Happily Ever After Part 2
During your entire pregnancy, you had thought about this moment, imagining it happening a million different ways. Of course you had always wished that Misha would be with you when the time came to bring you to the hospital. But a couple of your fake scenarios had him at work, and rushing towards your side, still dressed in the trench coat that marked him as Castiel. You had imagined your friends and family waiting out in the hallway, while you had a short and easy labor. Knowing that probably wouldn't be the case since it was your first birth, but still you figured a positive attitude would be helpful.
In those dreams you had seen Misha at your side, staring down at you in love while the contractions wracked your body, as your Mom kept West and Maison occupied. It was a happy time, one full of love, and family and friends.
However this was nothing like you had imagined. You were being separated from Gen and the kids, leaving them behind in the waiting room as the nurse pushed you into the room. You were poked and prodded, and changed into one of those horrible dresses. After the doctor had come into the room checking you, you were left on your own, saying that your contractions weren't close enough to be concerned yet.
So there you lay, by yourself, scared and in pain, wondering when Misha would arrive, or if they would even let him leave work. After all, it wasn't his first kid. That thought had you breathing heavily, tears streaking your cheeks as another contraction hit you. As you tried to breathe through your pain and fears, the door opened and you were surprised to see Jared entering the room.
"Jared?" You wheezed. Immediately he noticed your distress and came racing over, helping you to sit up.
"Y/N, you need to calm down. What is it? Do I need to get the doctor?" He asked frantically, rubbing your back, and having him in the room helped calm your fears.
"No. No doctor." You answered, finally able to take some deep calming breaths. "I just had freaked myself out a little." You admitted, and he pulled a chair over, sitting down next to you.
"About what?" He asked, his hazel eyes full of concern, and you were more than grateful you could call him a friend. He was always there to help others, and had always been there for you and any of his friends.
"Being in here, all alone. It's a big event, and a little nerve wracking, and I'm in here all by myself." You admitted, the words sounding foolish out loud.
"Well I'm here. But not for much longer. I'm taking those kids of yours back with me. Then Gen will be in here, keeping you company until Misha arrives." Jared assured you. Squeezing your hand he stood up, putting the chair back into it's rightful place.
"But what if he can't make it?" You whispered, tears clouding your vision again.
"Shh, you need to calm down. You don't want to wear yourself out even before your baby girl is here. And Misha will be here soon, I promise it. He texted me about five minutes ago, and Jensen is driving him here. Jay said he didn't trust Misha's driving." Jared chuckled, before leaning down and kissing you on the forehead. "But now I need to go get those kids so Gen can be in here with you. I just had to come say hi."
You felt another contraction hit just as he left the room, and you were trying to remember how close they had to be together before the doctor's would actually be interested. As you took deep, steadying breaths, you heard the door open once again, and here came Gen. "Hey there, Jared said you were having a hard time."
"I feel better now that he talked to me. This is all a little overwhelming." You said, as another contraction hit you, causing you to double over.
Gen came over, wiping the hair back from your face. "I know it is. And it doesn't get easier with each kid I'm sorry to say. But Misha should be here soon."
The next thirty minutes passed by fast, with the nurse staying in the room with you the entire time, checking your contractions, offering you pain medication. But during the contractions, you kept your eye on the door, waiting for a certain blue eyed man to come barging through at any moment. Gen stayed by your side, her hand tight in yours as you pushed past each one.
"Your contractions are coming a lot faster than I expected for your first labor." The nurse muttered, before leaving the room to talk to the doctor.
"Is that a good thing?" You asked Gen, and she nodded, smiling down at you.
"That should be a good thing. Means your labor is moving along fast, and soon you will be holding your little girl." She said, just as the door burst open. You had all but given up on seeing Misha, but when his wide and concerned cerulean eyes focused on you, you felt the tears gather in your own e/c ones.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, rushing over, and you laughed through your tears. One of your predictions had been right, he was still wearing his trench coat and suit. "Thank god I made it!"
"How did you get away with that?" You asked, before another contraction hit you. He came forward, taking Gen's spot and holding your hand, letting you squeeze.
"They don't know. I just got the news, and left as quick as I could. Jensen's out there, waiting. He had to drive me here, didn't trust my driving." He blabbered through your contraction.
"I didn't think you'd make it." You said as soon as the contraction was gone, and you felt relieved.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world." He told you, leaning down to kiss your forehead. It was then the doctor came in, ordering Misha to change into scrubs if he wanted to stay in the room any longer. Gen gave you a hug, before promising to go sit and wait outside with Jensen. Once Misha was dressed in blue scrubs matching his eyes, he was back at your side, just as the doctor was ordering you to push.
You weren't sure how long it took, or exactly what happened. But as soon as you started pushing, and taking deep breaths, you toned out everything else. The clock, Misha whispering comforting words into your ear. Even the pain. It hurt, but you didn't focus on that, instead you focused on the fact that any minute your daughter would be here, a daughter you couldn't wait to hold in your arms.
"One last push!" The doctor announced, and feeling utterly exhausted, you squeezed hard on Misha's hand, grunting with the force. A tiny scream was heard throughout the room, and then the doctor was holding a wiggling bundle in her arms. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Collins. You have a beautiful and healthy baby girl."
You were exhausted, emotionally and physically, and you let the tears fall. Holding your arms out, they placed your cleaned off bundle of joy in your arms. You glanced down at the tiny baby, afraid that you might crush her with one wrong movement. "She's perfect." You whispered, before glancing up at Misha who had tears in his eyes as well.
"Yes she is. Just like her strong Momma." He said, reached down and running a finger down her soft cheek. The two of you stayed that way for a while, staring down at your baby, amazed that something so amazing had come from you. The door opened, and Gen and Jensen came through the door, both smiling widely. Gen came to stand next to you, while Jensen clapped Misha on the back.
"She's beautiful." Gen complimented, and you felt like you couldn't smile any wider. "What's her name?"
"Vicki." You said, surprising everyone in the room. You had talked with Misha about her name, but nothing had been officially decided until that moment. "As long as that's okay with you Misha. I never knew her, but I wanted to thank her somehow for giving me my family."
He nodded, wiping away a tear. "That's perfect." He said, his voice hoarse with emotion. "She would be honored if she was here."
By that time, the nurse was back, and you reluctantly handed your baby away. Gen and Jensen both kissed you on the cheek, promising to come back tomorrow, and bring the kids. "By now Jared's probably fed them all the sugar in the house." She joked, before heading out. As soon as they were gone, you felt yourself yawning.
"You've had a big day." Misha said. "Why don't you get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."
You watched as he started to move over to the chair. "Misha, please." You said, patting the small space on the bed next to you. "I need you."
He didn't need to be told twice. Being careful not to bump you around too much, he climbed up on the bed with you, pulling you into his arms. "Today's been amazing." You whispered, as he brushed his hand up and down your arm.
"Yes it has been. This past year and a half has been amazing, better than I could have ever expected. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't stumbled upon your videos." He said, leaning down to kiss you.
"I thank God everyday that you did. Because of those videos I've found you, my love, and my new family. I couldn't ask for anything more." You told him, yawning again. Unable to resist the temptation to sleep, you closed your eyes, Misha's heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
"I love you too." You heard him whisper, before you were pulled under.
**That's it, the end! Never knew where this book would go when I got the request, but I had fun writing it. Thank you to everyone who has read it, and voted for it, and commented on it. I truly appreciate it!!!
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