Chapter 29 Wishes
It's been two days since Max and I have been a couple. I haven't really told anyone other than Natalie, but she's a thousand miles away.
She told Ross and he got excited. It's adorable when Ross gets excited over any achievement in my and Max's relationship.
So today we have work, at the offices, with tons of guys, including Adam.
Adam is the one I am most worried about. He's been like my older brother since I got here. We have like a fake family tree.
Adam, Red, Ross, me.
Now that Max is my boyfriend, I'm afraid Adam will turn to Big Brother mode and be super protective of me.
Not that that's a bad thing, I love him, but he is a big brother bear.
I park my car in the lot, head into the building, go through the hallways, and enter the main media room. Barney came up to me smiling.
"Hellos Melody. How's was your mornings?" he said, still smiling.
I stared at him blankly. "Um, it hasn't started yet? What's up with you?" I said.
He looked behind him and put his hand on my shoulder. "Ross texted mes last nights that yous and Max are datings." he said.
I smacked my forehead. "Of course he did. But don't tell anyone. Especially Adam." I said.
Barney nodded then walked away.
I walked in my office and placed my bag on my desk next to my schedule. Suddenly, arms wrapped around me. Startled, I turned around with the arms still around me.
"Max!" I said. "Stop scaring me for the fourth millionth time!"
He smiled. "You have to be honest. You kind of liked it that time, didn't you?" he said.
I smiled and shrugged. "I guess I kind of did."
He smiled slyly and leaned in to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, almost as good as last time. It was going to be longer, until Red rudely marched into my office.
"Hey, Melody, oh my goodness! Didn't know you guys were doing it in here!" Red said smiling.
I let go of Max and crossed my arms, shaking my head. Max turned red.
"Red, what the hell? Do you have to come at the worst times?" Max said, holding my hand even though we let go of each other.
"Yup. Anyways, Adam said if you could help him with setting up for a challenge?" Red said.
I nodded. "Sure, I'll be right there."
Adam and I were blowing up balloons for the balloon challenge that Barney, Max, and Red were doing for Office Antics.
By the time we were done, I almost fainted. Adam laughed.
"Can't handle blowing stuff?" he said, laughing at his own immature joke.
I shook my head and smiled. "You have to make everything seem sexual, don't you?"
"Yup." he said. We walked behind the camera to look at the set completely.
He smiled at his progress, how far he's come in his career. I smiled then it faded. I need to tell him.
"Um, Adam?" I said whimpering kind of.
"Yeah?" he said. I gulped.
"So... Remember when me and Max liked each other and we started hanging out and then we kissed and then we hook up again?" I said quickly.
He stared at me blankly. "What?"
I sighed. "Max and I are dating now." I said.
He looked at me. "What." he said sternly. An uneasy feeling appeared in my stomach.
"Just a couple days ago he hurt you with that skank!" Adam yelled.
I crossed my arms. "Adam! He apologized! Plus, he didn't even sleep with her."
"Melody, I just don't want him hurting you, because he hurt you plenty already." he said more calmly.
I looked down. "I know, but Adam I'm fine. You don't have to play big brother this time, okay?"
He hugged me. "I'm always going to play big brother for you." I smiled and hugged him back.
He let go of me. "But you know now I'm going to take Max way more seriously, right?" he said.
I chuckled. "I didn't know you knew what the adverb "seriously" meant. Or what an adverb was."
He looked at me again. "Why you-"
I took off as he chased me around the offices.
So tonight I'm staying over Max's for the first time in forever. (shut up frozen lovers :3)
He offered me to stay with him to repay the favor which is weird but still fun. Tim is visiting family again for the week so it's just me and Max... alone.
I parked my car in his lot and walked out his apartment which I remember. When I got to his door, I unlocked it with my key that they gave me when I stayed here before.
"Hello?" I said, walking in.
There was complete silence. Suddenly, the door closed behind. I turned around startled.
A man with a black mask and black clothes covered my mouth and grabbed me. I tried to scream and wiggle out of his grip but he was too strong.
The man pulled me out of the apartment building and into a black car- the trunk of a black car.
Once he let go of me, he covered my mouth with duct tape and tied my hands together then closed the trunk.
I couldn't believe this was happening. The rush was so frightening, I wanted to scream.
I wanted my Dad, Mom, Jacob, and Natalie. I wanted my real family and my office family, Adam, Red, Ross, Barney, Tim, Ethan, Tristan, Jordan, Emily, Cory.
I wanted Max.
Tears rushed to my eyes when the man parked the car somewhere. He opened the trunk and blindfolded me, not saying a word at all.
He carried me somewhere I couldn't see, but I wanted it to be home.
I heard the muffled voice of what I assume is another guy or like his partner. Then they both carried me inside a building.
I screamed but it didn't ring. The men put me down and took off the rope and duct tape. I gasped for air.
Then the blindfold came off. I opened my eyes finally.
My eyes opened to my office family, with Alesa, Jess, and Shelby, standing in Adam's house.
"Happy birthday!"
I stood there stunned. "What?"
I looked behind me. The two men were Adam and Red. I smiled and turned back around.
"Are you guys serious? I struggled in that car, and was so scared that I was going to die!" I yelled.
The group stared at me in remorse.
"That was amazing!" I yelled. The group smiled and came to me for hugs.
Each one said happy birthday and asked how thrilling it was.
Then, when everyone said hello and everything, I stepped back at looked them.
"Okay, you guys have to tell me what happened." I said.
Adam came up to me. "Okay. Well, we knew it was your birthday today, so we wanted to give you a big celebration. But we didn't want to go to dinner as always or anything, so we planned like a surprise."
Red stood next to me. "But we didn't want the same old surprise birthday party. No, we wanted to scare the living hell out of you." he said smiling.
"So we decided to plan a "kidnapping." We told Jess about it and Shelby and Ross flew in, so we had guests for a birthday party. Then, Red volunteered to do the kidnapping so yeah that happened." Adam said.
I nodded. "Wait a minute, but you guys kidnapped me from Max's apartment. So where is Max?" I said questionably.
Red and Adam looked at each other then nodded. Adam cleared his throat...
"Happy Birthday," he started singing along with the rest of the group.
I looked around confused then saw lights flashing. Startled, I faced the lights. Little flames appeared on a cake that had Happy Birthday iced in purple on it.
And Max was holding the cake.
I smiled as he walked over to me. "Happy Birthday too, yoooooooooou!" the group finished. Max smiled.
"Make a wish, Mel." he said. I thought for a moment them blew out the candles.
Everyone clapped. We cut the cake and passed out pieces to everyone.
While I was eating a piece, Max came over to me.
"Happy birthday, babe." he said as he pecked my head. I smiled.
"Thanks." I said blushing.
He wrapped his arm around me. "So, what did you wish for?"
I looked at him. "Max, you know I can't tell you."
He chuckled. "Why not?"
"Because then it wouldn't come true." I said smiling.
I kissed him and rested my head on his chest. He smiled and hugged me with his warmth.
The truth is, my wish had already come true. I had wished for a future with people I love and that I would have a home. I have all of that now with Max, Natalie, and my office family.
They are my wish come true. And I'm in love with that.
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