! Go have some fun! I'll be with Phoenix! Bye!" she yelled back at me.
"Bye Phoenix!" I yelled. She, of course, was with Anna.
"Bye! Have fun!" she yelled back at me. I stepped out and closed the doors right behind me.
Jack's P.O.V.
I had to look flawless. Teeth brushed, hair combed, face washed. I put on a pair of white trunks and a loose blue shirt. To add on to the look, I put on a nice pair of shades. This was no fancy-schmancy date so flying over there was the best way to look cool. I took flight and headed to the beach.
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