Chapter 1
Dedicated to: ShannonCataldi Pugsbunny88 StarcrossedShipper95 NikkiKay88 Damonlover81
Rachel, Marley and Quinn were in the Lima Bean just hanging out and drinking coffee, while Rachel keeps checking the time on her watch due to having to pick up her son who was 3 years old from child care after she had finished work.
Quinn was the first to change the subject
"Rachel you've been single for so long. When are you going to put your heart out again?" Quinn had been tamed by Hunter for two years, they are engaged to be married.
Rachel shrugged her shoulders at Quinn and said
"It hasn't been that long, and how about never going to happen." Rachel was still going through complicated things with Sebastian, and juggling being a single mum. It's why Rachel couldn't commit to Jesse the year before, so she had to reject him. Before Rachel could say anything more, Marley had chimed in and agreed with Quinn.
"Quinn is right sis. It has been three years since Finn passed away, he would want you to move on and be happy, you even said no to getting back together with Jesse last year. I think you should put your heart out there again." Rachel didn't want to hear any of it and said
"I'm not putting my heart out there for it to get hurt again, and why I said no to Jesse is none of your business Marley. No if you excuse me, I have to go." Rachel then stood up, and left the Lima Bean to go to the day care to pick up her son Eli. After everything with Sebastian despite her still loving him as well, Rachel can't put herself out there again, and even more so with putting Eli at risk with a stranger. She didn't need that at all.
Marley turned to Quinn as Rachel left and said
"What are we going to do Quinn. My sister can't be alone forever, she has to be happy again, for her sake and for her son Eli's sake." Quinn knew Marley was right, but she also knew that it was Rachel's choice.
"I don't know Marley, and I know she does. But it's her choice though." Marley was worried for Rachel though, it may be her choice but she knows her sister has been down which hasn't gone unnoticed in the family, as even her cousin Hunter has noticed.
"I know it's her choice. I'm just worried about her, so is our cousin Hunter. He says the only time he sees Rachel smiling is when she is with Eli." Quinn smiled widely and said
"Marley Rose. I have the perfect idea." Marley was skeptical as Quinn was the former HBIC and she cautiously asked
"Are you going to tell me your idea or you just going to smile at me and wait for me to guess what it is?" Quinn looked at her and said
"I'll tell you. We can set her up with someone. like a blind date." As she said that Kurt came over and sat down with them with a coffee in hand.
"And Kurt is going to help us." Kurt looked at the girls and said
"I am." Marley was still unsure and said
"How are you going to help us Kurt?" Kurt drank some of his coffee and said
"It's quite simple." Quinn then chimed in
"Kurt has the perfect guy for Rachel. I told him the plan two weeks ago, he's been helping me find the perfect guy and Kurt has found him." Marley shook her head, sighed and said
"No offense Kurt, but Rachel wouldn't be interested in any of the guys you set her up with. You and her have two different taste in men. She needs someone that challenges her, but also shows remorse, empathy, and won't think differently of her if or when he meets Eli." At that statement, Kurt knew that Marley had just described none other than Sebastian Smythe. Marley's boyfriend's older brother.
Kurt knew that Sebastian would walk in the Lima Bean any minute for his coffee with Thad. He looked up and saw him walk in
"You mean someone like him?" Marley slowly looked in Kurt's direction
"Who is he and what do you know about him?" Kurt shrugged his shoulders and said
"He's Sebastian Smythe. Not much except that he's rich, used to be at Dalton, has a younger brother Skylar who is your boyfriend Marley and he is friends with your cousin Hunter." Quinn looked over at Sebastian and remembered everything he did in high-school even blackmail Rachel. Quinn smiled and said
"Plus he challenges Rachel as well, shows remorse and empathy. He would be perfect for Rachel."
Marley was still unsure about this, especially since her nephew is also involved and she didn't want her sister or her nephew to get hurt, it has been three years since Finn passed away, she wanted her sister happy, and Eli happy. Marley always wondered if Eli was Finn's but Rachel always said he wasn't, because when she found out about the pregnancy Finn was gone, and Rachel always made it perfectly clear that she never cheated on Finn unlike what he always did to her.
Marley then worried about how her dad Hiram would take to Rachel dating again as Marley remembered his reaction when Rachel had told them all about the pregnancy as it wasn't part of his plan for Rachel. No-one understood why Rachel was the way she was, or the pressure their dad Hiram always put on Rachel, and how he mistreats them both. Marley was always sad for her sister when Hiram put the pressure on her, and there was nothing she could do. And now with Eli in the picture, their dad has been monitoring her a lot more, and gave her strict rules especially not dating any boys and also going around to her apartment for "spontaneous" visits like he says and to "see" his grand son when in actual fact, he is there to make sure Rachel is following his rules, and making sure she's not seeing anyone.
She hated what he was doing to her sister. As Marley stared at Sebastian talking to his friend, she did however wonder if maybe he could save her from their dad Hiram, and if he could make Rachel happy and loved and feel less alone.
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