Chapter 6
Lilly's Journal
Days without Ben: 23
Days until you see Ben: 7!!
I haven't seen Ben in person in 552 hours. This sucks.
But I see Ben in 168 hours, so not bad.
I bought this notebook for 50 cents at Staples.
It was a good purchase.
This is boring.
I miss Ben.
Ummm what should I write about now?
Well, my birthdays next week.
Josh and I have been planning for me to come up and surprise Ben at the show and I can't wait!
It's gonna be great! I'm supposed to fly in and at the last minute go on for Katherine and Ben will have no idea.
What else?
Ummm, I'm working on a lab for Frozen! I'm playing Anna and I get to work with the amazing Betsy Wolfe and Okriete Onadowan. If I'm lucky I'll be Anna in the Broadway transfer but we'll see. So fingers crossed!
I should probably get ready now. Yeeeaaaahhh I should go do that now.
Goodbye Journal! Until next time!
Lilly's POV
My new routine is quite simple. Get ready for the work, in this case the Frozen lab. Write about how much I miss Ben. Countdown the days until I see Ben. FaceTime Ben which sometimes includes visits from Josh, Anthony,Ethan, Steph, Sky and Dan. It depends on how early they get up. Sometimes I don't get to call Ben until night but I take what I can I get.
Today it seems that Ben is sleeping in or traveling so I'll have to call him later.
My outfit today is pretty simple. Black yoga pants and a green crop top. Well I think it's a crop top.
It might just be a really small shirt.
Oh well!
I grab my bag and begin the walk to the lab but before I do that, I always meet Betsy at Starbucks.
I feel very different without Ben. Like something's missing.
I'm getting distracted!
"Hey sister!" She's playing Elsa. And I'm her Anna.
"Hey Betsy, what's up?"
"Got our usual." She holds up two strawberry açaí berry teas.
"Oooo yay! I made scones for our breakfast today!" I hold up a two bags of mini scones.
We swap items . I do this pretty much every morning.
"What kind?"
"Vanilla Bean and Pumpkin Spice!"
We sit and outside and chat.
"So how was your audition?" I asked.
"It went really well! What about you, have you auditioned for anything?"
"No not yet. I'm waiting to find out if I'm staying in the transfer."
"I think we'll find out today. But I can't, I have a conflict."
"What. Is. It."
"Welllll, you can't tell but it may or may not be a role in a revival of Falsettos."
"OHMYGOD! That is amazing! I'm so proud of you!" I leaned over to her and gave her a hug.
"Love you girly. I promise you'll get tickets for my debut!"
"I would love that."
"I know."
"We should get going."
"Yeah we should."
We quickly cleaned up our breakfast and head off to work.
(Skipping the lab for obvious reasons)
"Sooooo" Betsy had wide grin on her face.
"So what?" I knew what she was trying to do.
"Are you transferring?"
Should I answer?
"Well uh," I looked like I was about to cry.
"YaaaaAAAAAAAAY" She quickly pulled me into a hug.
"I don't have any work for a while."
"I don't either."
"Wanna have a week long sleepover?"
"You know it!"
Ben's POV
Lilly's birthday is in a few days and I can't wait. I was going to go to New York and see her but Josh talked me out of it. I'm supposed to go on for Crutchie that week anyway. Which will be fun, but not as fun as seeing Lilly on her birthday.
Maybe I'll try and visit her next week.
She has been acting a little strange. Well as strange you can act on FaceTime call.
Every time I bring up her birthday she changes the subject. Same thing happens when I bring up the lab shes working on. She gets all nervous and changes the subject. I mean last time she talked about her birthday normally. But that was last time.
I missed her call this morning, it's a traveling day. Yayyyyy.
I Don't hate travel days, but they're not too amazing. It all depends on where you're going.
"Benjiiiii" Josh whines, "I'm sleepy." He grabbed on to me and wouldn't let go.
"Can it Josh, it's your fault for marathoning the iron man movies!" I shot back.
"That was a valuable use of my time!"
"Sureeee it was."
"I can't take this verbal abuse, I'm gonna hang out with Steph."
"Ouch" I grabbed my chest.
"Josh, what time did you go to bed?"
"Ummm I'm not sure. I was in the middle of Age of Ultron, I know I looked at the clock at around 1:00 but I don't know when I went to bed."
"Wait, did you just say Age of Ultron?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Josh did you watch every movies WITH Iron Man?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh. My. God."
"Forget it, let's just go get some snacks."
What am I gonna do with him?
Lilly's POV
Journal entry:
I'm leaving tomorrow! I have a really early flight, so I'll make it in time for Ben's FaceTime call, even if there's a flight delay.
~~~~~~~~~~~End Entry~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Hey Betsy?"
"Do you want to come with me?"
"Because I might of purchased two tickets for a round trip a month ago, and there's no returns or refunds."
"Couldn't you just sell it?" Betsy looked at me like I was crazy.
"I don't want to sit next to a stranger!"
"Sure, I'll come with you!"
"You know what that means?"
"What Lil'?"
"Laundry time!" I sing in a strange operatic voice.
"Oh fu-" She was interrupted by a phone ringing. My phone, in fact!
It's Ben
I feel so bad for lying, but he's gonna be so surprised and happy when I show up!
I think
"Betsy, toss me my phone."
She chucked it at me.
"That's not what I meant! But remember, don't tell Ben!"
"I know, I know, you tell me every night!"
I answer as fast as I could, but Betsy stole my phone.
"Hey Lil- ummm what the fuck is happening, why am I shaking?"
"Sorry Ben! Betsy took my phone, and ran away with it."
"Betsy, I'd like to talk to my girlfriend now."
"What's the magic word?"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's not it and you know it."
"So then, what is it?"
"You know."
"Fine. The woild is yer ester." I almost burst out laughing.
"It kind of is."
After that little mishap, Betsy finally gave me my phone.
"Lilly. It's your birthday tomorrow."
"Yes it is. And?" To be honest, I never enjoyed my birthday. There isn't really a specific reason, I guess. Well I mean there is, I just don't want to talk about it.
"Aren't you excited?"
"Honestly? Not really." Total lie. For the first time in forever I'm actually excited for my birthday.
"Are you doing anything special?"
"I'm going to dinner with Oak and Betsy,and then we're meeting up with people from the lab!" Another lie.
"Thats good."He frowned.
"Ben, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just I wish I could be with you. I really miss you." (Bens POV real quick)
That and another guy is taking you out to dinner. On your birthday, and when you have a boyfriend. Aka me.
(Back to Lilly)
"I miss you too, but I'll be up in three weeks! The time will fly by!" Third lie in this short conversation.
"BEN!" I hear Josh yell in the background.
"Hi josh!"
"Hi Lilly, Ben ate my food!"
"Was it your bacon?"
"Steph almost always has a st-"
"Gotta go bye!" I heard a door slam, assuming Josh was looking for Steph and her bacon.
"I should probably go to bed." Ben said coldly.
"Ben, are you sure you're okay? You can always talk to me you know."
"Yeah, I'm fine." Oh He is so lying.
"I know this has been hard, but it's all gonna be worth it in the end."
He frown turned into a lukewarm smile. Not quite what I was hoping for.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Benjamin."
"Sweet dreams." And I blew him a kiss.
And that ended our conversations filled with lies.
Ew, lies.
I wonder what Ben was upset about, did I say something wrong? Probably.
"Okay Betsy, as I was saying it's time to do a weeks worth of laundry!"
"Oh fun."
Sorry for such a delay! Half the chapter was deleted a few times.... ugh. So what'd you think?
Heads up, hells gonna be loose soon. Muahahahahaha
Be good people!
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