Chapter 19 My Love
"What?!" I yelled.
I took Jordan and Tristan with me and Natalie and we drove to the hospital Red was at.
We ran to the front desk. "Hi, what room is... Wait, what the hell is Red's real name!"
Suddenly Adam ran to us with Ross and Max. "Where's Red?" I asked them. "He's in the emergency room?" Adam answered.
"What happened in the half hour I was gone?" I asked.
"Red went to pick up something for dinner and some nut job ran their car into him." Max said.
I shook my head. "Oh my god, no." I said. It was just us for Red right now. His family was back in his hometown.
So we waited in the waiting room for two hours. Tristan and Jordan went back to the offices to finish some stuff.
I waited in panic and concern. Yes, I only knew Red for a month, but he was like my brother. I went everywhere with him before Natalie came, and I still do.
The group was sitting in fear. Red was kind of new to the offices like me. But he was still family, and we can't live without a family member.
After two hours, the doctor came in the waiting room. We all stood up and waited for some news.
"Well, your friend survived. However he's in critical condition. We had to perform a difficult surgery to keep him alive, which he barely was." he said.
We all exhaled a sigh of relief. "When can we see him?" Adam asked.
"He's being treated right now so we'll have a nurse get you when he's easy for guests." he responded.
We nodded. Half an hour later, a nurse came by us.
"He's ready." she said. We nodded and followed her to Red's room.
The nurse led us to his room. When I saw him, my heart dropped. He was covered in bandages, bruises on his face and arms, and cuts all over him.
"Mr. Steves, you have visitors." the nurse. Max raised his head. "Your last name is Steves?"
The nurse left the room. We looked at Red. He lifted his head. "Hey, guys." he said weakly.
Tears rolled down my eyes. Max stepped next to his bed. "How are you feeling?" Max said.
"S**ty." he said. Max chuckled. "I figured."
"Does everything hurt?" Ross asked. "Ross!" we all yelled. "What? I want to know."
Red laughed but wheezed and coughed. We rushed to him and payed him back down.
He looked up at me. "Oh, hi, Princess." he said. I smiled, the tears still in my eye.
Adam stood by his bedside. "Are your parents coming to see you? Do you know?"
Red shook his head. "They're visiting other family. They won't make it in time to see me."
He nodded. Red reached for his pills and took a few. "Um, do you mind if you guys give me some rest?" he said.
We all nodded. "We'll be outside." Max said and we headed for the door.
"Wait, Adam and Melody, can you stay?" he said. I looked at him. "Um, yeah. Barney, Tim, Max, Ross, give us a minute." Adam said.
They nodded. "Sures." Barney said and they walked out.
I looked at Red. He looked at me and smiled. I only wanted you guys to stay because I knew Adam the most and Melody, I'm closer to you than the others." he said.
Me and Adam nodded. Red turned and stared at his hospital band.
"I was walking to the grocery store two blocks down. It was peaceful, and I liked it." he twisted his wristband.
"I waited for the light to turn green. I remember hearing this car sound. I ignored it.
When the light changed, I crossed the street. It was a long street walk so I took my time. Then..." Tears rolled down his eyes.
"This car roomed down the street. And it didn't, it, it didn't stop. I looked at it and before I could run...." he looked at he ground.
I reached for his hand. He grabbed it. He looked up at there ceiling and chuckled a little.
"You know, when I was asleep during the surgery, I thought I was dead. I thought my whole life was taken away."
I stared at his face. His expression, it made me love him. I never felt my heart melt over someone since my family died in the fire.
Then, I realized, I love him like my brother. We had been through so much together. I remember when I had a depressed breakdown one day. He took my hand and hugged me, telling me it would be alright.
I couldn't lose my best friend. I just couldn't.
Adam patted Red's leg. "We're here for you any time buddy." he said.
"Thanks. Now get out of here. I'm tired." Red said. We smiled and nodded.
"See you soon, Red." Adam said and walked out. I looked back at Red.
"I'm gonna miss you at the offices." I said, still holding his hand. He smiled.
"Me too." I kissed his forehead and let go of his hand.
I walked to the doorway when Red spoke. "Hey, you need to get a boyfriend." he said smiling.
I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Leave me alone, Dad." I said.
He chuckled. "Give Max a chance, will you? I know he's a good guy." he said.
"I know he is." I said. He nodded. "Take care of yourself." I smiled.
"You too." Then, I walked out of the room.
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