Chapter 17
Poppy and Trollex find out more about that day and things get heated between Branch and Poppy.
The next morning Poppy got up, dressed in a pink tank top and blue shorts, she went downstairs for breakfast. She saw Val and Holly at the table eating.
''Morning Poppy.'' Holly said happily.
''Morning Holly, Val.'' Poppy smiled and made some toast.
''Hey Popsqueak.'' Val replied.
''So, we are doing some girls shopping today and want you to come with us.'' Holly said passing the butter to Poppy.
''Sounds fun, but I got business to take care of.'' Poppy said not wanting to get into it.
They looked at her. ''Are you ok Poppy?'' Asked Val worried.
''Yeah, I'm just looking into something for an inmate.'' Poppy said.
''Ok, well if you need any help just ask.'' Holly said smiling.
Poppy smiled and saw a text from Trollex. ''Ok got to go talk to you later.
She hugged them and left getting into Trollex's car as they took off.
''How are you this morning?'' Trollex asked.
''Great, ready to get started.'' She giggled.
They drove an hour to the town and Poppy pulled up the coordinates on her phone and they came to the house.
''It's big.'' Trollex noted.
''Yeah, I hope they still live here.'' Poppy said feeling nervous.
''They do my friend did a lot of research.'' Trollex said as they got out and went up to the door and knocked.
There was no answer and Poppy tried again but still no answer. ''Might be out.'' Said Poppy.
They heard noises coming from the fenced back yard and went over to see two young girls playing.
''Excuse me is there a Mandy Park here?'' Asked Poppy.
The girls looked up and came over curiously. ''Depends on who's asking?'' The girl said.
''I'm Poppy and this is my friend Trollex, we are here to ask you a few questions of a certain day.'' Poppy said pulling out the tape recorder. ''Do you mind?''
Mandy opened the gate. ''Not at all.'' and they went in and all sat on the porch. ''What day? I'm only 12 and not sure I can help.'' Many said.
''Well, I imagine you have a good memory.'' Poppy praised.
''Yes I do.'' Mandy said proudly.
''Ok do you remember when you were 8 being chased by a blue male troll by the bridge?'' Asked Poppy curiously.
''Yeah, I got paid 20 for that.'' Mandy said smiling at the thought.
''Do you remember who paid you to do that?'' Asked Poppy.
Mandy thought and thought. ''Hmm he was a tall red troll and I think he said his name was Marco?'' The little girl said thinking.
Poppy and Trollex looked at each other shocked. ''So did you see Marco after that?'' Asked Trollex.
''No, he told me to do it and gave me the money up front saying all I had to do is get the blue troll out of his truck then run and hide I did and the blue troll never found me but he did seem very concerned.'' Mandy said smiling.
''Thank you so much, you have helped a lot.'' Poppy said excitedly.
''So is the blue troll ok?'' Asked Mandy.
''No, he's in jail for a crime he didn't commit and he was set up.'' Trollex said.
Mandy looked down. ''Did I have something to do with it?''
''No, you only did as you were told sweetheart, do you know where Marco is now?'' Asked Poppy hoping yes but doubted it.
''No, he came and I did what he asked and never saw him again though he had green eyes and was very strong.'' She said thoughtfully.
Trollex and Poppy smiled. ''You have been a big help.'' Trollex said.
Mandy smiled and both Trollex and Poppy pulled out 40 each and gave them to the two girls.
''You've helped a lot.'' Poppy said smiling and shaking their hands.
Once Poppy and Trollex got in the car they high fived. ''So it was Marco I knew it.'' Trollex said.
''Now all we have to do is track Marco.'' Poppy said.
''Easier said then done.'' Trollex said.
''I got it, besides I got high friends as well.'' Poppy smiled.
''Good I'll still do some digging and find out what I can about the judge.'' Trollex said.
''Great, call me if you find anything.'' Poppy said. ''But first lets get something to eat.'' As their stomach's growled.
They stopped for sandwiches and then he dropped Poppy off who once inside started making a phone call.
On Monday Poppy was in her office handling Ryan.
''Morning Ryan.'' She smiled.
''Morning Poppy.'' He grins sitting down and eating a snack bar.
''So, I hear you're doing great and staying out of trouble, plus you're hearing is coming up on Friday.'' She said.
''Yeah...'' He said quietly.
Poppy looked up surprised. ''I thought you were excited to be free?''
''Yes,,, but I don't want to leave Branch, he's the nicest inmate in here and well I believe he didn't kill grandma but Sunset is not going easy on him.
Poppy nodded. ''I feel the same way and I hope he gets out soon.'' Poppy said.
''Once I get free, I'm gonna try to free Branch myself.'' Ryan promised.
Poppy smiled. 'If only you knew I'm doing that.'
Later they brought Branch in and left. His smile brightened the room she went up and hugged him.
''You're a sight for sore eyes.'' Branch smiled cupping her face.
''So are you.'' She then leaned in and kissed him.
He kissed back, his hand on her waist as they continued making out for a couple of minutes. They pull away and Branch sits down pulling her to his lap.
She kisses his forehead. ''So I made some headway with you're case.'' She said sweetly.
''Oh? What?'' He asked anxious.
''It was Marco who bribed the young girl to distract you but we don't know where he is at and Trollex is looking into the judge.'' She said.
''Good, but becareful Sunset ha this idea we are a thing and he's getting ready for something big with me.'' He said sighing.
''Don't worry he won't do anything and with my case against him sticking he will be moved to a higher secured prison.'' She said looking into his eyes.
He hugged her. ''I admit I'm scared Poppy.''
She hugs him and then lifts his face, kissing him as he kisses back, his hands went to the back of her neck pulling her closer as her hand ran down the small sliver of his exposed chest while his hand ran up her leg.
She pulls out of the kiss. ''You're not gonna get hurt.''
''You don't know that Poppy, Hickory and Tresillo are smart but they are slow.'' He sighed.
''Ok, then start a fight get locked up in the isolation room, we are so close to figuring out this case, we just have to find Marco but the little girl did say he had green eyes and was very muscular.'' Poppy said.
Branch chuckled then froze his mind racing. Marco disappeared after he was charged and there was only one troll he knew that had green eyes and was muscular and he remembered seeing a bit of red on Sunset. No he didn't did he?
''Branch are you ok?'' Asked Poppy.
''Sunset.'' He said.
Poppy looked at him confused and then gasped. ''Sunset is Marco?''
''Yes, it makes sense I saw some red on his body, I think he disguised himself after the murder and with the help of someone I think Creek or someone helped change his name, and he committed these crimes to be caught.'' Branch said.
''He got put in here to keep an eye on you but why?'' She asked.
''I don't know, this is what I'm guessing happened but I need proof of it before its gone.'' Branch said looking at her.
''I got connections to Creek and I will work on that.'' She said.
He kisses her, she kisses back he ran his hand up her leg again as her hand caressed his neck, their lips pressed harder against each other, she leans into him and wraps her arms around his neck as he held her and felt himself getting hard.
He let go of her lips, kissing and biting her neck. ''Mmm Branch.'' She moans quietly feeling him hard.
She moved one of his hands to under her shirt groping her left mount and the other under her skirt as his fingers brushed against her underwear.
''Oh.'' She gasped feeling wet and wanted him.
Her hands went to undo his jumpsuit, she saw his blue chest as he gave a throaty moan and held her close.
They were getting closer to stripping each other when the phone went off and she pulled off of him as he buttoned his jumpsuit.
''Poppy it's time.'' Hickory said.
''Ok.'' She said hanging up as Hickory came in and looked at them, he had an idea something was up. Poppy was flushed and Branch was red.
''Everything ok in here?'' He asked.
''Yes.'' They both said.
Branch held out his wrist as he got cuffed and left. Hickory looks at Poppy with a raised eyebrow and left.
Poppy grins and felt herself wet. Next time she would have him but she needed to find out more about Marco/Sunset and what did Creek have to do with it?
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