Chapter 16
Poppy works on Branch's case and deals with her case coming up. While things get intense at the jailhouse.
Poppy was sitting at a cafe writing stuff down and she saw Trollex coming to sit across from her.
''So any news?'' Asked Poppy,
''Well, I was doing some digging and I know the name of the little girl.'' Trollex said.
Poppy leaned forward. ''And who is she?''
''Her name is Mandy Park, she was an 8 year old at the time and now 11.'' Trollex said.
''Huh and did she say why she did it?''
''No all I got was her name as for where she lives I've mapped the area out.'' He pulled out the map.
''Ok that's good.'' Poppy said as the waitress brought over two shakes.
''So how is Branch?'' Asked Trollex accepting the drink.
''He's good.'' She said not looking at him.
''And something happened between you two?'' He prodded.
''Yeah, we kissed.'' She blushed but was happy to get out of it.
''I knew it!'' He grinned excitedly.
''Yeah, I do care about him and I know he is innocent.'' She smiled.
''You two gonna hook up when he is free?'' He asked.
''Maybe... or he'll meet some other nice girl and wants to be with her.'' She said sitting back.
''I doubt it, I mean you're freeing him and I bet he'll love you forever.'' Trollex said.
Poppy wanted to believe it but was having a hard time. ''Trust me I know Branch if he didn't like you he wouldn't be letting you help him.'' Trollex assured her.
Poppy smiled. ''So I'm thinking you and me should go to this girls neighborhood tomorrow.'' Poppy smiled.
''Sure, my Saturday is free.'' He said.
''Good.'' She smiled. Then her phone went off. ''Give me a minute.''
She answered. 'Hello?'
'Hey Poppy it's Laguna I want to find a time we can meet.' She said.
'Um anytime works for me.' She said.
''Ok how about this evening 7 at my office.'' She asked.
'Sounds good. Poppy said hanging up.
''Everything ok?'' Asked Trollex.
''Yes. just fine my lawyer wants to talk about the case of Sunset.'' She shook her head.
''Oh I heard, the one who tried to rape you and Branch saved you?'' He asked.
''Does everybody know about that?'' She asked annoyed.
''Yeah, my buddy I talked to keeps informed with the jails around here.''
They stood up after the drinks and shook hands.
''So I'll pick you up at your apartment tomorrow at 9 is that ok?'' He asked.
''Yeah, here is my address.'' She gave him a piece of paper he took it and they left.
In the Jailhouse....
Branch was on the cot thinking about Poppy, he dared hoped that one day when he is free they could be together.'' He smiled thinking of her.
''Daydreaming are we?''
His eyes snapped opened and saw Sunset in the cell.
''I believe you're cell is two door down.'' Branch said.
''I want to give this to you as a way of saying sorry for picking on you.'' He tossed Branch an apple.
''You know the rule no food in here.'' Branch tossed the apple back.
''I'm sure you won't get into trouble after all the guards and the others like you.'' Sunset said.
''Oh? And what about you?'' Branch snapped getting down from the cot.
''I'm trying to turn a new leaf, with the new trial coming up against Poppy I'm trying to win favor.'' He said.
''Good luck you were basically on top of her. And good luck convincing the judge you've changed.'' Branch said.
Sunset smirked. ''I bet you were jealous you didn't try it first seeing me touch her hot body and kissing her, must of drove you crazy.''
Branch clenched his fists. ''I hate seeing girls get attacked or hurt.''
''It's obvious you have a crush on her.'' Sunset goaded.
''Yeah so? Name one guy who doesn't have a crush on her.'' Branch challenged.
''We have crushes, but I think it's something more then a crush, you're in love with her huh?'' Sunset teased.
Branch went and stood face to face with Sunset. ''Oh and what gave you that notion? I've think you've been locked away to long.''
''I've seen the way you look at her, the same way I looked at her. So we both are in love with the same girl basically we are the same.'' Sunset said getting closer to Branch.
Branch grabbed the front of his jumpsuit as their foreheads touched. ''Get one thing straight. We are not the same, you sexually assault woman. At least I'm a gentleman.'' Branch said in a growl and shoved Sunset back.
''Sure you are, at least I'm not a cold blooded killer.'' Sunset smirked tossing the apple at Branch and left.
Branch growled and threw the apple away, afraid to eat it thinking it could be poisonous. He continued thinking of Poppy and was worried about the trial coming up and with Creek as Sunset's lawyer it won't go well.
Poppy made it to Laguna's office and knocked on the door and went in to see a cute techno female troll who stood up and shook her head.
''Poppy.'' She greeted.
''Hi, you're Laguna Tidepool right?'' Asked Poppy as they sat down.
''Yep and I'll be representing you in this case, we have a clear shot with this.'' She smiled.
''Good. because I want him locked up and away from me.'' Poppy said ready for him to be gone.
''Alright got it. Now what did he do to you exactly? I want everything he did up to the last one.'' She said.
''He flirted during our sessions harmless flirting, and it got more and more intense flirting, then about a few months in not only did he flirt, but he motioned with his body and lips, ogling my body and wanted sex.'' Poppy said feeling a bit uncomfortable.
''Ok and what happened the day he actually touched you?'' She asked.
Poppy closed her legs and gulped remembering the feeling and she felt sick and scared.
''He um, he seemed to be in a good mood and trying to make his sessions work, I was dumb enough not to keep him in more restrained. And well he looked at me and wanted to kiss since it's been awhile since he had one and he jumped at me and pinned me down after I told him to get off and I tased him.'' She said.
''Ok, that will work and I will get back to you with a date.'' Laguna said as they shook hands and Poppy left.
She went home and saw Holly and Val playing chess. ''Who's winning?'' Asked Poppy.
''Me.'' Both said laughing.
She went to her room and was thinking of Branch. ''Don't worry I'll get you out and we can be together.
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