Chapter 25 The Sleepover
I threw my keys in the little pottery cup I made in high school. "You can put your bag in the living room." I said.
He nodded and looked at my apartment. "You have a nice, big place for just you living here. he said.
"Thanks." I said and turned on the T.V. Max placed his bag behind the couch then sat on it.
"So, tell me, what do you do here since you're alone?" he asked. I looked at him.
"Max, just because I'm alone doesn't me I'm depressing and lonely. I mean, I do go to work with you idiots, everything." I said smirking.
He laughed. "Okay, fine."
I changed the channel to where I left off on Empire.
"I usually watch Empire before and after I go to work. Then on Sundays I hang out with you guys." I said.
He nodded and I sat next to him. The breeze from the window cooled my apartment. A little chilly.
I grabbed a blanket from behind me. Yes, I could just close the window, but if I did that, it would be eighty degrees in here.
Max looked at me, wondering the same question. "Close it, too hot." I said. He nodded.
It was kind of awkward, we didn't talk much and just watched T.V. I didn't really mind though. Conversations just make things more awkward- especially if you try to start one.
Unfortunately, Max talked. "So what do you wanna do? You know, before we go to bed?"
I smiled. "What are we, twelve?" He laughed.
"I guess not."
Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. "Since we're "twelve," wanna play truth or dare?" I asked him.
He smiled. "Sure."
I turned and faced him. "Okay, truth or dare?" I asked.
"Dare." he said immediately. I smiled.
"Caw like a bird, as loud as you can." I said.
He stood up, straightened himself, and stretched his arms like a bird. "CAW CAW!" he exclaimed.
"Shut the f**k up!" one of my neighbors yelled.
I laughed. "Told you."
He shook his head and sat back down.
It went like this for thirty minutes. I told him stupid dares and he told me stupid dares. Either way, it got us in trouble in some way.
"Okay, truth or dare." he asked.
"Shut up."
"Fine, have you ever had a relationship before?"
"Uh, not really. I mean I've flirted and stuff. But not like an official relationship. I also never had like my first kiss." I said. Then, I looked down.
"But we can cross that one off the list." I said, remembering my panic attack on the Ferris wheel.
He smiled and blushed a little. "Um, it's getting late. I'm going to change into some cool pajamas, Bruh." he said. I laughed and did the same.
I walked out of my room with cute plaid pajama shorts and an oversized Undertale
t-shirt. I decided to close the window in the living room, so I threw my hair into a messy bun so I won't get hot.
Max was sitting on the couch, focused on the show on the screen. I smiled. He looked behind him and saw me.
"Woah, you... you look hot in your night clothes." he said. I blushed and sat next to him.
"Thanks." I was about to say more when I noticed his t-shirt. I held my face and smiled.
He laughed. "Oh, you're wearing one two!" he said. I smiled and jumped on him.
He wrapped his arms around me. I smiled. I felt so comfortable with him. His hugs always gave me comfort and I cherished that every time. But this time, it was different.
This wasn't some regular old friend hug. This was loving. I never realized it until now, and I've questioned it for weeks. Now I know the answer.
I love Max. And I always will.
I looked up at him. He stared into my eyes. I couldn't help myself. I pressed my lips against his. He gave in and kissed me back.
It felt good, this moment. I loved him now. He sat up, without releasing his lips from mine.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kissing never ended. Well, for like ten minutes.
Then, I let go of him. He looked at me.
"I love you." he said.
"I love you, too."
I stood up, turned off the T.V., and looked back at him. "Good night, Max." I said.
"Night." he said.
Then, I walked to my room, with a smile plastered on my face.
Quick Author's Note: Sorry, for the short chapter, but, it had so much stuff I thought you guys would like! Also, today was the last day, April 24, for the entires for the Ship Wars! I moved it to April 27 so you guys can have more time to finish your wonderful pieces! Have fun and stay fluffy! <3
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