Spoiled Surprise
"What's pregnant?" West's words rang in your ears, and you felt your heart drop, knowing your wonderful Wedding surprise was going out the door.
"What?" Misha asked his son, confused. "Why would you ask that? But pregnant is when a baby is growing in a woman's body." He answered.
"I just heard Y/N talking to Gen about it, and wanted to know." West said, before running back towards the sand box where Maison was playing. Misha sat there for a moment, dumbfounded, before turning to face you. He had one eyebrow raised in that ridiculous way only he can, but you could tell he was curious, extremely curious.
"So. Want to explain where that came from?" Misha asked you, and you couldn't quite gauge his reaction. To see if he was just merely curious, excited, or dreading what he might here.
"Misha, I." You started, but he interrupted you.
"Because, from where I'm sitting, there could be a lot of explanations. Maybe Gen's pregnant, or one of your friends is. I mean, because if you were, you would tell me first, right?" He said, watching you closely for your reaction.
"Misha, it wasn't like that." You blurted out, freaking out that he might be mad at you. Or upset that you were pregnant in the first place. Maybe he wasn't ready to have a kid with you, or didn't want one.
"Then, please, explain." He said, his face remaining as still as stone, his blue eyes a little cold.
"Yes, it's me. I'm pregnant, and I was waiting for the perfect time to tell you." You quickly blurted out.
"But you could tell Gen first?" He asked, hurt.
You went to reach out, to grasp his hand, but he pulled it back, creating a pang in your heart in the process. "Misha, it wasn't like that." You tried again, but he stood up, his shoulders slumped.
"How far along? Were you going to wait until I couldn't help but notice? I thought we were in this together!" He shouted, before glancing over at the kids, lowering his voice.
"Misha, no. That's not it, at all." You argued, but you could tell nothing was going to get through to him. At least not right now. He was hurt, especially by the fact that he had to hear from his young son, and not the new mother of his unborn child.
"What can I do to make you see?" You asked him, and he just placed his hands on his hips.
"I guess, for starters, maybe some time apart would be best." He said, and your heart shattered. Tears pouring out of your eyes, you felt as if you were stuck in a nightmare.
"But Misha. Shouldn't we try to talk this out. And the wedding. It's this weekend." You said through your tears, but he just moved over to the door.
Once it was opened, he turned to you. "Maybe later. When I don't feel as hurt. But I'm thinking it's for the best if we spend at least tonight apart."
Nodding even though you didn't agree, you slumped your way through the door. You gave him one last pitiful look before he shut the door behind you. You thought about heading up the stairs, gathering some items for the night, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. Instead, you grabbed your purse, and your car keys. Starting your car up, you placed your head on the steering wheel, shattered beyond belief, with no where to go. Your apartment was gone, leased out to someone else, and your friend was out of town until the night before your wedding.
Sighing, you called the only person you could think of. "Gen?" You questioned as soon as she picked up the phone.
Immediately, she could tell something was wrong by the tone in your voice. "Y/N, what happened?"
"Misha found out through West about the pregnancy, and he's upset. So upset he kicked me out." You admitted. "And I have no place to go."
You heard a door slam before she spoke again. "Of course you have a place to go. You'll come here, I'll make the spare room up for you. But can you drive? Cuz I can head over there, right away."
A smile broke through your tears. "What would I do without you? I'll be over in a half an hour."
As you drove to her house, you started to calm down a little bit. Misha had hurt you, but you had hurt him too. Once he calmed down, and realized that he was going to become a father again, maybe the two of you could talk.
As soon as you pulled into her driveway, Gen was rushing out, engulfing you in a hug. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry that happened. Come in, I'll put on some tea, and we can talk about it."
"Okay." You said, still sniffling. She wrapped her arm around you, pulling you into her comfortable, but stylish home.
"Jared and Jensen took the kids to the zoo. Won't be back for hours yet. So it's just you, I and this ice cream I've been saving for a rainy day." Gen said, grabbing two spoons and a carton of ice cream from the freezer. Turning on the tea pot, she guided you into the living room, where you sat down on the couch. "So, tell me what happened."
So you talked. About how you had been planning the perfect surprise. How West must have overheard your conversation, and when Misha had pulled up. You told her about the hurt look in Misha's eyes.
"I am a little surprised he acted that way. I thought he would have been ecstatic no matter how he heard. Maybe with the stress of filming, and the wedding coming up, it was just too much. I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but.." She said as she licked ice cream off the spoon.
"No, I understand. And that's what surprised me so much. I knew he would be upset to find out like that, but I still thought he'd be excited. And I think that once he thinks things through, he will realize how childish he was."
"Well, until he does, you have a place here." Gen told you, just as you heard running throughout the house. "But what about the wedding?"
"I guess we will just have to wait and see." You said as Thomas and Shep jumped into their moms arms. Both of their faces were painted, and they were holding onto balloon animals. A tired, but smiling Jared followed behind.
"Hey Y/N. What are you doing here? I know Misha didn't work much today, and he had a surprise for you." Jared said as he plopped down on the other side of Gen.
"Hey boys, why don't you head outside and play for a little bit." Gen suggested, and the boys ran off, leaving the adults alone. "Y/N, do you mind?" Gen asked, and Jared sat up straighter, sensing that something was going on.
"No, it's okay." You agreed.
"Y/N's pregnant, and has been waiting for the right opportunity to tell Misha. But West overheard her, and spoiled her surprise. And now Misha is hurt, and took it out on her." Gen summed up nicely.
"Well, congratulations, I guess." Jared said. "And I'll talk to Misha, he shouldn't have acted that way." He said, standing up and grabbing his keys.
"No, don't." You stopped him. "I have a feeling he will come to his senses. I'll just give him some time. And Gen was nice enough to let me stay here."
Jared strode over to you, pulling you into a tight hug. "Of course you can stay here. As long as you need. And if you need me to beat some sense into that man, I will."
You let him hug you, craving the support. You just hoped it wouldn't come to that.
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