You stared out the window, your mouth wide open as you took in the scene from outside. It had only been a couple of days since you had last seen the Padalecki's back yard and patio area, but you were pretty sure the changes out there now had nothing to do with them, and more to do with the nervous man waiting outside.
Flowers and plants were placed all throughout the yard, covering the vibrant green grass. A white archway stood at one end, covered in vines and blue and white flowers. White chairs were behind it, about four rows total. Each row had a banner of flowers connecting the chairs together. A light blue runner ran between the chairs, stopping at the arch. The patio hadn't been left alone either. Tables had been shoved into the small space, covered with lace tablecloths, candles glowing in the middle. A cake stood in the middle, leaning precariously off to one side, covered with a mixture of blue and pink frosting. It was a scene from a fairy tale, something you had never imagined to see in your life.
Misha stood off to the side, a pale blue button down tucked into a pair of black dress pants. He nervously tucked his hands in his pockets as he looked up towards a window. You realized it was your window from your guest room. West stood next to his Dad, wearing a shirt that was a little too big, his hair messy as usual. Maison was sitting on the ground, munching on a piece of toast, wearing a simple yellow dress.
"Y/N." Gen said quietly next to you. "I hope you don't mind."
"I take it you had something to do with this." You said to her, making sure you were off to the side so Misha couldn't notice you.
She sighed. "I know what he did wasn't the best way to handle things. But he called here last night, and he sounded distraught. When he came up with this plan, I couldn't help but agree. And the poor man has been up all night to make sure this happened. The least you could do is give him a chance."
As Gen spoke, you rested your hand on your still flat belly. You could sense the slightest swell to your belly, something no one else could register. But it was enough to remind you what he said, and how he acted. "Should I? After he acted the way he did? I want this child to grow up in a loving, nurturing family, and Misha scared me. Maybe this is for the best." You whispered, a tear slipping down your cheek as you watched him lean down and whisper into West's ear, a smile breaking out on his face. It made your words turn sour, and you knew, no matter what, you needed to talk to him. You loved him too much to do anything else.
"Okay. I will talk to him. But it doesn't mean I will go along with what he has planned." You told her, handing her your cup of tea, and your unfinished toast. Your hand on the doorknob, you took a deep steadying breath, before pushing it open.
As soon as Misha heard the door brush open, his gaze turned towards it, eyes full of guilt and hope. "Y/N!" Maison and West yelled, rushing over to you, wrapping their arms tightly around your middle. "We missed you! We even baked you a cake."
You leaned down, wrapping each kid tightly under your arm. "I missed you guys too. And the cake looks amazing. But I think Jared's inside making pancakes. Why don't you run inside and talk him into giving you one."
They squealed, before rushing through the door. You saw Gen at the door, giving you a reassuring smile before pulling the blinds down, giving you some privacy. After the kids had gone, you turned to Misha, both of you not sure where to start.
"It's beautiful." You finally said, awkwardly gesturing to the flowers and decorations throughout.
"It's the least I could do. After the way I treated you, the things I said. I can never forgive myself for it, and I don't expect you to either." He said, his eyes cast down at the ground.
"It hurt. I couldn't believe that you would have acted that way. I know it was wrong to wait, but I had planned to tell you at our wedding, as a present. But I would have thought you would have been ecstatic over the news." You said, sinking down into one of the chairs. He grabbed one, pulling it in front of you.
"I know. Gen told me last night. Which makes me feel even more like a douche. I was just surprised, and a little hurt that she knew before me. But I understand now, and want to make things right. I'm so excited to have this baby with you." He said, his hand moving forward like he wanted to rest it on your belly, but drew it back, unsure if you would be receptive to it.
"So what's with everything?" You asked, waving your hand around.
"Well, I wasn't sure how to apologize, and have you understand that I really meant it. As soon as you left the house yesterday I wanted to take back my words, to have you come back. But when you wouldn't answer my calls, I put this plan into place, making arrangements. And Jared and Gen were generous enough to lend me the use of their backyard." He said. "I was thinking, to show you how much you mean to me, that we could get married. Today. Right here. I've already contacted everyone, letting them know the change of plans. All that we need is the beautiful bride. What do you say?" He asked you, his blue eyes gleaming with hope.
"Misha, I'm flattered. But are you sure? We already have the venue booked, and we haven't even done our parties yet. I don't want you rushing things just because you feel guilty." You argued, but he shrugged away all your thoughts.
"Honey, I don't care if we get married naked, in the desert. As long as I'm marrying you, I'll be happy. Especially with the little one on the way. If you agree to this, I'll be the happiest man in the world." He assured you.
You wavered. Of course you still wanted to get married to the man. But the emotional part of you, clouded by your pregnancy, wanted to stay mad at him for just a little longer. To make sure he wasn't just doing this because he thought he had to, but because he wanted to. "Misha, it's a nice thought. But I don't even have my dress. And are you sure we're doing this for the right reason? Not because you feel pressured?" You questioned him.
"My reason is because I love you. And those few hours that we were apart, where I felt like I had lost you. They were some of the worst hours of my life. I felt as if you were drowning right in front of me again, and I realized how stupid I had been. How selfish. It must have been a big jolt for you too, and all I could think about was me. And for your dress. Gen is laying it out in your room right now. And if you say yes, most of the guests will be here in an hour. So what do you say?"
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