Chapter 3
~ It's a noir world. Unfair things happen. ~
Important note: The chapter marked as Chapter 3 previously is a part of Chapter 1 now. THE CURRENT CHAPTER 3 was previously marked as Chapter 6.
If you still have any confusion while reading, feel free to PM and ask away:)
I decided to visit the accounting firm early the next morning, right after breakfast. I find myself walking towards the bus stop not wanting to drive. Yes, I have a car but I have decided to ride the bus. Is that strange?
I didn't have to wait too long. Ten minutes later, a bus shows up and I decide to take one of the seats and plug both my earphones after making sure the accounting firm falls on its route. The booming music reaches my ears and I feel lost in the world of music.
It was hardly a 30-minute ride. I find myself in front of a four-storey building shortly after. From outside it looks old and barren, almost giving one the impression of haunted houses minus the cobwebs and disgusting spiders or rats.
This shouldn’t be that bad.
After some guidance, I drag my feet towards the entrance and discover that the accounting firm is on the top floor. Once the elevator doors open, I am very shocked by this floor's interior. It is sophisticated yet simple. There's a touch of elegance in the area but I can't pinpoint exactly why. Hopefully, it's air-conditioned centrally and I'm very grateful for that.
I find myself greeted by a woman probably in her 30s who looks like she wants to be anywhere but here.
She greets me forcing a fake smile. "Hello, ma'am. How can I be of help?"
“Hey hi! My name is June. June Morrison. I am here for an interview for the summer internship programme,” I reply back politely.
“Oh well. Can you just give me a minute? I'll let you know the process," she says, then she starts typing something on the keyboard, her eyes fixed to the screen of the computer. She looks up at me after a minute and hands out a form.
“You have to fill this up, ma'am. This is the protocol. And once you have finished, you can give me the form back and walk down the hallway until you find a door to your right. There Mr Summers is going to see you. Feel free to ask if anything is needed," she informs and without worrying about waiting for my reply goes back to applying nail paint on her nails.
Weird, much?
I filled out the necessary details very quickly in the form and, after sending it to Miss Grumpy Pants, I continue with Mr Summers for my interview. I just hope I get the job and he does not ask too many questions challenging me. Today is one of those days when I don't really feel like interacting. I should have been lying on my warm bed if I didn't need this internship, being all relaxed with an ice cream tub and Netflix. But as today is the last interview day, you see that I didn't exactly have many options.
I knock at the door twice before I hear a "Come in" from inside the room. As soon as I enter, I am instantly greeted by the scent of baked cookies that is certainly not what I was expecting. Obviously, on two walls of the space, there were racks made where there was a large pile of files.
A single painting hangs on the wall and, from the looks of it, I would say he doesn't understand much about art. It's bad. I wonder why he bought it. I've been scrutinising the room so engrossed that I've totally forgotten why I've been here until I hear a throat clearing behind me.
I turn around and apologize immediately. “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just – looking around, you know.”
God save me. I think this man will only throw me out of the office. Mr Summers looks like a guy in his 50s. He definitely looks smart wearing a suit. He is sporting shiny black hair with few grey ones on the sides. I recall reading how he is one of the top CAs in our town when going through the ad. He's likewise a very respectable figure. But now, with a look of disdain, he glares at me and I do not like it.
“Take a seat, "he says in a cold voice.
I'm taking one of the seats across from the table, facing Mr Summers. I hand him my CV.
"Good morning, Mr Summers. My name-"
“Did I just ask you to talk yet?" He sternly says. "No, huh? Also, I don't understand what a child like you would be able to do in my business."
I'm fuming at the attitude of this guy. What the fuck is wrong with him? He didn't even start asking my name yet he's drawing conclusions about me already. Now I definitely regret not applying to a cafe or diner.
“Introduce yourself," he orders.
Taking a deep breath hoping it helps me to calm down, I continue, “Good morning, Mr Summers. My name is June Morrison. I am seventeen and currently in my last year of high school. Actually, I do not exactly belong to the commerce background. But I do know a thing or two- "
“What did you say your last name was? Morrison? Was it?”
Great. He has interrupted me once again. Now he seems interested in my last name.
“Yes, sir. It's Morrison.”
“Oh! Are you by any chance related to Robert Morrison?”
That took me by surprise now. Does he know dad?
“He is my father.”
"No wonder my brains started to ram as soon as I had heard your last name. As weird as it sounds, next to yours, there is hardly any Morrison family in this area. Oh yeah, it was pretty much like a wild guess. I know your dad. I met him the last month, actually. Why didn't he tell me you are coming down for an interview? I know him personally, even. You can just get the internship. An interview won't have been necessary. It would have saved you a great deal of time," he ends.
What a typical hypocrite. Only some time ago, he was complaining about how a child like me was unable to handle work in an accounting firm and now, having remembered who my father is, he suddenly feels that all this would have been needless if my father had previously told him about me. Such an arsehole! The speed in his attitude change was pretty quick, but as it already looks like I got the job, I decide not to argue back.
“Thank you, Mr Summers. I really appreciate it but my father actually was unaware regarding my decision,” I offer politely.
“Never mind. You're just like my daughter. Let me contact one of the other interns and they will be able to direct you in the next few days. If you understand the idea of what job you need to do, I'm sure you're not going to need a lot of help," he says then he picks up the phone and asks someone at the other end of the line to send an intern to his office.
There is another knock on the door, almost instantly. Mr Summers asks the person to come in but only a guy steps inside about my age.
"Good morning, Mr Summers. You asked for me, did you? ”
“Yes, I did.”
Then he looks at my direction and says, "This is James, June." He gestures to the guy. "He too is an intern in our firm, but he joined a couple of weeks ago. Because he's already familiar with the job, he'll direct you a while, until you're relaxed. I'm sure a smart girl like you'll be able to manage things from there once you're settled."
“Thank you, Mr Summers. I hope I don’t disappoint you.”
Following that, I follow this James guy to a few cubicles where I can see only a few working people. He points out, pausing right next to an empty one. "This cubicle is yours, June. I will soon forward you the documentation and other booklets you'll need. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Everybody here is nice so you shouldn't have a lot of trouble," he smiles at me.
He looks like the type that would be perfect for a casual summer catch, with his brown hair mop curling a little at the end and stunning eyes. He certainly looks like he could hide a few abs under that shirt but because I've already got Ricky on my mind, it's a major no now. Only looked, that's not going to hurt anybody.
“Thank you, James. I will surely look for you if I require any help,” I reply.
Soon after he leaves me going back to his work and I get back to mine.
It was getting somewhat bearable at work by the end of the first week. It has been an understatement to say I was bored. I got to be working straight for 6 hours! And yes, James had got it right.
People were polite but it seemed like these people were not much interested in thinking about other issues except the equity market, the company's balance sheet and business-related topics. James was the normal one but I think he's got a crush on me these last few days. I do not want to be involved so I try to connect with him as little as possible. Don't want him to get the wrong idea.
It's only been a week but I can't wait to have Ricky back. For the summer, Naomi went to her grandparents and Nick has gone MIA. The boredom practically destroys me. But one thing I don't understand.
I have not stopped dreaming of those eyes for one single night.
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