Chapter 7
Poppy figures out the feeling she has when Branch is around and How will Sunset therapy go?
Poppy was on her lunch break eating and deep in thought about Branch. Why was he always in her mind?
''You ok Poppy?'' She looked up at Delta who was sitting across from her eating as well.
''Yeah, I'm fine why?'' She asked picking her sandwich apart.
''Because you seem to be a million miles away. Anything you want to talk about?'' Delta asked concerned for her friend.
''I'm fine just a lot on my mind, and nothing to bother you with.'' Poppy dismissed nibbling on her sandwich.
''Is it about one of your clients?'' Delta took a guess.
''You know I can't talk about them. Besides its something different that I'm feeling.'' Poppy said not looking up.
''Ok sweetheart what is it? Tell me maybe I can help?'' Delta gave her attention to Poppy.
''Well, lately I've been seeing this guy and I feel weird when he's around and I want to see him more.'' Poppy looks down.
''Aww Poppy you caught the love bug!'' Delta said holding her hand.
''What? No, it's not that. I like this troll and I would love to get to know him better, and when I'm around him I seem to lose it a bit.'' Poppy explained.
''It's showing that you are starting to have feelings for this troll. That's a good start Poppy, most just run into a relationship without thinking.'' Delta said smirking.
''I've only known the troll for a week and I'm having these feelings.. I doubt me and him will be anything more then good friends.'' She said sighing.
''So, it's a guy huh? I knew it.'' Delta was curious to know who it was.
''Yeah, well better get back I have Branch and Sunset to handle after lunch.'' Poppy said getting ready to throw her stuff away.
''Oh the two cellmates I hear they don't get along.'' Delta said.
''That is true, but I prefer Branch over Sunset... That was wrong to say.'' Poppy caught herself. She looked down feeling stupid she never had a favorite client so why Branch?
''I can't say I blame you, and it's natural to have a favorite. Though I'm very concerned about Sunset, you should have a guard with you while he is in there.'' Delta said also standing up.
''Please, like that will change anything. Besides they got him in hand and feet cuffs plus I have protection if he tries anything.'' Poppy as they walked to the door and to Delta' truck.
Delta was quiet and shook her head worried about it. ''We know you can handle yourself Poppy but we just worry. Sunset is dangerous.'' She said as they drove to the jailhouse.
Poppy was in her office getting ready. ''Ok you just have to get though with Sunset and then you and Branch can get to know each other better.'' She said to herself.
She growls as her mind scolds her. 'You are his doctor that is all nothing more. He is a handsome, sweet guy.' She shook her head annoyed.
''Alright Poppy we are bringing Sunset in. Hickory said over the walkie.
Poppy places the pepper spray in her hair and the taser in her back pocket took a deep breath. ''Bring him in.''
The door opened and in came Quincy then Sunset all cuffed up in the middle with Hickory coming in behind him hands on his shoulder.
''Ok what chair do you want him in?'' Asked Quincy.
''In this chair.'' Poppy said nodding to the chair.
Hickory places Sunset in the chair and Quincy takes out rope tying it around him.
''Stop!'' Poppy said firmly.
Hickory and Quincy looked up at her. ''What Poppy?''
''This is too much; ok I get it he is dangerous but tying him up is wrong. I can handle him myself; he's cuffed what more could he do? It's enough that I let you boys cuff him.'' Poppy said glaring at them.
''Sorry Poppy but we have to otherwise one of us will have to be in here.'' Hickory said.
''Please, let's try this again and if he does anything then from now on, I will let you tie him up.'' She offered.
''Come on guys please that was just talk in the jail, trust me here you have to be the tough troll otherwise you will get beat up.'' Sunset said.
Quincy looked at Sunset. ''Alright but you are on a tight leash, if we have to come in here before the session is over you will spend the week in the quiet room and you will be tied up when you come in for sessions. Poppy I trust you so make it count and push this button if you need help.'' He said.
''You got it.'' She said as he left. Hickory lingered at the doorway and walked out closing it.
''Alright Sunset how are you doing?'' Asked Poppy sitting down.
''Great, I eat, sleep work out in the yard and I play ball with the others.'' He said leaning back.
''Ok, and how are you feeling now?'' She asked looking at him.
''I wish I could say but eh I don't want to get into trouble.'' He said shrugging.
''You're here to talk about your feelings, so how are you feeling?'' She asked.
''I've been feeling horny lately. Is hard to masturbate when there are only males around but if you think about a girl, it's not bad.'' He smirks licking his lips.
Poppy felt a bit nervous and didn't like it the way he was looking at her. 'Ok just try to get him to talk about a girl he really likes.' She thought.
''Oh and was there a girl that you were dating before being brought here?'' She asked a bit curious wishing the time would fly by so she could see Branch.
He looks at her and was quiet. ''Sure, there was Arianna she was a perfect sexy thing, our love was hot and passionate.'' He said thinking back to the girl who wanted him but didn't want to have sex right away and he raped her.
''And what happened to her?'' Asked Poppy a bit skeptical about it.
''I don't know I ran into her at a strip club.'' He said leaning back looking at Poppy. ''You remind me so much of her.''
Poppy kept a straight face and was a bit creeped out by that she also knew he raped a lot of girls. ''Well maybe if you get out of here you can try to start anew with her.''
''Ok Branch I move my pawn to one space.'' Ryan said.
Branch who was out of his cell was playing chess with Ryan who was pretty good.
''Hmm good move.'' He said debating his move.
The doors opened and in came Tresillo. ''Alright Timber let's go.''
They looked at the guard and Branch stood up. He felt butterflies in his stomach as they walked down the hall.
Poppy saw time was almost up. ''Ok we will continue this next week.'' She said standing up.
''Look, Poppy I know I've been a jerk to you, but I'm lonely and your beautiful.'' He pleaded.
Poppy frowns. ''Sorry Sunset I'm your doctor and I don't date clients. Besides giving your history with women, you need to control it.''
''Please just one!'' He lunges at her and falls on top of her trying to kiss her.
''Get off of me!'' She shouted and pepper sprayed him in the face right as the door opened and in came Tresillo and Branch.
Without thinking Branch ran forward and used his hair to wraparound Sunset's neck yanking him back as he fell on his back and stood protectively in front of Poppy as Sunset jumped up
but was tackled by Tresillo and Hickory.
''No, wait please I was just talking to her please.'' Shouted Sunset looking at Poppy as he was taken away.
''To the quiet room for you.'' Quincy said.
He saw that Branch was helping Poppy up the best he could with the cuffs on, he noticed Branch standing in front of Poppy during the incident.
''Are you ok Poppy?'' Quincy asked coming over.
''Yeah, I am, and you were right I'm sorry.'' She said looking down.
''Hey as long as you are ok and can continue.'' He said uncuffing Branch.
''Yeah, I'll be fine.'' She nodded feeling embarrassed that Branch had to see that.
''Oh, and good work Branch.'' He said before leaving them.
The two started at each other.
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