You were actually surprised how well you slept that night. You had figured you would have been awake all night, excited for your meeting with Misha. But your tea must have knocked you out, because the next thing you remembered was waking up to your alarm clock.
Getting dressed quickly, in your normal uniform of jeans and a nice blouse, you took the bus to your boss' house, located in a nice, upscale neighborhood that you wished someday you could live in. The houses were nice, not too big, but perfect for a family, with large backyards, and parks around the corner. The bus stopped a couple of blocks away, and you stepped out, enjoying the summer breeze as you started walking. It was hard, not having a car, but living in a big city meant you could get almost anywhere riding the bus, or walking a few short blocks. And you didn't mind the walk, or the fact that you were saving money.
You started up the front walk, laughing as the door opened and Griffin ran out of the house, still dressed in his batman pajamas.
"Miss Y/N! Can we watch the video today? Please?" He begged. He and his sister had already been asleep by the time you had finished it.
Ruffling his hair, you took his hand, walking with him back to the house. "Of course Griffin. After breakfast, we can watch the video."
"Awesome!" He yelled, running ahead of you. "Amelia, she said we can watch it!"
Laughing, you stepped into the house, shutting the door, just as Mrs. Moore stepped into the foyer. "There you are Y/N." She said warmly. "They haven't eaten breakfast yet, I let them sleep in. I will be home early today, no later than three. Oh, and how did the video go?"
You handed her briefcase over as she slipped on her shoes. "It went great. The kids had a blast, and it was a hit on Youtube."
"Maybe you can leave me a copy? I would love to watch it." She said, rushing out the door.
Heading to the kitchen, you caught Amelia climbing onto the counter, attempting to get the box of cereal down. "Whoa Amelia, let me do that." You told her, helping her down. "Or, better yet, maybe we could shoot another video. One about breakfast."
"Yes! Yes!" Both Amelia and Griffin shouted, jumping up and down. "Should we go change?" Amelia asked, looking down at her Frozen pajama set.
You shook your head, getting your camera set up. "Nope. Makes it look more realistic. Now what should we make?"
"Pancakes!" Amelia shouted, and you agreed with her choice.
Turning on the camera, the three of you got to work. You began by telling the kids what normally went into pancakes, but it soon spiraled out of control.
"I want chocolate chips in mine!" Griffin told you, while Amelia pouted. "I want blueberries. And whipped cream on top."
"We can do both." You appeased them, wincing as Griffin's stirring got a little sloppy and some of the batter flew onto the floor.
He looked down, then at you, pouting as he waited to get reprimanded. "Griffin, it's alright, accident's happen. We will clean it up." You told him, handing him a rag and he started wiping, making a bigger mess.
You helped, and soon it was all cleaned up. "Okay, now lets pour some into the pan." You told them, assisting them, making sure they were careful around the hot pan. They both did great, and they watched as it cooked, waiting for the bubbles to start so you knew when to turn them.
Giving Amelia the spatula, you held her hand, and helped her attempt to flip the pancake. She gave it a little too much energy, and you could only watch as the pancake flew threw the air, landing upside down on the top of the sink. You started laughing, and she joined in.
The rest of the cooking activity went rather smoothly. Griffin added his chocolate chips, while Amelia added her blueberries. Placing them down at the table, you gave them the whipped cream, wincing as they piled their pancakes high.
It was then you shut down the camera, taking out the memory card, and placing it into your laptop. You started working on it as they ate, using the rare quiet time. You almost had it all uploaded and ready when they were finally done, and you had to laugh at them. "Okay you two. I think a bath is most definitely needed today. Let's go."
You weren't able to catch your breath the rest of the day. The two kids kept you busy, cleaning up after them, playing games, making sure that Amelia did some of her summer homework. By lunch time, you were ready for a break. You had them both sitting down, watching tv while you fixed lunch. It was a simple lunch, sandwiches and baby carrots, but after this morning's feast, you wanted something a little healthy.
Deciding to indulge them, you placed a blanket on the living room floor, pretending you were on a picnic. Handing them their food, you sat on the couch, tucking your feet under you, working on finishing the video.
They ate quietly, enjoying the treat of watching TV as they ate, and you were able to completely edit it before they were done. Pressing the upload button, you left them in the living room, heading to the kitchen to clean up.
Clean up was a breeze, and you were quickly back into the living room, smiling when you noticed both kids sound asleep on the floor. Grabbing extra throws, you tossed it over them, before checking your video. It was uploaded, and you started putting all the stuff away when the door opened and Mrs. Moore stepped into the house. You met her at the door, letting her know the children were taking a nap.
"Really? They hardly ever take naps!" She exclaimed.
"Well, they wanted to do another video, so that might have worn them out." You explained.
"Well thanks again Y/N. I'm glad they behaved well for you. I will see you Monday." She told you, passing you your check, and you left, beyond excited that your "date" was only a couple of hours away.
The bus ride was quick, and before you knew it, you were back at your cramped apartment. Tossing your bag onto the couch, you sighed, your nerves starting to get the best of you. What if he didn't like you? What if he turned out to be a total jerk? You bit your lip as you headed into your bedroom, wondering what you should wear. You knew the restaurant was upscale, but upscale wasn't usually your scene. You weren't that type of girl, and you didn't have many outfits that would work for it.
Flipping through the items in your closet, you finally settled on one of the few dresses you owned. It was a simple, light blue t-shirt dress, with a hi-lo hemline. You paired it with your pair of nude ankle boots, and a matching belt. In the bathroom, you touched up your makeup, making it a little dressier than it had been. Fluffing out your hair, you knew this was as good as you were going to look. Changing your purse to a small clutch you were ready, grabbing a light weight coat to bring with. You still had half an hour before you had to be there, but it was at least a fifteen minute walk, and you didn't want to be late.
Stepping onto the sidewalk, you hustled through your part of town, past the small, old houses, and the mom and pop shops, before entering the fancier part of town. You didn't make it this way often, but you needed to. It was gorgeous. The shops were lit up, the sidewalk clean and full of nicely dressed couples. You made your way down the street, stopping in front of Cibo's. You were five minutes early, but you were glad. It gave you time to collect yourself. Because you were terrified.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped into the lobby, glancing around. The hostess noticed you, tilting her head down as she looked at you. "Can I help you?" She asked, as if you didn't belong here.
"Yes, I'm meeting someone. A Mr. Collins." You told her, and her head shot back in surprise.
"Really?" She asked, and you nodded, too nervous to care about her judgement of you.
"Right this way." She explained, and you followed her through the opulent room full of fashionable men and women, heading towards the back of the room. You noticed him right away, he stuck out almost as much as you did. He was wearing faded jeans, with a dress shirt, and a velour black sports jacket over, but he seemed like he didn't visit places like this very often.
"Mr. Collins, your guest has arrived." The hostess announced, and he looked up from the wine menu, his smile widening as he took you in.
"Hello Y/N." He said, before gesturing to the seat across from him.
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