Chapter 1
It was a cloudy morning as a beautiful pink troll with her hair in a ponytail wearing a light pink jacket with black leggings, she had a brief case slung on her shoulder as she caught the bus to go to work. Once she sat down, she sighed and looked out the window wondering what the day would bring she looked at her phone at the picture of her and her dad.
The young lady made it to Jailhouse, and she walks in and was scanned by a security guard. ''Good morning, Cooper.'' She said placing her brief case on the belt.
''Morning Poppy!'' The cute pink funk troll said as he gave her bag back.
She giggles and walks down the hallway and came to a set of doors and took out her badge scanning it as the doors opened and she walked down another set of halls that were gray color and gloomy, and they smelled of a sweaty gym she looked over to see the kitchen area and the cooks in there getting it ready for breakfast.
She then came to another set of doors and went through them, and she heard voices loud and clear she was now in the area next to where all the inmates were in their little jail area just behind the walls getting ready for breakfast, she came to an end and saw Officer Hickory as she went over to the Correction Officer. ''Morning Hick.'' Poppy giggled.
''Well morning Ms. Poppy.'' Hickory said he was a country troll he wore a black button vest with black pants, a police hat and his utility belt he winks at her. ''Another day in paradise huh?'' He asked.
''You know it, so how are they this morning?'' Asked Poppy about the inmates.
''Ehh same as usual I guess.'' Hickory said.
''Ahh how is Tresillo holding up?'' She asked.
Hickory chuckled a bit. ''I think he's alright, though his hand is sore from Sunset slamming in the cell door.''
''That's not funny.'' Poppy scolded.
''I know but his cussing was, it did shut the inmates up.'' He said opening the door for her.
She walked in and the hallway smell was better, but it smelt like bleach in gray empty hallway and on the left saw a big room that said Probation Office, that was where her good friend Delta Dawn worked in. She continued and down the hall and saw another office where she knew was Sheriff Quincy who ran the whole thing, and she saw his light was on and she came upon another officer walking back and forth.
''Morning Poppy.'' Officer Darnell said.
''Morning Prince D.'' Poppy said using his stage name.
She got out her keys and unlocked the door and went into her office shutting the door and turning on the light, the one place she loved to be. It didn't smell horrible it smelt like roses and vanilla and she set down her bag on her desk and went to the windows opening the curtains and looking around. ''Good morning, Office.''
Poppy had a big room, the walls were a creamy cream color giving it a warm, soft feel, and her carpet was a a vanilla color and in the middle of the room was two arm chairs facing each other with a table next to one of them with a flower vase on them, then over to the side was her big pink desk with her pink office chair with white poka dots and it had pictures of her and her dad and her friends and behind her chair was a bunch of file cabinets that were locked and over on the other side of the room was a row of book shelves with books of all kinds on them and facing the window behind the arm chair was a couch with pillows and in the corner a mini fridge with a table with dounts and yummy snacks. Poppy was a therapist.
She sat down and pulled out her planner and checked to see who she was helping today. ''Hmm got a full day and looks like Zack is first.'' She said to herself.
There was a knock at the door, and she pushed the button under her desk to unlock the door, and Delta came in smiling.
''Hey Poppy.'' She said.
''Hey Del, what's up?'' Asked Poppy.
''Well, I just want to let you know that inmate number 123 is a bit on the wild side today.'' She said.
''You mean Zack? Yes, I know that he always is but thanks for the warning.'' Poppy said sitting down.
''Look Poppy I know that you like calling them by their name and thats fine but there is a reason they have a number.'' Delta said with a concerned look.
''Why they are trolls as well no different just did bad things.'' Poppy said shrugging.
''Ok well just know me, Quincy and Prince D are right outside if you need us.'' Delta said worried about Poppy.
''I know Delta.'' Poppy said smiling. ''I got this.''
Suddenly her phone beeped as she hit talk, and she heard Hickory's voice. ''Got inmate 123 coming in.''
Poppy rolled her eyes. ''Good luck darling.'' Delta said as she left.
Poppy went over to the door and got ready to meet the first guy of the day.
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