Leaving For the Convention
You glanced around your room, frantically checking to make sure you had everything you needed packed. And then some. You might have gone a little overboard, but you wanted to make sure everything went perfect this weekend.
You still couldn't believe the fact that you were going to a Supernatural convention. You hadn't mentioned it to Misha, but you had always wanted to attend one. And now, here you were, attending one, as a guest. As Misha's girlfriend. Just the thought of it sent shivers running through your body. Glancing down at your hands, you saw them trembling with excitement.
A knock sounded on your door, and you turned to see Misha leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed as he watched you with a smile on his face. "Hey beautiful." He said, before coming further into your room. Looking at your suitcase, he raised an eyebrow at you. "How long do you think we'll be gone?"
You blushed under his teasing. "I know. It's just I'm not sure what I want to wear. And I don't want to look horrible in front of your friends and your fans."
He took your hands in his, noticing how they trembled. "Are you this nervous? Because if you are, you don't have to go if you don't want to. I just thought it would be fun, and a good way for you to meet the family."
You shook your head emphatically. "No, I want to go. I just have myself so worked up, so excited that I can't control it!"
He laughed, before pulling you into a hug. "Just relax. It will be amazing, everyone will love you."
You nodded, before another thought crossed your mind, and you leaned up to look him in the eye. "Are you sure the kids will be okay while we're gone? I am their babysitter after all, and I feel horrible leaving them."
He smiled gently down at you, before pressing a kiss against your forehead. "That's one of the reasons I love you. Always looking out for everyone else. You care so much about my children, as if they were your own. And yes they will be fine. They love Mrs. Nelson and her husband. And it's only going to be for two nights."
You nodded, even though it still didn't feel right, leaving the kids behind. It felt as if they were your own, and you felt bad leaving them behind while you went on a trip with Misha.
"Listen, everything's going to work out. But we need to get going, like five minutes ago. Hurry up." He said, before playfully slapping you on your butt before he left your room. Taking a deep breath, you zipped up your suitcase, and slipped on your shoes before tugging it along behind you.
You met him downstairs, where he was coming back from loading his suitcase into the car. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded, handing over your bag. You slid into the front seat, ready to make the short trek to the airport.
Once there, Misha parked, and unloaded the bags. You grabbed yours, and started following him into the busy tarmac. You felt as if you were going to get lost, or left behind, and Misha must have noticed. Stopping, he held his hand out, and you took it gratefully.
As you rushed through the crowds, you heard people yelling Misha's name, and felt the blinding light of camera's flashes as pictures were taken of the two of you. "Misha, is Y/N your girlfriend?"They yelled, and you ducked your head, uncomfortable with the ferocity of the paparazzi.
"Yes, she is. And now, if you don't mind we have a plane to catch." Misha answered simply before tugging you along. You didn't relax until you were safely aboard the plane, with Misha at your side.
"I'm sorry about that. Usually it's mainly Jensen and Jared who get bombarded at the airports, not me. Maybe our video last week bumped up my celebrity status." He teased, as you leaned into his shoulder.
"It's alright. I just wasn't prepared for all of that." You answered.
The plane took off, and you dozed off and on for most of the trip, Misha's arm wrapped around you. He gently shook you as the plane started landing, and you looked up at him, sleep making your sight fuzzy. "We're landing." He said, and you leaned away from him, stretching your arms.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sleep all the way." You apologized.
He just shrugged it off. "It was okay. You seemed like you needed it. And you should have seen all the jealous stares from men I got. Having a babe like you in my arms."
You smacked his arm, blushing from his teasing, just as the attendant came over the speaker, letting you know you could leave the plane. Misha reached overhead, grabbing both of your bags, and you followed him out.
"Now what?" You asked, not exactly sure how these convention weekends work.
"Now, we get a cab, and head on over to the hotel. We have time to get our room and relax before I surprise everyone at Karaoke tonight." He said, waggling his eyebrows at you.
You took his hand, as you stood waiting in line for a cab. "You haven't done Karaoke before?"
"No. It's always been a thing for the other guys, and I never wanted to intrude. But they begged me, and I couldn't refuse."
By then a cab was pulling over, and you climbed in, letting Misha load your bags. As it pulled out, you watched all the tall sky scrapers fly past. You had never had the chance to do much traveling, and the sights of a new city had you entranced.
"Maybe we should have come earlier. Done some sight seeing." He suggested, noticing how caught up you were in the sights around you.
You took your gaze away from the window. "Maybe we can come back, with the kids? I'm sure they would love to see it too."
He squeezed your hand, and the two of you were silent on the rest of the ride. Soon, the taxi was pulling up in front of a huge, hotel, the front showcased in marble. It was the fanciest thing you had ever seen. "We're staying here?" You asked him, and he nodded.
"Yeah, it's only hotels like this that have enough room for the Supernatural family." He answered, as the two of you climbed out.
Pulling your suitcase behind you, you walked into the lobby, amazed at how fancy everything was. Misha was met by a man in a black suit, and he guided him over to the dark cherry wooden desk. You followed behind, your gaze taking in the chandeliers, and the bubbling fountain in the middle. People were everywhere, an eclectic mix of suits, and jeans. Many you could tell were here for the convention, if their clothing wasn't enough to pin point them, then their wide eyed stares at Misha did the job.
Smiling at a group walking by who were wearing their Always Keep Fighting shirts, you relaxed when they smiled and waved back at you. You overheard an older couple standing off to the side of you, smiling at their words. "What in the world is going on here? I keep hearing talk of Angels, and Demons, and Lucifer. Maybe we should stay somewhere else."
You considered telling them what was going on, but Misha was done by this time, and grabbing your hand, he pulled you along to one of the elevators. The door opened, and you piled in, with a horde of girls following behind. They chattered away, at first not noticing Misha. But then one turned around, and her eyes grew huge. "Oh my Chuck!! You're Misha Collins!" She all but yelled in the small room.
He smiled at them. "Yes I am." He said simply.
They fawned over him for the rest of the trip, and you stood in the corner, watching as he interacted with them easily. You could tell how much the fans meant to him, and vice versa. As your floor chimed, you moved to step out, but one of the girls, one of the shyer ones, stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
Looking over it, you smiled at her, wondering what she wanted. "I just wanted to say." She started quietly, looking to make sure Misha wasn't listening. "I think it's amazing Misha found you. I watched his video, and the two of you are great together."
She was so sweet, and her words were so genuine, you found yourself wrapping her in a huge hug, telling her thank you. Waving goodbye, you stepped out, where Misha stood waiting for you. "Everything okay?" He asked, and you nodded, a huge smile on your face.
"I can see why you like coming to these so much." You told him, as the two of you made your way to your room.
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