Chapter 17 The Fair III
The group walked to the Fair Square. "So, should we go on the Ferris wheel now?" Ross asked. Jess shook her head. "That should be last." she said.
Adam nodded. "Besides, there's a concert right now at the stage. We should go check that out." he said. Everyone nodded and we walked to the stage.
The band was already on the stage when we found some seats at two picnic tables. At my table was Shelby, Barney, Ross, Natalie, and me. At the other table was Adam, Alesa, Max, Alexa, and Jess.
I was in the middle of Natalie and Ross. We were all talking for five minutes until the band started talking.
"Hello, Seattle!" the lead guitarist said. The crowd was hooting and shouting. We were clapping and smiling.
"So, our first song is dedicated to all the single ladies out there!" the guitarist said. He handed the microphone to a woman.
"Thank you. One, two, three.." she said and she started to sing single ladies by Beyoncé with some backup singers. Some girls went up to the front of the stage and started dancing.
I looked at Shelby. "Hey, so how long you gonna be in Washington?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Maybe a week? Depends on what my parents think." she replied. I nodded.
I looked over at the other table. Max was laughing with Alexa about something. Adam was talking with Barney who was across from him. Jess was laughing with Alesa.
Everyone was talking with someone. But I didn't care. I was focused on Max. He was so focused on Alexa and her only.
I was mad. I just got here. I'm gonna be here a while. She's just gonna come and leave. What does he think is gonna happen? She going to leave and leave him alone.
The band was finished with the song. We all started clapping. "Alright, so our next song, we're going to slow it down a little. This is Earned It." the singer said.
We clapped for the band. Once the band started singing, I stood up. "I'm gonna go get something to drink." I said. Ross stood up too. "I'll come too." We walked together to a drink stand.
We waited in line by the drink stand. I was humming to the song the band was playing. Ross smiled.
"You like that song?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah, it's one of my favorites from The Weekend." I said.
He nodded. "Cool." he said. I couldn't help but notice him staring at me, admiring me. It made me wonder. "Why do you keep on staring at me?" I said smiling. He shook his head. "No reason."
I looked at him suspiciously. Once we ordered our drinks we went to the napkin station. I grabbed some napkins. Suddenly, I dropped my drink.
"Damnit!" I yelled. I bent down to grab some napkins and clean up the mess. Ross helped me. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. He nodded. "You're welcome."
Once the mess was cleaned up, Ross offered to buy me another drink. I shook my head. "It's fine. Plus, I kind of don't want to go back in that line." I said.
"It's fine. I can go back in line. I'll do anything.. for you." he said. I looked at him. He was blushing.
"Melody, I think it's time you know, what I'm feeling." he said. I stared at him. Oh, no. He grabbed my hand.
"Melody, ever since you came to our home and all the times we spent together, I felt like I was flying." My heart was beating.
"I can't explain how I feel about you. But, I can say this." He grabbed my other hand.
"I want to go out with you. I want to have a relationship with you. If you say yes, it would make me the-"
"Ross..." I interrupted. He looked at me. I gulped.
"I don't like you that way." I said, regretting what I said. He stared at me.
Ross's P.O.V
I stared at her. "What?" My heart dropped. She didn't just... She let go of my hand.
"Ross, I love you, but not as a boyfriend. You're like my brother, okay? I don't want ruin our close relationship with dating." she said. I was frozen. I nodded. "Oh." I said.
She smiled. "Listen, there's going to be someone out there who will love you forever. You deserve way better than me." She leaned in and kissed my cheek.
Melody walked away, and left me here, alone. I stared at the ground, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, a voice came from behind.
"If it makes you feel better, she's right." I turned around. Natalie stood there smiling. I blushed. "What?"
She blushed too. "Sorry, I meant that you will find someone because you are pretty amazing and caring." she said. She passed me and looked back at me.
"I promise." she said, smiling and walked away. I was shocked. Natalie, I never thought...
Melody's P.O.V
After the band was done playing their songs, the group moved to the rides again. Adam wanted to go to the dizzy dragons before the Ferris wheel. We all agreed and went to the ride.
The ride, surprisingly, had a long line. "How does this have a longer line than the swings?" Alesa said. I shrugged. "I don't know, but it's pretty funny."
We got on the ride. The ticket holder led us to different carts. Natalie sat with Ross and Shelby. Jess sat with Adam and Alesa. That left me with Max and Alexa.
The ride started and the carts started moving in circles. The wheel in the middle of the carts was activated. Max started spinning the wheel and our cart moved faster.
Alexa was laughing and screaming. "Woo! This is so much fun!" she said. I rolled my eyes and just stayed at the corner.
Max was smiling until he noticed me. I was just staring outside and not having fun at all. Why! Because Alexa's a flirting b**ch.
The ride came to a stop. Max let go if the wheel. Alexa smiled at him and hugged him. "Oh my god, Max, you're so strong!"
Now, I jumped out of the cart after this remark. I walked fast to the exit. But groups of people blocked it trying to get out.
"Damnit." I muttered. Suddenly, Max slipped through and met up with the group. Alexa stood by me, waiting to get out. She looked at me and smiled.
"Nice night. Isn't it?" she said. I just stared at her. "Yeah." I responded, not showing any sign of happiness what so ever.
Max waved at us and signaled to meet them at the Ferris wheel. We nodded. Alexa turned to look at me. "You know, Max loves me." she said out of nowhere.
I looked at her. "Excuse me, what?" She smiled grimly.
"Max, he loves me. And I know it. He's only been paying attention to me, not you. So don't get in our way, trying to be his boyfriend. Cause it will never happen." she said.
I stared at her, my mouth hung open. "You see, the thing is Alexa, he'll never love a cold hearted, arrogant, piece of s**t like yourself." I said.
She stared at me in awe. We made it through the exit. The group walked back by us to see what was going on. Alexa noticed and smiled a little.
Suddenly, she moved toward me and dropped to the ground. I stepped back behind her. What the hell?! She sobbed. "Ow! Why would you do that? I did nothing to you!"
The group rushed towards her. "What happened?" Max said. Alexa looked and pointed at me. "She elbowed me and pushed me to the ground.
Max stared at me. "Why the hell would you do that?" he said. I was frozen. "I.. I-" "She's jealous because I told her how nice you are and kind and then she got mad and just hit me!" she cried.
I stared at her. "What! I didn't-" I said. "Stop it! Everyone knows you like Max and that you wanted to hurt me ever since I came to visit." she said. The group stared at me.
Now, I looked guilty, because everything she said was true. Besides the elbow part, I did hated he and wanted to get ride of her. But that doesn't mean she acts like this.
I stood there, the group giving me dirty looks. Max picked up Alexa and held her in his arms. "Next time, just leave us alone." he said and turned and turned around.
Alexa turned her head and smiled at me. She mouthed, Alexa- 2, Melody- 0. I was frozen. How did she-
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Natalie's yells. "Wait! I was trying to warn you all from the other side of the park!" she said, running to us.
We looked at her confused. She stopped and stared at Alexa. "I don't care what you do to me, you're not winning!" she yelled at Alexa. Alexa acted all surprised.
"Excuse me!" she said. The group stared at Natalie. Natalie stared at me and then back at Alexa. "Listen, Alexa is lying. She's been lying to you all ever since she got here."
The group looked at Alexa. She was "shocked". "I don't what she's talking about. She's just trying to make me look bad to cover Melody!" she said. Now, she sounded insane.
Natalie rolled her eyes. "Melody didn't do anything wrong. First of all, I wanted Melody to hang out with Max more and so did everyone else, but Alexa hated that."
I looked at Natalie. Where is she going with this? "When I went to the bathroom earlier, I followed Alexa to this secret corner place. There, she met with some guy. And..." she started.
Everyone knew what she was going to say. I was surprised, shocked, oblivious, but I was also happy that the b**ch got what she deserved . Alexa stood there looking at Max.
Max stared at her and let her fall on the ground. She stood up and wiped herself. "How could you do that?" she said. "How could you that!" he said. Natalie stepped next to Max.
After she saw me spying, she grabbed my hood and choked me when I said I would tell everyone. Then, she threatened to hurt me or Melody if I told. I didn't want to say anything."
Natalie looked at Alexa. "But now, I don't care what you do." she said staring at her bloodshot. The group was mad. Adam clenched his fists. "What else did she do?" he said, asking Natalie.
"Well, she pretended to be hurt just to make Melody look bad. I saw her do it from afar. That's why I was running over here to tell you guys." she said. Adam nodded.
Alexa ran to hug Max. "Please, I didn't want anyone to get in the way of us! I just wanted to fix our relationship, with no problems! Max... I.... I love you." she said.
Max flung her off of him. "Yeah, but I don't love you. I don't know how anyone could love you." he said. I stared at Max.
He looked at me and back at Alexa. Her mouth hung open. "But Max Max-" she said. "Don't call me Max Max. You can stay at the fair. But you're not hanging out with us."
"I don't care if you go messing around with other guys. I'm not dating you anyways and I'm never going to date you." he said. Alexa stared at him in shock and then crossed her arms.
"Fine, you don't deserve a girl like me anyways." she said. She stomped on the ground and walked away from us. We stared at her for a moment and then burst out laughing.
I smiled. Adam was practically in his knees. "I always knew she was a b**ch." he said. "Anyways, who's up for last ride: the Ferris wheel." We nodded and walked to the line.
Alesa went with Adam, Shelby went with Jess, Ross went with Natalie, and Barney didn't go on because he's afraid of heights. This led to me sitting with Max.
Yes, he's all mine now but I'm still mad at him for ignoring me this whole time. I've been here for a month almost. I want him to realize I'm here, and I'll always be here.
I got on a cart with Max. The ride handler closed and locked the gate. "Don't jump. Don't scream. Don't try to unlock the door. Have a nice ride!" he said. We looked at each other.
Once the ride started rotating, I looked outside. The sky was dark and beautiful. The stars were gleaming with a wonderful shining joy. The night was perfect, but the feeling wasn't.
Max stared at the floor. Then, he looked up at me. "So, beautiful night isn't it?" he said. I nodded slightly. "Yeah." I muttered. "Um, did I upset you in anyway?" he asked.
I slowly turned to face him. "What?" I said. "Did I upset you?" he said. I was disgusted. "You really don't know what you did?" I said. He shook his head. "I'm guessing I did but-"
"You ignored me for a week because of some girl that you liked. You dissed me and only talked to me when your pretty girlfriend wasn't around!" I yelled. He raised his eyebrows.
"Why does that matter to you? You only knew me for a couple weeks." he said. I stared bloodshot at him. "It matters because I'm your guest and your friend so you should be kind."
He yelled at me, "But I had a visitor! Alexa is a great friend of me and she would understand! I know her more than you! So just stay out of it!" he said. I stared at him and stood up.
"Alexa "your great friend" just dissed you and lied to you and everyone. You trusted her! Then, you got hurt!" I yelled back. "Again, this doesn't involve you! So stay out of it!" he said.
I crossed my arms. "This is my life, too. I can't, I can't-" I looked outside. Suddenly, an orange light flashed. Flames, smile, and the hand from the bathroom appeared in my mind.
I started to panic. I stepped back from the window. The ride was slowly going up, but we so high. I can't.. I can't breathe. I started hyperventilating.
Max became aware of what was going on and stood up. "Melody, calm down." he said. I started moving around a lot. The cart started shaking. I started sweating and panicking more.
I started shaking. Max took my arms. "Melody, calm down. It's okay." he said. But I couldn't calm down. Everything in my life has become hell because of me, because I didn't save them.
"Nothing's okay! My life is complete hell! I hate it! I hate myself!" I yelled. Tears rolled down my eyes. Our cart was right at the top. The Ferris wheel stopped. I was frozen.
Max turned me to face to him. "Listen! Your life isn't hell. Nothing's going to go bad. Just hang on. I'll be here. I'll always be here." he said. I looked up at him. A tear came from my eye.
"I'm scared, Max." I said. He hugged me. "I know." he said. I let go of him. I stared into his eyes. When I did, everything washed away. All my troubles, problems, insecurities vanished.
I pulled him close to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I leaned in and kissed him softly. He kissed me back. Suddenly, we connected and what became gentle turned into sweet.
I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me against him. I smiled. "I love you." I said softly. He kissed me. "I love you too."
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