Laying in your bed the next morning, you pinched yourself, wondering if last night had been a dream. It had gone perfectly, better than you could have ever expected, lasting late into the night. It had gone on until he had caught you yawning, which he then insisted on walking you home. You thought back to the walk, how he had wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you tight to him when he caught you shivering.
When you had finally arrived in front of your apartment, you had been a little hesitant to let him in, embarrassed about how small and shabby it was. But he didn't force the issue, he stayed outside, his hands in his pockets as he gazed up at the stars peeking through the clouds.
You stood there, wondering what to do, but then he glanced down at you, his eyes sparkling in the glow of the lamps, and you melted. He had a soft smile on his face "I really enjoyed myself tonight, and I hope you did too."
"I had a great time." You answered, and he leaned down, pressing his lips to your cheek.
"Goodnight Y/N." He said softly, before walking back towards the restaurant.
You remembered floating up the stairs, your head in a cloud. And here you were, this morning, still in shock over how well everything had gone. Reaching over to your nightstand for your phone, you needed to tell someone about last night. Hoping your best friend would be interested in a chat over coffee today, you opened it up, only to see a message waiting for you. It was from Misha, and it made your heart flutter. Clicking open, you quickly read the text, your smile growing wider the longer you read.
"My dearest Y/N, I hope you enjoyed last night as much as I did. I spent most of last night thinking about you, and getting little sleep, which is never a good thing when you have to spend the entire day with two young children. I was wondering if you were up to a small excursion today?"
Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm yourself down, but it didn't work. Instead, you decided to call your friend, telling her the news before you texted him back. Y/F/N answered on the third ring. "What's up girly?" She answered.
"You will never believe who I had dinner with last night!" You all but screamed into the phone.
You could hear her laughing in the background. "You know I suck at these guessing games. Just tell me!"
"Fine. I had dinner with Misha Collins." You told her, your voice smug at the fact that you had just had dinner with a very handsome actor.
It was her turn to squeal, and you pulled the phone away, grateful that she was just as excited as you. "You're kidding me right?"
"No, it's true. And he wants to get together again today!" You replied, causing her to squeal again.
"Tell me everything." She ordered, and you did. About the video, and the texting, and the dinner. She stayed quiet for the most part, listening to you for once. Usually you were the one who listened, and she was the one who did all the talking.
"And now?" She asked as soon as you were done.
"Well, he asked if I wanted to go on a small excursion today." You told her.
"Of course you do!" She answered for you.
"Of course. Which means I need to hang up on you so I can text him. We need to get together soon, for coffee, or a movie or something." You told her, and she agreed before hanging up the phone.
You quickly shot off a reply to Misha. "I didn't sleep much either last night, I kept thinking about how great dinner was. And I'm free today, so a small excursion sounds wonderful."
While waiting for a reply, you munched on a banana, and began to get ready to climb into the shower. You didn't have to wait long before you heard the familiar beep letting you know he had already replied.
"I'm glad I wasn't the only one not getting much sleep last night. Too bad you were dreaming about the dinner, because I was dreaming of you."
That was the first text, but as you read it, you heard the ding of another one already arriving. "I'm glad you said yes. How about I pick you up, say in an hour. And wear something comfortable. And bring a jacket."
You melted at the first text, wondering how a man you barely knew could cause your insides to flutter so easily. "An hour is fine, I will be ready. And it wasn't the food I was dreaming about, it was most definitely the company. See you soon."
Setting your phone down on the counter, you stepped into the shower, humming along to your favorite song as you scrubbed away. Hurrying out of the shower, you threw your hair into a simple braid, applying the barest of make up, before turning to your closet, looking at it's meager holdings. You had never been one for dressing up, but now you had wished you had made more of an effort. Grabbing your favorite pair of faded jeans, you threw them on the bed, along with a light weight long sleeved henley shirt. Your favorite pair of boots finished off the outfit, along with the simple necklace you always wore. With ten minutes to spare, you were pulling your lightweight jacket from the front closet, before you locked the door and bounded down the steps.
You weren't sure what Misha would arrive in, or if he was walking. But when an midsized hybrid car pulled up, you saw Misha waving from the driver's seat. But that's not what surprised you. It was the two little faces staring at you from the back seat, both strapped into child seats. Opening the passenger door you climbed in, before turning to look at him.
"I'm sorry, I just realized you might have not gotten the hint that we wouldn't be alone." He said sheepishly. "With my wife gone, and the babysitter off this weekend, I have full control over those two monkeys back there."
You turned to introduce yourself. "Hi, I'm Y/N, and you are?"
The older one, a boy with floppy hair and an air about him that made him seem much older than he really was, stuck his hand out. "I'm West. And I'm 5. That is Maison, my sister. She's 3"
Maison seemed a little shy and nervous around you, tucking her head to the side of her seat. You gave her a soft smile, before turning your gaze back to Misha, who had been observing you the whole time, a hopeful expression in his eyes. "Don't worry. She takes a little bit to warm up to people. And they aren't used to me having a date."
"It's no big deal. Amelia was like that when I first started babysitting her." You told him, letting him know you weren't too concerned, but in your head you were squealing over the fact that he considered this another date.
"You're a babysitter?" West interrupted. "Good, can you come be our babysitter? Ours is horrible."
You hid a laugh behind your hand, as Misha gave West a stern look. "Come on, Missy isn't that bad."
"Dad." West whined. "She sits in front of the TV all day. And she doesn't like to go to the park. Y/N, do you like going to the park?"
"Of course." You answered.
"And she likes to make cooking videos with kids." Misha told his son, whose eyes lit up. "But enough of that. We've got to get going."
"Where are we going?" You asked as Misha pulled back into traffic.
"The sea." He answered, giving you a mischievous look. "I promised the kids a day on the boat."
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