Chapter 15
Branch and Poppy study the case while both are on Cloud 9 and Poppy learns about Branch and his grandma and getting ready for the upcoming case.
Poppy wrote down all she could get and the name of the trolls Branch had been in contact with which was a short list.
''Ok so I will go over this and we will see what I can dig up.'' Poppy said.
''Your the best Poppy but you need to live your life as well.'' He placed his hand on hers.
''I know but you come first.'' She said sitting next to him.
''What about the whole falling in love with your clients?'' He asked.
''Well, when your out, you won't be a ''criminal'' so that doesn't break my rules.'' She said.
He smiled and hugged her as they leaned in and kissed. There was a knock at the door as they pulled away and Poppy went back to her seat. ''Come in.''
The door opened and in came Tresillo. ''Time for some outside sun.''
Branch held out his hands as he got cuffed and looked back at her.
''Take care Branch.'' She said.
Poppy was leaving for the day and saw the inmates outside in the yard and saw Branch lifting weights. She blushed looking at him, boy did she want to see his strong body she shook her head and left.
Her look got the inmates attention and Sunset saw her stare at Branch but knew that he had to play it smart.
Poppy had just walked into the apartment when she saw someone talking to Val.
''DAD!'' She ran over.
He turned and caught her in a hug. ''Poppy darling! How is my little girl?''
''Not so little dad, what happened and well came to check on you.'' He said.
''Does everyone know about that?'' She asked embarrassed.
''Creek came to visit the other day and told me so I knew I had to come check up on you.'' He said.
Poppy was mad at Creek. ''But I also wanted to see you.''
''Sounds great dad.'' She smiled always happy to see him.
''Let's go out.'' Peppy said as they left.
They got into Peppy's car and took off. ''So how is work going?'' He asked.
''It's fine, you know helping everyone getting better.'' She said.
''Hmm so what happen to the guy who hurt you?'' He asked worried.
They pulled to a resturant and went in sat down and ordered food.
''The guy Sunset he was placed in an isolation room.'' She said.
''I'm so happy those guards are close by.'' He said holding her hand.
''Me too but it wasn't the guards who stopped him-- it was a troll who was next to come in, they brought him in as Sunset attacked me, jumped in and pulled him off of me and stood between me and Sunset.'' She said her cheeks heating up.
''Really? Who is he?'' Peppy asked holing her hand.
''His name is Branch Timber.'' She said.
Peppy froze. ''You mean the troll that supposedly killed his grandma?'' Asked Peppy.
''Yeah him, wait did you know about the case?'' She asked curious.
''Of course who didn't? It was all over the news and it was wrapped too quickly.'' He said sitting back.
''I agree I find something missing from his case and I don't believe he did it neither.'' She said looking down.
''I know he didn't.'' Peppy said firmly.
''How?'' Asked Poppy.
''I knew Rosiepuff, sometime ago she and her husbands were friends with me and your mom, me and Rosiepuff were very close as well and overtime we kept in contact. A couple months before her death may she rest in peace. Me and her ran into each other and had lunch together, and she spoke very highly of her grandson Branch.'' Peppy said.
Peppy was out shopping and he was about to check out when his cart bumped into another one and he saw it was her.
''Rosiepuff!'' He shouted excitedly.
''My, my Peppy!'' She shouted back.
They hugged each other and then held hands looking each other over.
''You look great for your age.'' She complimented.
''Why thank you and you look just as beautiful as the first time I saw you.'' He flirted and kissed her hand.
''You big flirt, but thank you.'' She laughed as they hugged again.
''Say want to get lunch and catch up?'' Asked Peppy.
''Sure.'' She smiled.
They paid for their stuff and went to a restaurant to catch up.
''So how are things going for you Peppy?'' She asked.
''Great! A bit lonely with Poppy in college but I see her on the weekends and holidays.'' He said.
''Oh that's right, and do you still carry her picture?''
He pulled out a picture of Poppy and she smiled. ''Oh, she a beautiful young lady.'' Rosiepuff fawned.
''Yes she is, she takes after her mom. But how are things for you?'' He asked looking at her.
''They are ok, I found out I'm sick, so but it's nothing too serious.'' She assured Peppy.
''Do you need any help?''
''No I got my wonderful grandson Branch for that, I swear he looks just like his daddy and grandpa everyday.'' She smiled.
''I bet. and do you have a picture of him?'' Asked Peppy.
Rosiepuff pulled out a picture of a handsome smiling blue troll. ''Well, well, he's not the cute little boy anymore huh he's a handsome lad.'' Peppy praised.
''Yep ,u little peachfuzz he's the best, I do feel bad like I'm holding him back but he didn't want to go to college he stayed here and is taking care of me.'' She smiled at the picture,
''I bet our kids would get along great.'' Peppy said placing the pictures side by side.
''Are you kidding I bet if they met and saw each other enough they'd fall in love.'' She joked smiling.
''Maybe we'll have a get together and let them meet.'' They said together laughing.
Flashback over...
''Not a day goes by I don't miss her. I was actually there at his trial for her and the look on his face, he was crying the whole time, I'm old Poppy but not stupid and I know he couldn't of done that and you said so yourself.'' He said.
Poppy felt bad but it made her even more determined to free Branch but she felt herself falling harder for him.
''Woah, you knew her.'' Poppy was surprised.
''Yes.'' He said.
''Dad I'm trying to free Branch I know he is innocent and I need proof all I know is that Creek is hiding something.'' She said.
''I will help if I can. I want him free.'' Peppy said.
''If you do go to see him don't say anything to anyone, I feel his cellmate might do something if he found out.'' She begged.
''I won't.'' He smiled as they ate and continued talking.
That evening she got a call from Laguna who was gonna be prosecuting Sunset.
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