Chapter 13 Recording
Melody's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and saw Alexa standing there with Max. I rolled my eyes. Max noticed me and smiled. "Hey Melody. I'm driving Alexa to the offices so we're leaving now. Bye!" he said.
He walked out of the kitchen and to the door with Alexa. Then, he walked out of the apartment. I stood there, staring at the door blankly.
"What the f**k just happened?" I said. Natalie came in the kitchen. "Oh, hey. Yeah, Ross told me about Alexa. She does seem like a b**ch." she said. I nodded. "That's because she is one."
Ross came in the kitchen and grabbed some milk from the fridge. He closed the door and smiled at us. "Morning, m'ladies." Ross said bowing. I smiled. "Morning, sir Ross." I said. Natalie blushed. "Morning, fair prince." she said. He smiled at her.
I noticed their cute tension and smiled. "Sir Ross, my carriage to the fair lands will be leaving five to eight. Please be ready to come to the carriage at that time." I said with my best renaissance accent.
He bowed. "As you wish, Princess Melody of Bellevue." he said. Before leaving the kitchen, he bowed in front of Natalie. She bowed as well.
When he left, I jumped up and down and grabbed Natalie's arms. "He likes you! He likes you!" I said. She smiled and shook her head.
"He likes you. Don't you see it in his eyes?" she said. I stared at her. Don't you see it in his eyes? Stá lóca, 'don't you see it in his eyes.'" I said. She laughed. "Stop with the George Lopez references." We laughed and went to get ready.
I hopped in my car with Natalie and Ross. We drove to the offices and parked next to Adam's car. We walked up the stairs and to the front desk. "Hey Emily." Ross and I said in unison. She waved at us. "Hey, who's this?" she asked. "This is Natalie, my sister, she's visiting." I said. She nodded. "Cool. Nice to meet you. Head on in." she said.
We walked into the main room. I said hi to all the editors and I brought Natalie to my office. "So this is where I work." I said. She studied my computers. "Wow, this is what you're degree got you?" she said. I shook my head at her. "You would've done great things too if you went to college."
She sat down and rolled her eyes. "I just couldn't go after the accident." she said. "Natalie, you got accepted to Julliard. That is one of the best music schools in the world. How could you give up on an opportunity like that?"
"I told you I couldn't go! I was depressed! I felt like I lost everything that day. I knew I wouldn't make a difference in a music school!"
"Just because you lose everything doesn't mean you lose everything."
She looked at me, tears in her eyes. "What do you mean?" She sat on the ground and covered her face. I sat next to her.
"Yeah, you lost everything. Everything physically. But at the end of the day, you still have something. And that's your pride and your talent. You're going to lose that now if you don't use it and take it as an advantage. Because, Natalie, you are special. You have so much, use it wisely." I said. I wrapped my arm around her.
"Remember that song Grandma would always sing to us before we went to sleep?" I said. She smiled. "Yeah." She lifted her head.
"Little caterpillars in your little cocoon,
Grow up to be the one you choose." she started.
"There's always going to be
The bad days and the good ones.
Don't let those get you down.
Cause you are the special ones." I sang. She looked at me and we started singing softly together, our voices colliding beautifully.
"Little caterpillars, spread your wings
Into the night sky with the Stars and the moon.
Cause little caterpillars, this world revolves around you."
We hugged when Adam came in. "Melody-" He looked at us. "Okay, two questions, one, who's this? Two, what are you doing on the floor." I laughed. "This is my sister, Natalie. She visiting and don't judge me."
He nodded. "I won't. Oh, and today is your first recording with us. Remember?" he said. I woke up to reality. "Oh, right! I'll be on Minecraft in five." I told him. He smiled. "Good. Nice meeting you." he said and walked out of my office.
I looked back at Natalie. "Showtime."
I sat her in a chair behind me. I logged into Minecraft and got on an adventure map with Adam. I slipped on my headphones and looked at Natalie. "Here," I said giving her a set of headphones, "listen to our commentary."
Once Natalie put on her headphones, we began. "Adam, do you mind if my sister listens to the commentary, I don't have my mic close to her, but I just want to show her." I said.
"Yeah it's fine. You ready?"
"I hope."
"Aye, hope's good."
"Alright.... Hey guys. Sky here, and I'm with, oh my god, who are you?"
"I don't, I was just walking to the bathroom, in a Mexican restaurant, and when I came out these three guys hustled me in a van, and now I'm here."
Adam started laughing his famous cackling laugh.
"Ah, yes. Just kidding. I am here with Melody and, wait, this is when I officially introduce you right?"
"Technically, if you don't count all of the times you recorded me eating food for five straight minutes without mentioning my name."
Adam starts laughing again.
"I thought that was the proper way to introduce someone. No, for real, Melody is one of our new editors. She'll be with us for a while-"
"Or at least until Barney gives me back my sweater that he's been sniffing for three days."
Adam starts laughing, again, and I can hear him fall off the chair. I smile at the thought of making him laugh, but at the same time, everyone makes him laugh.
"Okay, to the point, today we are going to be playing, The Falling 4. And the last time I played this, I raged so hard. So I thought I would take Melody here to rage some more with me."
"Oh, you're such a good friend."
"Alright, so let me step on this pressure plate..."
For the next forty-five minutes, we played through the map, with us raging throughout the different levels.
After we were done recording, I turned to face Natalie. "That's how you do a recording."
She clapped. "It's funny looking at you guys raging at different levels and also, isn't this your first recording?" she said. I nodded and turned to face my computers. "Yeah, but I killed it." I said as I logged off Minecraft.
She crossed he arms. "Brag much?" I smiled. "Oh yeah."
I stood up and walked out of my office with Natalie. We went to the kitchen where I grabbed some water bottles. As we drank them I told her about the fair. "So Adam told us we could bring whoever we want since he just recommending it, not like an official event.
She nodded. "I'm in, let's do this." I smiled. "Alright." We linked our arms and went out of the kitchen.
Ross's P.O.V
I looked at Natalie and Melody as they went to the office. I have to tell her how I feel at the fair.
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