What Happens Next
An epilogue of what happened after the trial..
3 week Later......
''How are those vegetables coming?'' Asked Poppy to Holly.
''Great darling almost ready.'' The country troll replied smiling.
Poppy smiles she was wearing a blue and purple dress; she was setting the plates on the table when the doorbell went off.
''I'll get it!'' She called running to the door opening to see a troll who walked in. ''Branch! Welcome!'' She smiled and hugged him.
''Thanks, beautiful.' He smiles and walks in.
Branch hugged back and he pulls out of it as they kiss, her hands went to his shoulders, as his wrapped around her waist both embracing the moment and pulled away.
''You look beautiful.'' He spoke.
''Thank you and you look good in that vest and bow tie.'' She pulls him in.
Holly and Val came into the living room and smiled at the couple.
''Branch, I'd like you to meet Holly Darling and Val Thunderstruck my bestie roomies. Holly and Val meet my boyfriend Branch.'' Poppy introduced.
''So, your the guy who Popsqueak has been hiding from us.'' Val said shaking his hand.
''I guess.'' Branch said.
''Well, I find you to be very handsome, Poppy you lucked out.'' Holly said eyeing Branch and checking him out.
''Thanks, but he's mine.'' She said with a serious voice.
''I know I'm just teasing.'' Holly said shaking Branch's hand.
Shortly the two girls went back into the kitchen and Branch turned Poppy around and kisses her sweetly. She kisses back her hands resting on his chest.
Branch pulls away and eyes her. ''I missed you.''
''I missed you too so how was work?'' She asked.
''Great, oh I got a promotion I am now assistant manager to the construction site.'' He said proudly.
''That is wonderful!'' Poppy smiled hugging him.
''Hey guys suppers ready.'' Holly called.
''Shall we?'' He asked holding out his arm.
''Yes.'' Poppy giggles.
As they were about to go in when the news came on.
''I'm Mark William here to bring you the evening report. Hottest news is that inmate Marco who was using the false name Sunset was found guilty on the murder of Rosiepuff Lake after framing her grandson Branch Timberlake who is now free, and when press talked to Marco, he had nothing to say he is on death row.'' The new caster said.
Branch held Poppy in his arms, Holly and Val came in and watched.
''Also, his lawyer Creek Peacemaker who helped Marco cover up the murder while bribing another lawyer, got his license revoked and is never allowed to practice again, and all of his cases are going to be looked at and he will get 30 to life in jail.'' The reporter said.
Everyone cheered as Poppy jumped into Branch's arms.
''And I have you to thank Poppy.'' He kisses her cheek
''Ok, now that's its over let's eat.'' Val said.
They all went to the kitchen to eat.
A couple days after Branch got out of the hospital he was cleared and was a free troll. He had moved in with Trollex for a bit until he could get his own place all the while working at his old job and dating Poppy.
Later after supper Branch had Poppy on his lap as they were outside on the porch balcony swing making out. His hands explored every inch of her body as she ran her hands though his hair her tongue in his mouth. They couldn't get enough of each other and spent time together whenever they could.
''I love you, Poppy.'' He said.
''I love you too Branch.'' She hugs him.
''So, I was thinking, I have enough saved up that I'm thinking of looking at an apartment to live in and I want you to help me.'' He said as their fingers played with each other.
''I would love to... wait why me? I thought you and Trollex were going to find a place?'' She asked.
''That was an idea, but I want you to help because I'm hoping it's a place, we can be comfortable and happy.'' He said lifting up her chin.
''B-Branch-- are you?'' She asked surprised.
''Yes, I want you to move in with me.'' He said.
''Yes! I will.'' She shouts as she hugs him, and they start kissing again.
2 months later...
''Ok, that is the last of the box we unpacked.'' Branch said placing a picture on the living room wall.
''Whew, I thought we'd never get done.'' Poppy said sitting down.
They had finally found an apartment after a month of looking to find the right one and had gotten all their stuff unpacked.
''Same, but with teamwork we got it done.'' He said wrapping his arms around her.
They celebrated with ordering takeout. That evening Branch and Poppy got in his car as he drove to the gravesite, and he took Poppy's hand and took her to a gravestone with Rosiepuff name.
''Poppy, I'd like you to meet my grandma Rosiepuff. Hey grandma I want you to meet the love of my life Poppy.'' He said to the gravestone.
Poppy got on her knees and looked at the grave.
''Hi Rosiepuff, I've heard a lot about you and I'm happy I get to meet you. I love your son and I will do everything I can to make him happy.'' She said.
Branch helped her up as they took a moment to respect her. ''She would love you.'' He said.
1 year later...
Branch was at the grave of his grandma and brought flowers.
''Hey grandma, been a while since we last talked. I've been so busy with work and my relationship with Poppy. I know you would love her. She fun, sweet, beautiful, and everything a guy would want and you and her would be best friends... I've been thinking of taking the next step with her and proposing. I still have the ring you gave me in case I ever got married. But I want to know if it's the right thing?'' He asked.
He turned and saw Peppy.
''Branch I thought I might find you here.''
''Peppy, yeah, I came to see my grandma.'' He said and the box slipped out of his hand.
Peppy picked it up and opened it and smiled at Branch. ''So, you decided to finally ask Poppy huh?'' He asked.
''Yeah, I'm thinking about it.'' He said.
''I'm sure she'll say yes, she been saying she hopes it soon and I'm sure Rosiepuff would love it.'' Peppy said.
Poppy had got back from lunch and came into her jailhouse and saw Essence and Delta giggling.
''What's going on?''
''Just a joke.'' Delta said.
Poppy looked at them and went to her office and couldn't wait to get off. She went into her office, and she set down her back and saw her desk chair swirl around and there was Branch.
''Branch! What are you doing here?'' She asked.
''I came to see you.'' He said.
''I thought you had enough of this place.'' She said.
''Yeah, I did but not you. By the way I have something for you.'' He said.
Poppy looked at him and he stood up taking her hand and got down on one knee.
''Poppy, will you marry me?'' He asked.
She covered her mouth and looked at him. ''Yes.'' She said abut in tears.
She heard cheering and looked to see Hickory, Delta, Quincy, and Essence there clapping.
6 months later...
''Branch do you take Poppy as your wife?''
''I do.''
''Poppy, do you take Branch as your husband?''
''I do.''
''I now pronounce you husband and wife, kiss the bride.'' The preacher Cloud Guy said.
Broppy kissed as they just got married.
Later that night the two were on their way to their honeymoon.
''So how does it feel to be Mrs. Timber?'' He asked.
''Amazing.'' She rested her head on his.
A year later Branch and Poppy had a beautiful baby girl named Tulip and they all lived happily ever after.
Here is the end of this... I might do a chapter in the naughty broppy smut about their wedding night... Also thanks for reading
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