Chapter 8
Broppy bonding...
Branch looked at Poppy with concern. ''Are you sure you're, ok?''
''Yes, I am Branch and it's all thanks to you.'' She said feeling her cheek turn red.
Branch nodded and sat down in the chair waiting for her. Poppy smiles and sat down across from him. ''I want to thank you for saving me like you did.'' She said looking at him.
''Well, by the time I jumped in you already did something to him, I just pulled him off.'' Branch said turning red and rubbing the back of his neck.
''Still, you got him off of me.'' She said placing her hand on top of his for a moment.
''Yeah, I usually jump into things without thinking, in fact that is how I got sent here into your office in the first place.'' He said sitting down.
Poppy sat back and pulled out her notebook. ''Wait I was under the impression you started the fight.'' Poppy said.
''Nope, I was...'' He stopped and looked at her. ''You're gonna keep your word and you're gonna tell me a little bit about yourself.'' He smirked at her.
''Yes, I will, and I never go back on my word, but I want to hear about how you ended up here in therapy.'' She said pulling out her pencil and looking at him.
''It was because of Sunset. We were eating supper and he was running his mouth about you, saying how sexy you are, and that he would love to make you a real woman, and that you're slowly giving into him. It upset your clients, but it got to Ryan the most who went up to confront Sunset who shoved him, and they started fighting, poor Ryan was getting beat up, he needed help and I against my better judgement tackled Sunset and that is how I am here.'' He said shrugging and folding his arms.
Poppy nodded. ''So, you were protecting Ryan. That is really nice of you, but why didn't you tell Sheriff Qunicy about it?''
''He wouldn't listen, nobody listens to me but you, and you're getting paid to listen.'' He said sighing and looking down.
''I always take what my clients say seriously, and most of the time they just yank at me but watching you, I say you're telling the truth.'' She said feeling for him.
''I am. But now tell me a little something about yourself.'' He said leaning forward ready to listen.
Poppy smiled, nobody ever asked her about her life usually that was off because it was supposed to be about them, but she did commit to it and if it helped him open up, she would.
''Well, this is my second year working as a therapist, I live with two roommates and I'm a complete nerd.'' She said leaning forward.
''That's impressive so what kind of nerd are you?'' He asked.
She looked at him. ''You asked me two questions so it's my turn.'' He spoke.
She nodded. ''Well, I love listening to Pop, rock, reggae, funk, and country but my favorite is techno and pop music. And I love watching adventure/romance movies, a nerd mostly if the fantasy games and music, I do like puzzles I got like 20 of them at home.'' She smiled.
Branch found himself smiling at her. she was easy to talk to and he felt his heartbeat in the way she talked, and she was amazing, he was scared as well, sure he met girls and dated a couple of them but this one is different.
''That's awesome, I never thought you the puzzle type.'' He said.
''Yeah, at times, but now it's my turn.'' She said still smiling at him and there was that feeling coming up again she had when talking to Delta.
''So, how are you getting along with the other inmates?'' She asked.
He nodded. ''Ok, I guess I was playing chess with Ryan before coming here, the others we don't talk, I only usually mix words with Sunset, but he usually starts it.'' Branch said looking at her.
''Yeah, he's something.'' Poppy said quietly. She noticed that a bit of his blue chest was showing though the v cut orange jumpsuit and her mind wondered about him a bit.
''Hello! Poppy!'' Branch waved his hand in front of her.
She broke out of her thinking trance. ''What was that?''
''So, what do you do in your free time?'' Branch asked her.
''I normally stay at home or go to my besties band show to support her, or I try to find out ways to help you guys.'' She said writing own what he said.
He noticed she was looking at him and he took a quick look and noticed a bit of his chest was showing. He looks at her as she stares at him looking red and decided to have some fun with her.
''Looks like we got about 5 minutes left. What is something you want to talk about?'' She asked.
''Are you dating anyone?'' He asked.
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
''I'm only asking because a minute ago I caught you staring right here at my chest, and a girl who does that isn't dating unusually or she a cheating slut.'' He said pointing out as a smirk grew on his face seeing her turn red.
''I wasn't trying to-- I mean it was just hanging there you could of wore a white tank top or something.'' She tried.
''I don't choose what I wear in here, so I take it your single otherwise you would be going out on dates.'' He pointed out.
''Maybe the guy I'm with is busy.'' She shot back.
He stared at her for a minute and leaned back chuckling. ''Yep, you're single.''
''What? How do you know that?'' She asked shocked.
''Easy, sub-consciously you want to look attractive, so the jean skirt is supposed to help with that, and the blouse reads I'm ready to mingle.'' He said leaning back.
Poppy was surprised and impressed, and she was liking this. ''Well, looks like I was wrong, you are a flirt.''
''Now let's not point fingers, you were eyeing me this whole time, I think it's because I saved you.'' He smiles.
Poppy was about to say something when the walkie went off. ''Times up Poppy.'' Hickory said.
''Ok, so this week I want you to try talking to the other inmates. You need to talk to at least three. See if you can handle that by Friday.'' Poppy said leaning over and smirking.
''You're on.'' He said with a twinkle in his eyes.
Hickory came in and saw them standing up and shaking hands, but it lingered between them. Branch went over to Hickory, and he places the cuffs on Branch's hands.
''See you tomorrow, Branch.'' She waved.
''See ya.'' He nodded smirking as they left.
Poppy fell on her chair. ''What just happened?'' She felt her cheeks hear up.
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