You were still reeling from the fact that West had called you Mom. So much so that you didn't even notice that Misha had made his way back into the room, not until he placed his hand on your shoulder, leaning down next to your ear. "Y/N, you okay?"
You nodded, giving him a smile. "Yeah, everything's great."
He nodded, but didn't seem completely convinced at your answer. "Hey guys, why don't you go watch TV for a little bit." He told West and Maison, who ran into the living room.
He sat down next to you, taking your hand in his. "I know you said everything's okay, but your eyes are showing a different story. Want to talk?" He asked, his blue eyes shining with compassion and love. It made the blue seem brighter, standing out in his tanned face.
"Just in a little bit of shock, that's all." You admitted.
He tilted his head, reminding you so much of the character he portrayed on TV. "About what?"
You sighed, wondering how he would take the news. Vicki hadn't been dead that long, and you didn't want it too seem like you were overstepping so early in your relationship. "After you left, West called me something, and it just surprised me, that's all."
He wasn't going to be put off. "You know you should just finish telling me it now. Because I will just keeping bugging you until you cave." He teased, but you could sense his seriousness. He seemed a little worried about what West could say. You didn't blame him. While you loved that kid, he was certainly one of a kind.
"He called me Mom." You muttered, turning your face down, not wanting to see the disapproving look on his face.
It was silent in the room, you could have sworn you would have heard a pin fall it was that quiet. But then you felt a hand gently brushing your hair back, tucking it behind your ear, before that same hand gently grasped your chin, tilting it up and towards him. Biting the corner of your lip nervously, you peered into his eyes, amazed at the amount of emotion you saw shining in them. Tears shimmered, threatening to fall over, as he stared at you in wonderment. "He did?"
"Yeah." You answered softly, watching as a huge smile filled his face.
Pulling you tight into a hug, you didn't need a verbal answer to know he was okay with it. You felt his arms wrapped tight around you, your head pressed in the crook on his neck. His hand ran up and down your back, sending a shiver down your spine. "Thank you for sharing that with me. That makes me so happy." He said into your hair.
You pulled back, just the tiniest bit so you could see his profile. "Really? I was hoping you wouldn't be upset about it."
Grabbing your shoulders, he pulled you back so he could stare into your face. "Why would I be upset? The woman I love, is loved by my children too. That makes me want to run naked through the streets, screaming at how proud I am."
You giggled at his statement. "Please don't do that. I don't want to have to get you out of jail. But seriously, I wasn't sure you would be ready to have your kids calling someone else Mom. That has to be hard."
He pulled you tight to him once again, resting his cheek on the top of your head. You casually ran your fingers along his chest, drawing patterns on the soft, faded t-shirt he was wearing. "You know, at first I never thought I would be able to replace Vicki. We were high school sweethearts, and I loved her with all my heart. But then you came along, stealing my heart effortlessly. I loved how open you were, how honest and sweet. I could see that immediately. But what really cinched it for me was when we went on the boat that day. You were so amazing with my kids, and they loved you from the start. It just made my life that much easier. I think Vicki would be proud of the choice I've made in you. I know for a fact she wouldn't mind having them call you Mom, because I sure don't."
"I've loved your kids from day one. But today, hearing West call me that, it gave me feelings I've never experienced before. It was amazing."
The two of you were silent after that, each lost in the comfort the hug provided. That was, until Maison came running into the room, tears streaming down her face. You slid apart from Misha, letting him handle his upset daughter.
"Dad, West won't let me watch my TV show. He has it on some cooking show. It's not fair." She pouted, as she jumped into her Dad's arms.
He gave her a tight hug. "Well lets just fix that up. Why don't we have a movie night? Popcorn included." He suggested, and Maison was so excited she soon forgot about her TV show. "But Y/N gets to pick out the movie." He said, and Maison turned to you, her eyes pleading with you to pick her favorite.
"I think we might have a vote." You suggested. "But first, let's get West and get snacks ready." Picking her up and placing her on your hip, you walked into the living room where West was indeed watching a cooking show.
"West, we're going to have a movie night. Come help get snacks." You told him, and although he groaned, you could tell he was excited.
He followed you, and soon the three of you were in the kitchen, each one with your own duties. West was in charge of drinks, and you watched carefully as he pulled the lemonade pitcher out of the fridge. Maison was helping you measure the popcorn, standing on her sturdy stool so she could reach the counter. You turned the popper on, and while it was cooking, you went to the fridge and pulled out some fruit to have along with the popcorn.
Once you had everything ready, you gave the fruit to Maison to carry, and the popcorn to West, while you carried in the lemonade. Misha was already in the room, going through the DVDs. "Hey, I thought I got to pick!" You exclaimed, and he turned towards you with a guilty expression.
"I know, I just thought I could have some out and ready for you." He explained, taking the lemonade from you. You went through what he had pulled out, laughing at some of the movies he owned.
"Really? You pulled out Stonehenge apocalypse?" You teased him, watching as his face turned a little red.
"What? I wasn't sure you had watched it or not." He argued.
"I've seen all of your acting." You told him, sitting it to the side, before grabbing your three favorite animated videos. Placing them on the table, you asked each one to vote, happy when your favorite movie was picked.
Misha placed it in the DVD player and soon the four of you were settling down to a movie. Misha sat down in the middle of the couch, West sitting next to him. You started to sit in the chair, but Misha grabbed your hand, pulling you down until you were sitting next to him. Maison climbed into your lap, cuddling against you, and you knew it wouldn't be long until she was asleep.
As the movie played on, you felt Misha wrap his arm around you, pulling you closer and closer until you were flush against his side with Maison laying across both of your laps.
Giving into your urge, you snuggled into his chest, feeling his hand lightly brush up and down your arm. You sighed contentedly, amazed at how much your life had changed in such a short amount of time.
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