"West, don't you dare!" You heard Misha yell as you rounded the corner into the kitchen, your arms full of video recording items. You stopped at the scene in front of you. Misha was cowering in front of the bay window, his hands in front of his face, while West stood there laughing, a bag of flour in one hand, his other dipped inside. Maison was sitting at the counter, clapping her hands loudly as she cheered her brother on.
"West!" You exclaimed, surprising him so much that he dumped the opened bag of flour on the ground in front of him. You could only watch as a huge white cloud filled that side of the kitchen. When it finally settled down, you covered your mouth with your hand, trying not to laugh at the scene in front of you.
Misha had been wearing a black shirt. But what had once been black was now a light gray due to all the flour that was currently covering it. He looked years older, his dark hair now gray and white. His cheeks were covered as well. West had gotten quite the dusting too, covering his dark brown hair, but you didn't notice it as much on his white shirt.
"Funny! It's like snow!" Maison yelled. "I want a turn!"
Unable to hold your laughter in any longer, you bent over at the waist, laughing like crazy at the scene in front of you. "Really? You think this is funny?" Misha said, grabbing the bag and making his way over to you.
Holding your hands up, you started backing up, trying to get out of the way of Misha and his mischievous smile. "Misha, don't you dare!" you said, repeating his earlier words. You were fresh out of the shower, and you knew the flour would stick to your still damp hair, creating quite the mess.
"Oh, but I do." He says, before throwing a handful of flour right at you. Sneezing, you watched as it settled across your face, and across the chest of your blue and pink striped shirt.
"Misha!" You exclaimed in disbelief that he had followed through with it. He just laughed before taking a small amount and dumping it over Maison's head, who erupted in squeals.
"There, now everyone has been given a shower of flour. Now, should we get this video on the road?" He asked, setting the bag down.
"Yes, yes, yes." West said, jumping up and down in excitement.
You set the camcorder up, setting in a place you thought would pick up everything. You had volunteered to hold the camera, and record everything, but Misha had vetoed that quickly. He wanted you in the video, explaining this was the perfect way to introduce you to the Supernatural fandom.
You were beyond nervous to be doing this video and putting yourself out there for the fans to dissect you, and now you were covered in flour to start it off with. "Maybe I should go change." You said, moving to head out of the kitchen, but Misha wrapped an arm around your waist, stopping you.
"Oh no. You are not going to be the only one not covered in flour. It would look weird." He told you, and you had to chuckle at how strange your life was that not being covered in flour would be weird.
"Okay." You answered. "Let's get this over with."
West and Misha had decided a baking video was in order, and they wanted to make muffins. You tried helping, but it was soon becoming the West and Misha show, and you and Maison were shuffled to the background, laughing and ducking from all the flying ingredients.
"Y/N, come help me!" West yelled, and you stepped forward. "I need more flour."
You groaned at the thought of dealing with more flour, but you followed his directions, grabbing the bag of flour and handing it to him. He dumped about half of it into his huge bowl that was already filled with milk, marshmallows, shredded carrots, raisins and other things you weren't sure about. As you moved to step back, you felt Misha's arm snag you, pulling you close to his waist. He kissed your forehead, before looking directly at the camera. "This is Y/N, who has become very important in my life, and West and Maison's life. Important enough that she was invited to help in our Cooking Fast and Fresh episode."
You blushed at his words, before pulling yourself from his arms and picking Maison back up. By this time West was filling the muffin trays, and Misha helped him load them into the oven.
"Now clean up time." You said, causing everyone to moan. Moving over to your Ipod, you turned it on, picking an up tempo song. Grabbing a towel, you swatted it at Misha, enjoying the look of disbelief on his face along with the kids laughter.
Soon the four of you had created some sort of rhythm. Maison and West picked up all the trash, throwing it in the trashcan, while you and Misha cleaned all the dishes. You were surprised to see everything was done by the time the muffin's timer went off.
Pulling them out of the oven, you let them sit, while pouring everyone a glass of milk to help swallow them down. Moving the camcorder into the dining room, you placed the muffins on the table, giving each person one.
West was the first one to try it, and you stifled a laugh at the look of disgust on his face. Feeling brave, you took a bite, almost gagging at the taste. There wasn't much sweetness to the muffin, and it was very dry. You could taste the carrots, along with some sort of spice. You thought it might be thyme.
Misha took a huge bite, and you couldn't believe the huge smile on his face as he slowly chewed the muffin. You stood up, turning the camcorder off, before turning to West and Maison. "How does PB&J sound instead?"
They both nodded, and you set off into the kitchen, while Misha took the camcorder into his office, ready to edit all the footage. It wasn't long before the three of you were munching on the quick snack, enjoying it much more so than the muffins.
"Hey West, do you want me to teach you a new recipe tomorrow?" You asked him, wanting him to make something that tasted good. You didn't want the kid to think he was a failure.
"Yeah, that would be awesome. Thanks Mom." He said without thinking, and you froze in your seat. You knew the word probably slipped out, but it still brought so many emotions to the top, and you felt yourself biting your lip to keep the tears at bay. Tears of joy that the boy loved you enough to call you Mom.
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