Back to Work
It was hard going back to work that Monday. Your weekend had been amazing, with the dinner on Friday, and the boat trip on Saturday. Work, you feared, was going to be mundane, and remind you of a certain blue eyed man who hadn't contacted you since the boat trip. You worried that maybe he was ashamed of himself for moving things so fast, and now he was taking a step back.
Walking into the foyer of the Moore's house, you were surprised at how quiet it was. Usually Amelia, or Griffin were rushing to greet you, letting you know what they had planned for the day.
"Mrs. Moore?" You questioned, dropping your bag on the floor, and making your way into the kitchen. You were surprised to see her sitting there, a cup of coffee in her hand, dressed in jeans and a paint splattered t-shirt. You were instantly on guard, you had never seen her dressed like this.
"Mrs. Moore, is everything alright?" You asked, and she finally looked up at you, her eyes glassy.
"Oh Y/N, I forgot you were coming today." She answered, her voice monotone. "I'm afraid I have some rather bad news."
Sitting down across from her, you waited. "You see, I received a call last night. From my boss. And either I move to California, immediately, or I lose my job." She told you.
You nodded, even though your heart was in your throat. "What did you decide?" You asked.
"We are moving. The house will be on the market today, and we leave first thing Wednesday morning. I'm so sorry for the short notice, but it's completely out of my control. I will pay you for this week, it's the least I can do."
You nodded, your mind racing, wondering what you were going to do. Without this job, you couldn't afford your tiny apartment, and jobs weren't easy to find. "I understand. Do you want me to stay here today, and help you pack?" You asked her, and her eyes lit up.
"You would do that?" She asked, and you nodded.
"That's great. Such a relief. Do you think you could help each kid pack while I work on the main floor? And please remind them, we can't take everything. Just the necessities. Boxes will be arriving shortly."
Grabbing a banana from the fruit stand, you made your way up the stairs, deciding to start with Amelia first. She was older, and you knew this move would be harder on her. "Amelia?" You said, knocking on her door.
"Go away." Was her answer, but you didn't listen. Opening the door, you saw her sitting on her bed, holding her favorite stuffed unicorn in her arms.
"Amelia, I know moving is hard, but please don't make this any harder on your Mom. Look, I'm here to help you today. Let's spend our last day together having fun." You told her, but it was the wrong thing to say, tears started pooling in her eyes.
"But I don't want it to be our last day together!" She wailed, and you sat down on the bed with her, wrapping her in your arms.
"I don't either, but California will be fun. And you will have an even better baby sitter than me. How about this, you have my phone number, you can call me whenever you want." You suggested, and her face lit up.
"Really?" She asked, and you nodded.
"Yep. Now let's get to packing this room, and maybe we can talk your Mom into buying pizza!" You encouraged her.
The day passed quickly. You spent the majority of it with Amelia, going through her toys, separating them into two piles, ones to take, and ones to donate. The same was done with her clothes, and before you knew it, you had everything ready to be boxed.
It had gone a lot smoother with Griffin. With him being so young, he didn't totally understand the idea of moving, and thought it was one giant adventure. He helped you sort his toys, and clothes, before laying down and taking a nap. Kissing him tenderly on the forehead, you said your silent goodbye, before making your way down the stairs, one last time.
Mrs. Moore was in the middle of packing up the dining room, but stopped when she noticed you standing there. "All done?" She asked, and you nodded. Brushing her hands off, she moved to the table, grabbing the check that laid there, handing it to you. "I wish it was more. You were a great baby sitter, and I'm more than willing to give you a great referral if you ever need it. I know the kids will miss you, and so will I."
You thanked her, before grabbing your bag, and leaving the lovely house for the last time. It was hard letting go, and you stopped at the liquor store to grab a bottle of wine to soothe you once you got home.
Letting yourself into your cold apartment, you poured yourself a glass immediately, sipping on it as you checked your phone for the first time that day, surprised to see multiple texts popping up. Each one was from Misha.
Clicking on the first one you read it. "I'm sorry for the radio silence yesterday. Maison was sick, and it was a rough day."
The next one was sent an hour later. "I'm not sure if you received my first text, but once again I want to apologize. Please text me back."
That one was sent at noon, the next one just a half an hour later. "Did I do something wrong? Usually you text me back faster than this. I hope everything is okay."
The last text was sent an hour ago. "I'm about ready to leave work, and drive over to your apartment. You have me worried. Please let me know everything is okay."
Sitting down, you placed your wine glass on the table before texting him back. "I hope Maison is feeling better. I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I didn't mean to worry you. Today was a rough day, I just lost my job."
It was a matter of seconds before he replied. "What! I'm coming over!"
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